YES, they are!

    NOW THEY WANT US TO BELIEVE IN COTTON CANDY PLANETS LOL. NASA IS FULL OF SH*T! YES, they are! https://old.bitchute.com/video/w5wiPE9vonjQ/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 211 Views
  • Small stars may host bigger planets than previously thought, so the gap between the largest planets and the smallest stars is under Studying them to helps in understanding the processes of star formation and the properties of objects that are too small to ignite into stars but too large to be considered planets.
    Small stars may host bigger planets than previously thought, so the gap between the largest planets and the smallest stars is under Studying them to helps in understanding the processes of star formation and the properties of objects that are too small to ignite into stars but too large to be considered planets.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 317 Views
  • A Full Strawberry Moon approaches completion during the night of the Summer Solstice of 2024. Saturn and Neptune follow in the eastern sky as the reddish planet Mars, walking behind these two gaseous planets, fades into the summer sunrise.

    #FullStrawberryMoon #StrawberryMoon #FullMoon #Moon #SummerSolstice #Solstice #NightSky #Astronomy

    A Full Strawberry Moon approaches completion during the night of the Summer Solstice of 2024. Saturn and Neptune follow in the eastern sky as the reddish planet Mars, walking behind these two gaseous planets, fades into the summer sunrise. #FullStrawberryMoon #StrawberryMoon #FullMoon #Moon #SummerSolstice #Solstice #NightSky #Astronomy https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/everything-you-need-to-know-june-solstice/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1562 Views
  • Like many of you trying to digest the state of affairs in today’s Universe I too am very confused.
    Where to start?
    3000 light years away from now till September a once in a lifetime event. The brightness never to be seen again by you, the birth of a star.
    From our own solar system, climate changing in all stages , in all planets for a 50K to 250K years are all changing. Not by season but by 100’s of 1000’s years.
    On earth, the most powerful men & woman are comparing genitals for power over the peasants. By the way, that’s you and me. No mater what your status, if you’re reading this, your part of those being set up like sheep to be sheared.
    For G-D’s sake don’t read this, you’ll just get more confused.
    It’s OK, nobody else does either. Remember it’s for my therapy not yours.
    Like many of you trying to digest the state of affairs in today’s Universe I too am very confused. Where to start? 3000 light years away from now till September a once in a lifetime event. The brightness never to be seen again by you, the birth of a star. From our own solar system, climate changing in all stages , in all planets for a 50K to 250K years are all changing. Not by season but by 100’s of 1000’s years. On earth, the most powerful men & woman are comparing genitals for power over the peasants. By the way, that’s you and me. No mater what your status, if you’re reading this, your part of those being set up like sheep to be sheared. For G-D’s sake don’t read this, you’ll just get more confused. It’s OK, nobody else does either. Remember it’s for my therapy not yours. JPL
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1062 Views
  • https://it.scribd.com/document/737259933/Planet-Shapes Planets are formed in a spherical shape
    https://it.scribd.com/document/737259933/Planet-Shapes Planets are formed in a spherical shape
    0 Comments 0 Shares 431 Views
  • A perfect alignment of all eight planets in our solar system
    - May 04, 2024
    A perfect alignment of all eight planets in our solar system, where they line up in a single straight line, is virtually impossible. This is because the planets don't orbit the sun on the same flat plane. Instead, they travel around the sun on slightly tilted elliptical paths.

    Even a near perfect alignment, where all eight planets are clustered together in a small region of sky, is incredibly rare.

    Estimates suggest a full alignment of all eight planets within 1 degree of each other happens roughly every 13.4 trillion years.
    The next time all eight planets will be in the same 180-degree slice of sky is predicted to be on May 6, 2492.
    However, we can see alignments of some of the planets from time to time. These gatherings are more frequent and don't have any significant effect on Earth. For example, on February 28, 2025, seven of the eight planets will be visible in the pre-dawn sky.

    A perfect alignment of all eight planets in our solar system - May 04, 2024 A perfect alignment of all eight planets in our solar system, where they line up in a single straight line, is virtually impossible. This is because the planets don't orbit the sun on the same flat plane. Instead, they travel around the sun on slightly tilted elliptical paths. Even a near perfect alignment, where all eight planets are clustered together in a small region of sky, is incredibly rare. Estimates suggest a full alignment of all eight planets within 1 degree of each other happens roughly every 13.4 trillion years. The next time all eight planets will be in the same 180-degree slice of sky is predicted to be on May 6, 2492. However, we can see alignments of some of the planets from time to time. These gatherings are more frequent and don't have any significant effect on Earth. For example, on February 28, 2025, seven of the eight planets will be visible in the pre-dawn sky.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 884 Views
  • The Planet 9 in the Outer Solar System
    - April 22, 2024

    Evidence Of A Massive Object Beyond The Orbit Of Neptune and the solar system’s distant reaches exhibit a wealth of anomalous dynamical structure. NASA researchers have found mathematical evidence suggesting there may be a "Planet X" deep in the solar system.

    The outer reaches of our solar system, beyond the orbit of Neptune, are home to a vast number of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). These are generally small, icy bodies that orbit the sun at distances greater than 30 astronomical units (AU), where one AU is the average distance between Earth and the sun. Over 3,000 TNOs have been identified, including dwarf planets like Pluto and Eris, as well as smaller Kuiper Belt objects. These objects are far enough from Neptune that its gravity doesn't significantly affect them; instead, they're mostly tied to the solar system by the distant pull of the sun.

    Anomalies in the Outer Solar System

    Interestingly, the orbits of some of these TNOs exhibit anomalous structures, hinting at the presence of a yet-undetected, massive trans-Neptunian body, often referred to as Planet 9. For instance, a group of extreme trans-Neptunian objects (ETNOs), bodies that orbit the Sun at distances averaging more than 250 times that of the Earth, show peculiar clustering of orbits. These ETNOs tend to make their closest approaches to the Sun in one sector, and their orbits are similarly tilted. These alignments suggest that an undiscovered planet may be shepherding the orbits of the most distant known Solar System objects.

    The Planet 9 Hypothesis

    The Planet 9 hypothesis proposes the existence of a massive planet beyond Neptune that could explain these unusual orbital alignments. This hypothetical planet, if it exists, is believed to be a super-Earth or ice giant, 2 to 15 times the mass of the Earth and beyond 200 AU, possibly with a highly inclined orbit at some 1,500 AU. However, it's important to note that this is still a hypothesis, and the existence of Planet 9 has not been confirmed.

    Alternative Explanations

    While the Planet 9 hypothesis is compelling, it's not the only explanation for the observed anomalies. Some researchers have proposed that the gravitational influence of a massive, extended disc beyond Neptune could account for the peculiar orbits of some TNOs. This model suggests that the combined action of the giant outer planets and this disc could explain the spatially clustered orbits of some TNOs.


    In conclusion, the anomalous dynamical structures observed in the orbits of trans-Neptunian objects hint at the presence of a yet-undetected, massive body beyond Neptune, often referred to as Planet 9. However, this remains a hypothesis, and alternative explanations, such as the influence of a massive, extended disc beyond Neptune, have also been proposed. Further observations and studies are needed to confirm or refute these theories. The mathematical calculation of a planets could explain the unique orbits of some smaller objects in the Kuiper Belt, a distant region of icy debris that extends far beyond the orbit of Neptune.
    The Planet 9 in the Outer Solar System - April 22, 2024 Introduction Evidence Of A Massive Object Beyond The Orbit Of Neptune and the solar system’s distant reaches exhibit a wealth of anomalous dynamical structure. NASA researchers have found mathematical evidence suggesting there may be a "Planet X" deep in the solar system. The outer reaches of our solar system, beyond the orbit of Neptune, are home to a vast number of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). These are generally small, icy bodies that orbit the sun at distances greater than 30 astronomical units (AU), where one AU is the average distance between Earth and the sun. Over 3,000 TNOs have been identified, including dwarf planets like Pluto and Eris, as well as smaller Kuiper Belt objects. These objects are far enough from Neptune that its gravity doesn't significantly affect them; instead, they're mostly tied to the solar system by the distant pull of the sun. Anomalies in the Outer Solar System Interestingly, the orbits of some of these TNOs exhibit anomalous structures, hinting at the presence of a yet-undetected, massive trans-Neptunian body, often referred to as Planet 9. For instance, a group of extreme trans-Neptunian objects (ETNOs), bodies that orbit the Sun at distances averaging more than 250 times that of the Earth, show peculiar clustering of orbits. These ETNOs tend to make their closest approaches to the Sun in one sector, and their orbits are similarly tilted. These alignments suggest that an undiscovered planet may be shepherding the orbits of the most distant known Solar System objects. The Planet 9 Hypothesis The Planet 9 hypothesis proposes the existence of a massive planet beyond Neptune that could explain these unusual orbital alignments. This hypothetical planet, if it exists, is believed to be a super-Earth or ice giant, 2 to 15 times the mass of the Earth and beyond 200 AU, possibly with a highly inclined orbit at some 1,500 AU. However, it's important to note that this is still a hypothesis, and the existence of Planet 9 has not been confirmed. Alternative Explanations While the Planet 9 hypothesis is compelling, it's not the only explanation for the observed anomalies. Some researchers have proposed that the gravitational influence of a massive, extended disc beyond Neptune could account for the peculiar orbits of some TNOs. This model suggests that the combined action of the giant outer planets and this disc could explain the spatially clustered orbits of some TNOs. Conclusion In conclusion, the anomalous dynamical structures observed in the orbits of trans-Neptunian objects hint at the presence of a yet-undetected, massive body beyond Neptune, often referred to as Planet 9. However, this remains a hypothesis, and alternative explanations, such as the influence of a massive, extended disc beyond Neptune, have also been proposed. Further observations and studies are needed to confirm or refute these theories. The mathematical calculation of a planets could explain the unique orbits of some smaller objects in the Kuiper Belt, a distant region of icy debris that extends far beyond the orbit of Neptune.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1721 Views
  • Extraterrestrial Life and the Search for Aliens
    Search for extraterrestrial life,new paper suggests Aliens Already have engeignerez others planet beyond our solar system.

    The paper argues that searching for these types of techno signatures could be more promising than just looking for direct communication signals from alien civilizations. The authors note that even an advanced alien civilization may not be actively trying to contact us, but they may still inadvertently leave behind detectable evidence of their presence and technological capabilities.

    Overall, the paper proposes an intriguing new approach to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) that focuses on identifying potential signs of alien-engineered planetary systems rather than just radio signals. The authors hope this will open up new avenues for discovering advanced life elsewhere in the universe.

    The search for extraterrestrial life is not limited to our own solar system. Scientists have been studying exoplanets, which are planets that orbit stars outside of our solar system. The discovery of exoplanets has expanded our understanding of the potential for life beyond Earth. However, it is important to note that our knowledge of exoplanets is still limited, and we are only beginning to explore their potential habitability.

    Critically évaluation the sources and evidence to ensure their reliability. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and the Worldwide research community carefully scrutinizes such claims to ensure the integrity of the new History and Civilization about this Planet.
    Extraterrestrial Life and the Search for Aliens Search for extraterrestrial life,new paper suggests Aliens Already have engeignerez others planet beyond our solar system. The paper argues that searching for these types of techno signatures could be more promising than just looking for direct communication signals from alien civilizations. The authors note that even an advanced alien civilization may not be actively trying to contact us, but they may still inadvertently leave behind detectable evidence of their presence and technological capabilities. Overall, the paper proposes an intriguing new approach to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) that focuses on identifying potential signs of alien-engineered planetary systems rather than just radio signals. The authors hope this will open up new avenues for discovering advanced life elsewhere in the universe. The search for extraterrestrial life is not limited to our own solar system. Scientists have been studying exoplanets, which are planets that orbit stars outside of our solar system. The discovery of exoplanets has expanded our understanding of the potential for life beyond Earth. However, it is important to note that our knowledge of exoplanets is still limited, and we are only beginning to explore their potential habitability. Critically évaluation the sources and evidence to ensure their reliability. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and the Worldwide research community carefully scrutinizes such claims to ensure the integrity of the new History and Civilization about this Planet.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2267 Views
  • W1935, a brown dwarf
    known as W1935 is more massive than Jupiter, and exhibited infrared emissions from methane — a finding that has puzzled scientists due to the brown dwarf's cold nature and lack of a host star to provide energy for such atmospheric phenomena.

    W1935, a brown dwarf located 47 light-years from Earth, has intrigued astronomers with its unexpected behavior. Despite being more massive than Jupiter and lacking a host star, it exhibits infrared emissions from methane in its upper atmosphere. This phenomenon is puzzling because the brown dwarf is cold and lacks an obvious energy source to fuel such atmospheric processes

    On Earth, aurorae are created when energetic particles from the Sun interact with our magnetic field, producing captivating curtains of light near the poles. Similarly, Jupiter and Saturn have auroral processes, including contributions from their active moons like Io and Enceladus. However, for isolated brown dwarfs like W1935, the absence of a stellar wind complicates the explanation for the extra energy needed to produce methane glow. Scientists speculate that internal processes or interactions with interstellar plasma or nearby active moons may play a role in this intriguing phenomenon.

    The discovery of methane emission on W1935 is akin to a fascinating detective story, unraveling the mysteries of celestial phenomena.

    Mysterious aurora over 'failed star' 'shocking' discovery that transformed into pure fantasy the astrophysics of today and education into university worldwide.

    The recent discovery of a mysterious aurora around a brown dwarf has left astronomers astounded. This celestial body, known as W1935, is larger than Jupiter and exhibits infrared emissions from methane in its upper atmosphere. What makes this finding even more intriguing is that W1935 lacks a host star to provide energy for such atmospheric phenomena.

    Let’s delve into the captivating details:

    Brown Dwarfs: These enigmatic objects are larger than gas giant planets but smaller than stars. They form similarly to stars, arising from collapsing clouds of gas and dust. Brown dwarfs are often isolated, just like W1935. Their nickname, “failed stars,” stems from their inability to sustain nuclear fusion like main-sequence stars.

    Auroras: On Earth, we witness auroras as the mesmerizing northern and southern lights. These luminous displays occur when charged solar particles interact with molecules in our atmosphere. Auroras are also observed on other planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, and over active moons like Io and Enceladus. However, W1935’s aurora is baffling because there are no nearby stars to supply charged particles for this phenomenon .

    Infrared Clues: The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) detected the potential aurora over W1935 through infrared emissions from methane. Similar emissions occur on Jupiter and Saturn due to charged particles heating their atmospheres and creating aurorae. Scientists speculate that internal processes within W1935 or interactions with interstellar plasma might be responsible for its mysterious glow. Alternatively, an influx of particles from a nearby active moon could play a role.

    This discovery transforms the astrophysics of today, sparking curiosity and wonder across universities worldwide. The universe continues to surprise us with its hidden secrets, inviting us to explore further into the cosmic unknown.

    W1935, a brown dwarf known as W1935 is more massive than Jupiter, and exhibited infrared emissions from methane — a finding that has puzzled scientists due to the brown dwarf's cold nature and lack of a host star to provide energy for such atmospheric phenomena. W1935, a brown dwarf located 47 light-years from Earth, has intrigued astronomers with its unexpected behavior. Despite being more massive than Jupiter and lacking a host star, it exhibits infrared emissions from methane in its upper atmosphere. This phenomenon is puzzling because the brown dwarf is cold and lacks an obvious energy source to fuel such atmospheric processes On Earth, aurorae are created when energetic particles from the Sun interact with our magnetic field, producing captivating curtains of light near the poles. Similarly, Jupiter and Saturn have auroral processes, including contributions from their active moons like Io and Enceladus. However, for isolated brown dwarfs like W1935, the absence of a stellar wind complicates the explanation for the extra energy needed to produce methane glow. Scientists speculate that internal processes or interactions with interstellar plasma or nearby active moons may play a role in this intriguing phenomenon. The discovery of methane emission on W1935 is akin to a fascinating detective story, unraveling the mysteries of celestial phenomena. Mysterious aurora over 'failed star' 'shocking' discovery that transformed into pure fantasy the astrophysics of today and education into university worldwide. The recent discovery of a mysterious aurora around a brown dwarf has left astronomers astounded. This celestial body, known as W1935, is larger than Jupiter and exhibits infrared emissions from methane in its upper atmosphere. What makes this finding even more intriguing is that W1935 lacks a host star to provide energy for such atmospheric phenomena. Let’s delve into the captivating details: Brown Dwarfs: These enigmatic objects are larger than gas giant planets but smaller than stars. They form similarly to stars, arising from collapsing clouds of gas and dust. Brown dwarfs are often isolated, just like W1935. Their nickname, “failed stars,” stems from their inability to sustain nuclear fusion like main-sequence stars. Auroras: On Earth, we witness auroras as the mesmerizing northern and southern lights. These luminous displays occur when charged solar particles interact with molecules in our atmosphere. Auroras are also observed on other planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, and over active moons like Io and Enceladus. However, W1935’s aurora is baffling because there are no nearby stars to supply charged particles for this phenomenon . Infrared Clues: The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) detected the potential aurora over W1935 through infrared emissions from methane. Similar emissions occur on Jupiter and Saturn due to charged particles heating their atmospheres and creating aurorae. Scientists speculate that internal processes within W1935 or interactions with interstellar plasma might be responsible for its mysterious glow. Alternatively, an influx of particles from a nearby active moon could play a role. This discovery transforms the astrophysics of today, sparking curiosity and wonder across universities worldwide. The universe continues to surprise us with its hidden secrets, inviting us to explore further into the cosmic unknown.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3830 Views
  • Giant planets orbiting white dwarfs
    A white dwarf for astronomers of this planet is the stellar core left behind after a dying star has exhausted its nuclear fuel and expelled its outer layers to form a planetary nebula.
    Giant planets orbiting white dwarfs A white dwarf for astronomers of this planet is the stellar core left behind after a dying star has exhausted its nuclear fuel and expelled its outer layers to form a planetary nebula.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 975 Views
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