MSNBC's talking-head proposes bombing critics with drones for not regurgitating corporate media's talking points.
American politicians have been openly talking about domestic terrorists for a while now, and soon it's expected that ANYONE who doesn't' follow the official narrative on ANYTHING, especially COVID19, will be labeled a domestic terrorist, which would authorize the federal government to imprison them indefinitely and torture them to death.
And what will the American sheeple do about it? They stand in line like zombies every 4 years to vote for the lesser of two evils and legitimize this terrorist organization by selecting its leader.
These brainwashed idiots believe that voting works. They're hopeless.
They've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery.
Don't won't waste a single minute of your time trying to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads.
Know your true enemy. It's not the politicians or the Zionist banks that puppeteer them. It's the order-following sheeple.
All this shit-show is possible thanks to the order-following sheeple because their consent and conformity have enabled Nazim, Communism, Zionism, and every other nightmarish system in the history of humanity.
It's always been the order-following sheeple behind our misery.
#DomesticTerrorism #MSNBC #NicolleWallace #WarInc #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire ##CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #TheSystemIsTheProblem #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar
American politicians have been openly talking about domestic terrorists for a while now, and soon it's expected that ANYONE who doesn't' follow the official narrative on ANYTHING, especially COVID19, will be labeled a domestic terrorist, which would authorize the federal government to imprison them indefinitely and torture them to death.
And what will the American sheeple do about it? They stand in line like zombies every 4 years to vote for the lesser of two evils and legitimize this terrorist organization by selecting its leader.
These brainwashed idiots believe that voting works. They're hopeless.
They've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery.
Don't won't waste a single minute of your time trying to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads.
Know your true enemy. It's not the politicians or the Zionist banks that puppeteer them. It's the order-following sheeple.
All this shit-show is possible thanks to the order-following sheeple because their consent and conformity have enabled Nazim, Communism, Zionism, and every other nightmarish system in the history of humanity.
It's always been the order-following sheeple behind our misery.
#DomesticTerrorism #MSNBC #NicolleWallace #WarInc #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire ##CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #TheSystemIsTheProblem #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar
MSNBC's talking-head proposes bombing critics with drones for not regurgitating corporate media's talking points.
American politicians have been openly talking about domestic terrorists for a while now, and soon it's expected that ANYONE who doesn't' follow the official narrative on ANYTHING, especially COVID19, will be labeled a domestic terrorist, which would authorize the federal government to imprison them indefinitely and torture them to death.
And what will the American sheeple do about it? They stand in line like zombies every 4 years to vote for the lesser of two evils and legitimize this terrorist organization by selecting its leader.
These brainwashed idiots believe that voting works. They're hopeless.😒
They've been completely and irreversibly brainwashed thanks to the years they spent in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) and countless hours of exposure to corporate media's powerful propaganda machinery.
Don't won't waste a single minute of your time trying to talk some sense into the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their thick heads.
Know your true enemy. It's not the politicians or the Zionist banks that puppeteer them. It's the order-following sheeple.
All this shit-show is possible thanks to the order-following sheeple because their consent and conformity have enabled Nazim, Communism, Zionism, and every other nightmarish system in the history of humanity.
It's always been the order-following sheeple behind our misery.
#DomesticTerrorism #MSNBC #NicolleWallace #WarInc #FourthReich #TheFourthReich #TheFourthReichofAmerica #WarPresidents #WarEmpire #MilitaryEmpire #AmericanEmpire ##CorporateAmerica #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #TheSystemIsTheProblem #AmericanMilitary #OrwellianNightmare #PerpetualWar #InfinityWars #WarOfTerror #ProxyWar #ThePentagon #Terrorism #AmericanEmperialism #Warfare #Foreverwar #InfinityWar