• Max Igan Victor Hugo Interview Preview Jewish Israel Zionist Faction Psyop CIA
    NASA NSA Nazi JewSA

    Is it "The #Jews?"
    YES, absolutely it's the JEWS!

    And it's the #Vatican, the #Jesuits, everyone on earth claiming to be "government," the #Judicial system, the medical industrial complex, the military industrial complex, and ALL #Bankers!

    And It's also EVERY "Military Order" and "Fraternal Order" earth also!
    It's the #Schools and #Universities, Blackrock and Vanguard too!

    And I'm certain that I left out a few!
    But at the end of the day, it's the #Luciferians folks!

    It's "The Devil's minions" just like your bible told you!
    When you get right down to the nut-cutting, it's the Luciferians!

    It matters not what facade they have assumed, they are the Luciferians!
    It's the SAME exact people that Christ called out in His day!

    It's "the money changers" ( Bankers, the Fed, the "World Banks )
    Those who print the WORTHLESS PAPER notes of debt are in control of all others

    And because YOU BELIEVE these satanic "notes of debt" have value, many will kill their own mother, or their own children for piles of this worthless fiat toilet paper!

    I have no issue "Naming the Jew"
    And I have no issues naming the rest of the Serpent's tools either!

    Want a term that encompasses ALL guilty parties???
    That term is "LUCIFERIANS"

    It's those who claim that lies are truth, and that the truth is lies.
    Those who claim the darkness is light!
    Those who invert EVERYTHING!

    It's the Luciferians!

    John 1:5
    And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

    6And I will lay it waste: it shall not be pruned, nor digged; but there shall come up briers and thorns: I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it.

    7For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry.

    8Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!

    9In mine ears said the LORD of hosts, Of a truth many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair, without inhabitant.

    10Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath, and the seed of an homer shall yield an ephah.

    11Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them!

    12And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard not the work of the LORD, neither consider the operation of his hands.

    13Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst.

    14Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.

    15And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled:

    16But the LORD of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness.

    17Then shall the lambs feed after their manner, and the waste places of the fat ones shall strangers eat.

    18Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope:

    19That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it!

    20Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

    21Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

    22Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:

    23Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!

    24Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

    Max Igan Victor Hugo Interview Preview Jewish Israel Zionist Faction Psyop CIA NASA NSA Nazi JewSA Is it "The #Jews?" YES, absolutely it's the JEWS! And it's the #Vatican, the #Jesuits, everyone on earth claiming to be "government," the #Judicial system, the medical industrial complex, the military industrial complex, and ALL #Bankers! And It's also EVERY "Military Order" and "Fraternal Order" earth also! It's the #Schools and #Universities, Blackrock and Vanguard too! And I'm certain that I left out a few! But at the end of the day, it's the #Luciferians folks! It's "The Devil's minions" just like your bible told you! When you get right down to the nut-cutting, it's the Luciferians! It matters not what facade they have assumed, they are the Luciferians! It's the SAME exact people that Christ called out in His day! It's "the money changers" ( Bankers, the Fed, the "World Banks ) Those who print the WORTHLESS PAPER notes of debt are in control of all others And because YOU BELIEVE these satanic "notes of debt" have value, many will kill their own mother, or their own children for piles of this worthless fiat toilet paper! I have no issue "Naming the Jew" And I have no issues naming the rest of the Serpent's tools either! Want a term that encompasses ALL guilty parties??? That term is "LUCIFERIANS" It's those who claim that lies are truth, and that the truth is lies. Those who claim the darkness is light! Those who invert EVERYTHING! It's the Luciferians! John 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. 6And I will lay it waste: it shall not be pruned, nor digged; but there shall come up briers and thorns: I will also command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it. 7For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry. 8Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth! 9In mine ears said the LORD of hosts, Of a truth many houses shall be desolate, even great and fair, without inhabitant. 10Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield one bath, and the seed of an homer shall yield an ephah. 11Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them! 12And the harp, and the viol, the tabret, and pipe, and wine, are in their feasts: but they regard not the work of the LORD, neither consider the operation of his hands. 13Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst. 14Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it. 15And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled: 16But the LORD of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness. 17Then shall the lambs feed after their manner, and the waste places of the fat ones shall strangers eat. 18Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope: 19That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it! 20Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! 22Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: 23Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him! 24Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. https://www.bitchute.com/video/jH7qJ6py8p0s
    Max Igan Victor Hugo Interview Preview Jewish Israel Zionist Faction Psyop CIA NASA NSA Nazi JewSA
    The Last Dutchman and The Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo discuss Max Igan Interview Preview of questions related to the Jewish Israel Zionist Faction Psyop and CIA NASA NSA Nazi JewSA system that exists in reality. Please purchase products from this link to support this podcast: https://ftwproject.com/ref/476/ Thanks. To purchase The Victor-Hugo Collection contact The William DeBilzan Gallery William DeBilzan Art Gallery Delray Beach Florida 561-266 2090 [email protected] “My job is not to be politically correct; It is to witness, observe, analyze and document the beautiful chaos that surrounds us all, so that future generations can understand how we got to this moment in time.” - Victor-Hugo Vaca II "I'm known as the 'Nostradamus of the Art World' because my paintings foreshadow events but It's not that I can see the future, it's that as an artist, I've met the people who forge our future." - Victor-Hugo Vaca II Public Trust Plummets As Fake News Media Spreads Misinformation and Lies While Ignoring Prescient Eyewitness Observations from New York Born Hispanic-American Artist Who Lived Through The Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic Outbreak In China. Now, stuck in the former Soviet Union as a dissident American Refugee due to the Chinese Coronavirus shutting down all international flights and forced PCR Test lobotomies and deadly, experimental vaccines required to travel back to the homeland he served to protect as a United States Naval Academy Midshipman Officer, the Nostradamus of the Art World, Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo, shares modern art gonzo journalism with global citizens.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1169 Views
  • Now we're talking. The mainstream media told Bannon that the people who framed Trump for treason, like McCabe and Comey, are worried about being charged with treason.
    Bannon said they ought to be worried because investigations are coming.
    This is exactly why the FBI and others seem so nervous. Trump Admin 2 is prepared to shine the light on all the crimes committed. This was never a game.
    Now we're talking. The mainstream media told Bannon that the people who framed Trump for treason, like McCabe and Comey, are worried about being charged with treason. Bannon said they ought to be worried because investigations are coming. This is exactly why the FBI and others seem so nervous. Trump Admin 2 is prepared to shine the light on all the crimes committed. This was never a game.
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    It includes a sick twist on the adage “Let your food be your medicine” – plans for doctors to write grocery prescriptions – which sounds good until you consider that the prescriptions will be based not just on what is good for you, but on what the medical establishment determines would benefit the planet, Consider the brainwashing of most doctors during Covid, and their refusal to recommend basic health supplements, sunshine, Vitamin D, or effective early treatment, instead leaving their patients at the mercy of remdesivir, ventilators, and mRNA shots. If you don’t love the idea of cricket meal and vaccine lettuce prescriptions, this agenda should raise your eyebrows.
    The One Health concept has incredibly dangerous ramifications which should be apparent when you consider who is pushing it: the WHO, the World Bank, Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, the NIH, the CDC, USDA, FDA, and every other Covid culprit you can think of. It includes a sick twist on the adage “Let your food be your medicine” – plans for doctors to write grocery prescriptions – which sounds good until you consider that the prescriptions will be based not just on what is good for you, but on what the medical establishment determines would benefit the planet, Consider the brainwashing of most doctors during Covid, and their refusal to recommend basic health supplements, sunshine, Vitamin D, or effective early treatment, instead leaving their patients at the mercy of remdesivir, ventilators, and mRNA shots. If you don’t love the idea of cricket meal and vaccine lettuce prescriptions, this agenda should raise your eyebrows. https://brownstone.org/articles/the-one-health-agenda/
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    D.C.’s Swamp Rats don’t just hate Trump because he loves America. They hate him because he shines a harsh light on them and their lack of accomplishments. They cannot afford to let Donald Trump, using the White House’s bully pulpit, show Americans that they don’t need the government to succeed, that problems can be solved without government “help,” and to demonstrate that the government is often the problem. If you’re in the government business, that’s a bad thing because, as anyone who’s ever picked up a history book knows, Americans can do extraordinary things when unshackled from government regulation. And once they’re reminded of that, all bets are off. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/06/the_swamp_s_rational_hatred_for_donald_trump.html
    The Swamp’s Rational Hatred for Donald Trump
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  • History of #HotSprings as a place where Soldiers went to heal after World War 1 and 2.

    Vacationing spot for #AlCapone who was said to reserve entire 4th floor of the #ArlingtonHotel which they are in the process of renovating.

    #Prohibition, #tunnels, #Moonshiners, #Alcatraz, #UndergroundCities, #IronMountain, #Bathhouses, #Bathhouserow, #HotSprings, #WatchTheWater, #Epstein, #Epsteindidntkillhimself, #TremintinaBase, #SocorroRanch, #IronMountain, #CheyenneMountain, #SunspotObservatoryTunnels, #SunspotNM, #DirkGently, #HolisiticDetectiveAgency, #DouglasAdams, #History, #WeWillPrevail, #TheBestIsYetToCome, #ArkansasRocks, #GangsterHistory, #TrumpForever

    History of #HotSprings as a place where Soldiers went to heal after World War 1 and 2. Vacationing spot for #AlCapone who was said to reserve entire 4th floor of the #ArlingtonHotel which they are in the process of renovating. #Prohibition, #tunnels, #Moonshiners, #Alcatraz, #UndergroundCities, #IronMountain, #Bathhouses, #Bathhouserow, #HotSprings, #WatchTheWater, #Epstein, #Epsteindidntkillhimself, #TremintinaBase, #SocorroRanch, #IronMountain, #CheyenneMountain, #SunspotObservatoryTunnels, #SunspotNM, #DirkGently, #HolisiticDetectiveAgency, #DouglasAdams, #History, #WeWillPrevail, #TheBestIsYetToCome, #ArkansasRocks, #GangsterHistory, #TrumpForever https://rumble.com/v4vfxyr-prohibition-al-capone-tunnels-moonshiners-bathhouse-row-watch-the-water.html
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  • Cosmic powerhouses the quasar outshines its galaxy, their ages are near 14 billion years' equal signals are expected from objects, billion years of cosmic history marks a key event in cosmology.
    Cosmic powerhouses the quasar outshines its galaxy, their ages are near 14 billion years' equal signals are expected from objects, billion years of cosmic history marks a key event in cosmology.
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  • The Orion constellation is one of the most recognizable and striking formations in the night sky
    The Orion constellation is one of the most recognizable and striking formations in the night sky. It's visible from both hemispheres and is especially prominent during the winter months in the northern hemisphere. Here's a description of the Orion constellation against the backdrop of the moon:

    Imagine a crisp, clear night sky where the moon hangs like a glowing orb, casting its gentle light across the darkness. Against this celestial canvas, the constellation Orion stands out boldly. At the center of Orion is a distinctive arrangement of stars that form the shape of a hunter, with his belt of three bright stars clearly visible. These stars are Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka.

    To the upper left of Orion's belt, a brilliant blue-white star shines intensely; this is Rigel, one of the brightest stars in the night sky. Opposite Rigel, to the lower right of the belt, another bright star, Betelgeuse, glows with a reddish hue, adding to the constellation's dramatic appearance.

    Stretching out from Orion's belt are his arms, marked by lines of stars, and his legs, defined by another line of stars. The entire constellation seems to come alive against the backdrop of the moon's gentle glow, appearing as if the hunter is poised and ready to chase his prey across the heavens.

    The moon, with its serene presence, provides a stunning contrast to the sharp, defined lines of the constellation, enhancing the beauty of the celestial scene. Together, the Orion constellation and the moon create a mesmerizing spectacle that inspires awe and wonder in all who gaze upon it.

    The Orion constellation is one of the most recognizable and striking formations in the night sky The Orion constellation is one of the most recognizable and striking formations in the night sky. It's visible from both hemispheres and is especially prominent during the winter months in the northern hemisphere. Here's a description of the Orion constellation against the backdrop of the moon: Imagine a crisp, clear night sky where the moon hangs like a glowing orb, casting its gentle light across the darkness. Against this celestial canvas, the constellation Orion stands out boldly. At the center of Orion is a distinctive arrangement of stars that form the shape of a hunter, with his belt of three bright stars clearly visible. These stars are Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka. To the upper left of Orion's belt, a brilliant blue-white star shines intensely; this is Rigel, one of the brightest stars in the night sky. Opposite Rigel, to the lower right of the belt, another bright star, Betelgeuse, glows with a reddish hue, adding to the constellation's dramatic appearance. Stretching out from Orion's belt are his arms, marked by lines of stars, and his legs, defined by another line of stars. The entire constellation seems to come alive against the backdrop of the moon's gentle glow, appearing as if the hunter is poised and ready to chase his prey across the heavens. The moon, with its serene presence, provides a stunning contrast to the sharp, defined lines of the constellation, enhancing the beauty of the celestial scene. Together, the Orion constellation and the moon create a mesmerizing spectacle that inspires awe and wonder in all who gaze upon it.
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