Speaking of hush money. Isn't that special?
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- #ConsiderThis, now that #Biden has #abrogated his duty on the #USBorder
#CloseTheBorder #BuildTheWall #JoeBiden @JoeBiden @POTUS
#KamalaHarris @KamalaHarris @VP #BorderCzar #BorderCzarHarris #ChooseOne #MakeAChoice #HigherWages #FightFor15 #OpenBorders #UnderTheTable #Hypocrisy #LiberalHypocrisy #DemocratHypocrisy #CommonSense #SimpleEconomics
#Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT#ConsiderThis, now that #Biden has #abrogated his duty on the #USBorder #CloseTheBorder #BuildTheWall #JoeBiden @JoeBiden @POTUS #KamalaHarris @KamalaHarris @VP #BorderCzar #BorderCzarHarris #ChooseOne #MakeAChoice #HigherWages #FightFor15 #OpenBorders #UnderTheTable #Hypocrisy #LiberalHypocrisy #DemocratHypocrisy #CommonSense #SimpleEconomics #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT - #Whoopi hates "#intolerance"
#WhoopiGoldberg #HateRunsDeep #TheIntolerantLeft #TheIntoleranceOfTolerance #Hypocrisy #LeftistHypocrisy #LiberalHypocrisy #Leftists #Liberals #Racism #ReverseRacism #Misandry #Antisemitism
#Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT#Whoopi hates "#intolerance" #WhoopiGoldberg #HateRunsDeep #TheIntolerantLeft #TheIntoleranceOfTolerance #Hypocrisy #LeftistHypocrisy #LiberalHypocrisy #Leftists #Liberals #Racism #ReverseRacism #Misandry #Antisemitism #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT - #AffirmativeAction is #wrong
#AbolishAffirmativeAction #BadForSociety #Discrimination #Racism #Sexism #LegalizedRacism #LegalizedSexism #RacismIsWrong #SexismIsWrong #LiberalHypocrisy #DemocratHypocrisy #HippieMeme
#Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
#AffirmativeAction is #wrong #AbolishAffirmativeAction #BadForSociety #Discrimination #Racism #Sexism #LegalizedRacism #LegalizedSexism #RacismIsWrong #SexismIsWrong #LiberalHypocrisy #DemocratHypocrisy #HippieMeme #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT - If they're not checking, then it's just empty rhetoric.
#Abortion #NoUterusNoVoice #feminist #Feminism #Feminazi #FeminismIsCancer #prochoice #LiberalLogic #LiberalHypocrisy #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease
#ProLife #AbolishHumanAbortion #RoeOverturned
#Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOTIf they're not checking, then it's just empty rhetoric. #Abortion #NoUterusNoVoice #feminist #Feminism #Feminazi #FeminismIsCancer #prochoice #LiberalLogic #LiberalHypocrisy #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease #ProLife #AbolishHumanAbortion #RoeOverturned #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT - Imagine such a world...
#1A #FirstAmendment #FreeSpeech #2A #SecondAmendment #RightToBearArms #NRA @NRA @NRACountry #MoreThanMuskets #RodSerling #TwilightZone #LiberalHypocrisy #LiberalLogic #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder
#Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOTImagine such a world... #1A #FirstAmendment #FreeSpeech #2A #SecondAmendment #RightToBearArms #NRA @NRA @NRACountry #MoreThanMuskets #RodSerling #TwilightZone #LiberalHypocrisy #LiberalLogic #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT - Which position is more #logical?
#2A #ProLife #Hypocrisy #LeftistHypocrisy #LiberalLogic #LiberalHypocrisy #DemocratHypocrisy #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #NRA @NRA #GunReformNow #GunControl #DefundPP #AbolishAbortion
#Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOTWhich position is more #logical? #2A #ProLife #Hypocrisy #LeftistHypocrisy #LiberalLogic #LiberalHypocrisy #DemocratHypocrisy #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #NRA @NRA #GunReformNow #GunControl #DefundPP #AbolishAbortion #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT - That's what they *say*, but...
#Abortion #RoeVWade #Progressives #NoUterusNoOpinion #Democracy #LiberalLogic #LiberalHypocrisy #UsefulIdiots
#RepealRoe #AbolishAbortion #AbolishHumanAbortion #SaveTheHumans #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOTThat's what they *say*, but... #Abortion #RoeVWade #Progressives #NoUterusNoOpinion #Democracy #LiberalLogic #LiberalHypocrisy #UsefulIdiots #RepealRoe #AbolishAbortion #AbolishHumanAbortion #SaveTheHumans #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT - The struggle is real.
#NoUterusNoOpinion #Abortion #AbortionBan #PregnantPeople #PregnantMen #Trans #TransMen #LiberalLogic #LiberalHypocrisy #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease #DailyStruggle #NPCWojak #AbolishHumanAbortion #AbortionBan #OverturnRoe #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOTThe struggle is real. #NoUterusNoOpinion #Abortion #AbortionBan #PregnantPeople #PregnantMen #Trans #TransMen #LiberalLogic #LiberalHypocrisy #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease #DailyStruggle #NPCWojak #AbolishHumanAbortion #AbortionBan #OverturnRoe #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT - Happy #EarthDay!
#HappyEarthDay2022 #HappyEarthDay #EcoRadicalism #JunkScience #DDT #SilentSpring #Malaria #ChildKiller #ProDeath #AntiHuman #SenselessDeath #LiberalHypocrisy #RachelCarson #HumansNotMosquitos
#Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOTHappy #EarthDay! #HappyEarthDay2022 #HappyEarthDay #EcoRadicalism #JunkScience #DDT #SilentSpring #Malaria #ChildKiller #ProDeath #AntiHuman #SenselessDeath #LiberalHypocrisy #RachelCarson #HumansNotMosquitos #Conservative #TEAParty #TGDN #PJNet #TLOT #TCOT #CCOT
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