• The Anglo-Saxon Mission: Israel vs Iran Was Planned Decades Ago + the China Plandemic & More

    Here is is yet more evidence that much of what we’ve lived through and assumed was “history” was scripted long ago. This is Project Camelot Co-Founder, Bill Ryan in 2010 describing the Plandemic and World War III, as described to him by a masonic whistleblower from the City of London, the financial nerve center of the Globalists.

    by Bill Ryan

    The Third World War and the Inheritance of the New World

    In January 2010, Project Camelot received 11 pages of information from an insider who was physically present at a meeting of Senior Masons in the City of London, in 2005. What was discued is chilling.

    What the source reported is this:

    • There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological.

    • It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran. Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos – all carefully engineered.

    • The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that.

    • During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, “China will catch a cold”. Biological warfare will spread further, to the West. Infrastructure will be critically weakened.

    • This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the “real” war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Our source tells us that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting.

    This horrific scenario has been planned for generations. The first two world wars were part of the set-up for this final apocalypse – as is the centralization of financial resources that was precipitated with the equally well-planned financial collapse of October 2008.
    The Anglo-Saxon Mission: Israel vs Iran Was Planned Decades Ago + the China Plandemic & More https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/the-anglo-saxon-mission-israel-vs-iran-was-planned-decades-ago-the-china-plandemic-more/ Here is is yet more evidence that much of what we’ve lived through and assumed was “history” was scripted long ago. This is Project Camelot Co-Founder, Bill Ryan in 2010 describing the Plandemic and World War III, as described to him by a masonic whistleblower from the City of London, the financial nerve center of the Globalists. by Bill Ryan The Third World War and the Inheritance of the New World In January 2010, Project Camelot received 11 pages of information from an insider who was physically present at a meeting of Senior Masons in the City of London, in 2005. What was discued is chilling. What the source reported is this: • There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological. • It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran. Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos – all carefully engineered. • The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that. • During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, “China will catch a cold”. Biological warfare will spread further, to the West. Infrastructure will be critically weakened. • This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the “real” war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Our source tells us that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting. This horrific scenario has been planned for generations. The first two world wars were part of the set-up for this final apocalypse – as is the centralization of financial resources that was precipitated with the equally well-planned financial collapse of October 2008.
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  • No Helmet
    ©All rights are reserved & belong to their respective owners.
    Camelot Amazon®
    🎬 No Helmet ─────☠───── ©All rights are reserved & belong to their respective owners. Camelot Amazon®
    0 Comments 0 Shares 332 Views 1
  • Is humanity destined to remain on the same cycle or will there be a disturbance or interruption in the sequence?
    You decide!
    First part of video mirrored from Carol Allen on Ruby Ray Media from Junior JFK on display is Camelot on the way?
    Final song from Eye of the Tiger (Epic Cinematic Cover) feat. FJØRA

    What soft disclosure is already out there and who all is in tune with it?
    Some will choose not to know?
    Some of you Already Know!

    #Survivor, #JFK, #Trump, #Camelot, #JFKjr, #Kennedy, #EyeOfTheTiger, #Rocky, #EyeOfTigerCoverFeat, #Fjora, #RubyRayMedia, #TheBestIsYetToCome, #WeWillPrevail, #Stand, #FightTheGoodFight, #RiseUp, #Shine

    Is humanity destined to remain on the same cycle or will there be a disturbance or interruption in the sequence? You decide! First part of video mirrored from Carol Allen on Ruby Ray Media from Junior JFK on display is Camelot on the way? Final song from Eye of the Tiger (Epic Cinematic Cover) feat. FJØRA What soft disclosure is already out there and who all is in tune with it? Some will choose not to know? Some of you Already Know! #Survivor, #JFK, #Trump, #Camelot, #JFKjr, #Kennedy, #EyeOfTheTiger, #Rocky, #EyeOfTigerCoverFeat, #Fjora, #RubyRayMedia, #TheBestIsYetToCome, #WeWillPrevail, #Stand, #FightTheGoodFight, #RiseUp, #Shine https://rumble.com/v2qd94k-this-time-history-will-not-repeat-itself-who-is-a-survivor-are-you.html
    0 Comments 1 Shares 8567 Views
  • https://projectcamelotportal.com/2022/06/28/the-white-hats-plan-to-save-the-world-in-simple-terms/
    This is an excellent summation of what is going on here in the U.S. and around the world with regard to the CABAL//GLOBALIST TAKEOVER AND how the WHITE HATS, Q & THE NSA are fighting back to restore our republic and free us from the Luciferian Agenda. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 600 Views
  • https://t.me/jim_watkins/6452
    I'm here https://projectcamelotportal.com/2022/09/02/jim-watkins-owner-of-website-8kun-top-where-q-posts-interview/
    https://t.me/jim_watkins/6452 I'm here https://projectcamelotportal.com/2022/09/02/jim-watkins-owner-of-website-8kun-top-where-q-posts-interview/
    Jim Watkins
    I'm here https://projectcamelotportal.com/2022/09/02/jim-watkins-owner-of-website-8kun-top-where-q-posts-interview/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 671 Views
  • https://t.me/projectcamelotKerry/10107

    Duncan McRae, [Aug 23, 2022 at 12:52]
    News from

    Supreme Court ruling Hardly anyone noticed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. won the case against all the pharmaceutical lobbyists. Covid vaccines are not vaccines. In the ruling, the Supreme Court confirms that the damage caused by Covid mRNA gene therapies is irreparable. As the Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States, there are no further appeals and the appeals have been exhausted. Robert F. Kennedy emphasised in an initial statement that this was a success that was only possible thanks to the international cooperation of a large number of lawyers and scientists. Of course, this judgment opens up something internationally, especially here in Switzerland, this judgment should make waves, because Switzerland has a special position here with its federal constitution. On the one hand, the Nuremberg Codex in the constitution with Article 118b, and the misuse of genetic engineering in humans is prohibited in Switzerland, according to Article 119 of the Federal Constitution. This is supplemented by Article 230bis of the Criminal Code, ... Thus, the perpetrators risk up to 10 years in prison. But this judgment should also make the rest of the world sit up and take notice, because the Nuremberg Code is internationally valid and is also included in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In the case of criminal charges, the statement must include a reference to the Contergan scandal in order to give special weight to the importance of this charge. The policy is thus facing a hot autumn. Source:


    🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 no media is talking about it, neither in Switzerland nor in Europe. It's up to us to spread the word
    https://t.me/projectcamelotKerry/10107 Duncan McRae, [Aug 23, 2022 at 12:52] News from Switzerland Supreme Court ruling Hardly anyone noticed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. won the case against all the pharmaceutical lobbyists. Covid vaccines are not vaccines. In the ruling, the Supreme Court confirms that the damage caused by Covid mRNA gene therapies is irreparable. As the Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States, there are no further appeals and the appeals have been exhausted. Robert F. Kennedy emphasised in an initial statement that this was a success that was only possible thanks to the international cooperation of a large number of lawyers and scientists. Of course, this judgment opens up something internationally, especially here in Switzerland, this judgment should make waves, because Switzerland has a special position here with its federal constitution. On the one hand, the Nuremberg Codex in the constitution with Article 118b, and the misuse of genetic engineering in humans is prohibited in Switzerland, according to Article 119 of the Federal Constitution. This is supplemented by Article 230bis of the Criminal Code, ... Thus, the perpetrators risk up to 10 years in prison. But this judgment should also make the rest of the world sit up and take notice, because the Nuremberg Code is internationally valid and is also included in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In the case of criminal charges, the statement must include a reference to the Contergan scandal in order to give special weight to the importance of this charge. The policy is thus facing a hot autumn. Source: https://boersenwolf.blogspot.com/2022/08/supreme-court-urteil-bestatigt-covid.html 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 no media is talking about it, neither in Switzerland nor in Europe. It's up to us to spread the word 🌹🌹🌹
    Duncan McRae, [Aug 23, 2022 at 12:52] News from Switzerland Supreme Court ruling Hardly anyone noticed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. won the case against all the pharmaceutical lobbyists. Covid vaccines are not vaccines. In the ruling, the Supreme Court confirms that the damage caused by Covid mRNA gene therapies is irreparable. As the Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States, there are no further appeals and the appeals have been exhausted. Robert F. Kennedy emphasised in an initial statement that this was a success that was only possible thanks to the international cooperation of a large number of lawyers and scientists. Of course, this judgment opens up something internationally, especially here in Switzerland, this judgment should make waves, because Switzerland has a special position here with its federal constitution. On the one hand, the Nuremberg Codex in the constitution with Article 118b, and the misuse of genetic engineering in humans is prohibited in Switzerland, according to Article 119 of the Federal Constitution. This is supplemented by Article 230bis of the Criminal Code, ... Thus, the perpetrators risk up to 10 years in prison. But this judgment should also make the rest of the world sit up and take notice, because the Nuremberg Code is internationally valid and is also included in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In the case of criminal charges, the statement must include a reference to the Contergan scandal in order to give special weight to the importance of this charge. The policy is thus facing a hot autumn. Source: https://boersenwolf.blogspot.com/2022/08/supreme-court-urteil-bestatigt-covid.html 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 no media is talking about it, neither in Switzerland nor in Europe. It's up to us to spread the word 🌹🌹🌹
    0 Comments 0 Shares 536 Views
  • How do you Wake Up the rest of them that don't want to leave their perceived warm water. [Yes, boiled frog syndrome!].

    Here goes.
    Doesn't even matter any more what people think as we have been trying to tell humanity for Years now. . .the Truth is Stranger than fiction.

    Please consider this is Sourced and many of us have sat at the feet of those who told us what was really happening beneath people's feet that they didn't want to deal with. We're talking many times MILES deep.

    Please consider why any of us would commit our lives to opening people's eyes when they would much rather be entertained.

    One of my sources is an FBI Vault source on the Majestic 12

    What do we have to gain?

    Well, Here Goes!

    #Reveal, #Disclosure, #FinalCountdown, #Navy, #ONI, #JFK, #ProjectLookingGlass, #Federation, #Alliance, #TiffanyBlue, #Camelot

    How do you Wake Up the rest of them that don't want to leave their perceived warm water. [Yes, boiled frog syndrome!]. Here goes. Doesn't even matter any more what people think as we have been trying to tell humanity for Years now. . .the Truth is Stranger than fiction. Please consider this is Sourced and many of us have sat at the feet of those who told us what was really happening beneath people's feet that they didn't want to deal with. We're talking many times MILES deep. Please consider why any of us would commit our lives to opening people's eyes when they would much rather be entertained. One of my sources is an FBI Vault source on the Majestic 12 What do we have to gain? Well, Here Goes! #Reveal, #Disclosure, #FinalCountdown, #Navy, #ONI, #JFK, #ProjectLookingGlass, #Federation, #Alliance, #TiffanyBlue, #Camelot https://www.bitchute.com/video/TM8LVPBJMZrX/
    0 Comments 6 Shares 1649 Views
  • Satanic Empire

    Think about the groups that come to mind when you think about drug trafficking…

    Human trafficking…


    Crimes against humanity…

    Cover up, corruption, scandals…

    Now, what if there was something holding these things together behind the scenes?

    There is.

    Believe it or not, it is pedophilia.

    Yes, the glue that holds the evil cabal together is pedophilia.

    There are several reasons for this, which I will share later.

    However, it is important to understand this point because when you do, many other things become clear.
    There are currently millions of children being trafficked around the world.
    Some of them are being used to help set up and blackmail powerful people.

    Many of them are being tortured and killed as part of ritualistic sacrifices.

    And this is not a “new” phenomenon.

    You can watch this short video where I talk more about this with Project Camelot…

    Watch The Video Here
    That is the main reason I helped put together PedoEmpire.org

    That site contains the material from author Joachim Hagopian who did extensive research into pedophilia and the depth of it throughout history.

    It is all available for free for you to read here.

    Joachim goes into incredible detail and shares hundreds of links as references to the information he reveals.

    As you continue to research this topic, you will see how it connects the dots of many other areas of corruption we see today.

    But that is not everything!

    Pedophilia is just one of the many things that happen behind the scenes with several different groups.

    I will talk about another one in tomorrow’s email, which will also shed light on what happened with the 2020 Presidential Election.
    Forward Together in Victory!

    God Bless You & Yours,

    Robert David Steele

    P.S. These are my free sites that are funded by The Steele Report as well as donations.





    P.S.S. If you want to ask me any questions about this stuff or anything else, I do actually host a live weekly Q&A webinar for members of TheSteeleReport.com

    It does require an investment to join, but it is only $11/mo or $99/yr.

    As a member of The Steele Report, you get a detailed report from me every week, as well as access to our weekly Q&A webinars, where you can ask me anything you want.

    By the way, this is the only thing I charge money for.

    All of my other information is free.

    The Steele Report is what helps me fund all of the work I do around the world and get this information out to more and more people just like you.

    Satanic Empire Think about the groups that come to mind when you think about drug trafficking… Human trafficking… Murder… Crimes against humanity… Cover up, corruption, scandals… Now, what if there was something holding these things together behind the scenes? There is. Believe it or not, it is pedophilia. Yes, the glue that holds the evil cabal together is pedophilia. There are several reasons for this, which I will share later. However, it is important to understand this point because when you do, many other things become clear. There are currently millions of children being trafficked around the world. Some of them are being used to help set up and blackmail powerful people. Many of them are being tortured and killed as part of ritualistic sacrifices. And this is not a “new” phenomenon. You can watch this short video where I talk more about this with Project Camelot… Watch The Video Here That is the main reason I helped put together PedoEmpire.org That site contains the material from author Joachim Hagopian who did extensive research into pedophilia and the depth of it throughout history. It is all available for free for you to read here. Joachim goes into incredible detail and shares hundreds of links as references to the information he reveals. As you continue to research this topic, you will see how it connects the dots of many other areas of corruption we see today. But that is not everything! Pedophilia is just one of the many things that happen behind the scenes with several different groups. I will talk about another one in tomorrow’s email, which will also shed light on what happened with the 2020 Presidential Election. Forward Together in Victory! God Bless You & Yours, Robert David Steele RobertDavidSteele.com P.S. These are my free sites that are funded by The Steele Report as well as donations. RobertDavidSteele.com PhiBetaIota.net PedoEmpire.org StopNakedShortSelling.org P.S.S. If you want to ask me any questions about this stuff or anything else, I do actually host a live weekly Q&A webinar for members of TheSteeleReport.com It does require an investment to join, but it is only $11/mo or $99/yr. As a member of The Steele Report, you get a detailed report from me every week, as well as access to our weekly Q&A webinars, where you can ask me anything you want. By the way, this is the only thing I charge money for. All of my other information is free. The Steele Report is what helps me fund all of the work I do around the world and get this information out to more and more people just like you. https://pedoempire.org/contents/
    0 Comments 1 Shares 1235 Views

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