Cowardly steroid abusers in blue kill another family pet!

    You know..... I'm a siding and window guy, I do remodeling....
    I've met all kinds of dogs in my line of work, never killed one though!

    I've met big dogs, little dogs, sweet dogs and mean dogs, pretty dogs and ugly dogs... NOT ONCE have I ever even considered killing a man's dog!

    Now... If a dog were to knock me down and try to chew my head off, THEN I may kill the dog! But that has NEVER HAPPENED!

    But these cops are scared like little girls AND they have been trained that "Going Home" is the most important part of their duty, NOT PUBLIC SAFETY, but "My own safety"

    THAT is a coward right there!
    If you take a job as #Police YOUR LIFE should be SECONDARY to
    "Public Safety"

    I'm not saying to jump on grenades or nothing,
    I'm saying that you should NOT have taken the job with the attitude that nobody's life matters but your own!

    Police are paid to PROTECT THE PUBLIC AND THEIR RIGHTS....
    But they cannot do that because they are too fearful for their own safety!

    And that is likely due to how they treat the public!
    Police are selfish, narcissistic COWARDS, serving themselves,
    public be damned

    SCARED COP OFFS FAMILY PET IN FRONT OF KIDS Cowardly steroid abusers in blue kill another family pet! You know..... I'm a siding and window guy, I do remodeling.... I've met all kinds of dogs in my line of work, never killed one though! I've met big dogs, little dogs, sweet dogs and mean dogs, pretty dogs and ugly dogs... NOT ONCE have I ever even considered killing a man's dog! Now... If a dog were to knock me down and try to chew my head off, THEN I may kill the dog! But that has NEVER HAPPENED! But these cops are scared like little girls AND they have been trained that "Going Home" is the most important part of their duty, NOT PUBLIC SAFETY, but "My own safety" THAT is a coward right there! If you take a job as #Police YOUR LIFE should be SECONDARY to "Public Safety" I'm not saying to jump on grenades or nothing, I'm saying that you should NOT have taken the job with the attitude that nobody's life matters but your own! Police are paid to PROTECT THE PUBLIC AND THEIR RIGHTS.... But they cannot do that because they are too fearful for their own safety! And that is likely due to how they treat the public! Police are selfish, narcissistic COWARDS, serving themselves, public be damned https://old.bitchute.com/video/nBz7zpzg1AU/
    SCARED COP OFFS Family Pet in Front of Kids
    ATTN YouTube Screeners. This video is for educational purposes only and the creators have blurred out any questionable content per YouTube's Community Guidelines. 🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch Become a member: https://www.yo…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 373 Vue
  • Well, I’m glad the responsible one had the firearm and not the young people outside.

    Goes to show what responsible firearm ownership does for you.

    These cowards only roll in packs for a reason!

    Well, I’m glad the responsible one had the firearm and not the young people outside. Goes to show what responsible firearm ownership does for you. These cowards only roll in packs for a reason! https://defiantamerica.com/video-california-liquor-store-employee-gets-jumped-by-mob-of-teens-then-the-second-amendment-kicks-in-and-changes-everything/
    Video: California Liquor Store Employee Gets Jumped by Mob of Teens—Then the Second Amendment Kicks In and Changes Everything
    A shocking incident unfolded outside Golden Hours Liquor in Oakland, California, when a liquor store employee was jumped by a mob of teenagers. The
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 226 Vue
  • IMOGENE PASS Ouray To Telluride And Back. PT. 1

    We should ALL be out enjoying the Father's beautiful creation!
    Instead of worrying about what what the devil's minions are up to!

    "Government" and I mean ALL government is ILLEGITIMATE!
    It is all based in #Fraud, and Maritime Admiralty Law

    The #Vatican and #Jesuits essentially run this world, and they control the rest!
    The #Jews and #Freemason etc....

    These people should not feel safe in this country!
    They should FEAR showing their faces!

    But people must WAKE UP!
    For thousands of years these demons have had the people of the world enslaved, and it is high time that we put an end to it!

    You can sit around on your duff praying that the Most High will show up before you are murdered, or you can FIGHT these #Criminals and psychopaths, the way He would expect you to!

    I'm all for His return!
    Of course I may not live to see it! My kids may not even see it!

    You CANNOT count on two in the bush folks!
    I put my faith and trust in Him and FEAR NO MAN!

    And with Him watching over me,
    I'll fight these scumbags until the breathe leaves my body!

    Nothing in the bible says to lay down and be a coward!
    Matter of fact it says that COWARDS will find their place in the lake of fire!

    So be BOLD and STAND against #Evil like you've got a pair!
    Providing you are doing His will.... You will be fine!

    Revelation 21:8
    “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

    IMOGENE PASS Ouray To Telluride And Back. PT. 1 We should ALL be out enjoying the Father's beautiful creation! Instead of worrying about what what the devil's minions are up to! "Government" and I mean ALL government is ILLEGITIMATE! It is all based in #Fraud, and Maritime Admiralty Law The #Vatican and #Jesuits essentially run this world, and they control the rest! The #Jews and #Freemason etc.... These people should not feel safe in this country! They should FEAR showing their faces! But people must WAKE UP! For thousands of years these demons have had the people of the world enslaved, and it is high time that we put an end to it! You can sit around on your duff praying that the Most High will show up before you are murdered, or you can FIGHT these #Criminals and psychopaths, the way He would expect you to! I'm all for His return! Of course I may not live to see it! My kids may not even see it! You CANNOT count on two in the bush folks! I put my faith and trust in Him and FEAR NO MAN! And with Him watching over me, I'll fight these scumbags until the breathe leaves my body! Nothing in the bible says to lay down and be a coward! Matter of fact it says that COWARDS will find their place in the lake of fire! So be BOLD and STAND against #Evil like you've got a pair! Providing you are doing His will.... You will be fine! Revelation 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” https://youtu.be/_yMw9OPadbU
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1011 Vue
    FACT: ALL "FEMINISTS" ARE COWARDS, WEAKLINGS, AND "BULLIES"... https://media.gab.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=568,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/164/891/155/original/56601c75f9502f01.jpeg
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 375 Vue

    "I've been unlawfully searching and detaining Americans without probable cause OR articulatable suspicion for 20 years now!"

    I'd like to smack this red-headed prick until his children are born dizzy! THIS IS WHAT A #CRIMINAL LOOKS LIKE!

    These scumbags pretend to "Protect and Serve" but the #Truth is that THEY ARE THE CRIMINALS they claim to protect you from!


    Then he should be tried under
    TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights AND
    TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

    And there need not even be a trial!
    His #Crime is right here ON VIDEO!

    This is the REAL #OrganizedCrime in America!
    This turd works for a FOR-PROFIT Corporation known as
    "The United States of America" which is a corporation, operating under #Fraud and deception, locking free MEN & WOMEN up under maritime admiralty law (The law of the SEA)

    Thus the FRAUD!
    This red headed prick makes pond scum seem desirable
    What a cowardly little criminal troll

    DEA'S AIRPORT SEARCH SCAM CAUGHT ON VIDEO | HELP FUND THE LAWSUIT! "I've been unlawfully searching and detaining Americans without probable cause OR articulatable suspicion for 20 years now!" I'd like to smack this red-headed prick until his children are born dizzy! THIS IS WHAT A #CRIMINAL LOOKS LIKE! These scumbags pretend to "Protect and Serve" but the #Truth is that THEY ARE THE CRIMINALS they claim to protect you from! This scumbag belongs in prison and ALL OF HIS WORLDLY ASSETS SHOULD BE SEIZED AND GIVEN TO HIS VICTIMS! Then he should be tried under TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights AND TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law And there need not even be a trial! His #Crime is right here ON VIDEO! This is the REAL #OrganizedCrime in America! This turd works for a FOR-PROFIT Corporation known as "The United States of America" which is a corporation, operating under #Fraud and deception, locking free MEN & WOMEN up under maritime admiralty law (The law of the SEA) Thus the FRAUD! This red headed prick makes pond scum seem desirable What a cowardly little criminal troll https://old.bitchute.com/video/6pCd21g2thw/
    DEA's Airport Search SCAM Caught on Video | HELP Fund the Lawsuit!
    DONATE to the Institute for Justice: https://ij.org/support/give-now/thecivilrightslawyer/ Video to submit? https://forms.gle/HmwnDQKvwvYPxe967 Blog: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/ For business inquiries: [email protected] Twitter: htt…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 710 Vue
  • https://medforth.biz/today-cyprus-honors-its-martyrs-tassos-isaac-and-solomos-solomos-who-were-murdered-by-turkish-invaders-on-august-11-and-14-1996-in-the-most-cowardly-manner/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 285 Vue

    You wonder why America is in the toilet?
    The enemy is NOT at the gate....

    The ENEMY has complete control of the country!

    And our supposed #LawEnforcement and #Police are order following COWARDS in the hip pockets of the ENEMY!

    THE JEWS OWN ALL THE KEY POSITIONS IN THE U.S. GOVERNMENT You wonder why America is in the toilet? The enemy is NOT at the gate.... The ENEMY has complete control of the country! And our supposed #LawEnforcement and #Police are order following COWARDS in the hip pockets of the ENEMY! https://old.bitchute.com/video/pU0DOgUi9iQK/
    ✡️White Genocide 2024 🚨LONDON HAS FALLEN: U.K. CITIZENS FIGHTING BACK AGAINST INVADERS; CIVIL WAR IMMINENT. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DmpQN9z3w1Na/ 🚨UNITED STATES OF ISRAEL https://www.bitchute.com/video/0i1npT5Mq5Pb/ 🎯 TRIBE BEHIND…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 405 Vue

    You are already a #Slave who is unlawfully ruled over under maritime admiralty law!
    But you are about to graduate to being a SLAVE under 24 hour surveillance & caged

    Have you told your children they'll be slaves because you are a coward yet?
    Have you admitted to them (and yourself) that you would rather die a slave than to risk actually getting off your ass and fighting for #Freedom?

    AQUARIUS: THE AGE OF EVIL (ORIGINAL CLASSIC) You are already a #Slave who is unlawfully ruled over under maritime admiralty law! But you are about to graduate to being a SLAVE under 24 hour surveillance & caged Have you told your children they'll be slaves because you are a coward yet? Have you admitted to them (and yourself) that you would rather die a slave than to risk actually getting off your ass and fighting for #Freedom? https://old.bitchute.com/video/jipOMJpfHJOU/
    Aquarius: The Age of Evil (Original Classic)
    Aquarius: The Age of Evil (Original Classic) - This video examines the history of the New World Order and demonstrates that it is New Age oriented, as predicted in the Bible centuries ago. The Zeitgeist films and movement are exposed and shown to ha…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 418 Vue

    "Public Health" is the #Military in disguise, #Murdering innocent people like the f*cking #Cowards they all are! The "VAX" was created and distributed by the #DOD!

    Every last scumbag at the DOD should be on trial for #Murder.... but they are not...

    EXPOSING the other criminals within the #Courts, and that's because it's a big CRIMINAL CLUB, and YOU are not in it!

    EVERYONE'S FINALLY FIGURING OUT THAT YOU'RE IN A PERMANENT KILL BOX "Public Health" is the #Military in disguise, #Murdering innocent people like the f*cking #Cowards they all are! The "VAX" was created and distributed by the #DOD! Every last scumbag at the DOD should be on trial for #Murder.... but they are not... EXPOSING the other criminals within the #Courts, and that's because it's a big CRIMINAL CLUB, and YOU are not in it! https://old.bitchute.com/video/5liG0YVBIGm1/
    Everyone's finally figuring out that you're in a permanent kill box
    Everyone's finally figuring out that you're in a permanent kill box, a mass genocide operation being run by the United States Department of Defense… at the end she tells you how to defeat it (Hint: LOCAL)
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 536 Vue
  • Live: Trump Calls Out Cowardly Kamala Harris in Atlanta After She Refuses to Debate Him on Fox News https://www.infowars.com/posts/live-trump-calls-out-cowardly-kamala-harris-in-atlanta-after-she-refuses-to-debate-him-on-fox-news/
    Live: Trump Calls Out Cowardly Kamala Harris in Atlanta After She Refuses to Debate Him on Fox News https://www.infowars.com/posts/live-trump-calls-out-cowardly-kamala-harris-in-atlanta-after-she-refuses-to-debate-him-on-fox-news/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 332 Vue
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