We celebrate, protect, defend and support marriage between one man and one woman, not two men and not two women, nor polygamy, nor polyamory.
    (Genesis 2:18-25; Matthew 19:4-6; 1 Corinthians 7:2; Hebrews 13:4; Song of Solomon; Malachi 2:16, Deuteronomy 17:17)

    We support childbearing and adoption by conjugal married parents, not gay, lesbian or transsexual parents, nor adoption by gay, lesbian or transsexual parents. (Genesis 5:32; 4:1-2, 25; 9:1; 9;7; 17:20; 28:3; 35:11; 48:4; Leviticus 26:9; 2 Samuel 9:6-7; John 19:26-27)

    We the People oppose and righteously judge the sins of homosexuality, lesbianism, transsexuality and pansexuality. (Romans 1:20-32; Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Genesis Chap. 18-19; Judges 19:22-28; 1 Corinthians 9-10; 1 Timothy 9-11; Jude 1:7)

    We the People oppose and righteously judge the sins of zoophilia. (Leviticus 11:44b; 18:23)

    We are not TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical females) or cissexual or cisgender women and men; we are heterosexual women and men based on binary sex and biology. (Genesis 1:27)

    We are not homophobic or transphobic, meaning we do not fear sexual deviants because they are only sinful human beings.
    Sex is binary, not gender-fluid. (Matthew 19:4)

    There are only two sexes, male and female only, as God created humans and animals. (Genesis 1:22)

    There are only two sexes for all mating animals; they are not gay or lesbian, nor gender-fluid. (Genesis 8:17)

    Women are women and men are men. (Genesis 1:27; 5:2; Mark 10:6)

    Transwomen (MtF) are not women and transmen (FtM) are not men. (Leviticus 20:13)

    We the People do not celebrate, support, protect, or defend sexual identity disorder, gender dysphoria, gay marriage, gay adoption, gay parenting, transsexual marriage and parenting. (Leviticus 18:22)

    We do not tolerate l.g.b.t.q.i.+ indoctrination of students from K-12 from anyone. (Matthew 18:6)

    Puberty and sexual development is not a life-threatening disease to be medicated, sterilized or surgically butchered.
    (Genesis 48:4)

    Fertility is not a life-ruining disease to be medicated, sterilized or surgically butchered.
    (Leviticus 26:9)

    We do not accept or tolerate paedophilia, or incest, or child sex trafficking, adult sex trafficking or labor trafficking, or rape, or abduction*, or child pornography. (Mark 9:42; Leviticus 18:6-18; Deuteronomy 22:25-26, 30; 1 Timothy 1:10*; Deuteronomy 24:7*; Exodus 21:16*; Genesis 14:10-16*)
    We do not accept or tolerate recruiting children into drag performances or gay strip bars or tranny twerk hour at church and libraries and schools. (Luke 17:2)

    WE SAY NO!!!

    WE THE PEOPLE OPPOSE SEXUALLY DEVIANT GROOMING OF OUR CHILDREN FOR TRAFFICKING PURPOSES BY SECRET SOCIETIES, THE ILLUMINATI, SATANIC PAEDOPHILES, THE L.G.B.T.Q.I.+, GLSEN, GLAAD, NAMBLA AND SECRET PAEDOPHILIA GROUPS IN THE US, THE UK, CANADA, NZ AND AUSTRALIA. We celebrate, protect, defend and support marriage between one man and one woman, not two men and not two women, nor polygamy, nor polyamory. (Genesis 2:18-25; Matthew 19:4-6; 1 Corinthians 7:2; Hebrews 13:4; Song of Solomon; Malachi 2:16, Deuteronomy 17:17) We support childbearing and adoption by conjugal married parents, not gay, lesbian or transsexual parents, nor adoption by gay, lesbian or transsexual parents. (Genesis 5:32; 4:1-2, 25; 9:1; 9;7; 17:20; 28:3; 35:11; 48:4; Leviticus 26:9; 2 Samuel 9:6-7; John 19:26-27) We the People oppose and righteously judge the sins of homosexuality, lesbianism, transsexuality and pansexuality. (Romans 1:20-32; Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Genesis Chap. 18-19; Judges 19:22-28; 1 Corinthians 9-10; 1 Timothy 9-11; Jude 1:7) We the People oppose and righteously judge the sins of zoophilia. (Leviticus 11:44b; 18:23) We are not TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical females) or cissexual or cisgender women and men; we are heterosexual women and men based on binary sex and biology. (Genesis 1:27) We are not homophobic or transphobic, meaning we do not fear sexual deviants because they are only sinful human beings. Sex is binary, not gender-fluid. (Matthew 19:4) There are only two sexes, male and female only, as God created humans and animals. (Genesis 1:22) There are only two sexes for all mating animals; they are not gay or lesbian, nor gender-fluid. (Genesis 8:17) Women are women and men are men. (Genesis 1:27; 5:2; Mark 10:6) Transwomen (MtF) are not women and transmen (FtM) are not men. (Leviticus 20:13) We the People do not celebrate, support, protect, or defend sexual identity disorder, gender dysphoria, gay marriage, gay adoption, gay parenting, transsexual marriage and parenting. (Leviticus 18:22) We do not tolerate l.g.b.t.q.i.+ indoctrination of students from K-12 from anyone. (Matthew 18:6) Puberty and sexual development is not a life-threatening disease to be medicated, sterilized or surgically butchered. (Genesis 48:4) Fertility is not a life-ruining disease to be medicated, sterilized or surgically butchered. (Leviticus 26:9) We do not accept or tolerate paedophilia, or incest, or child sex trafficking, adult sex trafficking or labor trafficking, or rape, or abduction*, or child pornography. (Mark 9:42; Leviticus 18:6-18; Deuteronomy 22:25-26, 30; 1 Timothy 1:10*; Deuteronomy 24:7*; Exodus 21:16*; Genesis 14:10-16*) We do not accept or tolerate recruiting children into drag performances or gay strip bars or tranny twerk hour at church and libraries and schools. (Luke 17:2) WE SAY NO!!!
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 8K Views
  • If transwomen are real women and transmen are real men, then I’m the queen of Egypt.
    PS – Draft all transmen for military service and assign them to combat roles, and exile all transwomen to Islamic nations! They would all be cursing the day they completed their so-called transitions. >:)

    “Reality Breaks Through As Female-to-Male Trans Swimmer Starts Competing on Men’s Team”
    If transwomen are real women and transmen are real men, then I’m the queen of Egypt. PS – Draft all transmen for military service and assign them to combat roles, and exile all transwomen to Islamic nations! They would all be cursing the day they completed their so-called transitions. >:) “Reality Breaks Through As Female-to-Male Trans Swimmer Starts Competing on Men’s Team” https://www.jihadwatch.org/2023/01/reality-breaks-through-as-female-to-male-trans-swimmer-starts-competing-on-mens-team
    Reality Breaks Through As Female-to-Male Trans Swimmer Starts Competing on Men’s Team
    New in PJ Media: Lia Thomas did it, so why can’t Iszac Henig? Lia is the University of Pennsylvania swimmer who performed indifferently on the men’s team and then proclaimed that he was a woman. Competing on the women’s team, lo and behold, suddenly he became a championship swimmer, breaking records left and right and winning an...
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 2K Views
  • The struggle is real.

    #NoUterusNoOpinion #Abortion #AbortionBan #PregnantPeople #PregnantMen #Trans #TransMen #LiberalLogic #LiberalHypocrisy #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease #DailyStruggle #NPCWojak #AbolishHumanAbortion #AbortionBan #OverturnRoe #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
    The struggle is real. #NoUterusNoOpinion #Abortion #AbortionBan #PregnantPeople #PregnantMen #Trans #TransMen #LiberalLogic #LiberalHypocrisy #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease #DailyStruggle #NPCWojak #AbolishHumanAbortion #AbortionBan #OverturnRoe #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
    0 Commentarios 1 Acciones 7K Views
  • Our ‘inclusive’ world is anything but – it excludes women, renames us and disappears us!

    So why are we now in the ridiculous position where in order to be “inclusive” we end up actually excluding half the population?

    #Trans #Transmen #DesexingofLanguage #Women #Female
    Our ‘inclusive’ world is anything but – it excludes women, renames us and disappears us! So why are we now in the ridiculous position where in order to be “inclusive” we end up actually excluding half the population? #Trans #Transmen #DesexingofLanguage #Women #Female https://www.telegraph.co.uk/columnists/2022/02/01/inclusive-world-anything-excludes-women-renames-us-disappears/
    Our ‘inclusive’ world is anything but – it excludes women, renames us and disappears us
    That this diminishing of women and our words is cheered on by so-called progressives makes me despair
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1K Views
  • Trans UPenn swimmer Lia Thomas is CRUSHED in women's 100m breaststroke and finishes fifth after being beaten by another transgender swimmer who is transitioning from female to male!

    A stunned parent told #DailyMail "I wasn't prepared for that. Everything is messed up. I can't wrap my head around this. The #NCAA needs to do something"

    #Trans #Transgender #Transwomen #Transmen #UPenn #Swimming #LiaThomas #IszakHenig #PennCheats

    Trans UPenn swimmer Lia Thomas is CRUSHED in women's 100m breaststroke and finishes fifth after being beaten by another transgender swimmer who is transitioning from female to male! A stunned parent told #DailyMail "I wasn't prepared for that. Everything is messed up. I can't wrap my head around this. The #NCAA needs to do something" #Trans #Transgender #Transwomen #Transmen #UPenn #Swimming #LiaThomas #IszakHenig #PennCheats https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10382019/Trans-UPenn-swimmer-Lia-Thomas-wins-200m-freestyle-race-two-seconds.html
    Female trans UPenn swimmer Lia Thomas is CRUSHED by male competitor
    Iszak Henig, easily beat out his opponents in the women's 100 yard freestyle, with a time of 49.57 seconds. Thomas, who finished fifth, finished with a time of 52.84 seconds
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1K Views

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