• I've been on this earth a LONG TIME, and I've NEVER seen hurricanes act like these OR mysterious "Fires" that melt cars and houses, and leave trees and grass un-burned!

    And I also thought it was curious that these "fires" just so happened to burn down the poor people's houses, while leaving the wealthy #Parasite Class's houses untouched, right next door.

    AND they also just so happen to have occurred exactly where the #Criminals of #UnitedNations and the #WEF have planned their #slavery zones, or "15 minute cities" Which are actually "15 minute open air prisons"

    YOU are under attack by the people who claim to "protect you"
    The same people that steal half of your paycheck, and then steal 80% of what is left out of that on other "Taxes" and fees and permits and "licenses"

    You are literally funding your own demise
    The ONE WAY to put an end to all of this is SOUND MONEY!

    STOP using the Federal Reserve's worthless "notes of DEBT" and get back to trading with your fellow man using REAL MONEY!

    You see, the money system controls the WORLD!
    You will never get wealthy, no matter how much money you make!

    Because once you get a lot of their worthless monopoly money, they will just PRINT UP a lot more, which makes that you have worth less!
    You will be a #Slave until you get back to using sound money!
    Gold, Silver, Copper etc.....

    Because paper and ink are UNLIMITED!
    When THEY print it up it's "business as usual"
    If YOU print it it's a FEDERAL FELONY!

    Are you starting to put the pieces together yet?
    If they don't like you they will simply print a mountain of worthless paper, and then give it to some poor inner-city kid to off you!

    They will STEAL / BUY YOUR LAND using worthless paper!

    How do you take over the entire world???
    You get people to agree to trade using your worthless paper!

    Then you create "Banks"in every city in the world to control the distribution of this worthless paper! And for every worthless piece of paper the people "deposit" in these banks, the bank is allowed to "Loan" 10 pieces of worthless paper to people and charge interest!

    It is called #Usury and has been outlawed by every country on earth at one time! Around 1913 that all changed!

    And realize that SOUND MONEY
    is the ONLY THING that can save us all
    I've been on this earth a LONG TIME, and I've NEVER seen hurricanes act like these OR mysterious "Fires" that melt cars and houses, and leave trees and grass un-burned! And I also thought it was curious that these "fires" just so happened to burn down the poor people's houses, while leaving the wealthy #Parasite Class's houses untouched, right next door. AND they also just so happen to have occurred exactly where the #Criminals of #UnitedNations and the #WEF have planned their #slavery zones, or "15 minute cities" Which are actually "15 minute open air prisons" YOU are under attack by the people who claim to "protect you" The same people that steal half of your paycheck, and then steal 80% of what is left out of that on other "Taxes" and fees and permits and "licenses" You are literally funding your own demise The ONE WAY to put an end to all of this is SOUND MONEY! STOP using the Federal Reserve's worthless "notes of DEBT" and get back to trading with your fellow man using REAL MONEY! You see, the money system controls the WORLD! You will never get wealthy, no matter how much money you make! Because once you get a lot of their worthless monopoly money, they will just PRINT UP a lot more, which makes that you have worth less! You will be a #Slave until you get back to using sound money! Gold, Silver, Copper etc..... Because paper and ink are UNLIMITED! When THEY print it up it's "business as usual" If YOU print it it's a FEDERAL FELONY! Are you starting to put the pieces together yet? If they don't like you they will simply print a mountain of worthless paper, and then give it to some poor inner-city kid to off you! They will STEAL / BUY YOUR LAND using worthless paper! REAL ASSETS traded for WORTHLESS PAPER! How do you take over the entire world??? You get people to agree to trade using your worthless paper! Then you create "Banks"in every city in the world to control the distribution of this worthless paper! And for every worthless piece of paper the people "deposit" in these banks, the bank is allowed to "Loan" 10 pieces of worthless paper to people and charge interest! It is called #Usury and has been outlawed by every country on earth at one time! Around 1913 that all changed! WAKE UP And realize that SOUND MONEY is the ONLY THING that can save us all
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 189 Visualizações
  • Blind! This is what happens when you inject yourself with reptile venom peptides marketed as FDA-approved weight loss drugs

    Something tells me that we have not seen nothing yet!
    As scary as that thought is.... I believe we'll see even more deranged lunacy

    My mother worked in a hospital and I used to actually have a little bit of trust for the medical field! But I have to tell you... the more research I do into how "modern medicine" came about, and WHO brought it about...

    And compare that information with my bible and it's lessons on #Pharmakeia ...

    I'm convinced that 99.9% of people's health issues are DIRECTLY LINKED to Pharmakeia and it's drugs and vaccines (poisons) and the "FOOD" that is available in America today!

    People MUST comprehend that 6 CORPORATIONS not only control ALL #Media in this country... But they also control about 90% of EVERYTHING available for purchase in this country too... including the FOOD!

    And these 6 Corporations are ALL #Luciferians who are trying to kill you!

    It's the SAME 6 CORPORATIONS that control the "government"

    The only people higher up the food chain than these 6 Luciferian corporations are the #Banks who control the entire human race using nothing more than a printing press and some #Propaganda!

    WHY would humanity allow a group of people to control them using WORTHLESS PAPER? We could trade using anything!

    So WHY then, do we allow a group of demonic scumbags to literally control our lives and the value of our labor and property using a printing press???

    These people produce NOTHING!
    They merely print colorful paper!

    And for some reason the masses are convinced it has value!
    Many would kill their own mother for these worthless notes of debt!

    I have a sneaking suspicion that very soon... People are going to learn a very hard lesson on exactly HOW WORTHLESS these paper "notes of debt" really are!

    I'm thinking Weimar Republic here! Our fast approaching future!

    Weimar Republic
    Germany in the years 1918/1919–1933

    YOU had better be growing FOOD and networking with your neighbors to create a LOCAL SUPPLY LINE!

    We REALLY do not need the corporations and the worldwide food distributors!

    We may not be able to get fresh lemons in February... But we CAN survive just fine..

    As long as we STOP the chemical toxins being sprayed in our skies, which will render the soil WORTHLESS for growing anything eventually. AND we all start producing our own food!

    The banks will necessarily have to go away!
    As will the "owners" of the entire world who stole everything they own through USURY, corruption, theft, and deception!

    Once this is done, and every person on earth has a plot of land, we'll do fine!

    But we'll never get there as long as people will do ANYTHING TO ANYONE for "a pile of sweaty cash" (A pile of worthless paper)

    But we CAN get there!

    Blind! This is what happens when you inject yourself with reptile venom peptides marketed as FDA-approved weight loss drugs Something tells me that we have not seen nothing yet! As scary as that thought is.... I believe we'll see even more deranged lunacy My mother worked in a hospital and I used to actually have a little bit of trust for the medical field! But I have to tell you... the more research I do into how "modern medicine" came about, and WHO brought it about... And compare that information with my bible and it's lessons on #Pharmakeia ... I'm convinced that 99.9% of people's health issues are DIRECTLY LINKED to Pharmakeia and it's drugs and vaccines (poisons) and the "FOOD" that is available in America today! People MUST comprehend that 6 CORPORATIONS not only control ALL #Media in this country... But they also control about 90% of EVERYTHING available for purchase in this country too... including the FOOD! And these 6 Corporations are ALL #Luciferians who are trying to kill you! It's the SAME 6 CORPORATIONS that control the "government" The only people higher up the food chain than these 6 Luciferian corporations are the #Banks who control the entire human race using nothing more than a printing press and some #Propaganda! WHY would humanity allow a group of people to control them using WORTHLESS PAPER? We could trade using anything! So WHY then, do we allow a group of demonic scumbags to literally control our lives and the value of our labor and property using a printing press??? These people produce NOTHING! They merely print colorful paper! And for some reason the masses are convinced it has value! Many would kill their own mother for these worthless notes of debt! I have a sneaking suspicion that very soon... People are going to learn a very hard lesson on exactly HOW WORTHLESS these paper "notes of debt" really are! I'm thinking Weimar Republic here! Our fast approaching future! Weimar Republic Germany in the years 1918/1919–1933 YOU had better be growing FOOD and networking with your neighbors to create a LOCAL SUPPLY LINE! We REALLY do not need the corporations and the worldwide food distributors! We may not be able to get fresh lemons in February... But we CAN survive just fine.. As long as we STOP the chemical toxins being sprayed in our skies, which will render the soil WORTHLESS for growing anything eventually. AND we all start producing our own food! The banks will necessarily have to go away! As will the "owners" of the entire world who stole everything they own through USURY, corruption, theft, and deception! Once this is done, and every person on earth has a plot of land, we'll do fine! But we'll never get there as long as people will do ANYTHING TO ANYONE for "a pile of sweaty cash" (A pile of worthless paper) But we CAN get there! https://www.naturalnews.com/2024-07-07-blind-is-what-happens-inject-reptile-venom-peptides.html
    Blind! This is what happens when you inject yourself with reptile venom peptides marketed as FDA-approved weight loss drugs – NaturalNews.com
    As weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy become popularized by pill-pushing allopathic doctors, new evidence suggests there are serious, life-altering risks with these new drugs. According to a new study, Ozempic an Wegovy users are at an elevated risk of developing a “potentially blinding eye condition.” This is what happens when you inject reptile […]
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2112 Visualizações
  • THE SECRET OF OZ AND THE MONEY MASTERS - How YOU have been enslaved through Usury

    THE SECRET OF OZ AND THE MONEY MASTERS - How YOU have been enslaved through Usury https://rumble.com/v53hv5p-the-secret-of-oz-and-the-money-masters-how-you-have-been-enslaved-through-u.html
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 449 Visualizações
    How YOU have been enslaved through Usury

    THE SECRET OF OZ AND THE MONEY MASTERS - How YOU have been enslaved through Usury https://rumble.com/v53hv5p-the-secret-of-oz-and-the-money-masters-how-you-have-been-enslaved-through-u.html
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 451 Visualizações
  • Federal Income Tax vs Tariffs (4 min 50 seconds) We must break free from the bankster’s debt-slave usury plantation. Removing the illegal income tax that was never ratified by the States is a great first step.
    Federal Income Tax vs Tariffs (4 min 50 seconds) We must break free from the bankster’s debt-slave usury plantation. Removing the illegal income tax that was never ratified by the States is a great first step. https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/131236
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 717 Visualizações 0
  • YOU have been BRAINWASHED by the #Media and the #Bankers that fund them! It is time for you to WAKE UP!

    These people WILL make sure that you are KILLED in a war if you do not stop them and STOP THEIR CORRUPT DEBT BASED SYSTEM!

    All Wars Are Bankers' Wars

    And ALL "governments" are Bankers' governments!

    And All Land has become Bankers' Land, purchased using worthless paper, being printed as fast as the printing presses will print the worthless sh*t!

    Bankers control the world today because we have allowed them to usurp our lives, and control our time and labor's value ever since the founding of this country!

    Simply ALLOWING the private bankers of the Federal Reserve" to control our money system violates the Constitution. So it's illegal AND unlawful!

    Our "Admiralty Law" #Courts are controlled by Bankers and their "Laws"
    Admiralty Law is the "Law of Money" just like it's the "Law of Commerce"

    By allowing these demons to usurp our monetary system we have ALL been rendered #Slaves! And we shall remain such until we arrest these criminals and seize their stolen assets!

    Usury has even been condemned in the bible folks!
    Don't you think it's time to retake control over our lives from the Banker Demons?

    YOU have been BRAINWASHED by the #Media and the #Bankers that fund them! It is time for you to WAKE UP! These people WILL make sure that you are KILLED in a war if you do not stop them and STOP THEIR CORRUPT DEBT BASED SYSTEM! All Wars Are Bankers' Wars And ALL "governments" are Bankers' governments! And All Land has become Bankers' Land, purchased using worthless paper, being printed as fast as the printing presses will print the worthless sh*t! Bankers control the world today because we have allowed them to usurp our lives, and control our time and labor's value ever since the founding of this country! Simply ALLOWING the private bankers of the Federal Reserve" to control our money system violates the Constitution. So it's illegal AND unlawful! Our "Admiralty Law" #Courts are controlled by Bankers and their "Laws" Admiralty Law is the "Law of Money" just like it's the "Law of Commerce" By allowing these demons to usurp our monetary system we have ALL been rendered #Slaves! And we shall remain such until we arrest these criminals and seize their stolen assets! Usury has even been condemned in the bible folks! Don't you think it's time to retake control over our lives from the Banker Demons? https://conservativethinkingamericans.wordpress.com/2023/10/23/all-wars-are-bankers-wars/
    Founded in 1791, by the end of its twenty year charter the First Bank of the United States had almost ruined the nation’s economy, while enriching the bankers. Congress refused to renew the c…
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2415 Visualizações
  • God Bless This Mother.

    I would NOT send my child to be brainwashed by their institution of control! And by the way...

    NOT ONE of these scumbags are trying to prepare your children for ANYTHING except to be a SLAVE, and a VICTIM of brainwashing and Pedophiles!

    I want EVERYONE to understand that EVERY INSTITUTION in the American government, as well as other country's governments, are elements of CONTROL over you and your life!

    EVERY "Institution" that exists today is one of CONTROL!

    BANKS and The FEDERAL RESERVE are systems of control which decide how much your LABOR is worth! And anytime you start doing to well they will make the dollar worth less, to keep you poor, and under their control

    They control ALL of the LAND in the world! Either through loans and USURY or through TAXATION... Every square inch of this earth is OWNED by the system!

    Because they deceived you, you now owe RENT (Taxes) or you must move off of your own property! (Which you'll never own) UNLESS you have a land patent

    The Courts are a system of CONTROL run by the #BAR Association. They have zero to do with "Justice" and everything to do with control!

    The courts decide how free you may be, how much of your money can be stolen, if you are allowed to win in a lawsuit against ANYONE, and even if you remain FREE!

    The #Police are a system of CONTROL!
    They control how FREE you are, and what you may / may not do or say! If you'll spend your life in a cage, but mainly to protect the politicians and the other INSTITUTIONS OF CONTROL!

    When you get too close to the #Truth and expose government Criminals or the Jews, or the Vatican, or the Knights of Malta, or the Freemasons, or Hollywood, or the CIA and FBI, or the GENOCIDE.... POLICE will be used to silence you and put you into a cage! Police PROTECT CRIMINALS!

    The Government itself does nothing but DECEIVE and LIE and hold
    phony "Elections" where their next CEO is chosen for the CORPORATION of the United States which is NOT a "government" at all, but a CORPORATION

    A foreign owned, for profit CORPORATION, located offshore,
    who thinks they OWN every human being on Earth through their
    "Admiralty Law" Courts, and corporate POLICIES or "Statutes and Codes"

    STATE & LOCAL "governments" are subsidiaries of the CORPORATION of the United States, and they get your "Consent" through CONTRACTS so that they can collect taxes on YOUR PROPERTY, which they deceive you into granting them ownership of through registrations and deeds!

    ANYTHING which you "register" becomes the property of those whom you "register" it with! So when you register your car you are actually GIVING IT AWAY TO THE STATE! This is how they can "legally" (NOT lawfully) seize your car or property... Because YOU gave it to them when you registered it!

    You need to watch Ron Gibson's Land Patent Class to learn more!

    You get the point!
    EVERY INSTITUTION which exists today, including schools and colleges, are a part of the overall system of CONTROL!

    ALL of these Institutions were created by Freemasons and Secret Societies to convince you that you are "FREE" as you are living your life as their #Slave!

    It's an absolutely BRILLIANT and #Evil scheme!
    And it has been working for at least 100 years, likely longer!

    It's time to return COMMON LAW to the LAND we live upon!

    And it's time we kick their "Admiralty Law" SLAVE SYSTEM back to the SEA where it belongs! The UCC, Contract Law, the law of Commerce, the law of Money...

    ALL of these things are labels for ADMIRALTY LAW!

    Which has no business on the LAND!
    COMMON LAW is the "Law of the LAND!"

    Only we have been DECEIVED by all of their criminal institutions,
    to live under this system of SLAVERY which gives the APPEARANCE of Freedom.... Right up until they want to take your stuff or FREEDOM!

    And at that point in time... YOU'LL KNOW YOU WERE NEVER FREE
    And those institutions were NEVER FAIR!

    They were merely put there to give you the appearance of being legitimate, as they acted as systems of CONTROL over the SLAVES of the CORPORATION!

    This is why court rulings are ALWAYS unjust, just like their rulings of "Not Guilty" every time a cop wrongfully imprisons someone or murders them! The same goes for anytime government (the corporation) wrongs you

    It's ALL an illusion, designed to control the SLAVES!
    Which is exactly what you are!

    Folks... we ALL have to go to work to bring down THE MATRIX of control! Devote all day, every day, to this cause!
    And educate / organize others!

    God Bless This Mother. I would NOT send my child to be brainwashed by their institution of control! And by the way... NOT ONE of these scumbags are trying to prepare your children for ANYTHING except to be a SLAVE, and a VICTIM of brainwashing and Pedophiles! I want EVERYONE to understand that EVERY INSTITUTION in the American government, as well as other country's governments, are elements of CONTROL over you and your life! EVERY "Institution" that exists today is one of CONTROL! BANKS and The FEDERAL RESERVE are systems of control which decide how much your LABOR is worth! And anytime you start doing to well they will make the dollar worth less, to keep you poor, and under their control They control ALL of the LAND in the world! Either through loans and USURY or through TAXATION... Every square inch of this earth is OWNED by the system! Because they deceived you, you now owe RENT (Taxes) or you must move off of your own property! (Which you'll never own) UNLESS you have a land patent The Courts are a system of CONTROL run by the #BAR Association. They have zero to do with "Justice" and everything to do with control! The courts decide how free you may be, how much of your money can be stolen, if you are allowed to win in a lawsuit against ANYONE, and even if you remain FREE! The #Police are a system of CONTROL! They control how FREE you are, and what you may / may not do or say! If you'll spend your life in a cage, but mainly to protect the politicians and the other INSTITUTIONS OF CONTROL! When you get too close to the #Truth and expose government Criminals or the Jews, or the Vatican, or the Knights of Malta, or the Freemasons, or Hollywood, or the CIA and FBI, or the GENOCIDE.... POLICE will be used to silence you and put you into a cage! Police PROTECT CRIMINALS! The Government itself does nothing but DECEIVE and LIE and hold phony "Elections" where their next CEO is chosen for the CORPORATION of the United States which is NOT a "government" at all, but a CORPORATION A foreign owned, for profit CORPORATION, located offshore, who thinks they OWN every human being on Earth through their "Admiralty Law" Courts, and corporate POLICIES or "Statutes and Codes" STATE & LOCAL "governments" are subsidiaries of the CORPORATION of the United States, and they get your "Consent" through CONTRACTS so that they can collect taxes on YOUR PROPERTY, which they deceive you into granting them ownership of through registrations and deeds! ANYTHING which you "register" becomes the property of those whom you "register" it with! So when you register your car you are actually GIVING IT AWAY TO THE STATE! This is how they can "legally" (NOT lawfully) seize your car or property... Because YOU gave it to them when you registered it! You need to watch Ron Gibson's Land Patent Class to learn more! You get the point! EVERY INSTITUTION which exists today, including schools and colleges, are a part of the overall system of CONTROL! ALL of these Institutions were created by Freemasons and Secret Societies to convince you that you are "FREE" as you are living your life as their #Slave! It's an absolutely BRILLIANT and #Evil scheme! And it has been working for at least 100 years, likely longer! It's time to return COMMON LAW to the LAND we live upon! And it's time we kick their "Admiralty Law" SLAVE SYSTEM back to the SEA where it belongs! The UCC, Contract Law, the law of Commerce, the law of Money... ALL of these things are labels for ADMIRALTY LAW! Which has no business on the LAND! COMMON LAW is the "Law of the LAND!" Only we have been DECEIVED by all of their criminal institutions, to live under this system of SLAVERY which gives the APPEARANCE of Freedom.... Right up until they want to take your stuff or FREEDOM! And at that point in time... YOU'LL KNOW YOU WERE NEVER FREE And those institutions were NEVER FAIR! They were merely put there to give you the appearance of being legitimate, as they acted as systems of CONTROL over the SLAVES of the CORPORATION! This is why court rulings are ALWAYS unjust, just like their rulings of "Not Guilty" every time a cop wrongfully imprisons someone or murders them! The same goes for anytime government (the corporation) wrongs you It's ALL an illusion, designed to control the SLAVES! Which is exactly what you are! Folks... we ALL have to go to work to bring down THE MATRIX of control! Devote all day, every day, to this cause! And educate / organize others! https://ugetube.com/watch/god-bless-this-mother_FSlclzRdfCureHx.html
    God Bless This Mother.
    God Bless This Mother.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 5343 Visualizações
  • This is a MUST WATCH VIDEO!

    If you can IGNORE some of the "Science so-called" within it, and the
    talk about our supposed "Universe" (Which exists of lights in the sky)
    the rest is absolutely MUST SEE INFORMATION!

    About #Corporations and #Bankers who are ALL #Criminals
    who have taken control over the earth through usury and #Slavery!

    Most of which has been enabled by the DECEPTION and #Fraud
    used by these #Corporate entities, mainly in convincing YOU that
    they are your #Government when in fact they are CORPORATIONS!

    BANKERS and GOVERNMENT are Criminals running the scam!
    Protecting one another and keeping YOU enslaved!

    (Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

    This is a MUST WATCH VIDEO! If you can IGNORE some of the "Science so-called" within it, and the talk about our supposed "Universe" (Which exists of lights in the sky) the rest is absolutely MUST SEE INFORMATION! About #Corporations and #Bankers who are ALL #Criminals who have taken control over the earth through usury and #Slavery! Most of which has been enabled by the DECEPTION and #Fraud used by these #Corporate entities, mainly in convincing YOU that they are your #Government when in fact they are CORPORATIONS! BANKERS and GOVERNMENT are Criminals running the scam! Protecting one another and keeping YOU enslaved! (Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? https://youtu.be/lEV5AFFcZ-s
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 840 Visualizações

    While I'm well aware of the Jewish #Propaganda surrounding #Hitler, up to and including labeling them #NAZIS, they were not Saints by any means!

    And if you want to know where Klause Schwab and his merry band of queer
    "New World Order" proponents got their ideas...

    Look no further than Adolph Hitler!
    I'm aware that Hitler done amazing things for Germany and it's people!
    Abolishing Jewish usury he pulled the country back from the brink of bankruptcy and slavery. Making Germany prosperous again!

    But then he took the path of #Eugenics, and trying to create a perfect race, ventured into the occult, dabbled in the dark arts, and gave himself over to the dark side. Just another tool of Satan.

    Lots of people do good things, and then commit atrocities
    Lots of people fall victim to Satan and his minions' promises of wealth and power
    Now they are pushing #Transhumanism promising the SAME THINGS!

    It's the SAME STORY over and over and over again!
    Since the Garden of Eden....

    Satan is the "god of this world" there's no doubt about it!

    When he took Jesus up to the high place and offered him the world if He would worship him... Jesus turned him down, but he NEVER SAID that these things were not his to give! A refresher for those who need it...

    Luke 4 NKJV
    5 [d]Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”

    8 And Jesus answered and said to him, [e]“Get behind Me, Satan! [f]For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ”

    Satan is the god of this world AND "The Prince of the Power of the Air"
    So.... Think 5G and all of the other frequencies crossing our airwaves.....

    Those who accept the Devil's offer get granted Kingdoms, get fully corrupted, and eventually destroy themselves and their nations... If those nations are fool enough to follow them over the cliff!

    It's the same story over and over and over again!
    Satan ALWAYS promises the same 3 things!

    1.) Ye shall not surely die ( Immortality )
    2.) your eyes shall be opened ( Knowledge )
    3.) ye shall be as gods

    And mankind gets suckered by him over and over and over again!
    Sure, Hitler did do some really great things, getting rid of usury, banning freemasons.... But then he adopted his own Freemason type rituals!

    All he really did getting rid of Freemasons was to run them off and steal their ancient knowledge of witchcraft and Satan!

    So NO.... I'm not a fan of Hitler!
    He did do some wonderful things for Germany though!

    And if he could have avoided the temptations of the dark side....
    He may have well been a true hero in the eyes of history!

    Today's "New World Order" is based in the SAME EXACT PHILOSOPHY as Adolph Hitler's AND continues the work of Rome!

    At the end of the day folks....
    "All roads lead to Rome"

    YOU are being ruled over by a Satanic Roman system TODAY!
    Look around... It don't really matter where you live!

    Rome and it's Pagan idols pollute the world. Especially Washington DC
    The "Corporate Headquarters" of the criminal system of #Slavery which has been set up across our land. A #Corporation which you've been duped into believing is your government!

    They have ZERO AUTHORITY over you unless you "Consent"
    So STOP consenting! Rescind all contracts! Free yourself!
    And watch Rome fall! Their "Legal System" too!

    ALL of these things only have authority because we consent to them!
    And they have SHOWN US they are unworthy of our consent or support!

    EVERYTHING which is "Legal" is not lawful.
    Anything "Legal" goes AGAINST Yahuwah's Law!

    Let's return to obeying God's Law, and cast Satan's "Legal System" from our soil
    Because it is a system of slavery and death, good for Tyrants, bad for everyone else

    TODAY'S VATICAN PRAYERS TO LUCIFER, AND FREEMASONS/JESUITS SECRET CEREMONIES OF BABIES RAPE AND While I'm well aware of the Jewish #Propaganda surrounding #Hitler, up to and including labeling them #NAZIS, they were not Saints by any means! And if you want to know where Klause Schwab and his merry band of queer "New World Order" proponents got their ideas... Look no further than Adolph Hitler! I'm aware that Hitler done amazing things for Germany and it's people! Abolishing Jewish usury he pulled the country back from the brink of bankruptcy and slavery. Making Germany prosperous again! But then he took the path of #Eugenics, and trying to create a perfect race, ventured into the occult, dabbled in the dark arts, and gave himself over to the dark side. Just another tool of Satan. Lots of people do good things, and then commit atrocities Lots of people fall victim to Satan and his minions' promises of wealth and power Now they are pushing #Transhumanism promising the SAME THINGS! It's the SAME STORY over and over and over again! Since the Garden of Eden.... Satan is the "god of this world" there's no doubt about it! When he took Jesus up to the high place and offered him the world if He would worship him... Jesus turned him down, but he NEVER SAID that these things were not his to give! A refresher for those who need it... Luke 4 NKJV 5 [d]Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6 And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.” 8 And Jesus answered and said to him, [e]“Get behind Me, Satan! [f]For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ” Satan is the god of this world AND "The Prince of the Power of the Air" So.... Think 5G and all of the other frequencies crossing our airwaves..... Those who accept the Devil's offer get granted Kingdoms, get fully corrupted, and eventually destroy themselves and their nations... If those nations are fool enough to follow them over the cliff! It's the same story over and over and over again! Satan ALWAYS promises the same 3 things! 1.) Ye shall not surely die ( Immortality ) 2.) your eyes shall be opened ( Knowledge ) 3.) ye shall be as gods And mankind gets suckered by him over and over and over again! Sure, Hitler did do some really great things, getting rid of usury, banning freemasons.... But then he adopted his own Freemason type rituals! All he really did getting rid of Freemasons was to run them off and steal their ancient knowledge of witchcraft and Satan! So NO.... I'm not a fan of Hitler! He did do some wonderful things for Germany though! And if he could have avoided the temptations of the dark side.... He may have well been a true hero in the eyes of history! Today's "New World Order" is based in the SAME EXACT PHILOSOPHY as Adolph Hitler's AND continues the work of Rome! At the end of the day folks.... "All roads lead to Rome" YOU are being ruled over by a Satanic Roman system TODAY! Look around... It don't really matter where you live! Rome and it's Pagan idols pollute the world. Especially Washington DC The "Corporate Headquarters" of the criminal system of #Slavery which has been set up across our land. A #Corporation which you've been duped into believing is your government! They have ZERO AUTHORITY over you unless you "Consent" So STOP consenting! Rescind all contracts! Free yourself! And watch Rome fall! Their "Legal System" too! ALL of these things only have authority because we consent to them! And they have SHOWN US they are unworthy of our consent or support! EVERYTHING which is "Legal" is not lawful. Anything "Legal" goes AGAINST Yahuwah's Law! Let's return to obeying God's Law, and cast Satan's "Legal System" from our soil Because it is a system of slavery and death, good for Tyrants, bad for everyone else https://www.bitchute.com/video/NagnssKyNv7I/
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    The Father said...
    Genesis 9:7And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.

    And he also said FEAR NOT over and over again!
    Yet, all we hear from these lying corporate demons is "be afraid"
    and "The Earth is overpopulated and we are running out of resources"

    There is no shortage of life sustaining resources on Earth!
    If these corporate demons did not engineer EVERYTHING to break soon after purchase, we would not use 1/4 of the resources!

    THEY DO THAT on purpose!
    It's called "planned obsolescence"

    You used to be able to buy a quality product and have it for a lifetime!
    Now you are lucky if it makes it 2 years!

    And this is all by design!
    Printers with a counter installed that makes it stop working after so many print jobs!
    Watch "The Light Bulb Conspiracy - Planned Obsolescence" on Rumble for more on that

    But these same scumbags want to blame YOU for wasting resources!

    This is the #Parasite Class!
    Most are connected to the #Bankers who have usurped the real assets of the earth through usury

    People need to wake up to the FACT that these people are trying to wipe you out, remove you from the face of the earth! And they are serious about it!

    And they've done this before to our ancestors... SUCCESSFULLY!
    We must make certain they do not succeed this time

    THEY LIED ABOUT OVERPOPULATION The Father said... Genesis 9:7And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein. And he also said FEAR NOT over and over again! Yet, all we hear from these lying corporate demons is "be afraid" and "The Earth is overpopulated and we are running out of resources" There is no shortage of life sustaining resources on Earth! If these corporate demons did not engineer EVERYTHING to break soon after purchase, we would not use 1/4 of the resources! THEY DO THAT on purpose! It's called "planned obsolescence" You used to be able to buy a quality product and have it for a lifetime! Now you are lucky if it makes it 2 years! And this is all by design! Printers with a counter installed that makes it stop working after so many print jobs! Watch "The Light Bulb Conspiracy - Planned Obsolescence" on Rumble for more on that DESIGNED TO FAIL! But these same scumbags want to blame YOU for wasting resources! This is the #Parasite Class! Most are connected to the #Bankers who have usurped the real assets of the earth through usury People need to wake up to the FACT that these people are trying to wipe you out, remove you from the face of the earth! And they are serious about it! And they've done this before to our ancestors... SUCCESSFULLY! We must make certain they do not succeed this time https://youtu.be/nN3KxLdaJic
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1621 Visualizações
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