• Warning: Famous Gay Jewish Leader Wants to Rewrite the Bible Using AI

    You may want to avoid taking spiritual advice from a #Luciferian scumbag who has never created ANYTHING, nor can he!

    He will NEVER reproduce because he is gay, and he idolizes machines over MAN as he quotes scripture, which he opposes and knows NOTHING about because he has been deceived by Lucifer!

    Steer clear of this scumbag... and all of his #WorldEconomicForum buddies, who also control the #UnitedNations, the #WHO, #CDC and a whole host of other corporate entities attempting to wipe out mankind and create a "New World Order" where every human being on Earth will be a #Slave and serve Lucifer (Like him)

    These people are fairly intelligent morons, who have the ability to create "Problem-Reaction-Solution" scenarios that will lead mankind to it's destruction!

    They create the PROBLEM, whether it be phony terrorism, plandemics, financial crisis etc....

    That "Problem" is created to accomplish ONE THING!
    To get YOU to "Demand a solution" which is what they really want!
    It's the reason they created the PROBLEM!

    You must stop being suckered into these things!
    Or mankind won't survive!

    If you want to listen to some good advice, obtain some peace and wisdom, I'd crack open my bible! You'll find it there!

    You won't find it in an "AI Bible" I can assure you!

    Warning: Famous Gay Jewish Leader Wants to Rewrite the Bible Using AI You may want to avoid taking spiritual advice from a #Luciferian scumbag who has never created ANYTHING, nor can he! He will NEVER reproduce because he is gay, and he idolizes machines over MAN as he quotes scripture, which he opposes and knows NOTHING about because he has been deceived by Lucifer! Steer clear of this scumbag... and all of his #WorldEconomicForum buddies, who also control the #UnitedNations, the #WHO, #CDC and a whole host of other corporate entities attempting to wipe out mankind and create a "New World Order" where every human being on Earth will be a #Slave and serve Lucifer (Like him) These people are fairly intelligent morons, who have the ability to create "Problem-Reaction-Solution" scenarios that will lead mankind to it's destruction! They create the PROBLEM, whether it be phony terrorism, plandemics, financial crisis etc.... That "Problem" is created to accomplish ONE THING! To get YOU to "Demand a solution" which is what they really want! It's the reason they created the PROBLEM! You must stop being suckered into these things! Or mankind won't survive! If you want to listen to some good advice, obtain some peace and wisdom, I'd crack open my bible! You'll find it there! You won't find it in an "AI Bible" I can assure you! https://youtu.be/MmxxNwrIJf8
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4603 Views
  • Biden is NOT your problem! LOCAL GOVERNMENT implements all Tyranny NOT Biden

    Take control over LOCAL #Government in your area!

    EJECT #UnitedNations and #NWO controlled scumbags!

    Gather your ENTIRE COMMUNITY together and hold a #Vote at your next city council meeting and FIRE THEM ALL!

    You don't need GOVERNMENT to hold a vote of "The People" folks! The time for asking permission is OVER!

    #Police don't like it? FIRE THEM TOO!
    You are RULED OVER by your "Consent" to be ruled over!

    Biden is NOT your problem! LOCAL GOVERNMENT implements all Tyranny NOT Biden ALL OF OUR PROBLEMS ARE #Local PROBLEMS! Take control over LOCAL #Government in your area! EJECT #UnitedNations and #NWO controlled scumbags! Gather your ENTIRE COMMUNITY together and hold a #Vote at your next city council meeting and FIRE THEM ALL! You don't need GOVERNMENT to hold a vote of "The People" folks! The time for asking permission is OVER! #Police don't like it? FIRE THEM TOO! You are RULED OVER by your "Consent" to be ruled over! https://rumble.com/v2ecgr8-biden-is-not-your-problem-local-government-implements-all-tyranny-not-biden.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1082 Views
  • Watch #SecretsOfTheUnitedNations #Documentary

    #UN #UnitedNations #Agenda2030 #Sustainability #WEF #WorldEconomicForum #TheGreatReset #KlausSchwab

    Watch #SecretsOfTheUnitedNations #Documentary #UN #UnitedNations #Agenda2030 #Sustainability #WEF #WorldEconomicForum #TheGreatReset #KlausSchwab https://www.bitchute.com/video/UF5OO32VJWN1/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4598 Views

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