• #NATO State’s President Calls for ‘Decolonization’ Coup of #Russia - #Poland’s Andrzej Duda has suggested that different #ethnic groups should revolt against #Moscow’s rule. - https://www.rt.com/russia/599395-nato-state-leader-calls-for/
    #NATO State’s President Calls for ‘Decolonization’ Coup of #Russia - #Poland’s Andrzej Duda has suggested that different #ethnic groups should revolt against #Moscow’s rule. - https://www.rt.com/russia/599395-nato-state-leader-calls-for/
    NATO state’s president calls for ‘decolonization’ of Russia
    The Polish president has labeled Russia “the largest colonial empire” in the world
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  • CIA Director William Burns admitted in 2008 that NATO expansion to Ukraine crosses Moscow’s “redlines” and "could potentially split the country in two, leading to violence or even, some claim, civil war, which would force Russia to decide whether to intervene.”
    CIA Director William Burns admitted in 2008 that NATO expansion to Ukraine crosses Moscow’s “redlines” and "could potentially split the country in two, leading to violence or even, some claim, civil war, which would force Russia to decide whether to intervene.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 124 Views
  • The West Portrays Russia As The Aggressor While Ignoring Moscow’s Calls For Peace
    The West Portrays Russia As The Aggressor While Ignoring Moscow’s Calls For Peace https://rumble.com/v2ava0y-the-west-portrays-russia-as-aggressor-while-ignoring-moscows-calls-for-peac.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 146 Views
  • The hit on the Moskva was a NATO operation, ordered by the U.S. The Russian Ministry of Defense knows – and the Americans know they know. Retaliation will come – in the time and place of Moscow’s choosing. The same will apply to the response for Darya Dugina’s assassination.
    The hit on the Moskva was a NATO operation, ordered by the U.S. The Russian Ministry of Defense knows – and the Americans know they know. Retaliation will come – in the time and place of Moscow’s choosing. The same will apply to the response for Darya Dugina’s assassination. https://www.unz.com/pescobar/which-crime-syndicate-murdered-darya-dugina/
    Which Crime Syndicate Murdered Darya Dugina?
    [image][F]https://www.strategic-culture.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/pepe31-930×520.jpg[/image] The vile assassination of Darya Dugina, or terror at the gates of Moscow, is not really solved – as much as the FSB seems to have cracked the case in a little over 24 hours. It’s now established that the main perpetrator, Azov batallion asset Natalia Vovk, did not act alone but had an […]
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  • #Russia says it will create 12 new units for Western Military District in response to perceived NATO threats

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has long viewed NATO as Moscow’s chief threat, but his aggression in Ukraine -- originally intended to divide the alliance – has given it renewed vigor.

    NATO’s Military Committee announced Thursday that it was established a new strategy for the alliance that would encompass all domains across land, air, sea, space and cyber.
    | https://www.foxnews.com/world/russia-military-buildup-western-borders-nato-ukraine-war?intcmp=tw_fnc
    #Russia says it will create 12 new units for Western Military District in response to perceived NATO threats Russian President Vladimir Putin has long viewed NATO as Moscow’s chief threat, but his aggression in Ukraine -- originally intended to divide the alliance – has given it renewed vigor. NATO’s Military Committee announced Thursday that it was established a new strategy for the alliance that would encompass all domains across land, air, sea, space and cyber. | https://www.foxnews.com/world/russia-military-buildup-western-borders-nato-ukraine-war?intcmp=tw_fnc
    Russia to bulk up military on western borders amid NATO moves, Ukraine war
    Russia's defense ministry on Friday said it will bulk up its military by creating 12 new units along its western borders.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 269 Views
  • During his April 12 press conference at the Vostochny Cosmodrome, Russian President Vladimir Putin for the first time assessed the progress of talks with Ukraine. He visited the spaceport together with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko.

    The Russian leader said that the sides reached certain agreements during the talks in Istanbul at the end of March, yet the situation was impacted by the "provocation in Bucha" and the fact that "the Ukrainian side had moved away from its agreements in Istanbul." According to Putin, on April 11, Ukraine changed its proposals yet again but did not specify what the changes were. He asserted that the special military operation will continue with Moscow’s aspiration being the attainment of all previously set goals.

    Moscow does not reject the negotiations yet sees that the Ukrainian side is not responding to the decisions on the recognition of Crimea, the LPR and DPR which Russia needs, Associate Professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities Alexander Gushchin says. The academic thinks that the talks will continue but in a new format. He stressed that it was very significant that Putin gave high marks to Belarus as a negotiating venue during his visit to Vostochny.

    In his address, Putin signaled several messages simultaneously, according to Russian International Affairs Council Director General Andrey Kortunov. He demonstrated that he was dissatisfied by the Ukrainian side that moved away from the Istanbul agreements. Yet this time he was not talking about de-Nazification and the "resetting of Ukraine" - the Russian leader returned to stating the need to protect Donbass. Gushchin concurs that the liberation of the territories of the LPR and DPR and conquering the armed forces in eastern Ukraine remain Moscow’s priorities.
    During his April 12 press conference at the Vostochny Cosmodrome, Russian President Vladimir Putin for the first time assessed the progress of talks with Ukraine. He visited the spaceport together with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko. The Russian leader said that the sides reached certain agreements during the talks in Istanbul at the end of March, yet the situation was impacted by the "provocation in Bucha" and the fact that "the Ukrainian side had moved away from its agreements in Istanbul." According to Putin, on April 11, Ukraine changed its proposals yet again but did not specify what the changes were. He asserted that the special military operation will continue with Moscow’s aspiration being the attainment of all previously set goals. Moscow does not reject the negotiations yet sees that the Ukrainian side is not responding to the decisions on the recognition of Crimea, the LPR and DPR which Russia needs, Associate Professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities Alexander Gushchin says. The academic thinks that the talks will continue but in a new format. He stressed that it was very significant that Putin gave high marks to Belarus as a negotiating venue during his visit to Vostochny. In his address, Putin signaled several messages simultaneously, according to Russian International Affairs Council Director General Andrey Kortunov. He demonstrated that he was dissatisfied by the Ukrainian side that moved away from the Istanbul agreements. Yet this time he was not talking about de-Nazification and the "resetting of Ukraine" - the Russian leader returned to stating the need to protect Donbass. Gushchin concurs that the liberation of the territories of the LPR and DPR and conquering the armed forces in eastern Ukraine remain Moscow’s priorities. https://www.vedomosti.ru/politics/articles/2022/04/12/917837-ukraina-otkazalas-dogovorennostei
    0 Comments 0 Shares 418 Views
  • Russia now finds itself at a moment where it can forever shut the door to a rudderless company that finds itself promoting ideas that are totally at odds with Russian values and beliefs.

    “Although the news may seem a bit trivial, with war and economic chaos flaring in the background of the global stage, Disney leaving Russia will have the same mental and physical benefits as McDonald’s and Pornhub saying their goodbyes to Europe’s largest consumer market.

    One of the results of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine has been a number of Western companies abandoning Russia, some temporarily, some for good. This odious display of corporate virtue-signaling, conspicuously absent during the U.S.-led wars in Iraq, Libya and Syria, by the way, represents a setback not only for Russia, but the global economy. However, there is at least one silver lining to the ‘walk-out’ that should be celebrated, and that is how Russians will get a reprieve, maybe a permanent one, from the degenerate brain candy of Western entertainment, notably from the Disney Corporation. “

    Russia now finds itself at a moment where it can forever shut the door to a rudderless company that finds itself promoting ideas that are totally at odds with Russian values and beliefs. “Although the news may seem a bit trivial, with war and economic chaos flaring in the background of the global stage, Disney leaving Russia will have the same mental and physical benefits as McDonald’s and Pornhub saying their goodbyes to Europe’s largest consumer market. One of the results of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine has been a number of Western companies abandoning Russia, some temporarily, some for good. This odious display of corporate virtue-signaling, conspicuously absent during the U.S.-led wars in Iraq, Libya and Syria, by the way, represents a setback not only for Russia, but the global economy. However, there is at least one silver lining to the ‘walk-out’ that should be celebrated, and that is how Russians will get a reprieve, maybe a permanent one, from the degenerate brain candy of Western entertainment, notably from the Disney Corporation. “ https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2022/04/07/the-disney-company-quits-russia-and-not-a-moment-too-soon/
    The Disney Company Quits Russia – And Not a Moment Too Soon
    Russia now finds itself at a moment where it can forever shut the door to a rudderless company that finds itself promoting ideas that are…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 431 Views
  • Russia: First Phase of War Over, Military Will Now Focus on Eastern Donbas
    Russia’s Defense Ministry said Friday that it has completed the first phase of its “special military operation” in Ukraine and will now focus on the eastern Donbas region, signaling that Moscow’s strategy might be shifting due to military losses and a stalled campaign.

    The statement was delivered at a briefing by Sergei Rudskoi, the head of the Russian general staff’s main operational department, who said that Russia’s objectives “of the first stage of the operation have generally been accomplished,” without elaborating.
    Russia: First Phase of War Over, Military Will Now Focus on Eastern Donbas https://www.theepochtimes.com/russia-first-phase-of-war-over-military-will-now-focus-on-eastern-donbas_4362570.html?utm_source=News&utm_campaign=breaking-2022-03-25-4&utm_medium=email&est=dhoYz1XDfE4YOAUldwuIUxqu7dsg8DlNQRyVDsHnsGJkb%2BkeL4ffVdwGXaE0Gg%3D%3D Russia’s Defense Ministry said Friday that it has completed the first phase of its “special military operation” in Ukraine and will now focus on the eastern Donbas region, signaling that Moscow’s strategy might be shifting due to military losses and a stalled campaign. The statement was delivered at a briefing by Sergei Rudskoi, the head of the Russian general staff’s main operational department, who said that Russia’s objectives “of the first stage of the operation have generally been accomplished,” without elaborating.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 199 Views
  • In short, how can Moscow compel these people to see reality? This, in a word, is the problem: if they can see it, then something better is possible; if they can’t, then it’s the worse. For everybody’s sake – Washington’s too – Washington has to pay attention to Moscow’s security concerns and dial down its aggressions.
    In short, how can Moscow compel these people to see reality? This, in a word, is the problem: if they can see it, then something better is possible; if they can’t, then it’s the worse. For everybody’s sake – Washington’s too – Washington has to pay attention to Moscow’s security concerns and dial down its aggressions. https://www.unz.com/article/russia-ukraine-et-al-what-next/
    Russia, Ukraine et al: What Next?
    To Moscow, Ukraine is not the problem, Washington is. Or, as Putin might put it: Tabaqui does what Shere Khan tells him to and there is no point in dealing with him, go straight to Shere Khan. That is what Moscow is trying to do with its treaty proposals. For the same reason, Moscow is […]
    0 Comments 0 Shares 155 Views

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