• Now some important philosophical questions on life .......

    Why do supermarkets make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front?

    Why do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke?

    Why do banks leave vault doors open and then chain the pens to the counters?

    Why do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in our driveways and put our useless junk in the garage?

    EVER WONDER... Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?

    Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed?

    Why don't you ever see the headline 'Psychic Wins Lottery'?

    Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavoring, and dish washing liquid made with real lemons?

    Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

    Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?

    Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

    Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?

    Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

    You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?

    Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

    Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?

    If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?

    Now that you've smiled at least once, it's your turn to spread the stupidity and send this to someone you want to bring a smile to (maybe even a chuckle)...

    We all need to smile every once in a while.
    Now some important philosophical questions on life ....... Why do supermarkets make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front? Why do people order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke? Why do banks leave vault doors open and then chain the pens to the counters? Why do we leave cars worth thousands of dollars in our driveways and put our useless junk in the garage? EVER WONDER... Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin? Why can't women put on mascara with their mouth closed? Why don't you ever see the headline 'Psychic Wins Lottery'? Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavoring, and dish washing liquid made with real lemons? Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker? Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour? Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food? Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes? Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections? You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff? Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together? If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal? Now that you've smiled at least once, it's your turn to spread the stupidity and send this to someone you want to bring a smile to (maybe even a chuckle)... We all need to smile every once in a while.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 5315 Views
  • 5.99 to help fund REAL INFORMATION getting out to the masses!
    You cannot buy a decent cheeseburger for 5 dollars and 99 cents these days!

    But for 6 bucks you can sit the family in front of something
    that is actually educational and not full of #Propaganda!

    We want independent film makers to be producing stuff we'll actually watch!
    But we must help to fund them!

    Else you get stuck watching the same Satanic Propaganda and brainwashing
    from #Hollywood, and I just cannot do that anymore!

    5.99 to help fund REAL INFORMATION getting out to the masses! You cannot buy a decent cheeseburger for 5 dollars and 99 cents these days! But for 6 bucks you can sit the family in front of something that is actually educational and not full of #Propaganda! We want independent film makers to be producing stuff we'll actually watch! But we must help to fund them! Else you get stuck watching the same Satanic Propaganda and brainwashing from #Hollywood, and I just cannot do that anymore! https://www.fesiukfilms.com/originsuntold
    Origins Untold | Fesiuk Films
    Origins Untold-Ancient Cosmology
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1124 Views
  • SONIC 2349 WEST END DRIVE, HUMBOLDT, TN, 38343 731-784-7411

    My Wife & I just spent $37.91, $38 ! 2 SUPERSONIC DOUBLE cheeseburgers (EVERYTHING ON THEM), 2 LARGE MOZZARELLA & 2 LARGE SHAKES. 2349 East End Drive, Humboldt, TN 38343 , We live about 6 miles away, got home MY WIFE IS ALLERGIC TO PORK(BACON IS PORK)! Her SUPERSONIC DOUBLE cheeseburger had bacon on it! "mine" WAS PLAIN!!! $38!!!! TALK ABOUT AWFUL SERVICE. I will let others know this, IT'S 100% THE TRUTH.
    DO NOT WASTE YOU MONEY OR TIME with this place!
    SONIC 2349 WEST END DRIVE, HUMBOLDT, TN, 38343 731-784-7411 My Wife & I just spent $37.91, $38 ! 2 SUPERSONIC DOUBLE cheeseburgers (EVERYTHING ON THEM), 2 LARGE MOZZARELLA & 2 LARGE SHAKES. 2349 East End Drive, Humboldt, TN 38343 , We live about 6 miles away, got home MY WIFE IS ALLERGIC TO PORK(BACON IS PORK)! Her SUPERSONIC DOUBLE cheeseburger had bacon on it! "mine" WAS PLAIN!!! $38!!!! TALK ABOUT AWFUL SERVICE. I will let others know this, IT'S 100% THE TRUTH. DO NOT WASTE YOU MONEY OR TIME with this place!
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1265 Views
  • Rothschild Conspiracy
    Explained In 4 Minutes

    Once you have convinced the world that worthless paper has real world value... You run the presses 24/7 until you've used that worthless paper to buy up every real asset on Earth!

    You have now turned a printing business into the ruler of the world and everyone in it!

    You can buy and sell people like they were cheeseburgers!

    The ONLY thing that could ever stop you is the people of the world waking up to the fact that you are just a printing press operator who contributes NOTHING to the economy whatsoever! You are both worthless and useless

    And then the people could give you your worthless paper back, and take back the assets of the entire world... their birthright

    And it's about time to WAKE UP folks!

    Rothschild Conspiracy Explained In 4 Minutes Once you have convinced the world that worthless paper has real world value... You run the presses 24/7 until you've used that worthless paper to buy up every real asset on Earth! You have now turned a printing business into the ruler of the world and everyone in it! You can buy and sell people like they were cheeseburgers! The ONLY thing that could ever stop you is the people of the world waking up to the fact that you are just a printing press operator who contributes NOTHING to the economy whatsoever! You are both worthless and useless And then the people could give you your worthless paper back, and take back the assets of the entire world... their birthright And it's about time to WAKE UP folks! https://youtu.be/YimCWwlWxXc
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 868 Views
  • First 60 Minutes if the Internet Goes Down EVERYWHERE (Minute by Minute)

    I've gotta tell you... This is PATHETIC!
    20 years ago we did not NEED the internet to make it through our day!

    We carried these things called "Maps" so we could find our way around town,
    Credit Card machines would still work because they used carbon paper and took an imprint of your card....

    Police are nothing more than REVENUE AGENTS which work for a Corporation, located offshore, that were slick enough, Evil enough, to deceptively name their corporation something that SOUNDS LIKE your #Government, but it's NOT!

    Police are basically a standing foreign military posted up on US Soil, used to shake down the people for every penny they can get, while ignoring actual Crimes like the #Genocide going on right now!

    So I really don't care what they do.... Unless they seek to violate my inalienable human rights.... And in that case they may have a problem!

    It's just PATHETIC that Americans are not ADULT ENOUGH to function without an electronic toy in their pocket! It really is!

    People ignore their children to [play on their phone!
    People cannot even count change without a computer to tell them how much to give back! THAT is pretty sad! I enjoy letting the clerk hit "Total" and then saying "I've got the 1.74" when the total is 51.74 and I hand them a hundred....

    I do this simply to watch the SMOKE pour from their ears as they try unsuccessfully, to calculate (Using a calculator) my change!

    We answered our doors, which had no cameras, and we didn't screen our calls... WE ANSWERED THEM! Our society has an ILLNESS... Caused by the electronic garbage we all have, which makes us as people, dumber every day!

    The simple fact that this Propaganda was designed to instill "panic" over the PLANNED INTERNET SHUTDOWN that the WEF has been blabbering about for YEARS now! (Because THEY are the ones who'll be responsible!)

    I dunno... It;s just PATHETIC!
    My grandparents lived without a phone, or air-conditioning.
    They grew their own food and did not need ANYTHING from technology!

    NOW.... You take someone's cell phone away and they immediately go into withdrawals like some kind of dope-fiend who needs a fix!

    And the sad part about it... When the internet is DOWN....

    It's the ONLY TIME that the #CIA or #Facebook or #Google won't be monitoring your every movement, snapping secret infrared photos of you naked, or your children naked... And sharing their unlawfully collected data with the highest bidder!

    As long as they'll tear down those 5G towers when the internet goes....
    I'll throw a party! Because to be honest.... This garbage is destroying our civilization... One person at a time!

    As the scumbags within the corporate, Illegitimate Government try to use it to make you a prisoner in a digital gulag... Where 1 too many cheeseburgers may mean you can't ride the train... Or start your car!

    So hopefully people will WAKE UP, and toss the garbage into the trash can....
    But they won't, so they'll be enslaved in no time!

    And in case you missed it.... They are trying to justify having the military in the streets in 60 minutes from nothing more than an internet disruption!

    So now the Tyrants scum of the CORPORATION is trying to get you to accept MARTIAL LAW because of an internet disruption.... That we'd have never even noticed 20 years ago!

    If I see military in the streets of America, they best watch their 6

    First 60 Minutes if the Internet Goes Down EVERYWHERE (Minute by Minute) I've gotta tell you... This is PATHETIC! 20 years ago we did not NEED the internet to make it through our day! We carried these things called "Maps" so we could find our way around town, Credit Card machines would still work because they used carbon paper and took an imprint of your card.... Police are nothing more than REVENUE AGENTS which work for a Corporation, located offshore, that were slick enough, Evil enough, to deceptively name their corporation something that SOUNDS LIKE your #Government, but it's NOT! Police are basically a standing foreign military posted up on US Soil, used to shake down the people for every penny they can get, while ignoring actual Crimes like the #Genocide going on right now! So I really don't care what they do.... Unless they seek to violate my inalienable human rights.... And in that case they may have a problem! It's just PATHETIC that Americans are not ADULT ENOUGH to function without an electronic toy in their pocket! It really is! People ignore their children to [play on their phone! People cannot even count change without a computer to tell them how much to give back! THAT is pretty sad! I enjoy letting the clerk hit "Total" and then saying "I've got the 1.74" when the total is 51.74 and I hand them a hundred.... I do this simply to watch the SMOKE pour from their ears as they try unsuccessfully, to calculate (Using a calculator) my change! We answered our doors, which had no cameras, and we didn't screen our calls... WE ANSWERED THEM! Our society has an ILLNESS... Caused by the electronic garbage we all have, which makes us as people, dumber every day! The simple fact that this Propaganda was designed to instill "panic" over the PLANNED INTERNET SHUTDOWN that the WEF has been blabbering about for YEARS now! (Because THEY are the ones who'll be responsible!) I dunno... It;s just PATHETIC! My grandparents lived without a phone, or air-conditioning. They grew their own food and did not need ANYTHING from technology! NOW.... You take someone's cell phone away and they immediately go into withdrawals like some kind of dope-fiend who needs a fix! And the sad part about it... When the internet is DOWN.... It's the ONLY TIME that the #CIA or #Facebook or #Google won't be monitoring your every movement, snapping secret infrared photos of you naked, or your children naked... And sharing their unlawfully collected data with the highest bidder! As long as they'll tear down those 5G towers when the internet goes.... I'll throw a party! Because to be honest.... This garbage is destroying our civilization... One person at a time! As the scumbags within the corporate, Illegitimate Government try to use it to make you a prisoner in a digital gulag... Where 1 too many cheeseburgers may mean you can't ride the train... Or start your car! So hopefully people will WAKE UP, and toss the garbage into the trash can.... But they won't, so they'll be enslaved in no time! And in case you missed it.... They are trying to justify having the military in the streets in 60 minutes from nothing more than an internet disruption! So now the Tyrants scum of the CORPORATION is trying to get you to accept MARTIAL LAW because of an internet disruption.... That we'd have never even noticed 20 years ago! TRULY PATHETIC! If I see military in the streets of America, they best watch their 6 https://youtu.be/26MgTCz7GhA
    1 Commentarios 0 Acciones 2379 Views
  • Detained Over CHEESEBURGER | No Crime, No ID

    Detained Over CHEESEBURGER | No Crime, No ID https://youtu.be/aVIsFVOGpYQ
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 117 Views
  • Sonic Drive-In
    Read our review guidelines

    Not good

    Wife worked 8 1/2 hours goes to SONIC in ALAMO, TN at 10:35 pm SATURDAY night, SUPPOSED TO CLOSE AT 11PM....orders LARGE DOUBLE CHILI CHEESEBURGER... WOMAN SAYS " THEY DON'T HAVE ANY MORE LARGE PATTY'S AND ONLY HAVE ONE SMALL PATTY"! A LIE? OR TOO DAMN LAZY TO SERVE A CUSTOMER...AN "EX-CUSTOMER! I have stated these FACTS on several social media sites... CRAPPY BUSINESS I won't spend OUR MONEY at! Possible solution... FIRE ALL WORKED ON THIS DATE! December 10, 2022! I'm so mad... I WILL NOT forget this! I STRONGLY suggest boycotting "SONIC" for their lack of CUSTOMER SERVICE !
    Pissed Off Ex-Customer
    > Recent Reviews

    Sonic in Alamo sucks. The workers there don't listen worth nothing. Every single time I order a meal they always get it wrong. They need to fire everyone and hire people that are actually going to do their job right and know how to read and get someone's order right. And their food is never fresh either. So, good luck having a good meal from…

    Amy R.
    Sonic Drive-In Read our review guidelines Not good Wife worked 8 1/2 hours goes to SONIC in ALAMO, TN at 10:35 pm SATURDAY night, SUPPOSED TO CLOSE AT 11PM....orders LARGE DOUBLE CHILI CHEESEBURGER... WOMAN SAYS " THEY DON'T HAVE ANY MORE LARGE PATTY'S AND ONLY HAVE ONE SMALL PATTY"! A LIE? OR TOO DAMN LAZY TO SERVE A CUSTOMER...AN "EX-CUSTOMER! I have stated these FACTS on several social media sites... CRAPPY BUSINESS I won't spend OUR MONEY at! Possible solution... FIRE ALL WORKED ON THIS DATE! December 10, 2022! I'm so mad... I WILL NOT forget this! I STRONGLY suggest boycotting "SONIC" for their lack of CUSTOMER SERVICE ! Pissed Off Ex-Customer > Recent Reviews *8/11/2021 Sonic in Alamo sucks. The workers there don't listen worth nothing. Every single time I order a meal they always get it wrong. They need to fire everyone and hire people that are actually going to do their job right and know how to read and get someone's order right. And their food is never fresh either. So, good luck having a good meal from… Amy R.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1350 Views
  • Sonic Drive-In
    Read our review guidelines

    Not good


    Wife worked 8 1/2 hours goes to SONIC in ALAMO at 10:35 pm SATURDAY night, SUPPOSED TO CLOSE AT 11PM....orders LARGE DOUBLE CHILI CHEESEBURGER... WOMAN SAYS " THEY DON'T HAVE ANY MORE LARGE PATTY'S AND ONLY HAVE ONE SMALL PATTY"! A LIE? OR TOO DAMN LAZY TO SERVE A CUSTOMER...AN "EX-CUSTOMER! I have stated these FACTS on several social media sites... CRAPPY BUSINESS I won't spend OUR MONEY at! Possible solution... FIRE ALL WORKED ON THIS DATE! December 10, 2022! I'm so mad... I WILL NOT forget this! I STRONGLY suggest boycotting "SONIC" for their lack of CUSTOMER SERVICE !

    You're rolling now - got any more to add?
    Attach Photos
    Recent Reviews
    Photo of Craig R.
    Craig R.


    Our shakes were good but the little straws they give ya these days don't cut it. Please bring back the big red straws with the little spoon on the end. Those are the right tool for the job.
    Photo of Candy C.
    Candy C.


    Sonic in Alamo sucks. The workers there don't listen worth nothing. Every single time I order a meal they always get it wrong. They need to fire everyone and hire people that are actually going to do their job right and know how to read and get someone's order right. And their food is never fresh either. So, good luck having a good meal from…
    Photo of Amy R.
    Amy R.


    Do not trust the Sonic App which states this place stays open until 12:00 on Friday night. We got there at 11:00 and were told they were closed followed by them turning off
    Sonic Drive-In Read our review guidelines Not good Saved   Wife worked 8 1/2 hours goes to SONIC in ALAMO at 10:35 pm SATURDAY night, SUPPOSED TO CLOSE AT 11PM....orders LARGE DOUBLE CHILI CHEESEBURGER... WOMAN SAYS " THEY DON'T HAVE ANY MORE LARGE PATTY'S AND ONLY HAVE ONE SMALL PATTY"! A LIE? OR TOO DAMN LAZY TO SERVE A CUSTOMER...AN "EX-CUSTOMER! I have stated these FACTS on several social media sites... CRAPPY BUSINESS I won't spend OUR MONEY at! Possible solution... FIRE ALL WORKED ON THIS DATE! December 10, 2022! I'm so mad... I WILL NOT forget this! I STRONGLY suggest boycotting "SONIC" for their lack of CUSTOMER SERVICE ! You're rolling now - got any more to add? Attach Photos Recent Reviews Photo of Craig R. Craig R. 1 57 22 8/11/2021 Our shakes were good but the little straws they give ya these days don't cut it. Please bring back the big red straws with the little spoon on the end. Those are the right tool for the job. Photo of Candy C. Candy C. 0 1 8/11/2019 Sonic in Alamo sucks. The workers there don't listen worth nothing. Every single time I order a meal they always get it wrong. They need to fire everyone and hire people that are actually going to do their job right and know how to read and get someone's order right. And their food is never fresh either. So, good luck having a good meal from… Photo of Amy R. Amy R. 122 4 7/13/2018 Do not trust the Sonic App which states this place stays open until 12:00 on Friday night. We got there at 11:00 and were told they were closed followed by them turning off
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1282 Views

    Another #Parasite Class scumbag killing an American!
    The #Police kill more Americans than #Terrorists ever have!

    Police have NO PROBABLE CAUSE and they are LIARS to boot!

    ⭐INNOCENT TEEN SHOT BY COP WHILE EATING A CHEESEBURGER Another #Parasite Class scumbag killing an American! The #Police kill more Americans than #Terrorists ever have! Police have NO PROBABLE CAUSE and they are LIARS to boot! https://www.bitchute.com/video/UX-7DIMT6-g/
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 160 Views
  • Most people DON'T get it!
    In order to "Build Back Better" FIRST...... You gotta tear EVERYTHING DOWN!
    They want to #Murder YOU and your loved ones.......

    They want to STEAL YOUR PROPERTY through #Banks and their printing of WORTHLESS FIAT CURRENCY, which they then use to buy REAL ASSETS!

    People are selling their REAL PROPERTY for monopoly money!
    You'll have stacks of paper at the end... They'll have your property!

    First they went after BUSINESSES because broke/hungry people are EASY TO CONTROL! You just toss em some bread or a cheeseburger, and they'll be happy

    Then gave most of it to giant corporations....
    Who are using it to BUY REAL PROPERTY!

    You get some WORTHLESS fiat currency... They get your land/business!

    Soon those "Dollars" will be worth NOTHING!

    But they WILL get it!
    They'll tax you off it... or the bank will foreclose... SOMEHOW....
    They plan to TAKE IT!

    Notice all the investment firms trying to buy people's property lately?
    I've gotten some 50 letters offering to buy this property!

    We NEED a "Great Reset!" Just NOT THE ONE THEY WANT!
    We need a reset where ALL Governments and Corporate Criminals have their assets SEIZED and divided among the people!

    Then they need to be unceremoniously HUNG out in Public, for EVERYONE to see! You know... The people they are trying to ROB & MURDER!

    Then we need to work our way through the #Corrupt Courts!
    RESET THEM TOO! Make every court on Earth a COMMON LAW Court!

    Where MEN seek damages from other MEN!
    Not just another place for the #Criminals of #Government to fleece the public!
    You know... Like we have NOW!

    You are a SLAVE whether you know it or not!
    It's time for the 8 Billion SLAVES to Revolt!
    And HANG some slave-masters!
    Most people DON'T get it! In order to "Build Back Better" FIRST...... You gotta tear EVERYTHING DOWN! They want to #Murder YOU and your loved ones....... They want to STEAL YOUR PROPERTY through #Banks and their printing of WORTHLESS FIAT CURRENCY, which they then use to buy REAL ASSETS! People are selling their REAL PROPERTY for monopoly money! You'll have stacks of paper at the end... They'll have your property! First they went after BUSINESSES because broke/hungry people are EASY TO CONTROL! You just toss em some bread or a cheeseburger, and they'll be happy They printed up MOUNTAINS OF WORTHLESS FIAT CURRENCY!!! Then gave most of it to giant corporations.... Who are using it to BUY REAL PROPERTY! You get some WORTHLESS fiat currency... They get your land/business! Soon those "Dollars" will be worth NOTHING! YOUR PROPERTY will ALWAYS HAVE VALUE! But they WILL get it! They'll tax you off it... or the bank will foreclose... SOMEHOW.... They plan to TAKE IT! Notice all the investment firms trying to buy people's property lately? I've gotten some 50 letters offering to buy this property! We NEED a "Great Reset!" Just NOT THE ONE THEY WANT! We need a reset where ALL Governments and Corporate Criminals have their assets SEIZED and divided among the people! Then they need to be unceremoniously HUNG out in Public, for EVERYONE to see! You know... The people they are trying to ROB & MURDER! Then we need to work our way through the #Corrupt Courts! RESET THEM TOO! Make every court on Earth a COMMON LAW Court! Where MEN seek damages from other MEN! Not just another place for the #Criminals of #Government to fleece the public! You know... Like we have NOW! You are a SLAVE whether you know it or not! It's time for the 8 Billion SLAVES to Revolt! And HANG some slave-masters!
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 103 Views
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