• https://poje.biz/products-overview/unmanifest-destiny/ Capitalism teaches that entities must grow or die. The same construct is true for countries. How is the United States growing? What will be the 51st state? This is the Unmanifest Destiny of the United States.
    Honduras is under attack from leftist rebels funded by the Chavezistas. They have negotiated footholds in Nicaragua and El Salvador from which to attack from. Oil money is funding the insurrection. So is drug money; the Mexican Zeta Drug Cartels have a hand in the game.
    The president of Honduras is assassinated. A power vacuum exists that needs to be filled. A series of political candidates suddenly appear seeking the Presidency. One candidate is Consuela DeLa Varague; the Socialist University Professor. Another candidate is Wilfredo De Rota; a Honduran Army General.
    Another candidate is Antonio Flores, a charismatic Honduran family man. Antonio emerges as a front runner campaigning on a unique platform…having Honduras become the 51st state of the United States. The rebel and drug cartels would then be put down by the US Military that would now be protecting the borders of the 51st state of the USA. Also…the citizens of Honduras would be beneficiaries of massive financial aid programs…and all illegal immigration of Hondurans to the US would magically disappear.
    The Chavezistas and drug cartels are mortified of this possibility. So are the Chinese, the United Nations & neighboring countries in Latin America…as well as a contingent of politicians in America. They go all in with the competing candidates. They decry the so-called ugly American and cash flows into their coffers from all over.
    Also flowing into Honduras is the international press corps. They all are digging for dirt on Antonio Flores. Whose back pocket is he in?
    Antonio has his own personal issues with attacks on both his family and his life. Rumors exist of an affair between Antonio and an attractive young American consulate worker. The female has disappeared and allegations are being leveled. Can Antonio trust his friends and political allies?
    An earthquake rips apart San Pedro Sula. Foreign aid both wanted and unwanted flows into the country. In Honduras, the US, Latin America, South America & Europe are protests for and against the aid and also the concept of a Central American country becoming a new US State. Puerto Rico erupts over the concept of the 51st state being a Latin American country. The Reverse Domino Effect is feared that the United States Constitution will grow like a College Super Conference.
    Allegations are made that the earthquake was created by the US as an excuse to get US troops into Honduras. Is this real?
    Among the earthquake wreckage the dismembered body of the missing American girl is discovered in a freshly unearthered tomb. How did her body get there? Americans are urged to protest the outrage of her murder.
    The first story climaxes with a massive political rally in Tegucicalpa that literally explodes. Who caused the explosions? Do Tony and his family survive, and survive unscathed? And how do the Honduran people vote…and who is performing the count of the votes?
    https://poje.biz/products-overview/unmanifest-destiny/ Capitalism teaches that entities must grow or die. The same construct is true for countries. How is the United States growing? What will be the 51st state? This is the Unmanifest Destiny of the United States. Honduras is under attack from leftist rebels funded by the Chavezistas. They have negotiated footholds in Nicaragua and El Salvador from which to attack from. Oil money is funding the insurrection. So is drug money; the Mexican Zeta Drug Cartels have a hand in the game. The president of Honduras is assassinated. A power vacuum exists that needs to be filled. A series of political candidates suddenly appear seeking the Presidency. One candidate is Consuela DeLa Varague; the Socialist University Professor. Another candidate is Wilfredo De Rota; a Honduran Army General. Another candidate is Antonio Flores, a charismatic Honduran family man. Antonio emerges as a front runner campaigning on a unique platform…having Honduras become the 51st state of the United States. The rebel and drug cartels would then be put down by the US Military that would now be protecting the borders of the 51st state of the USA. Also…the citizens of Honduras would be beneficiaries of massive financial aid programs…and all illegal immigration of Hondurans to the US would magically disappear. The Chavezistas and drug cartels are mortified of this possibility. So are the Chinese, the United Nations & neighboring countries in Latin America…as well as a contingent of politicians in America. They go all in with the competing candidates. They decry the so-called ugly American and cash flows into their coffers from all over. Also flowing into Honduras is the international press corps. They all are digging for dirt on Antonio Flores. Whose back pocket is he in? Antonio has his own personal issues with attacks on both his family and his life. Rumors exist of an affair between Antonio and an attractive young American consulate worker. The female has disappeared and allegations are being leveled. Can Antonio trust his friends and political allies? An earthquake rips apart San Pedro Sula. Foreign aid both wanted and unwanted flows into the country. In Honduras, the US, Latin America, South America & Europe are protests for and against the aid and also the concept of a Central American country becoming a new US State. Puerto Rico erupts over the concept of the 51st state being a Latin American country. The Reverse Domino Effect is feared that the United States Constitution will grow like a College Super Conference. Allegations are made that the earthquake was created by the US as an excuse to get US troops into Honduras. Is this real? Among the earthquake wreckage the dismembered body of the missing American girl is discovered in a freshly unearthered tomb. How did her body get there? Americans are urged to protest the outrage of her murder. The first story climaxes with a massive political rally in Tegucicalpa that literally explodes. Who caused the explosions? Do Tony and his family survive, and survive unscathed? And how do the Honduran people vote…and who is performing the count of the votes?
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2057 Просмотры
  • To respect human lives should be the priority of every one who is fighting for the right of the people, UN will never say anything to defend anyone who used his or her charismatic power to brainwashed innocent citizens to lead them into suicide , is called genocidals, I wonder why Finland government and Finland authorities is ignoring my call consigned the current condition of the people of Eastern Nigerian over e-security which is farning by some individuals in Finland, which I want such waxing of terrorism to stop from Finland
    To respect human lives should be the priority of every one who is fighting for the right of the people, UN will never say anything to defend anyone who used his or her charismatic power to brainwashed innocent citizens to lead them into suicide , is called genocidals, I wonder why Finland government and Finland authorities is ignoring my call consigned the current condition of the people of Eastern Nigerian over e-security which is farning by some individuals in Finland, which I want such waxing of terrorism to stop from Finland
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 233 Просмотры

    People envision #Satan as Red with a pitchfork and tail, horns etc....
    When in fact the bible tells us that he was "Perfect" and "beautiful" and was always with God!

    Until he wasn't....

    Do not think that Satan will approach you as a red dude with a pitchfork and horns..... Most likely he will be VERY CHARISMATIC and even "beautiful"

    YES....... Satan may be prettier than YOU!

    1. List characteristics attributed to Satan.

    Isaiah 14:12

    a. Bright light. Beauty - Venus – the planet that Morningstar (Heylel, Lucifer) refers to … does it generate its own light? Is that why it is so bright in the dawn sky? No. Venus’ light comes from the sun. The reason for the brightness is due to its closeness to the sun. Also, Venus has been regarded throughout history to be the most beautiful of the heavenly objects in the dark sky (why was the planet Venus named Venus? The goddess of love – most beautiful of the gods). What does that have to do with Satan? The answer is found in Ezekiel.

    Ezekiel 28:12-15

    b. Seal/model of perfection – flawless. No defects or shortcomings. Of all the beings created by God, Satan was the ideal, the standard, that all other beings fell short of.

    c. Full of wisdom – proper use of knowledge/intelligence. Wisest being in Creation.

    d. Perfect in beauty – most beautiful in Creation. Verse 13 – God adorned Satan with every precious stone. Let me ask you, if light were to hit these stones, what would Satan look like? A multitude of beautiful colors. Come back to this in a moment.

    e. Blameless (vs. 15) – without sin; no guilt within him. Come back to that in question 3.

    KNOW your enemy folks!

    KNOW YOUR ENEMY: WHO IS MY ENEMY? pt. 1 People envision #Satan as Red with a pitchfork and tail, horns etc.... When in fact the bible tells us that he was "Perfect" and "beautiful" and was always with God! Until he wasn't.... Do not think that Satan will approach you as a red dude with a pitchfork and horns..... Most likely he will be VERY CHARISMATIC and even "beautiful" YES....... Satan may be prettier than YOU! 1. List characteristics attributed to Satan. Isaiah 14:12 a. Bright light. Beauty - Venus – the planet that Morningstar (Heylel, Lucifer) refers to … does it generate its own light? Is that why it is so bright in the dawn sky? No. Venus’ light comes from the sun. The reason for the brightness is due to its closeness to the sun. Also, Venus has been regarded throughout history to be the most beautiful of the heavenly objects in the dark sky (why was the planet Venus named Venus? The goddess of love – most beautiful of the gods). What does that have to do with Satan? The answer is found in Ezekiel. Ezekiel 28:12-15 b. Seal/model of perfection – flawless. No defects or shortcomings. Of all the beings created by God, Satan was the ideal, the standard, that all other beings fell short of. c. Full of wisdom – proper use of knowledge/intelligence. Wisest being in Creation. d. Perfect in beauty – most beautiful in Creation. Verse 13 – God adorned Satan with every precious stone. Let me ask you, if light were to hit these stones, what would Satan look like? A multitude of beautiful colors. Come back to this in a moment. e. Blameless (vs. 15) – without sin; no guilt within him. Come back to that in question 3. KNOW your enemy folks! https://bible101gc.blogspot.com/2012/03/know-your-enemy-part-one-who-is-my.html
    As Christians, who is our number one arch-rival? Satan. How prepared are Christians to take on the Enemy? Or should I say ill-prepared? ...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 435 Просмотры
  • 1901 – President William McKinley is shot at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. McKinley was greeting the crowd in the Temple of Music when Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist, stepped forward and shot the president twice at point-blank range. McKinley lived for another week before finally succumbing to a gangrene infection on September 14. At the time of the shooting, President McKinley was very popular and America was in the midst of a period of peace and prosperity. Czolgosz, a laborer from Cleveland who fell under the sway of charismatic leaders of anarchy such as Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, became particularly obsessed with Gaetano Bresci, an anarchist who shot and killed King Humbert I of Italy on July 29, 1900. Czolgosz decided to kill McKinley to further the anarchist cause. While Presidents Lincoln and Garfield had been completely unprotected at the time of their assassinations, the newly formed Secret Service was now available to protect President McKinley. But when Czolgosz stepped up to shake McKinley’s hand with a handkerchief covering the .32 revolver in his hand, the agents thought nothing of it. After the shots were fired, the agents grabbed Czolgosz and began pummeling him, but McKinley warned, “Be easy with him, boys,” as he was helped to an ambulance. The president then told his secretary to be careful in telling the First Lady what happened. Working in a building with no electricity, surgeons operated on the president, who seemed to be recovering at first. Legend has it that his recovery diet was raw eggs and whiskey. Before lapsing into a coma and dying, McKinley’s last words were: “It is God’s way. His will, not ours, be done.” McKinley’s assassination led to reprisals against his critics across the country. Those who had spoken poorly of the president were tarred and feathered. Emma Goldman was even arrested for allegedly inspiring the murder. But Czolgosz took full and sole responsibility for the assassination and was sent to the electric chair less than two months later. On October 29, his last words were: “I am not sorry for my crime.”
    1901 – President William McKinley is shot at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. McKinley was greeting the crowd in the Temple of Music when Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist, stepped forward and shot the president twice at point-blank range. McKinley lived for another week before finally succumbing to a gangrene infection on September 14. At the time of the shooting, President McKinley was very popular and America was in the midst of a period of peace and prosperity. Czolgosz, a laborer from Cleveland who fell under the sway of charismatic leaders of anarchy such as Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, became particularly obsessed with Gaetano Bresci, an anarchist who shot and killed King Humbert I of Italy on July 29, 1900. Czolgosz decided to kill McKinley to further the anarchist cause. While Presidents Lincoln and Garfield had been completely unprotected at the time of their assassinations, the newly formed Secret Service was now available to protect President McKinley. But when Czolgosz stepped up to shake McKinley’s hand with a handkerchief covering the .32 revolver in his hand, the agents thought nothing of it. After the shots were fired, the agents grabbed Czolgosz and began pummeling him, but McKinley warned, “Be easy with him, boys,” as he was helped to an ambulance. The president then told his secretary to be careful in telling the First Lady what happened. Working in a building with no electricity, surgeons operated on the president, who seemed to be recovering at first. Legend has it that his recovery diet was raw eggs and whiskey. Before lapsing into a coma and dying, McKinley’s last words were: “It is God’s way. His will, not ours, be done.” McKinley’s assassination led to reprisals against his critics across the country. Those who had spoken poorly of the president were tarred and feathered. Emma Goldman was even arrested for allegedly inspiring the murder. But Czolgosz took full and sole responsibility for the assassination and was sent to the electric chair less than two months later. On October 29, his last words were: “I am not sorry for my crime.”
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 624 Просмотры
  • This year marks 42 years since the judicial killing of the founder of the Pakistan People’s Party, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. A truly charismatic and popular leader whose legacy of politics for the common people of Pakistan continues to inspire even today. He might be polarizing for some because of his strong stance on matters but he was never tainted by allegations of corruption
    This year marks 42 years since the judicial killing of the founder of the Pakistan People’s Party, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. A truly charismatic and popular leader whose legacy of politics for the common people of Pakistan continues to inspire even today. He might be polarizing for some because of his strong stance on matters but he was never tainted by allegations of corruption https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/96203920715680885258366468665050395044696175479545047973777732719752444379148
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 221 Просмотры
  • God is not for sale folks!!! How can a being like man, created by God with a reasoning mind, believe this garbage being preached around the world today. Health, happiness, and prosperity preacher are the very spawn of Satan leading the simple down the garden path to hell. Fire is too good for some cretins. May God forgive me for my angry outburst.
    Be sure and watch the video at the end of the article.
    God is not for sale folks!!! How can a being like man, created by God with a reasoning mind, believe this garbage being preached around the world today. Health, happiness, and prosperity preacher are the very spawn of Satan leading the simple down the garden path to hell. Fire is too good for some cretins. May God forgive me for my angry outburst. Be sure and watch the video at the end of the article. https://protestia.com/2022/04/23/gods-audible-voice-caught-on-camera-giving-charismatic-pastor-keys-of-david/
    God's Audible Voice Caught on Camera Giving Charismatic Pastor "Keys of David" - Protestia
    The prosperity gospel and the excess of the charismatic movement have devastated Nigeria, where heresy...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 251 Просмотры
  • The stupidity, the error, the heresy just keeps getting dumber and dumber in the charismatic movement.
    The stupidity, the error, the heresy just keeps getting dumber and dumber in the charismatic movement. https://protestia.com/2022/02/05/video-5-year-old-boy-casts-out-demons/
    Video: 5-Year Old Boy Casts Out Demons - Protestia
    Gird your loins, Peter, Paul and Jesus, you have competition! A new contestant has entered...
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 375 Просмотры
  • "The mistakes (of leaders) are amplified by the numbers who follow them without question. Charismatic leaders tend to build up followings, power structures and these power structures tend to be taken over by people who are corruptible. I don't think that the old saw about 'power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely' is accurate: I think power attracts the corruptible." -Frank Herbert
    "The mistakes (of leaders) are amplified by the numbers who follow them without question. Charismatic leaders tend to build up followings, power structures and these power structures tend to be taken over by people who are corruptible. I don't think that the old saw about 'power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely' is accurate: I think power attracts the corruptible." -Frank Herbert
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 249 Просмотры
    Dr. Everett Righteous, founder and leader of the MMM, (The Majority For Musical Morality) became influential in American politics through the use of his own cable T.V. network. He spoke about the evils of rock 'n' roll music, and how it's permissive attitudes were responsible for the moral and economic decline of America. He was charismatic, entertaining, and above all, he understood the media. The MMM soon gained enough power to have rock 'n' roll banned.

    is a future where Japanese manufactured robots, designed to work cheaply and endlessly, are the caretakers of society. "Mr. Roboto's" are everywhere, serving as manual labor in jobs that were once held by humans.

    Dr. Righteous enforces his own morality by holding nightly rallies where crowds hurl rock 'n' roll records and electric guitars into huge bonfires...Jonathan Chance, the rebel leader of an underground movement to bring back rock 'n' roll, has made Kilroy the symbol of his cause. Meanwhile, Kilroy has spent a number of years in prison. With no hope of release, he is subjected to the humiliation of mind control via the MMM cable network. In an attempt to contact Kilroy, Jonathan jams the airwaves of the MMM network, replacing a mind control session with outlawed footage of a Kilroy concert. Inspired by Jonathan's message, Kilroy plots his escape. Late one night, he makes a daring attempt to free himself by overpowering a Roboto guard. Disguised as a Roboto Kilroy moves freely throughout the city leaving graffiti coded messages for Jonathan. Jonathan discovers the "rock code" which leads him to the old Paradise Theatre, now the site of Dr. Righteous' Museum of Rock Pathology. There he sees the last Kilroy concert mechanically depicted by Kilroy look-alike robots as the violent end of rock 'n' roll...and there, he and Kilroy meet for the first time.
    THE PAST Dr. Everett Righteous, founder and leader of the MMM, (The Majority For Musical Morality) became influential in American politics through the use of his own cable T.V. network. He spoke about the evils of rock 'n' roll music, and how it's permissive attitudes were responsible for the moral and economic decline of America. He was charismatic, entertaining, and above all, he understood the media. The MMM soon gained enough power to have rock 'n' roll banned. THE PRESENT is a future where Japanese manufactured robots, designed to work cheaply and endlessly, are the caretakers of society. "Mr. Roboto's" are everywhere, serving as manual labor in jobs that were once held by humans. Dr. Righteous enforces his own morality by holding nightly rallies where crowds hurl rock 'n' roll records and electric guitars into huge bonfires...Jonathan Chance, the rebel leader of an underground movement to bring back rock 'n' roll, has made Kilroy the symbol of his cause. Meanwhile, Kilroy has spent a number of years in prison. With no hope of release, he is subjected to the humiliation of mind control via the MMM cable network. In an attempt to contact Kilroy, Jonathan jams the airwaves of the MMM network, replacing a mind control session with outlawed footage of a Kilroy concert. Inspired by Jonathan's message, Kilroy plots his escape. Late one night, he makes a daring attempt to free himself by overpowering a Roboto guard. Disguised as a Roboto Kilroy moves freely throughout the city leaving graffiti coded messages for Jonathan. Jonathan discovers the "rock code" which leads him to the old Paradise Theatre, now the site of Dr. Righteous' Museum of Rock Pathology. There he sees the last Kilroy concert mechanically depicted by Kilroy look-alike robots as the violent end of rock 'n' roll...and there, he and Kilroy meet for the first time.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 729 Просмотры

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