• W. M. Keck Observatory - Faintest Known Star System Orbiting The Milky Way Discovered From Hawaiʻi:


    #UrsaMajorIII #UNIONS1 #UMa3U1 #GravitationallyBound #LambdaColdDarkMatter #DarkMatter #LCDM #Cosmology #Astronomy
    W. M. Keck Observatory - Faintest Known Star System Orbiting The Milky Way Discovered From Hawaiʻi: https://keckobservatory.org/uma3-u1/ #UrsaMajorIII #UNIONS1 #UMa3U1 #GravitationallyBound #LambdaColdDarkMatter #DarkMatter #LCDM #Cosmology #Astronomy
    Faintest Known Star System Orbiting the Milky Way Discovered from Hawaiʻi
    Exploring the universe from the one of the largest, most scientifically productive telescopes on Earth.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 897 Views

    Some people don't understand that a country is inhabited by people belonging to the same ethnicity/race, who speak the same language, share the same culture, history and past, who eat the same typical, traditional, regional, national food and have the same customs, traditions and beliefs (today the ethnic peoples of #Europe are disappearing due to mass and uncontrolled #migration, #miscegenation, crossbreeding, #multiculturalism, racial and sexual #diversity, #homosexuality, the destruction of values and principles, forced #inclusion, same-sex unions —endorsed by the state and the Catholic church—, homoparental adoptions, substitution and replacement of the traditional family, #abortion —consensual murder of unborn human beings—, etc.).

    What the hell do foreign invaders (migrants, #refugees, asylum seekers, expats, exiles, etc.) expect to see/find in countries where the majority of the population is homogeneous, has the same origin, the same idiosyncrasy and believes in the same "god"? People of the same race as them? Mosques, synagogues, Buddhist temples, Shinto temples, Hindu temples? People who speak the same language as them? The same laws as in their home countries? Customs, traditions, beliefs and typical food of their home countries? They're NOT in their fucking shithole countries, they're in THE COUNTRY OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE!

    They should know that if they come to #Germany, they'll be surrounded by millions of Germans who OBVIOUSLY speak #German, who eat pork (pork-chops), potatoes and sausages, who drink beer, who love football, German cars and German women, who have similar physical features (due to our race) as well as similar or the same behaviors/attitudes/characteristics/traits typical of our nationality and culture.

    If you hate Germans so much, why the hell are you living in Germany? Stay in your home country so you don't miss your language, cuisine, laws, customs and traditions or move to a country that is similar to yours. Germany was NOT founded and developed by my ancestors for a horde of anti-German racists from the third world to come and tell us that we're "nosy", that we're "terrible drivers", that our food "sucks", that our language is the "worst sounding language in the world", that older German women shouldn't dye their hair (I remind you that older women in your countries dye their hair blonde, wear blue contact lenses and lighten their skin to "look" like older German/European women), that our rules, policies and laws are "ridiculous" and that we're "racist".

    Would you say the same if your country was invaded every single day by thousands of Africans, Middle Easterners and South Americans? If your culture, customs, traditions and beliefs were replaced with the "culture", customs, traditions and beliefs of people who hate your country and it population? If you had to deal on a daily basis with foreigners who insult you, beat you up and/or attack you just because you have a different skin colour? It's very easy to give your opinion and call us "racist" when you're not facing a population replacement ( #TheGreatReplacement ) and a planned genocide ( #WhiteGenocide ).

    On the other hand, I also think that the best Germans were killed in #WWI and #WWII, however, there are still Germans (descendants of those great men and women who died in both wars) who inherited not only their blood (lineage) but their character, willpower, mentality, courage, strength, dignity and pride and that we keep fighting despite having everything against us.

    I hope this Germanophobe has left Germany for good and never come back. We Germans don't need anything from invaders like him or any other.
    —GERMANOPHOBIA/ANTIGERMANISM: EXPOSING ANTI-GERMAN RACISTS. COMMENTS MADE BY GERMANOPHOBES AND TEUTOPHOBES (PART 1)— Some people don't understand that a country is inhabited by people belonging to the same ethnicity/race, who speak the same language, share the same culture, history and past, who eat the same typical, traditional, regional, national food and have the same customs, traditions and beliefs (today the ethnic peoples of #Europe are disappearing due to mass and uncontrolled #migration, #miscegenation, crossbreeding, #multiculturalism, racial and sexual #diversity, #homosexuality, the destruction of values and principles, forced #inclusion, same-sex unions —endorsed by the state and the Catholic church—, homoparental adoptions, substitution and replacement of the traditional family, #abortion —consensual murder of unborn human beings—, etc.). What the hell do foreign invaders (migrants, #refugees, asylum seekers, expats, exiles, etc.) expect to see/find in countries where the majority of the population is homogeneous, has the same origin, the same idiosyncrasy and believes in the same "god"? People of the same race as them? Mosques, synagogues, Buddhist temples, Shinto temples, Hindu temples? People who speak the same language as them? The same laws as in their home countries? Customs, traditions, beliefs and typical food of their home countries? They're NOT in their fucking shithole countries, they're in THE COUNTRY OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE! They should know that if they come to #Germany, they'll be surrounded by millions of Germans who OBVIOUSLY speak #German, who eat pork (pork-chops), potatoes and sausages, who drink beer, who love football, German cars and German women, who have similar physical features (due to our race) as well as similar or the same behaviors/attitudes/characteristics/traits typical of our nationality and culture. If you hate Germans so much, why the hell are you living in Germany? Stay in your home country so you don't miss your language, cuisine, laws, customs and traditions or move to a country that is similar to yours. Germany was NOT founded and developed by my ancestors for a horde of anti-German racists from the third world to come and tell us that we're "nosy", that we're "terrible drivers", that our food "sucks", that our language is the "worst sounding language in the world", that older German women shouldn't dye their hair (I remind you that older women in your countries dye their hair blonde, wear blue contact lenses and lighten their skin to "look" like older German/European women), that our rules, policies and laws are "ridiculous" and that we're "racist". Would you say the same if your country was invaded every single day by thousands of Africans, Middle Easterners and South Americans? If your culture, customs, traditions and beliefs were replaced with the "culture", customs, traditions and beliefs of people who hate your country and it population? If you had to deal on a daily basis with foreigners who insult you, beat you up and/or attack you just because you have a different skin colour? It's very easy to give your opinion and call us "racist" when you're not facing a population replacement ( #TheGreatReplacement ) and a planned genocide ( #WhiteGenocide ). On the other hand, I also think that the best Germans were killed in #WWI and #WWII, however, there are still Germans (descendants of those great men and women who died in both wars) who inherited not only their blood (lineage) but their character, willpower, mentality, courage, strength, dignity and pride and that we keep fighting despite having everything against us. I hope this Germanophobe has left Germany for good and never come back. We Germans don't need anything from invaders like him or any other.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 4127 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/belgian-mep-has-been-reprimanded-by-the-european-parliament-for-referring-to-the-european-unions-proposed-migration-pact-as-a-form-of-organised-population-replacement/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 248 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/belgian-mep-has-been-reprimanded-by-the-european-parliament-for-referring-to-the-european-unions-proposed-migration-pact-as-a-form-of-organised-population-replacement/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 273 Views
  • https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-italian-police-unions-sound-alarm-surge-officer-deaths-after-covid-19-vaccination/5848199
    Video: Italian Police Unions Sound Alarm Over Surge in Officer Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination
    All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel …
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 452 Views
  • https://americafirstreport.com/how-the-teachers-unions-embed-socialism-into-their-contracts/
    How the Teachers Unions Embed Socialism Into Their Contracts
    (The Daily Caller News Foundation)—From Boston to Los Angeles, teachers’ unions and their progressive counterparts have quietly devised an unprecedented
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 409 Views
  • ECETI News Protecting democracy is the platform the Democrats are running on. They have weaponized all the agencies; mainstream and social media have censored anyone who is in opposition or disagreement with the policies of the present administration. They have been using lawfare to censor and remove opposition. This included raids and jailing people for passing along Clinton memes. They are doing everything possible to remove the leading candidate off the ballot. This is the opposite of democracy. The truth of the matter is we are a Republic with God given natural unalienable rights with the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. Something the left and most democrats abhor. Their policies are not law most of which are unconstitutional and go against natural or common law. Know the difference. I would have to say almost everything they do goes against common sense.

    Government officials and the military swear an oath to protect the people and the constitution. In these matters the current administration and top military officials are a total fail. They have been lockstep in the global elite plan to take down America. How did leaving billions of dollars of weapons, tanks, helicopters, trucks in enemy hands behind help our military protect and provide security for the American people? How did funding Isis and Iran help bring peace to the middle east? How did vaccinating the troops with what is now known to be a bioweapon, the clot shot make our troops battle ready. What consequences did it have on our pilots many of which are now grounded? This is not rocket science. Allowing millions of illegal aliens, mystery men come across the border unvetted, unvaxed, giving them hotels, money, medical including sex changes, bussing and flying them across the nation dropping them off, how is this in Americas highest and best good?

    Our border patrol is reduced to processors, nannies and uber drivers. In some cases, democrats are passing legislation giving illegal aliens drivers licenses, pressuring them to vote democrat. This is nothing more than stacking the deck in upcoming elections, a bid for power and control at the people’s expense. The insurance companies are asking why no increase in policies, uninsured drivers are epidemic, car chases are off the scale along with deadly accidents often involving high speed chases, drugs, alcohol and human trafficking. They are now passing legislation for them to be able to buy a weapon. How can they do that with a straight face? How is that going to decrease the rapidly escalating crime wave already occurring. Looters are forming their own unions with guidelines. Break windows, destroy the buildings, show in numbers and take as much as possible. These policies and actions are undeniably breaking their sworn oath to protect the people. Does all this make you feel safe, warm and fuzzy?

    Taking money from hostile foreign nations, members of the global elite sworn to take down America is Treason and there is sufficient evidence this is being done all the way to the top. Yet no matter what they do they have a get out of jail card free. They can lie, steal, inside trade, take bribes, riot, loot, burn down businesses, homes and get a pass with the media and law enforcement in most democratic run states. The media is claiming these are peaceful demonstrations with businesses, cars, home burning in the background with ongoing looting and violence on camera. If you are conservative, prochoice, question their authority the book will be thrown at you. Most politicians are in the war and disease profiteers back pockets which is why you will never see an end to war and disease. This is all starring the American people in the face, it is undeniable.

    There are a few reasons for supporting this nonsense. One being corrupt, totally morally and integrity challenged. Another would be to be socially engineered to the point of cognitive dissonance. No matter how much evidence and proof is put in front of you it doesn’t matter. We are seeing this with TDS, Trump derangement syndrome. The Russian pee tapes never existed, there was never any Russian collusion, Trump has not been charged with or found guilty of insurrection yet they are taking him off the ballot for insurrection? Now they are saying Trump was on Epstein Island even though the court documents clearly stated he was not. The lame stream media is posting pictures of Trump, Clinton and Epstein trying to sell the lie that they are all together in this. In fact, Trump threw Epstein out of Mar Largo for hitting on underage girls. If you follow the continued law fare, they have no cases whatsoever, no evidence, no one harmed all they have is crooked DAs and Judges trying to keep him off the ballot. It called election interference. You would never know this if you allowed the majority of the main stream media to tell you what is happening.

    The polls are rigged, the elections were rigged, the ballots were harvested and faked, Joe can’t even fill a high school gymnasium even when he is paying for them to come. This is 1 plus 1 equal 2 math. The democrats can only run on the lies and deceptions fueling TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, they have nothing else. The economy is _hit, crime is through the roof, our borders are wide open, our military is the laughing stock of the world with Generals in dresses wearing lipstick. The worst joke on the American people is our current president. How many gaffs, poopy diaper and senile jokes do we have to hear? Joe needs to go along with the vast majority of his administration. The open border, the escalating crime, the runaway inflation, the food shortages, energy shortages, poverty and homelessness all are testimony to a total fail. It is as if someone else is in charge who hates America and is sponsoring everything possible to destroy it. Follow the money.

    All you have to do is put a grow light and a sand box in his back yard with a pack of pampers, record some seagulls and tell him he is at the beach. He would never figure it out. He never knows where he is, where to go and what to

    say incapable of even reading a teleprompter.

    What I am amazed at is no one is seeing this is all by design. Keep them sick, poor and stupid has always been their game plan. It is the game plan of the global elite. They want over 7 billion people dead, gone, off the planet in their own words and their depopulation programs are in full swing with wars and deadly debilitating vaccines. Your food and water in most cases has been corrupted not to mention chemtrails with heavy metals and biologicals. They want everyone divided, religions, cultures, races, genders how can you miss this. Do you think you and your family not a target because you are the right political party, culture, religion or race? If you play ball with them, do you think they will protect you. If you have played ball with them in the past you are even more of a threat because you know too much.

    There are a few brave souls combating this it is time to get behind them. Trump is the main character now. He is the only one with the backbone to take back America. He cannot be bought. Think of him what you want but know where those ideas came from and be brutally honest does the character assassinations, accusations, lies and slander have any merit? Do you have any firsthand experience or knowledge. Why do those in his inner circle, those who work for him love him? How can you know any of the attacks on his character to be true?

    Trump protected our borders, other countries admired us and respected our military, we had a great economy, jobs were up, crime was down, we were energy independent selling excess to other countries. What happened? If you can’t see what happened, the obvious then no words can explain it to you. If anyone continues to support this madness God/Creator/Great Spirit help you. You are critically thinking, research, morally and integrity impaired. You don’t deserve freedom. What you need is a wakeup call and it is coming.

    Nothing can stop what is coming. The planetary liberation is cosmic, multidimensional, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth is unstoppable. The entire Universe is behind it. There are two choices. The upward spiral living in harmony with each other and nature living a spiritual life according to Universal Law. The other choice is to be self-serving, lust for power and wealth at the expense of Humanity and the Earth, the downward spiral ending in social, economic and environmental collapse. Karma is accelerating. Everything is being revealed nothing will remain hidden. Time to make a choice. For those who missed it Universal Law is Universal Peace. Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. When you step out of Universal Law you create Karma. In some cases, it will be Truckma. Time to Unite, release the past, forgive yourself and others, transcend all religious and cultural boundaries and work together to end the tyranny, the enslavers, the war and disease profiteers, those promoting the divisions, the keep them sick, poor and stupid agendas. The group that is at war with the Creator in all creation. They serve different gods that thrive on death and destruction. We are all in this together. It is time to unite under Universal Law. A whole new world is waiting for us. A quantum leap in consciousness, energy and evolution. A world where spiritual technologies will look like magic.

    This message will be heavily censored so to counter that pass it far and wide.
    Be well, James Gilliland
    ECETI News Protecting democracy is the platform the Democrats are running on. They have weaponized all the agencies; mainstream and social media have censored anyone who is in opposition or disagreement with the policies of the present administration. They have been using lawfare to censor and remove opposition. This included raids and jailing people for passing along Clinton memes. They are doing everything possible to remove the leading candidate off the ballot. This is the opposite of democracy. The truth of the matter is we are a Republic with God given natural unalienable rights with the Constitution as the supreme law of the land. Something the left and most democrats abhor. Their policies are not law most of which are unconstitutional and go against natural or common law. Know the difference. I would have to say almost everything they do goes against common sense. Government officials and the military swear an oath to protect the people and the constitution. In these matters the current administration and top military officials are a total fail. They have been lockstep in the global elite plan to take down America. How did leaving billions of dollars of weapons, tanks, helicopters, trucks in enemy hands behind help our military protect and provide security for the American people? How did funding Isis and Iran help bring peace to the middle east? How did vaccinating the troops with what is now known to be a bioweapon, the clot shot make our troops battle ready. What consequences did it have on our pilots many of which are now grounded? This is not rocket science. Allowing millions of illegal aliens, mystery men come across the border unvetted, unvaxed, giving them hotels, money, medical including sex changes, bussing and flying them across the nation dropping them off, how is this in Americas highest and best good? https://www.eceti.org/home.html Our border patrol is reduced to processors, nannies and uber drivers. In some cases, democrats are passing legislation giving illegal aliens drivers licenses, pressuring them to vote democrat. This is nothing more than stacking the deck in upcoming elections, a bid for power and control at the people’s expense. The insurance companies are asking why no increase in policies, uninsured drivers are epidemic, car chases are off the scale along with deadly accidents often involving high speed chases, drugs, alcohol and human trafficking. They are now passing legislation for them to be able to buy a weapon. How can they do that with a straight face? How is that going to decrease the rapidly escalating crime wave already occurring. Looters are forming their own unions with guidelines. Break windows, destroy the buildings, show in numbers and take as much as possible. These policies and actions are undeniably breaking their sworn oath to protect the people. Does all this make you feel safe, warm and fuzzy? Taking money from hostile foreign nations, members of the global elite sworn to take down America is Treason and there is sufficient evidence this is being done all the way to the top. Yet no matter what they do they have a get out of jail card free. They can lie, steal, inside trade, take bribes, riot, loot, burn down businesses, homes and get a pass with the media and law enforcement in most democratic run states. The media is claiming these are peaceful demonstrations with businesses, cars, home burning in the background with ongoing looting and violence on camera. If you are conservative, prochoice, question their authority the book will be thrown at you. Most politicians are in the war and disease profiteers back pockets which is why you will never see an end to war and disease. This is all starring the American people in the face, it is undeniable. There are a few reasons for supporting this nonsense. One being corrupt, totally morally and integrity challenged. Another would be to be socially engineered to the point of cognitive dissonance. No matter how much evidence and proof is put in front of you it doesn’t matter. We are seeing this with TDS, Trump derangement syndrome. The Russian pee tapes never existed, there was never any Russian collusion, Trump has not been charged with or found guilty of insurrection yet they are taking him off the ballot for insurrection? Now they are saying Trump was on Epstein Island even though the court documents clearly stated he was not. The lame stream media is posting pictures of Trump, Clinton and Epstein trying to sell the lie that they are all together in this. In fact, Trump threw Epstein out of Mar Largo for hitting on underage girls. If you follow the continued law fare, they have no cases whatsoever, no evidence, no one harmed all they have is crooked DAs and Judges trying to keep him off the ballot. It called election interference. You would never know this if you allowed the majority of the main stream media to tell you what is happening. The polls are rigged, the elections were rigged, the ballots were harvested and faked, Joe can’t even fill a high school gymnasium even when he is paying for them to come. This is 1 plus 1 equal 2 math. The democrats can only run on the lies and deceptions fueling TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, they have nothing else. The economy is _hit, crime is through the roof, our borders are wide open, our military is the laughing stock of the world with Generals in dresses wearing lipstick. The worst joke on the American people is our current president. How many gaffs, poopy diaper and senile jokes do we have to hear? Joe needs to go along with the vast majority of his administration. The open border, the escalating crime, the runaway inflation, the food shortages, energy shortages, poverty and homelessness all are testimony to a total fail. It is as if someone else is in charge who hates America and is sponsoring everything possible to destroy it. Follow the money. All you have to do is put a grow light and a sand box in his back yard with a pack of pampers, record some seagulls and tell him he is at the beach. He would never figure it out. He never knows where he is, where to go and what to say incapable of even reading a teleprompter. What I am amazed at is no one is seeing this is all by design. Keep them sick, poor and stupid has always been their game plan. It is the game plan of the global elite. They want over 7 billion people dead, gone, off the planet in their own words and their depopulation programs are in full swing with wars and deadly debilitating vaccines. Your food and water in most cases has been corrupted not to mention chemtrails with heavy metals and biologicals. They want everyone divided, religions, cultures, races, genders how can you miss this. Do you think you and your family not a target because you are the right political party, culture, religion or race? If you play ball with them, do you think they will protect you. If you have played ball with them in the past you are even more of a threat because you know too much. There are a few brave souls combating this it is time to get behind them. Trump is the main character now. He is the only one with the backbone to take back America. He cannot be bought. Think of him what you want but know where those ideas came from and be brutally honest does the character assassinations, accusations, lies and slander have any merit? Do you have any firsthand experience or knowledge. Why do those in his inner circle, those who work for him love him? How can you know any of the attacks on his character to be true? Trump protected our borders, other countries admired us and respected our military, we had a great economy, jobs were up, crime was down, we were energy independent selling excess to other countries. What happened? If you can’t see what happened, the obvious then no words can explain it to you. If anyone continues to support this madness God/Creator/Great Spirit help you. You are critically thinking, research, morally and integrity impaired. You don’t deserve freedom. What you need is a wakeup call and it is coming. Nothing can stop what is coming. The planetary liberation is cosmic, multidimensional, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth is unstoppable. The entire Universe is behind it. There are two choices. The upward spiral living in harmony with each other and nature living a spiritual life according to Universal Law. The other choice is to be self-serving, lust for power and wealth at the expense of Humanity and the Earth, the downward spiral ending in social, economic and environmental collapse. Karma is accelerating. Everything is being revealed nothing will remain hidden. Time to make a choice. For those who missed it Universal Law is Universal Peace. Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. When you step out of Universal Law you create Karma. In some cases, it will be Truckma. Time to Unite, release the past, forgive yourself and others, transcend all religious and cultural boundaries and work together to end the tyranny, the enslavers, the war and disease profiteers, those promoting the divisions, the keep them sick, poor and stupid agendas. The group that is at war with the Creator in all creation. They serve different gods that thrive on death and destruction. We are all in this together. It is time to unite under Universal Law. A whole new world is waiting for us. A quantum leap in consciousness, energy and evolution. A world where spiritual technologies will look like magic. This message will be heavily censored so to counter that pass it far and wide. Be well, James Gilliland
    ECETI RANCH will be closing for the 2023 season September 18th th 2023 ​
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 18255 Views
  • https://www.christianpost.com/news/pope-francis-allows-priests-to-bless-gay-couples-unions.html
    Pope Francis to allow priests to bless gay couples but not perform marriages or civil unions
    Pope Francis has approved a measure that will allow Roman Catholic priests to offer blessings to same-sex couples, under the condition that the blessing is not considered akin to marriage and while ...
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 681 Views
  • https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/pope-francis-same-sex-unions-blessing/2023/10/04/id/1136972/
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 282 Views
  • On And On and Fraternities Rule

    I wish that people would understand when you try to tell them how much the television, movies, music, #Hollywood productions in general, and their supposed #Education (Including College) effect their minds AND their perception of reality itself!

    We never really THINK about how "Secret Societies" run the entire world! "College" is a Freemasonic indoctrination in which you are asked to swear allegiance to a FALSE Greek god to join a sorority or fraternity!

    You get a DEGREE just like in Freemasonry! You wear a "mortarboard hat" when you graduate, to symbolize that freemasons now own your mind!

    #Police in every city in America are members of "The Fraternal Order of Police" which is another Freemasonic type organization which exercises control and influence over police officers and policy decisions, along with their unions!

    I'm certain that besides the #BAR Association lawyers and judges have some type of secret orders too! I know they have "Organizations" like the "Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities" and others which can be found by searching for "Category:Law-related learned societies" on wikipedia. AND search for "Category:Legal organizations" also and the list will grow!

    ALL of these organizations and "Fraternal Orders" AND the "Alumni" of the colleges have likely pledged "Secret Oaths" to one another in which they agree to act on behalf of their organization ABOVE ANY OTHER OATHS THEY MAY TAKE
    (Like the one to "Protect and Defend the Constitution")

    Folks... the BAR Association controls the WORLD for the most part, under an illegitimate ADMIRALTY LAW SYSTEM which people have been deceived into "consenting" to!

    We MUST understand that these people have been indoctrinated into often ancient CULTS more than clubs! And they are controlled by these organizations! At least to a certain degree! Freemasons and Jews and Jesuits and Catholics of the Vatican and so many more people are working against ALL OF US!

    And every day we are allowing the indoctrination of more people into these CULTS!

    This is a video I posted a year or so ago.....
    I never realized these things myself until recently...

    EVERYTHING in this world system is pushing us all into a Satanic system! And we need to STAND UP and say NO MORE!

    It's a cult of CORPORATIONS operating under ADMIRALTY LAW that is deceiving people into "consenting" to enter the #Jurisdiction of their admiralty law SCAM!

    We need to learn to declare our sovereignty and STAND in Common Law!

    Staying completely clear of their admiralty law Slave System!

    We need to stay under COMMON LAW and live under The Father's Truth! It's the only "system" that we need!

    On And On and Fraternities Rule I wish that people would understand when you try to tell them how much the television, movies, music, #Hollywood productions in general, and their supposed #Education (Including College) effect their minds AND their perception of reality itself! We never really THINK about how "Secret Societies" run the entire world! "College" is a Freemasonic indoctrination in which you are asked to swear allegiance to a FALSE Greek god to join a sorority or fraternity! You get a DEGREE just like in Freemasonry! You wear a "mortarboard hat" when you graduate, to symbolize that freemasons now own your mind! #Police in every city in America are members of "The Fraternal Order of Police" which is another Freemasonic type organization which exercises control and influence over police officers and policy decisions, along with their unions! I'm certain that besides the #BAR Association lawyers and judges have some type of secret orders too! I know they have "Organizations" like the "Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities" and others which can be found by searching for "Category:Law-related learned societies" on wikipedia. AND search for "Category:Legal organizations" also and the list will grow! ALL of these organizations and "Fraternal Orders" AND the "Alumni" of the colleges have likely pledged "Secret Oaths" to one another in which they agree to act on behalf of their organization ABOVE ANY OTHER OATHS THEY MAY TAKE (Like the one to "Protect and Defend the Constitution") Folks... the BAR Association controls the WORLD for the most part, under an illegitimate ADMIRALTY LAW SYSTEM which people have been deceived into "consenting" to! We MUST understand that these people have been indoctrinated into often ancient CULTS more than clubs! And they are controlled by these organizations! At least to a certain degree! Freemasons and Jews and Jesuits and Catholics of the Vatican and so many more people are working against ALL OF US! And every day we are allowing the indoctrination of more people into these CULTS! This is a video I posted a year or so ago..... I never realized these things myself until recently... EVERYTHING in this world system is pushing us all into a Satanic system! And we need to STAND UP and say NO MORE! It's a cult of CORPORATIONS operating under ADMIRALTY LAW that is deceiving people into "consenting" to enter the #Jurisdiction of their admiralty law SCAM! We need to learn to declare our sovereignty and STAND in Common Law! Staying completely clear of their admiralty law Slave System! We need to stay under COMMON LAW and live under The Father's Truth! It's the only "system" that we need! https://rumble.com/vqiopo-its-on-and-on.html
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 5948 Views
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