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  • This idea is still clinging to my brain like a fly on shit.
    This idea is still clinging to my brain like a fly on shit.
    Since my time I have been able to vote, I have not voted due to the hypocrisy I was seeing in our election systems. Lack of transparency. The choice between two people. People yelling at other people from these factions. So now that people are blaming others for voting, do I get to blame all of you that have voted for presidents that have done wrong to others? That have lied to the American people? Have killed unsuspecting victims? Or do I know that this is a big task and being so self righteous to yell and tell others that they should know better.... well go fuck yourself then. Its what they want. Its what will keep them in power. The division. So I guess I get to blame all of you for the human problems associated with government. #freedom #freedomofspeech #america
    1 Comments 0 Shares 1173 Views
  • Moved down south about a year ago, and it is even worst here. Everyday is an adventure for me down here. And no joke, I have done what I said I was going to do during the writing of this post and let me tell you. I still haven't stopped laughing. If this post describes you and are upset, don't worry, I will come hold your hand. Then I will take my chew spitter and make you drink from it so that way it will take out the shitty taste that you put in my mouth.
    Moved down south about a year ago, and it is even worst here. Everyday is an adventure for me down here. And no joke, I have done what I said I was going to do during the writing of this post and let me tell you. I still haven't stopped laughing. If this post describes you and are upset, don't worry, I will come hold your hand. Then I will take my chew spitter and make you drink from it so that way it will take out the shitty taste that you put in my mouth.
    You know what has been pissing me off lately? White fucking males, no joke. Most are so afraid and let that fucking ego take over, in any form, that all it takes is for someone to say hello to them out of the blue, and they literally become nervous wrecks if you resemble even a minuet detail of something that they are afraid of from watching the news. Fucking amazing. All these mother fuckers talking about they remember when and this and that, and yet they have gotten so disconnected from their communities because they have gotten so fucking lazy in a mental sense, that they would rather put on a fake persona, and be scarred, then learn a thing or two, embrace the uneasy, and learn something. Otherwise, you really are as worthless as the other fucks. Family is great. But more than likely, that alone is not going to contribute to a better america. So tighten that belt, use your 1st amendment right, and if you look at me with those fake tough guy eyes, with all kinds of anxiety, I will now come up to you and hold your hand and watch as you can do nothing about it and just melt away into your anxiety. Grow the fuck up and if your not going to use your 1st amendment right, really go else where and quit sucking up all the good air. People need it to talk. ( And as far as introverts go, blah blah blah. It's a way of thinking when talking about psychology, and is a disease when talking about sociology. Otherwise, don't talk to nobody at all if people aren't allowed to talk to you. That's bullshit as well and is just as bad, if not worst.)
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  • Ways to take away culture
    -silence music
    -silence free speech
    -silence information
    -silence food
    -silence socializing
    -silence non vocal vocabulary
    -silence critisicm
    -silence art
    -silence your children
    -silence your mind
    -silence your ambition
    -silence your drive
    -silence your diversity
    -silence your will to live for something other than yourself
    -silence opinion
    -silence your focus
    -silence it all!
    Only without culture can we become unified.
    Fuck your unification.
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  • "It was holding on to hope, Arendt argued, that rendered so many helpless. It was hope that destroyed humanity by turning people away from the world in front of them. It was hope that prevented people from acting courageously in dark times." (Pertaining to a poem by: "It was holding on to hope, Arendt argued, that rendered so many helpless. It was hope that destroyed humanity by turning people away from the world in front of them. It was hope that prevented people from acting courageously in dark times.
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  • "For Thucydides, hope is a salve, an indulgence, a danger, and a cause of loss. In Hesiod’s Works and Days (700 BCE), which is central to Arendt’s discussion of hope in The Human Condition, he argues that it is only hope that was left in Pandora’s box after all the other evils escaped: ‘Only Hope remained there in an unbreakable home within under the rim of the great jar, and did not fly out at the door.’ Which is to say, one can glimpse hope only once evil has escaped into the world. (A more generous reading might be, we can hope to have hope, but only because we are surrounded by evil.)"
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  • The world is trying to make you submissive. That is power keeps power without questions or threats from outside the group. Submissiveness promotes submissiveness. Freedom promotes more freedom. Never stop.
    The world is trying to make you submissive. That is power keeps power without questions or threats from outside the group. Submissiveness promotes submissiveness. Freedom promotes more freedom. Never stop.
    An acceptable explanation as to why the outcomes of our passive behaviors have been more submission. Hence, Rich fucks acting a way in our presents, and acting another in the presence of others of the same group. This is from Bateson.

    "Complementary differentiation - To this category we may
    refer all those cases in which the behavior and aspirations of the
    members of the two groups are fundamentally different. Thus
    members of group A treat each other with patterns L,M,N, and
    exhibit the patterns O,P,Q in dealings with group B. In reply to
    O,P,Q, the members of group B exhibit the patterns U,V,W, but
    among themselves they adopt patterns R,S,T. Thus it comes about
    that O,P,Q is the reply to U,V,W, and vice versa. This differentiation
    may be-come progressive. If, for example, the series, O,P,Q includes
    patterns culturally regarded as assertive, while U,V,W includes
    cultural submissiveness, it is likely that submissiveness will promote
    further assertiveness which in turn will promote further
    submissiveness. This schismogenesis, unless it is re-strained, leads
    to a progressive unilateral distortion of the personalities of the
    members of both groups, which results in mutual hostility between
    them and must end in the break-down of the system.
    2 Comments 0 Shares 1172 Views
  • The mental warfare that we are all having to face together from all angles. Gaslighting is a technique that is learned through experience and usage. Number one tool of a fearful society.
    The mental warfare that we are all having to face together from all angles. Gaslighting is a technique that is learned through experience and usage. Number one tool of a fearful society.
    Was reading an article on #aeon (which is great if you enjoy those types of topics) and this really stood out to me. What this author said at the end really put my brain into crazy mode. #freespeech #america #usa #onenation #work #twentytwentyone #Twenty21 #psychology #unitedstates #freedom #collaborate #ownterms

    "Gaslighting is bigger than denying where you moved the car keys, or telling someone they’re overreacting or being too sensitive. This is a model for understanding systemic and structural oppression. The denial of a marginalised group’s history or experience not only flies in the face of data but of reality. Just giving voice to gaslighting at a societal level is a form of reparation, and can restore a clarity and truth to groups that have historically faced oppression. Society’s unwillingness to do so speaks to a commitment to undermine the sanity of many, in the name of maintaining power for a few. The time has come for us to strive for a humanistic meeting of the minds, a sort of ‘global congress of civility’, a commitment to pushing back on polarisation and creating a code of conduct for leaders and governments. The global epidemics of insecurity, inequality and their attendant uncertainty have turned the world into a childhood game of ‘King/Queen of the Hill’ played by adults, with damaging consequences for the most marginalised and least privileged. Totalitarianism and authoritarianism rely on gaslighting to silence and destabilise their citizenry. Far more than a cinematic trope, gaslighting is the tip of a toxic iceberg that undermines not just relationships, but the very foundation of civil society.
    What gaslighting does in exploiting trust, therapy can repair – Ramani Durvasula | Aeon Essays
    The skilful manipulator casts a shadow of doubt over everything that you feel or think. Therapy can bring the daylight in
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  • This is what Chinese business looks like from the inside. And, I say again, we still want to do business with these guys even after we know this? Is it worth it? #fuckchina #fuckcommunism #communism #murder #wtf
    Concentration camps and forced labor: China’s repression of the Uighurs, explained
    There is more and more evidence of China’s human rights abuses in Xinjiang.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1233 Views
  • Just remember the next time someone wants to talk about slavery with you. Doing business with China makes you guilty of allowing this to happen. Privileged much?
    Just remember the next time someone wants to talk about slavery with you. Doing business with China makes you guilty of allowing this to happen. Privileged much?
    Anyone see the connection here? This has already started with other people's beliefs being different than another's and using government and technology to enslave them. It still goes on and we want to do business with these mother fuckers? When did this become ok with everybody? #china #bigtech #fuckapple
    Apple, Nike, Coca-Cola Lobby To Preserve Slavery Of Uighurs By China
    American corporations are flexing their Washington influence to fight legislation curbing their ability to profit off Chinese slave labor.
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  • This previous MLK day, I only had one thing on my mind. That the number one "victim" in the country, Kamala Harris, shit on one of my heroes and continues to tarnish this man's great work for society. Makes me sick to my stomach.
    This previous MLK day, I only had one thing on my mind. That the number one "victim" in the country, Kamala Harris, shit on one of my heroes and continues to tarnish this man's great work for society. Makes me sick to my stomach.
    So, since today is MLK day, I will tear that bitch Kamala Harris a new one in light of her stepping on MLK's head for her own gain. She is a dirty whore that deserves to be exposed to everybody. To take such an icon in the community, who worked his ass off, in a time where you could actually get shot for voicing your opinion, only to be used by a person like Kamala who has done nothing but incarcerate people her entire career. Then she takes his struggle, write a book and use the lie for monetary gain, and whore your way to the top. So, for me, today, I will do my best to to stand up, for me, what is one of the biggest advocates of free speech, I will use my free speech to best show how this sick cum dumpster is nothing but that. #freespeech #freedom #fweedom #fuckkamala #MLK #firstamendment
    Kamala Harris appears to repeatedly plagiarize MLK anecdote
    A story Vice President-elect Kamala Harris told in a months-old magazine interview about her childhood has resurfaced after readers noticed parallels to a story told by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther K…
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