People are so easily deceived!
    Elon Musk is an openly Satanic scumbag POS
    who wants to chip your brain people!

    He is NOT a "hero" or a "champion of #FreeSpeech" by any means!
    If you believe he is, try posting the Truth about #Jews on "X" and you'll discover very quickly that free speech does NOT live on X

    These people NEED you to "Vote" in their phony "Election"


    What you call "government" is a Corporation operating based on #Fraud and Deception, under a system of "Maritime Admiralty Law"

    And YOU MUST CONSENT for them to have #Jurisdiction over you! The "United States of America" is a CORPORATION

    It is NOT a "country" and is NOT YOUR "Government"
    It's an organized Crime ring that uses Maritime Admiralty Law to rule you like a Slave

    Since you are a living MAN or WOMAN and live on the LAND and not at SEA, you are within the JURISDICTION of common law.

    These people use trickery and deception to get you to "consent" to giving up your inalienable rights and becoming the
    "chattel property" of the corporation, and being ruled under maritime admiralty law

    While it's a brilliant scam...
    It's a SCAM nonetheless, and every MAN or WOMAN in America has been duped by these Political #Parasites, into being placed within the JURISDICTION of maritime law

    F*ck Trump and Elon....
    They are BOTH tools of Satan and Satan's Political System

    FREE MEN & WOMEN don't "vote" to have masters rule over them!
    They rule over THEMSELVES under COMMON LAW and do no harm to others

    "Voting" for who your slave master will be is NOT FREEDOM!
    It's an act of "giving your consent" to being removed from common law... And placed within the JURISDICTION of maritime admiralty law

    Where "black robed priests" make all of your decisions for you...
    And men with guns enforce unconstitutional "Statutes and Codes" on you!

    Every time you check the box declaring "I am a US Citizen" you are CONSENTING to being placed within the jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law, just like voting

    And STOP "consenting to be a SLAVE of these Satanic weirdos

    ELON MUSK OCTOBER 20, 2024 People are so easily deceived! Elon Musk is an openly Satanic scumbag POS who wants to chip your brain people! He is NOT a "hero" or a "champion of #FreeSpeech" by any means! If you believe he is, try posting the Truth about #Jews on "X" and you'll discover very quickly that free speech does NOT live on X These people NEED you to "Vote" in their phony "Election" YOUR "VOTE" IS YOUR "CONSENT" TO BEING RULED BY THEM! What you call "government" is a Corporation operating based on #Fraud and Deception, under a system of "Maritime Admiralty Law" And YOU MUST CONSENT for them to have #Jurisdiction over you! The "United States of America" is a CORPORATION It is NOT a "country" and is NOT YOUR "Government" It's an organized Crime ring that uses Maritime Admiralty Law to rule you like a Slave Since you are a living MAN or WOMAN and live on the LAND and not at SEA, you are within the JURISDICTION of common law. These people use trickery and deception to get you to "consent" to giving up your inalienable rights and becoming the "chattel property" of the corporation, and being ruled under maritime admiralty law While it's a brilliant scam... It's a SCAM nonetheless, and every MAN or WOMAN in America has been duped by these Political #Parasites, into being placed within the JURISDICTION of maritime law F*ck Trump and Elon.... They are BOTH tools of Satan and Satan's Political System FREE MEN & WOMEN don't "vote" to have masters rule over them! They rule over THEMSELVES under COMMON LAW and do no harm to others "Voting" for who your slave master will be is NOT FREEDOM! It's an act of "giving your consent" to being removed from common law... And placed within the JURISDICTION of maritime admiralty law Where "black robed priests" make all of your decisions for you... And men with guns enforce unconstitutional "Statutes and Codes" on you! Every time you check the box declaring "I am a US Citizen" you are CONSENTING to being placed within the jurisdiction of maritime admiralty law, just like voting LEARN HOW TO REMAIN IN COMMON LAW! And STOP "consenting to be a SLAVE of these Satanic weirdos https://old.bitchute.com/video/BbTWk9EI2oXo/
    Elon Musk October 20, 2024
    The various topics discussed today with the people of Pennsylvania Timestamps of the 47 topics addressed by Elon Musk a few hours ago in Pittsburgh. 1:49 Special guest: Senator James McCormick 7:22 Winner of the $1 million prize 10:43 Importance o…
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 499 Views

    Most people cannot even conceive of the #Evil which exists in the world
    They have been blinded to it through spells & witchcraft, and have been desensitized to it... Despite it taking place right under our noses!

    I thank the Father EVERY DAY for opening my eyes to the #Truth!
    I lived for 50 years blind as a bat, despite having 20/20 vision!

    KABBALAH'S SATANIC PEDOPHILE SECRETS EXPOSED (EXTREMELY IMPORTANT) Most people cannot even conceive of the #Evil which exists in the world They have been blinded to it through spells & witchcraft, and have been desensitized to it... Despite it taking place right under our noses! I thank the Father EVERY DAY for opening my eyes to the #Truth! I lived for 50 years blind as a bat, despite having 20/20 vision! https://old.bitchute.com/video/N4jJoMZR3XhG/
    Kabbalah's Satanic Pedophile Secrets Exposed (EXTREMELY IMPORTANT)
    Revelation 2:9-11 9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. 10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: be…
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 335 Views
  • Murdered FBI Chief's Last Interview Uncovered: 'D.C. Elite Are Satanic Pedophiles'


    Murdered FBI Chief's Last Interview Uncovered: 'D.C. Elite Are Satanic Pedophiles' https://rumble.com/v5f2ed9-murdered-fbi-chiefs-last-interview-uncovered-d.c.-elite-are-satanic-pedophi.html?e9s=rel_v2_ep
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 264 Views
  • I was doing some research on vacuum and happened across this little gem....

    To me it's just COMMON SENSE that "Sea Level" is an ALTITUDE applicable across the entire earth!

    I mean come on folks!
    Water is ALWAYS flat and level

    Therefore "Sea-Level" is the same across the entire earth!
    If the oceans were to rise, then sea-level would change!

    It says it right here in this "Guide to vacuum measurement" that
    "The oceans across the world are the same height"

    EXCEPT it calls the earth a "Planet" when it is actually a PLANE!
    When your feet are in the water in Japan, you are at the SAME ALTITUDE as a guy whose feet are in the water in the USA!

    At least ACT LIKE you have some sense!

    Water is demonstrably FLAT and LEVEL when not manipulated, that is why they actually have a thing called a "water level"

    Yet #NASA and "Public #Education" has brainwashed you into believing that you live on a whirling, twirling, water ball, where your feet are DOWN as people's feet in Australia are pointing UP at your feet!

    I was right there with you for a while...

    Thank goodness I came to my senses and realized that we live
    in a world of Satanic LIES, and Satanic LIARS.

    And thank Him for creating our beautiful and FLAT world!

    HOW would anyone know what is "under the sun" in the heliocentric fairytale?

    There's no "up" and "down" in "space"
    These things are created by #Buoyancy, #Density, and electrostatic charge!

    "Space" is FAKE... but if it were real, there'd be no "up" or "down"

    Ecclesiastes 1:9
    “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”

    Wake up to the TRUTH!
    I was doing some research on vacuum and happened across this little gem.... To me it's just COMMON SENSE that "Sea Level" is an ALTITUDE applicable across the entire earth! I mean come on folks! Water is ALWAYS flat and level Therefore "Sea-Level" is the same across the entire earth! If the oceans were to rise, then sea-level would change! It says it right here in this "Guide to vacuum measurement" that "The oceans across the world are the same height" EXCEPT it calls the earth a "Planet" when it is actually a PLANE! When your feet are in the water in Japan, you are at the SAME ALTITUDE as a guy whose feet are in the water in the USA! At least ACT LIKE you have some sense! Water is demonstrably FLAT and LEVEL when not manipulated, that is why they actually have a thing called a "water level" Yet #NASA and "Public #Education" has brainwashed you into believing that you live on a whirling, twirling, water ball, where your feet are DOWN as people's feet in Australia are pointing UP at your feet! That is the DUMBEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD! I was right there with you for a while... Thank goodness I came to my senses and realized that we live in a world of Satanic LIES, and Satanic LIARS. Give ALL GLORY TO THE FATHER! And thank Him for creating our beautiful and FLAT world! And remember.... THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN! HOW would anyone know what is "under the sun" in the heliocentric fairytale? There's no "up" and "down" in "space" These things are created by #Buoyancy, #Density, and electrostatic charge! "Space" is FAKE... but if it were real, there'd be no "up" or "down" Ecclesiastes 1:9 “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” Wake up to the TRUTH!
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 601 Views

    It matters NOT the Holy Day (Holiday) traditionally celebrated in America...
    Because they are ALL #Pagan and "Traditions of MEN" that you were warned of in your bible!

    People will make excuses, we've ALL been indoctrinated to celebrate these days
    and they ALL have special meaning to us all in some way or another...

    But I'm all about PLEASING THE FATHER!
    And celebrating / observing these PAGAN Holy Days DON'T PLEASE HIM!

    It actually does just the opposite!
    So I'm going to refrain!

    On a funny side note....
    As a rebellious young man, many years ago now, I'd sit and think about it....

    You know... How silly it is for EVERY AMERICAN millions of people, ALL doing the SAME THING on the SAME DAY!

    It just does not seem normal to me!
    It is like humanity is a bunch of trained monkeys!

    I enjoy time with the family, eating a good meal etc....
    But we can do these things ANY TIME!

    We were brainwashed to observe the "holidays" now celebrated in America!
    And we were LIED TO and told they had Christian roots!

    It's just another in a long line of deceptions
    And I for one, want to be DIFFERENT than every cookie cutter American!

    I'd rather stay home and buck the Satanic System we all live under

    THANKSGIVING IS ANOTHER LIE - WHY I DON'T CELEBRATE THIS OR ANY FALSE HOLIDAYS. It matters NOT the Holy Day (Holiday) traditionally celebrated in America... Because they are ALL #Pagan and "Traditions of MEN" that you were warned of in your bible! People will make excuses, we've ALL been indoctrinated to celebrate these days and they ALL have special meaning to us all in some way or another... But I'm all about PLEASING THE FATHER! And celebrating / observing these PAGAN Holy Days DON'T PLEASE HIM! It actually does just the opposite! So I'm going to refrain! On a funny side note.... As a rebellious young man, many years ago now, I'd sit and think about it.... You know... How silly it is for EVERY AMERICAN millions of people, ALL doing the SAME THING on the SAME DAY! It just does not seem normal to me! It is like humanity is a bunch of trained monkeys! I enjoy time with the family, eating a good meal etc.... But we can do these things ANY TIME! We were brainwashed to observe the "holidays" now celebrated in America! And we were LIED TO and told they had Christian roots! It's just another in a long line of deceptions And I for one, want to be DIFFERENT than every cookie cutter American! I'd rather stay home and buck the Satanic System we all live under https://old.bitchute.com/video/dofZL3OPNBxs/
    WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO! a re-upload from a few years ago. Today is the canadian thanks giving... When I learned that we are really celebrating the massacre of the north american Indians I knew that was wrong. All so called holidays of this world…
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 564 Views
  • The Order of the Skulls and Bones
    The Order of the Skulls and Bones
    This is something else. This is from my original thought on the subject along with some websites used as background information so enjoy. I put this work in paper form in my area and people were grabbing it up as soon as I've shown this pamphlet in my area. The Order of the Skulls and Bones is a secret society subordinate under the global elite that has existed for almost 2 centuries. To this day, the Skulls and Bones have meetings every year on Deer Island, which is part of the Thousands Island. It’s located in the St. Lawrence River, which is a few miles NE of Alexandria Baby, NY. People receive $15,000 for joining with no strings attached. Its 100% Satanic and evil to the core in its goal of wanting to
    create a New World Order. Some Skulls and Bones members want to have huge strategic power in the world. The new world order is basically about the establishment of an one world totalitarian, socialist, and communist government (with a one world currency, an one world police, etc). The Origin of the Skulls and Bones according to some researchers existed from the Bavarian Illuminati in Bavaria, Germany. Only males can join until recently, Jews were admitted in the early fifties, blacks have joined since 1949, and even homosexuals can join. One connection tying the Bavarian Illuminati and the Skulls and Bones together is that according to Esquire Magazine, on September 1977, from pg. 88: “..haunting
    photograph of the altar room at one of the Masonic lodges at Nuremburg that is closely associated with Illuminism. Haunting because at the altar room's center, approached through an aisle of hanging human skeletons, is a coffin surmounted by...a skull and crossed bones that look exactly

    The Order of the Skulls and Bones https://lust-for-life.org/Lust-For-Life/TheSkullsAndBonesExposed/TheSkullsAndBonesExposed.pdf The Order of the Skulls and Bones This is something else. This is from my original thought on the subject along with some websites used as background information so enjoy. I put this work in paper form in my area and people were grabbing it up as soon as I've shown this pamphlet in my area. The Order of the Skulls and Bones is a secret society subordinate under the global elite that has existed for almost 2 centuries. To this day, the Skulls and Bones have meetings every year on Deer Island, which is part of the Thousands Island. It’s located in the St. Lawrence River, which is a few miles NE of Alexandria Baby, NY. People receive $15,000 for joining with no strings attached. Its 100% Satanic and evil to the core in its goal of wanting to create a New World Order. Some Skulls and Bones members want to have huge strategic power in the world. The new world order is basically about the establishment of an one world totalitarian, socialist, and communist government (with a one world currency, an one world police, etc). The Origin of the Skulls and Bones according to some researchers existed from the Bavarian Illuminati in Bavaria, Germany. Only males can join until recently, Jews were admitted in the early fifties, blacks have joined since 1949, and even homosexuals can join. One connection tying the Bavarian Illuminati and the Skulls and Bones together is that according to Esquire Magazine, on September 1977, from pg. 88: “..haunting photograph of the altar room at one of the Masonic lodges at Nuremburg that is closely associated with Illuminism. Haunting because at the altar room's center, approached through an aisle of hanging human skeletons, is a coffin surmounted by...a skull and crossed bones that look exactly
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 851 Views
  • The Order of the Skulls and Bones
    The Order of the Skulls and Bones
    This is something else. This is from my original thought on the subject along with some websites used as background information so enjoy. I put this work in paper form in my area and people were grabbing it up as soon as I've shown this pamphlet in my area. The Order of the Skulls and Bones is a secret society subordinate under the global elite that has existed for almost 2 centuries. To this day, the Skulls and Bones have meetings every year on Deer Island, which is part of the Thousands Island. It’s located in the St. Lawrence River, which is a few miles NE of Alexandria Baby, NY. People receive $15,000 for joining with no strings attached. Its 100% Satanic and evil to the core in its goal of wanting to
    create a New World Order. Some Skulls and Bones members want to have huge strategic power in the world. The new world order is basically about the establishment of an one world totalitarian, socialist, and communist government (with a one world currency, an one world police, etc). The Origin of the Skulls and Bones according to some researchers existed from the Bavarian Illuminati in Bavaria, Germany. Only males can join until recently, Jews were admitted in the early fifties, blacks have joined since 1949, and even homosexuals can join. One connection tying the Bavarian Illuminati and the Skulls and Bones together is that according to Esquire Magazine, on September 1977, from pg. 88: “..haunting
    photograph of the altar room at one of the Masonic lodges at Nuremburg that is closely associated with Illuminism. Haunting because at the altar room's center, approached through an aisle of hanging human skeletons, is a coffin surmounted by...a skull and crossed bones that look exactly

    The Order of the Skulls and Bones https://lust-for-life.org/Lust-For-Life/TheSkullsAndBonesExposed/TheSkullsAndBonesExposed.pdf The Order of the Skulls and Bones This is something else. This is from my original thought on the subject along with some websites used as background information so enjoy. I put this work in paper form in my area and people were grabbing it up as soon as I've shown this pamphlet in my area. The Order of the Skulls and Bones is a secret society subordinate under the global elite that has existed for almost 2 centuries. To this day, the Skulls and Bones have meetings every year on Deer Island, which is part of the Thousands Island. It’s located in the St. Lawrence River, which is a few miles NE of Alexandria Baby, NY. People receive $15,000 for joining with no strings attached. Its 100% Satanic and evil to the core in its goal of wanting to create a New World Order. Some Skulls and Bones members want to have huge strategic power in the world. The new world order is basically about the establishment of an one world totalitarian, socialist, and communist government (with a one world currency, an one world police, etc). The Origin of the Skulls and Bones according to some researchers existed from the Bavarian Illuminati in Bavaria, Germany. Only males can join until recently, Jews were admitted in the early fifties, blacks have joined since 1949, and even homosexuals can join. One connection tying the Bavarian Illuminati and the Skulls and Bones together is that according to Esquire Magazine, on September 1977, from pg. 88: “..haunting photograph of the altar room at one of the Masonic lodges at Nuremburg that is closely associated with Illuminism. Haunting because at the altar room's center, approached through an aisle of hanging human skeletons, is a coffin surmounted by...a skull and crossed bones that look exactly
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 829 Views

    We are an illegitimate "authority" to begin with, we are "POLICY ENFORCERS" of the #Corporation of the United States, and we are unthinking, immoral, scumbags who believe that we have more rights than every other American...

    We are brain dead ZOT-BOTS who "Follow Orders" even when we are fully aware those orders are UNLAWFUL! Instead of arresting the #Criminal who GAVE those orders, we will unlawfully follow those orders to the letter

    We violate our sworn #Oath on a daily basis because we cannot BOTH "Protect and Defend the #Constitution of the United States" while simultaneously "Enforcing the STATUTES and CODES of our CORPORATE State"

    Because the "Statutes and Codes" we swear to enforce are

    You CANNOT serve two masters folks!
    You either uphold your sworn oath to the Constitution....
    OR you uphold the STATUTES and CODES of the Criminal Corporate "state"


    We wear a pentagram on our chest, or some other Satanic symbol, which must have some sort of effect over our minds, because we are ALL pieces of dung without empathy for ANYONE!

    I know what you'll say.... Some have pentagrams, but other Police and Sheriffs wear badges with 7 pointed stars... and others even wear 8 pointed stars!

    Well guess what???
    ALL of those have Satanic meanings too!

    Babylonian TALMUD meanings, Greek FALSE GOD meanings, Every FALSE RELIGION on earth holds these symbols to have meanings in their false doctrine!


    Whatever "training" these individuals have gone through likely involved at least some Satanic ritual abuse AND mind control technology!

    Because the simple fact of the matter is that they no longer even seem human!
    Police are just about ALL narcissistic, psychopathic abusers, who have zero empathy or compassion for anyone but themselves!

    They will gladly DO TO YOU
    what they would NOT want done to them!

    It's quite possible that psychopaths seek out positions of authority and control so that they can get away with their evil deeds and crimes....

    And it works very well for them since they are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE except in very rare cases, where their deeds draw national attention

    Scumbags all

    And these symbols being on a person all the time, and within their line of sight, along with the flashing strobes etc.... certainly has an effect on their subconscious mind and their actions!

    Plus the lack of accountability just encourages criminal behavior!
    WHY NOT break the "Law" if you KNOW you won't be punished?

    HIDDEN CAMERA: COPS Threaten DESPERATE Hurricane SURVIVORS We are an illegitimate "authority" to begin with, we are "POLICY ENFORCERS" of the #Corporation of the United States, and we are unthinking, immoral, scumbags who believe that we have more rights than every other American... We are brain dead ZOT-BOTS who "Follow Orders" even when we are fully aware those orders are UNLAWFUL! Instead of arresting the #Criminal who GAVE those orders, we will unlawfully follow those orders to the letter We violate our sworn #Oath on a daily basis because we cannot BOTH "Protect and Defend the #Constitution of the United States" while simultaneously "Enforcing the STATUTES and CODES of our CORPORATE State" Because the "Statutes and Codes" we swear to enforce are REPUGNANT TO THE CONSTITUTION! You CANNOT serve two masters folks! You either uphold your sworn oath to the Constitution.... OR you uphold the STATUTES and CODES of the Criminal Corporate "state" PERIOD! We wear a pentagram on our chest, or some other Satanic symbol, which must have some sort of effect over our minds, because we are ALL pieces of dung without empathy for ANYONE! I know what you'll say.... Some have pentagrams, but other Police and Sheriffs wear badges with 7 pointed stars... and others even wear 8 pointed stars! Well guess what??? ALL of those have Satanic meanings too! Babylonian TALMUD meanings, Greek FALSE GOD meanings, Every FALSE RELIGION on earth holds these symbols to have meanings in their false doctrine! LOOK IT UP! Whatever "training" these individuals have gone through likely involved at least some Satanic ritual abuse AND mind control technology! Because the simple fact of the matter is that they no longer even seem human! Police are just about ALL narcissistic, psychopathic abusers, who have zero empathy or compassion for anyone but themselves! They will gladly DO TO YOU what they would NOT want done to them! It's quite possible that psychopaths seek out positions of authority and control so that they can get away with their evil deeds and crimes.... And it works very well for them since they are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE except in very rare cases, where their deeds draw national attention Scumbags all And these symbols being on a person all the time, and within their line of sight, along with the flashing strobes etc.... certainly has an effect on their subconscious mind and their actions! Plus the lack of accountability just encourages criminal behavior! WHY NOT break the "Law" if you KNOW you won't be punished? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om4uTDe0tcs
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1012 Views
  • If you THINK that the #KGB we call #Police, and the "Order Follower Brigade" of National Guardsmen, The Coast Guard, and the rest of our #Military that has undergone Ritual #Satanic Abuse at the hands of the #Corporation you call "government" give a rat's backside about YOUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS.....

    Well.... You best be thinkin' again partner!
    Because they DON'T!

    There's only ONE WAY to stop #Criminals with guns, with or without a badge... And that is by using your firearm and deadly force!

    At some point
    (Hopefully BEFORE all of the guns are confiscated in the US)
    Americans must realize we have an illegitimate, corrupt, and criminal cabal pretending to "represent you" when in fact nothing could be further from the truth!

    They are "Representing" your DEMISE!
    You are already considered an "enemy combatant" by these scumbags who supposedly "work for you"

    Their desire is to demolish EVERYTHING, including YOU
    and to "Build Back Better"

    So keep that in mind, will you?
    If you THINK that the #KGB we call #Police, and the "Order Follower Brigade" of National Guardsmen, The Coast Guard, and the rest of our #Military that has undergone Ritual #Satanic Abuse at the hands of the #Corporation you call "government" give a rat's backside about YOUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS..... Well.... You best be thinkin' again partner! Because they DON'T! There's only ONE WAY to stop #Criminals with guns, with or without a badge... And that is by using your firearm and deadly force! At some point (Hopefully BEFORE all of the guns are confiscated in the US) Americans must realize we have an illegitimate, corrupt, and criminal cabal pretending to "represent you" when in fact nothing could be further from the truth! They are "Representing" your DEMISE! You are already considered an "enemy combatant" by these scumbags who supposedly "work for you" Their desire is to demolish EVERYTHING, including YOU and to "Build Back Better" So keep that in mind, will you?
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 556 Views
  • The great gun confiscation of Hurricane Katrina -- Part 2

    Here's more proof!

    This lady KNOWS what's up!
    When the piggies come for YOUR GUNS it's because they plan on doing something to you that you'd SHOOT THEM FOR!

    You don't EVER give up your means of self-defense!
    ANYONE who asks you to is YOUR MORTAL ENEMY!!!
    And a #Satanic #Criminal to boot

    #Police are known LIARS and known THIEVES!
    Just ask this lady, her property was never returned!

    The Police destroyed the worthless weapons,
    and stole those worth the big bucks!

    And THIS is who you trust to have the "Authority"
    over YOU and your children???

    NOT ME! These scumbags are my MORTAL ENEMIES today,
    and every day!

    I sincerely, as a Christian Man, would NOT piss on them if they were on fire! And I don't believe that to be a sin either!

    Because my Father HATES everything they stand for and everything they do daily. Police check EVERY BOX on this list!

    Proverbs 6:16 - 6:19

    16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

    17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

    18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

    19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

    The great gun confiscation of Hurricane Katrina -- Part 2 EVERY DAY I TELL YOU #POLICE ARE #CRIMINALS... Here's more proof! This lady KNOWS what's up! When the piggies come for YOUR GUNS it's because they plan on doing something to you that you'd SHOOT THEM FOR! You don't EVER give up your means of self-defense! ANYONE who asks you to is YOUR MORTAL ENEMY!!! And a #Satanic #Criminal to boot #Police are known LIARS and known THIEVES! Just ask this lady, her property was never returned! The Police destroyed the worthless weapons, and stole those worth the big bucks! And THIS is who you trust to have the "Authority" over YOU and your children??? NOT ME! These scumbags are my MORTAL ENEMIES today, and every day! I sincerely, as a Christian Man, would NOT piss on them if they were on fire! And I don't believe that to be a sin either! Because my Father HATES everything they stand for and everything they do daily. Police check EVERY BOX on this list! Proverbs 6:16 - 6:19 16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. https://youtu.be/kQNBre0uMew
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 593 Views
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