The Scary Guy™ – Scary The New Face Of Love™
He’s been called many names, by many people – although it will surely pique your curiosity as to why at the top of that list are names such as Agent For Change, Urban Dalai Lama, Warrior For Peace and Mind-Waker.

In the last 21 years on the road, The Scary Guy has worked with schools, police forces, military, and a host of communities and corporate organizations through his live training performances and across his active online networks – helping millions of people around the world to achieve personal peace and triumph in their lifetime.

The Scary Guy – his legal name, changed 21 years ago – has dedicated his life to teaching others his powerful, solution-based theories and concepts on human behaviour and communication; a code that he has personally developed, in what he experienced as an absence of any clearly defined active solution from society.
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