• Think it's #ClimateChange causing all these heart attacks???
    Or perhaps it's that #GenocideJab juice!

    And STILL nobody has been arrested!
    How is your faith in "Government" ???

    You know.... Do you support the people TRYING TO MURDER YOU with #Vaccines as they destroy your businesses and start wars???

    And they do all that claiming to "Represent you!"

    Think it's #ClimateChange causing all these heart attacks??? Or perhaps it's that #GenocideJab juice! And STILL nobody has been arrested! How is your faith in "Government" ??? You know.... Do you support the people TRYING TO MURDER YOU with #Vaccines as they destroy your businesses and start wars??? And they do all that claiming to "Represent you!" https://rumble.com/vx8od6-justin-biebers-wifes-stroke-is-totally-not-related-to-experimental-injectio.html
    Justin Bieber's Wife's Stroke is Totally Not Related to Experimental Injection
    article - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/03/possibly-covid-related-hailey-bieber-hospitalized-stroke-like-symptoms-blood-clot-brain/ Website: https://saltmustflow.com OTHER PLATFORMS: Odysee: h
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 235 Ansichten

    I've decided to spend much less time on the internet and more time in my community ORGANIZING my community!

    Once we get our OWN COMMUNITY ORGANIZED then we can network with organizers in other communities! We face the biggest threat that humanity has ever faced! It will NOT be defeated from the comfort of your computer chair!

    We are all in an echo chamber and we ONLY reach those who already see the problem! We MUST get out in the community!

    Post up by the freeway with signs and flyers! You can handpick some really good videos to link to OR record them and burn them to disks! One of the most important videos people need to see is the Stew Peters and Dr. David Martin video which prompts people to send CERTIFIED MAIL the "packet" of crimes committed by these people THAT THEY'VE ADMITTED TO! Force Action!

    Plandemic 1 & 2 should be in there somewhere! Vaccine injury data and a copy of the constitution would be nice!

    It's time to stop f*cking around with #Tyrant scum! These people should have been in JAIL over a year ago! Lastly you MUST JOIN #CSPOA and ask your County #Sheriff to join as well!

    Your Sheriff took an OATH to protect and defend the Constitution from enemies Foreign and DOMESTIC! He also has broad Constitutional Authorities. He has ARREST POWERS and he also has the Authority to DEPUTIZE CITIZENS TO HELP HIM!

    This includes #Police Officers and #Military personnel that have been ILLEGALLY terminated due to refusing the #GenocideJab!

    Our founders spoke of a #Militia.... What do you think you'll have when a Sheriff LEGALLY & CONSTITUTIONALLY DEPUTIZES HIS CITIZENS???

    While I'm an activist to ABOLISH "Qualified Immunity" for Police, Judges, and especially Politicians... AND our police need serious reforms so they are HELD ACCOUNTABLE EVERY TIME...I'm NOT an advocate for ABOLISHING POLICE!

    Government has started training Police & Military into a US vs THEM thought process! This is BS! Police need to be respected members of their OWN COMMUNITY! And EVERYONE in that community should know and trust that officer! And we need citizen oversight

    Bur right now we have #Communism and #Fascism to PUT DOWN HARD! God Bless You and Yours. GET IN THE FIGHT!


    It's time to WAKE UP from this nightmare and ARREST SOME TRAITORS!

    URGENT CALL TO ACTION - THE WORLDWIDE REVOLUTION BEGINS I've decided to spend much less time on the internet and more time in my community ORGANIZING my community! Once we get our OWN COMMUNITY ORGANIZED then we can network with organizers in other communities! We face the biggest threat that humanity has ever faced! It will NOT be defeated from the comfort of your computer chair! We are all in an echo chamber and we ONLY reach those who already see the problem! We MUST get out in the community! Post up by the freeway with signs and flyers! You can handpick some really good videos to link to OR record them and burn them to disks! One of the most important videos people need to see is the Stew Peters and Dr. David Martin video which prompts people to send CERTIFIED MAIL the "packet" of crimes committed by these people THAT THEY'VE ADMITTED TO! Force Action! Plandemic 1 & 2 should be in there somewhere! Vaccine injury data and a copy of the constitution would be nice! It's time to stop f*cking around with #Tyrant scum! These people should have been in JAIL over a year ago! Lastly you MUST JOIN #CSPOA and ask your County #Sheriff to join as well! Your Sheriff took an OATH to protect and defend the Constitution from enemies Foreign and DOMESTIC! He also has broad Constitutional Authorities. He has ARREST POWERS and he also has the Authority to DEPUTIZE CITIZENS TO HELP HIM! This includes #Police Officers and #Military personnel that have been ILLEGALLY terminated due to refusing the #GenocideJab! Our founders spoke of a #Militia.... What do you think you'll have when a Sheriff LEGALLY & CONSTITUTIONALLY DEPUTIZES HIS CITIZENS??? While I'm an activist to ABOLISH "Qualified Immunity" for Police, Judges, and especially Politicians... AND our police need serious reforms so they are HELD ACCOUNTABLE EVERY TIME...I'm NOT an advocate for ABOLISHING POLICE! Government has started training Police & Military into a US vs THEM thought process! This is BS! Police need to be respected members of their OWN COMMUNITY! And EVERYONE in that community should know and trust that officer! And we need citizen oversight Bur right now we have #Communism and #Fascism to PUT DOWN HARD! God Bless You and Yours. GET IN THE FIGHT! GET INTO YOUR COMMUNITY! HAVE SOMEONE AT EVERY LARGE GATHERING PLACE WITH LITERATURE AND VIDEOS! It's time to WAKE UP from this nightmare and ARREST SOME TRAITORS! https://www.bitchute.com/video/A21ZamTkE9NE/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 233 Ansichten

    There is a VERY SIMPLE SCIENTIFIC METHOD to prove the existence of a virus!
    The #NIH, #WHO, and #CDC have CLAIMED to have done this, but they have done NOTHING BUT LIE! Their claim is as bogus as their #GenocideJab!

    Watch the following video! SHARE IT!!! Post it at local stores and on billboards!
    STAND IN TRAFFIC and pass out flyers!

    It is time to STOP THE LIES!
    It is time to STOP THE #Genocide!

    DR TOM COWAN CANNOT FIND PROOF OF ISOLATION OF COVID-19 There is a VERY SIMPLE SCIENTIFIC METHOD to prove the existence of a virus! The #NIH, #WHO, and #CDC have CLAIMED to have done this, but they have done NOTHING BUT LIE! Their claim is as bogus as their #GenocideJab! Watch the following video! SHARE IT!!! Post it at local stores and on billboards! STAND IN TRAFFIC and pass out flyers! It is time to STOP THE LIES! It is time to STOP THE #Genocide! https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z7e1WLoOctZ2/
    5 Kommentare 0 Anteile 204 Ansichten
  • Texas Attorney General: Federal Government Can’t Order Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations, morons signing as petition to JAIL people who don't take the #GenocideJab, The #FDA trying to push through full clearance of the experimental DEATH SERUM, and 10 indisputable FACTS showing the #2020election was stolen

    Texas Attorney General: Federal Government Can’t Order Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations, morons signing as petition to JAIL people who don't take the #GenocideJab, The #FDA trying to push through full clearance of the experimental DEATH SERUM, and 10 indisputable FACTS showing the #2020election was stolen https://conservativethinkingamericans.wordpress.com/2021/08/02/texas-attorney-general-federal-government-cant-order-mandatory-covid-19-vaccinations/

    This is from The Epoch Times, one of the very few honest news sources in the world today. The Epoch Times has had their offices trashed by the Communist Chinese and have been attacked by others who spew propaganda for a living.

    I highly recommend supporting The Epoch Times. I stay broke, but even I can afford a digital subscription to Epoch Times! Right now I believe they still offer 3 or 4 months for a DOLLAR! Kick in a buck to support actual Journalism!

    The world seriously needs real journalists to expose the lies and corruption of the mainstream media liars and “propaganda professionals” of Legacy Media!

    Texas Attorney General: Federal Government Can’t Order Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations

    BY JACK PHILLIPS August 2, 2021 Updated: August 2, 2021

    Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton argued that he doesn’t believe the federal government can order mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations or mask-wearing.

    “I don’t think the federal government can order this, and so it’s going to be up to the states to decide what they’re going to do,” Paxton told Newsmax over the weekend, adding that he believes federal law stipulates people can’t be forced to disclose health information around COVID-19, including their vaccination status.

    “I would absolutely think federal law would cover that,” Paxton, a Republican, said in the interview. “But also, what right does the Congress of the federal government have to tell anybody that they have to be vaccinated. That’s an individual choice.”

    He added: “I don’t know under what law they would have to operate under, but they certainly can’t tell the American public that they have to be vaccinated.”

    His comments may contradict a recent opinion issued by the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel saying that federal law doesn’t prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring COVID-19 vaccines under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorization.

    The agency’s opinion (pdf) noted that some have questioned the legality of COVID-19 vaccine mandates and concluded that federal law concerning the FDA’s emergency use authorizations (EUA) on COVID-19 vaccines made by Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson doesn’t “prohibit public or private entities from imposing vaccine requirements, even when the only vaccines available are those authorized under EUAs.”

    “For instance,” the opinion said, “certain schools will require vaccination in order for students to attend class in person, and certain employers will require vaccination as a condition of employment.”

    It comes as the Biden administration recently announced that federal employees would have to get fully vaccinated or be subject to routine COVID-19 testing. Reports have said that U.S. Postal Service workers would be exempt from the mandate.

    However, on Monday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that a nationwide vaccination requirement “is not on the table” but said that employers have the right to take that step.

    When asked whether there was any consideration of a vaccine requirement to enter federal property, Psaki said, “Not across the country, no.”

    Several states, including New York, have ordered state agency employees to get vaccinated or also be subject to regular tests. On Monday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, said that workers with state-run transportation agencies will now be subject to such a mandate.

    Throughout the pandemic, the federal government has implemented few COVID-19-related restrictions and namely has targeted travel and public transportation. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued guidance—not mandates—around mask-wearing.

    Some Republican-led states this year have passed laws that forbid the usage of vaccine passports in government agencies and offices. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, went a step further and signed a law that prohibits all private businesses from using vaccine passports in his state.

    Source: The Epoch Times

    In Commiefornia it’s pretty easy to find drug addled morons and brainwashed CNN Viewers, as Mark Dice shows in this video where idiots sign a petition to have anyone who refuses the vaccine arrested! Insanity!

    The Bill of Rights is what separates America from the rest of the world. It guarantees us ALL free speech, freedom of expression, the right to defend yourself etc….

    These are God-Given Natural Rights that each of us were born with! Government did not provide these rights to us, GOD DID! The founders merely recognized these natural rights!

    It’s pretty over the top that Marxist Teacher’s Unions and Marxist College Professors have literally dumbed our children down and have neglected to teach them the principles contained in The Bill of Rights! Below are a few quotes from John Adams.

    The bottom line is simple, when we allow Teacher’s Unions and Marxist College Professors to indoctrinate our children in lieu of an actual education, including the principles of freedom, we have failed as parents and responsible human beings!

    We have all known there has been problems in the educational system since at least 2008, and because most of us who have noticed this indoctrination in place of education in our schools are older, our children are grown and we have not had a real reason to fight them with the passion this subject deserves!

    I surely hope and pray that people are NOW waking up to the very serious, possibly fatal flaw in education and educators themselves pushing CRT and lying to our children! These Teacher’s Unions should be abolished and their leadership JAILED! They should be jailed for subversion of the United States Government!

    Their actions fulfill the requirements of the statute! There is no legitimate reason not to charge and prosecute them, of course that would require Federal Law Enforcement that was not just as corrupt as these people are!

    Every American needs to reach out to EVERY LEGISLATOR in their state and ask them to pass a state law prohibiting Federal Agencies from operating on their state’s soil! The DOJ & FBI & NSA are all out of control Criminals with badges

    The FBI recently arrested 5 more Texas residents, an entire family, for January 6th related BS. Trespassing essentially, has sent these Texas residents to the DC Prison where 450 of their fellow Americans have been illegally held and prosecuted! The Illegitimate Biden Administration has violated near every principle within the Bill of Rights!

    And it is time for America to push back! If your state legislators do not pass legislation PROHIBITING these abusive, Tyrannical Federal Agencies from operating on your state’s soil then YOU are in danger of political persecution from the Biden Administration! This is no game folks! WRITE every legislator, both parties, in your state and explain this to them!

    “Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people.”

    “Democracy… while it lasts is more bloody than either aristocracy or monarchy. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never a democracy that did not commit suicide.”

    “Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom.”

    They Want to Arrest and Jail All Unvaccinated Adults!

    At least there were a few folks who still recognize Evil when they see it, even in California! For the rest of them who signed as quick as they could… YOU ARE SHEEP! Dumb, brainwashed, Communist sheep, and you should be ashamed of yourselves!

    I don’t know how many of you have been to jail, I guess it really don’t matter, but jail is for people who HARM OTHER PEOPLE EITHER FINANCIALLY OR PHYSICALLY! Jail is NOT somewhere you send people for being immoral, breaking the rules of politicians, and people who want to have a say over their own body!

    This is why I’m AGAINST DRUG LAWS! 60% of the people in prisons today never harmed another person at all! They are in prison for drug possession or drug use or drug sales. If they harmed anyone, it was themselves!

    Folks, that is simply NOT justice! The “War on Drugs” started in the 80’s by Ronald Reagan, and his intentions were noble enough, he wanted to protect children from drugs. But since that time we have created an entire federal agency that does nothing but investigate and prosecute people for drugs, the DEA.

    The DEA spends billions and billions of dollars every year. They arrest, prosecute, and send to prison untold numbers of Americans who have HARMED NOBODY BUT THEMSELVES, and it’s wrong! Let’s not forget that police departments have grown 75% so that they could “Fight the War on Drugs.”

    And while we are at it, How many Americans (who harmed nobody but themselves) have been shot by over zealous police officers during a raid of their home? Naturally the entire raid was for one reason only… DRUGS!

    After spending all that money, destroying all those American’s Lives by making them lifelong felons, I’ll bet drugs are really hard to get now! WRONG! Drugs are on every corner across America! A complete and total waste of money!

    When I was 12 years old I could get any kind of drug known to man, in any quantity that I wished! Do you know what I could not get? Cigarettes and Alcohol because they were LEGAL & CONTROLLED! I know it sounds crazy to legalize drugs like cocaine and heroin but in countries that have overdose deaths have dropped to near ZERO!

    In America we have people dying by the hundreds every week of overdose deaths! Many of these people became addicted to pain medications while they were under the care of a doctor. I happen to be one of them.

    Then Barrack Obama and his Communist Administration threatened America’s Doctors and told them to “Stop writing prescriptions for pain medications.” I was not aware Obama was a doctor, but after this doctors across the country simply stopped writing prescriptions top people like me, who live in serious pain.

    These doctors cut people off of their pain medications they had been taking for years! Elderly people, victims of car accidents, people at my doctor’s office used to come in and they appeared to be a “Walking Scar.” Literally covered from head to toe with scars from surgeries and traumatic, serious injuries. And thanks to Barry they can no longer get the pain medicine they need!

    But the worst part was not the fact you now had to live in pain. The worst part is that once these people stopped taking the pain medications they had taken for years to control their pain, they realized that they had unknowingly became addicted to these drugs!

    So they can no longer get the pain medication that they have unknowingly became addicted to! Fortunately, almost like it was planned that way, “Suboxone” came out right about then, a treatment drug for opioid addiction!

    If you take the drug as directed you take 2 per day to prevent the nightmarish withdrawal symptoms from opiate addiction. Those 2 doses cost around 24 dollars! So you went from taking relatively affordable pain medication, to taking a prescription that cost over $400.00 per month!

    Think Obama was in on that? I do! The timing was too convenient not to be a scam!

    The crisis today stems from Obama’s actions! Unlike me, some Americans never sought treatment for their addiction and started buying the pills off of the street,m or they started using heroin to alleviate their withdrawal symptoms. The dealers “cut” this heroin with all kinds of inert ingredients, to make more of it, and then they add fentanyl to it.

    These idiots are NOT doctors or chemists! The result is the avalanche of Americans you see dying every day in this country thanks to government sticking it’s nose into the business of doctors!

    My point is simple here though, number one DON’T take opioid pain medications EVER unless you absolutely MUST for the pain! NEVER take these medications for longer than a week! PERIOD!

    I’d give anything to go back to the time I was not addicted to pain medication that I can no longer get! People hear the word “addiction” and they sometimes think about cocaine or cigarettes. Well Opiate addiction is a little different!

    It’s kinda like the worst case of the flu you’ve ever had, multiplied by 10! Throw in some all over body and joint pain, physical weakness, inability to focus, inability to eat, severe and persistent diarrhea, and some stomach cramps that make you believe that an alien is about to break through your gut, a runny nose, watery eyes, and the shakes……. That in my case has never gone away, even after 12 years!

    And that is because suboxone also seems to be addictive! But at least I can function! Without it, I can’t eat, stay in bed sick, and cannot even think! It’s BAD! If you never listen to a word I say, listen NOW!

    You DON’T want to become addicted to pain medications! Take Ibuprofen! If you MUST have something stronger NEVER take it for over a week! Try not to take it all! I believe that before filling a prescription for pain medicines doctors should REQUIRE patients to speak to a guy like me who has had their life altered forever by big pharma scumbags! I always KNEW to stay away from heroin! I never knew pain pills ARE THE SAME THING!

    FDA ‘All-Hands-on-Deck’ to Get COVID-19 Vaccines Fully Approved

    Dr. Peter Marks, Director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research within the Food and Drug Administration answers a question during a Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing to discuss the on-going federal response to Covid-19 at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, on May 11, 2021. (Greg Nash / POOL/AFP via Getty Images)


    FDA ‘All-Hands-on-Deck’ to Get COVID-19 Vaccines Fully Approved

    Health experts say a wave of mandate more likely after FDA grants full approval

    BY LI HAI August 2, 2021 Updated: August 2, 2021

    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accelerated its reviewing process to get Pfizer and other COVID-19 vaccines fully approved “as rapidly as possible,” which will give the Biden administration, local governments, and employers more flexibility to mandate the vaccines.

    “FDA staff will conduct a thorough review process, while balancing the incredible sense of urgency necessary, both of which are needed to ensure that any vaccine that is authorized or approved meets our rigorous standards for safety, effectiveness, and quality,” FDA said in a statement emailed to The Epoch Times, saying the full approval may encourage some people to get vaccinated.

    “We have taken an all-hands-on-deck approach, including identifying additional resources such as personnel and technological resources from across the agency and opportunities to reprioritize other activities, in order to complete our review to help combat this pandemic surge,” the statement reads.

    Currently, the three COVID-19 vaccines in America—Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson—are all under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

    Pfizer submitted its full approval application—a biologics license application—in May, and Moderna applied for the license on June 1. Johnson & Johnson has said that it would apply later this year.

    Syringes with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines lie on a tray during a program without an appointment, in Sant Vicenc de Castellet, north of Barcelona, Spain, on July 6, 2021. (Albert Gea/Reuters)

    Last month, the FDA said regulators were targeting January 2022 for completion of the review, but that “does not mean approval will not happen before that time.”

    Standard vaccine reviews would be within 12 months, but the FDA aims to complete priority vaccine reviews within eight months of receiving the application, Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), told the Washington Post last Friday.

    CBER is responsible for regulating vaccines in the United States.

    Marks acknowledged that approved COVID vaccines would make it easier for employers or governments to mandate the vaccines.

    “I’m speaking in an informal sense, not like a [Department of Justice] lawyer … But by and large, there seems to be a better feeling for having a licensed product to make something a requirement,” Marks said in the interview.

    The Department of Justice issued an opinion last week, saying COVID vaccine mandates by public agencies and private businesses are legal even though the vaccines are under EUA.

    Marks also said that once the vaccines are fully approved, doctors administering the vaccines might use it “off label,” such as giving a third shot to patients.

    “Once you have a licensed product, if a provider wants to use it in a responsible way, according to the practice of medicine, then that is their right and they can use it off label,” Marks said. “They could use it as they see fit, but they would actually have to feel like they were within the scope of practice of medicine in their jurisdiction … and doing something reasonable.”

    Under EUA, doctors must administer the vaccines exactly as required by the FDA.

    The FDA has been under growing pressure to fully approve the COVID vaccines.

    President Joe Biden said on July 21 that he estimated the full approval of the vaccines would be announced “maybe in the beginning of the school year, at the end of August, beginning of September, October, they’ll get final approval,” reported Fox News.

    President Joe Biden speaks about COVID-19 vaccine requirements for federal workers in the East Room of the White House in Washington, on July 29, 2021. (Susan Walsh/AP Photo)

    Biden’s chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci also told reporters in July that he would be “astounded” if the three vaccines couldn’t get full approval.

    On July 29, Biden announced strict rules to urge federal workers and contractors to get vaccinated or else they need to wear masks, engage in social distancing, and submit to regular COVID-19 testing. Later that day, he said, “it’s still a question of whether the federal government can mandate the whole country.”

    Health experts predicted that a wave of mandates might come after the full approval of the vaccines.

    “I think once the vaccines go through full FDA approval, everything should be on the table, and I think that everything will be on the table at the level of municipalities, states, employers, venues, government agencies,” Andy Slavitt, Biden’s former COVID response coordinator, told NBC news.

    Former Surgeon General Jerome Adams wrote on Twitter that a full license “would give cover for organizations to mandate.”

    Some states have banned COVID vaccine mandates or vaccine passports in government agencies or schools. But some states, like Ohio, for example, banned COVID vaccine mandates in schools based on the vaccines’ EUA status. So once the vaccines get fully approved, the prohibition will not apply.

    The pentagon reported it had directed commands to prepare to administer mandatory COVID-19 vaccines as early as Sept. 1, pending full FDA licensure.

    COVID-19 is the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

    Zachary Stieber and Jack Phillips contributed to this report.

    Source: The Epoch Times

    Gen. Flynn Exclusive: 10 INDISPUTABLE FACTS on the 2020 Election That Argue for Audits

    The United States Government now openly ADMITS they are Fascists and have consolidated power using the corporations they helped to make wealthy!

    Cuomo BELONGS IN Prison for Murder!
    He purposefully MURDERED how many people’s mothers, fathers, and grandparents???

    A LOT! An Evil waste of flesh and a vile human being!

    A REAL SCUMBAG that should be used for TARGET PRACTICE!

    He is asking businesses to be Fascists!

    So the US Government has wrote legislation to allow corporations in America to grow into huge monopolies and become wealthy, with absolutely no oversight or accountability…… And now Government wants to team up with these corporations AGAINST YOU!

    These people ALL belong in prison! Section 230 continues allowing the silencing of Free Speech and after over 5 years of Censoring conservatives we still have NO ACTIONS TAKEN!

    Mass Murdering NY Gov. Announces Criminal Plan to Force Covid-19 Injections

    Mass Murdering NY Gov. Announces Criminal Plan to Force Covid-19 Injections

    We cannot wait 30 years! It is time to hold these criminals accountable NOW! DEMAND IT!

    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 183 Ansichten
  • Heavily Vaccinated Countries See MASSIVE Covid Spike

    Mark my words.......... The vaccinated WILL DIE IN A MASS EVENT!
    The #Covid19 #Vaccine is NOT a Vaccine!

    It is the #GenocideJab which is being used to sterilize and KILL the people of the world!

    And they WON'T be giving it to me!
    Every one of them!

    Heavily Vaccinated Countries See MASSIVE Covid Spike Mark my words.......... The vaccinated WILL DIE IN A MASS EVENT! The #Covid19 #Vaccine is NOT a Vaccine! It is the #GenocideJab which is being used to sterilize and KILL the people of the world! And they WON'T be giving it to me! They should be TRIED FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!! Every one of them! https://www.infowars.com/posts/heavily-vaccinated-countries-see-massive-covid-spike/
    Heavily Vaccinated Countries See MASSIVE Covid Spike
    Bombshell intel exposes globalists' tyrannical power grab!
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 218 Ansichten
  • They want you to take the #GenocideJab because they want you DEAD! The entire covid19 SCAMdemic was designed to depopulate the planet and implement a totalitarian, #Communist #NWO
    (New World Order)

    #Luciferians are behind the ENTIRE THING!!!
    Go READ THE #GeorgiaGuideStones
    #Evil is REAL folks!

    And it's coming for YOU!
    They want you to take the #GenocideJab because they want you DEAD! The entire covid19 SCAMdemic was designed to depopulate the planet and implement a totalitarian, #Communist #NWO (New World Order) #Luciferians are behind the ENTIRE THING!!! Go READ THE #GeorgiaGuideStones #Evil is REAL folks! And it's coming for YOU!
    0 Kommentare 1 Anteile 314 Ansichten
  • "Need" WTF does "Need" have to do with ANYTHING???
    I have the God-Given, Natural RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE!

    To defend yourself requires as big of a magazine as I think it does!
    What I "Need" is none of your fu**ing business Joe!

    What I DON'T NEED is #Government telling me what I need!
    Like your #GenocideJab! I DON'T NEED YOUR INPUT!
    I am responsible for what I NEED and NOT YOU!

    Government is not in charge of my decisions, my needs, or my health!

    That is government's ONLY JOB!

    How about you GET TO IT and STFU about what you THINK I NEED!
    What I need is MY JOB!
    "Need" WTF does "Need" have to do with ANYTHING??? I have the God-Given, Natural RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE! To defend yourself requires as big of a magazine as I think it does! What I "Need" is none of your fu**ing business Joe! What I DON'T NEED is #Government telling me what I need! Like your #GenocideJab! I DON'T NEED YOUR INPUT! I am responsible for what I NEED and NOT YOU! Government is not in charge of my decisions, my needs, or my health! STFU and DO YOUR JOB! You ONLY HAVE ONE! That job is to PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF AMERICANS! That is government's ONLY JOB! How about you GET TO IT and STFU about what you THINK I NEED! What I need is MY JOB! Defending MY RIGHTS IS GOVERNMENT'S JOB, It's ONLY JOB!
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 305 Ansichten
  • Joe Biden's Town Hall
    Joe rambles on, spews nonsense and vaxattacks everyone NOT wanting their #GenocideJab!

    Hey Joe......... YOU CAN HAVE MINE!!!
    I'm ALREADY IMMUNE! Thanks, but NO THANKS!

    #Biden claims that the #Vaccine prevents death!
    LOL That's NOT what the guy I watched DIE after taking your jab said!


    Joe Biden's Town Hall Joe rambles on, spews nonsense and vaxattacks everyone NOT wanting their #GenocideJab! Hey Joe......... YOU CAN HAVE MINE!!! I'm ALREADY IMMUNE! Thanks, but NO THANKS! #Biden claims that the #Vaccine prevents death! LOL That's NOT what the guy I watched DIE after taking your jab said! #EVIL! https://rumble.com/vk8ti3-joe-bidens-town-hall.html
    Joe Biden's Town Hall
    Joe Biden's Town Hall
    0 Kommentare 1 Anteile 218 Ansichten
  • The #GenocideJab
    So safe and effective that we gotta FORCE PEOPLE to take it!

    The first #Vaccine (that's NOT a Vaccine) in history
    The #GenocideJab So safe and effective that we gotta FORCE PEOPLE to take it! The first #Vaccine (that's NOT a Vaccine) in history MORE DANGEROUS THAN THE VIRUS IT ALLEGEDLY PROTECTS AGAINST!
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 196 Ansichten

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