• -- Response to NC Catastrophe Provides Opportunity to View Gospel in Action
    -- Response to NC Catastrophe Provides Opportunity to View Gospel in Action https://surgecolumns331790116.wordpress.com/2024/10/19/response-to-nc-catastrophe-provides-opportunity-to-view-gospel-in-action/
    Response to NC Catastrophe Provides Opportunity to View Gospel in Action
    By Michael L. Brown Striker Summary: The response from caring Christian people to the devastation wreaked in North Carolina by Hurricane Helene has provided observers to view a luminous example of …
    0 Комментарии 1 Поделились 137 Просмотры
  • https://new.americanprophet.org/samaritans-purse-and-the-real-gospel-in-action/
    Samaritan’s Purse and the Real Gospel in Action
    Jesus cares deeply for isolated rural people, revealing His love through volunteers like Nancy and Megan, exemplifying the gospel in action, with Samaritan's Purse leading the way.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 120 Просмотры
  • Counterfeit Christianity of Roman Catholicism #11: Dave Hunt Proves Romanism to be Damnable Lies
    Galatians 1:6-9, "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed."
    Counterfeit Christianity of Roman Catholicism #11: Dave Hunt Proves Romanism to be Damnable Lies Galatians 1:6-9, "I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9 As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed."
    0 Комментарии 1 Поделились 290 Просмотры
  • This says GOD YHVH to the nations of these last days :

    "You were called to eternal LIFE in Christ Jesus by means of faith in Me and Him and Our Good News/ Gospel of salvation. But you chose to remain in ... or turn back into ... the worldly systems of deception, led by Satan/Lucifer. I AM. You will reap what you sew. My holy judgments are already going forth all over the earth because people left Me, the Source of all and of all that has life or spirit or breath of life or life-energy in it. I AM. Soon My beloved and glorified Son Jeshua HaMashiach / Jesus the Christ will return from heaven in great glory to start the Kingdom of GOD on earth visible, while He will reign and sit on His Throne at Jerusalem in Israel. I AM. During thousand years I and He will reign, for We are One. I AM. In those 1000 years of Our Reign there will be no war anymore ... nor will war be taught. I AM. Our Peace will Reign in those days. I AM. Blessed are all who will be partakers of that glorious Kingdom of GOD in those 1000 years. I AM." ;

    Says the LORD GOD of creation, the GOD of Israel and the GOD and Father of the True Heavenly Mashiach and of all true believers in GOD and His Spirit and words and holy Son Jeshua HaMashiach / Jesus The Christ, The Living One.

    Message received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind of Holy Ghost of GOD.

    This says GOD YHVH to the nations of these last days : "You were called to eternal LIFE in Christ Jesus by means of faith in Me and Him and Our Good News/ Gospel of salvation. But you chose to remain in ... or turn back into ... the worldly systems of deception, led by Satan/Lucifer. I AM. You will reap what you sew. My holy judgments are already going forth all over the earth because people left Me, the Source of all and of all that has life or spirit or breath of life or life-energy in it. I AM. Soon My beloved and glorified Son Jeshua HaMashiach / Jesus the Christ will return from heaven in great glory to start the Kingdom of GOD on earth visible, while He will reign and sit on His Throne at Jerusalem in Israel. I AM. During thousand years I and He will reign, for We are One. I AM. In those 1000 years of Our Reign there will be no war anymore ... nor will war be taught. I AM. Our Peace will Reign in those days. I AM. Blessed are all who will be partakers of that glorious Kingdom of GOD in those 1000 years. I AM." ; Says the LORD GOD of creation, the GOD of Israel and the GOD and Father of the True Heavenly Mashiach and of all true believers in GOD and His Spirit and words and holy Son Jeshua HaMashiach / Jesus The Christ, The Living One. Message received by The Candle / The Voice in The Wind of Holy Ghost of GOD. 05.10.2024.
    1 Комментарии 0 Поделились 606 Просмотры
  • Introductory Post: Contender's Edge is a Christian blogsite dedicated to preaching the Gospel and defending the authority of scripture. If you wish to learn more about Contender's Edge and where I stand, you visit me at:

    Introductory Post: Contender's Edge is a Christian blogsite dedicated to preaching the Gospel and defending the authority of scripture. If you wish to learn more about Contender's Edge and where I stand, you visit me at: https://contendersedge.blogspot.com/
    Contender's Edge
    Proclaiming The Faith, Defending The Faith, Reporting News That Matters Yet Not Widely Known, And Examining All Things Through Scripture's Eyes
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 171 Просмотры
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/are-you-believing-another-gospel-video/
    Are You Believing Another Gospel? (Video) - The Washington Standard
    In this episode, we’ll take a look at a number of Scriptures and ask the question, are you believing another Gospel than that which was preached? All The Prophets Were Pointing To The Front; Soldier Of The Cross; Soldier Of The Cross Bundle; Children Of The Apostate; Bradlee Dean 3 Pack Bundle Subscribe on ...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 92 Просмотры
  • https://settingbrushfires.com/are-you-believing-another-gospel-video/
    Are You Believing Another Gospel? (Video) - Setting Brushfires
    In this episode, we’ll take a look at a number of Scriptures and ask the question, are you believing another Gospel than that which was preached? All The Prophets Were Pointing To The Front; Soldier Of The Cross; Soldier Of The Cross Bundle; Children Of The Apostate; Bradlee Dean 3 Pack Bundle Subscribe on ...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 127 Просмотры
  • The Gospel of Mark Chapter One

    The Gospel of Mark Chapter One https://pilgrimdevotions.com/mark-chapter-one/
    Mark Chapter One
    Mark 1:9???11 (ESV) The Baptism of Jesus 9??In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. 10??And when he came up out of the water, immediately he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. 11??And a voice came from heaven, ???You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.??? PilgrimDevotions.com
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 156 Просмотры
  • These demonic scumbags are NOT psychics people!
    So when they lay out "things that our future holds" for us.....

    The fact that these demons have not been arrested already, every last one of them,
    well... THAT should tell you everything you need to know about the "legitimacy" of "governments" around the world!

    Every last one of them are #Corporations and are ALL run by the very same #Criminals! There are no "countries" anymore.....

    It's just one big organized crime ring
    controlling the entire world because WE ALLOW IT!

    The worst part of it is.... When they send someone to kill you, it'll be ONE OF US
    going to kill our brothers and sisters, because we are #Slaves to a worthless
    "note of debt"

    It is truly sad!
    We could completely cut them out of the equation IF WE STOOD TOGETHER!
    But as soon as they offer some poor kid from the ghetto (who they put there) some WORTHLESS PAPER he will gladly do whatever they say!

    He'll destroy his own future for worthless paper!
    As will their "mercenary" armies!

    If you are in the military then YOU are a servant of #Satan!
    I have nothing but love for our veterans.... But there comes a time to pull your head from your ass and look around! The "Military" of ALL COUNTRIES is nothing more than shock troops of #Evil men!

    And you should be ashamed if you are one!
    You have NEVER "fought for freedom"

    You have just been the pawn of "worldly gouernours" using you to their evil ends!
    I will STAND OPPOSED every time! But I won't be standing alone!

    The Full Armor of God (Geneva Bible)

    10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

    11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the assaultes of the deuil.

    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly gouernours, the princes of the darkenesse of this worlde, against spirituall wickednesses, which are in ye hie places.

    13 For this cause take vnto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to resist in the euill day, and hauing finished all things, stand fast.

    14 Stand therefore, and your loynes girded about with veritie, and hauing on the brest plate of righteousnesse,

    15 And your feete shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace.

    16 Aboue all, take the shielde of faith, wherewith ye may quench all the fierie dartes of the wicked,

    17 And take the helmet of saluation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the worde of God.

    18 And pray alwayes with all maner prayer and supplication in the Spirit: and watch thereunto with all perseuerance & supplication for al Saints,

    19 And for me, that vtterance may be giuen vnto me, that I may open my mouth boldly to publish the secret of the Gospel,

    20 Whereof I am the ambassadour in bonds, that therein I may speake boldely, as I ought to speake.

    These demonic scumbags are NOT psychics people! So when they lay out "things that our future holds" for us..... IT IS BECAUSE THEY PLAN TOO MAKE THEM HAPPEN!!! The fact that these demons have not been arrested already, every last one of them, well... THAT should tell you everything you need to know about the "legitimacy" of "governments" around the world! Every last one of them are #Corporations and are ALL run by the very same #Criminals! There are no "countries" anymore..... It's just one big organized crime ring controlling the entire world because WE ALLOW IT! The worst part of it is.... When they send someone to kill you, it'll be ONE OF US going to kill our brothers and sisters, because we are #Slaves to a worthless "note of debt" It is truly sad! We could completely cut them out of the equation IF WE STOOD TOGETHER! But as soon as they offer some poor kid from the ghetto (who they put there) some WORTHLESS PAPER he will gladly do whatever they say! He'll destroy his own future for worthless paper! As will their "mercenary" armies! If you are in the military then YOU are a servant of #Satan! I have nothing but love for our veterans.... But there comes a time to pull your head from your ass and look around! The "Military" of ALL COUNTRIES is nothing more than shock troops of #Evil men! And you should be ashamed if you are one! You have NEVER "fought for freedom" You have just been the pawn of "worldly gouernours" using you to their evil ends! I will STAND OPPOSED every time! But I won't be standing alone! The Full Armor of God (Geneva Bible) 10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the assaultes of the deuil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly gouernours, the princes of the darkenesse of this worlde, against spirituall wickednesses, which are in ye hie places. 13 For this cause take vnto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to resist in the euill day, and hauing finished all things, stand fast. 14 Stand therefore, and your loynes girded about with veritie, and hauing on the brest plate of righteousnesse, 15 And your feete shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. 16 Aboue all, take the shielde of faith, wherewith ye may quench all the fierie dartes of the wicked, 17 And take the helmet of saluation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the worde of God. 18 And pray alwayes with all maner prayer and supplication in the Spirit: and watch thereunto with all perseuerance & supplication for al Saints, 19 And for me, that vtterance may be giuen vnto me, that I may open my mouth boldly to publish the secret of the Gospel, 20 Whereof I am the ambassadour in bonds, that therein I may speake boldely, as I ought to speake. https://bastyon.com/index?s=6cb2c2b5263187e274edc99c55bccbd3f62f503f1cc423b8678dda044aa9dd71&ref=PR73uNkFMJzvL9NtkL66NAZ2ci1GVQuW8E
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1245 Просмотры
  • https://www.christianpost.com/news/pro-football-hall-of-famer-shares-gospel-during-induction-speech.html
    Pro Football Hall of Famer shares 'Gospel of salvation' during induction speech
    Retired Denver Broncos linebacker Randy Gradishar dedicated his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame to Jesus Christ on Saturday, evangelizing to those in the audience by presenting the
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 411 Просмотры
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