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  • Examining New World Order Intentions

    SUMMARY: I’m looking at the New World Order (NWO) intentions of Globalist Elitists either not reported by the Mockingbird MSM or labeled as Mis-Mal-Dis-Information when IN FACT it is TRUTH TELLING. … Broze on UN Pact for the Future; Slavo on Bill Gates desire to end Free Speech & Herland on Collapse of Spiritual Christianity blamed on Evangelical failures. …TAKE A LOOK!
    #NWOIntentions #ElitistsFreeSpeech #SpiritualChristianCollapse
    Examining New World Order Intentions SUMMARY: I’m looking at the New World Order (NWO) intentions of Globalist Elitists either not reported by the Mockingbird MSM or labeled as Mis-Mal-Dis-Information when IN FACT it is TRUTH TELLING. … Broze on UN Pact for the Future; Slavo on Bill Gates desire to end Free Speech & Herland on Collapse of Spiritual Christianity blamed on Evangelical failures. …TAKE A LOOK! #NWOIntentions #ElitistsFreeSpeech #SpiritualChristianCollapse
    Examining New World Order Intentions
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor September 7, 2024 Today I’m looking at the New World Order (NWO) intentions of Globalist Elitists either not reported by the Mockingbird MSM or labeled as Mis-Mal-Dis-Info…
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 71 Views
  • Christians – PAY ATTENTION!
    Your Biblical Values Might Get YOU Censored or Worse – JAILED

    SUMMARY: I came across a CBN News post on Global Censorship that was posted on 9/4/24. CBN News typically only enters controversial (as in labeled Conspiracy Theory by the Left) when the news affects their Christian readers. EVIDENTLY, Censorship has become so prevalent world-wide that CBN News entered into that realm of controversy. TAKE A LOOK!
    #GlobalistCensorship #MinistryOfTruth
    Christians – PAY ATTENTION! Your Biblical Values Might Get YOU Censored or Worse – JAILED SUMMARY: I came across a CBN News post on Global Censorship that was posted on 9/4/24. CBN News typically only enters controversial (as in labeled Conspiracy Theory by the Left) when the news affects their Christian readers. EVIDENTLY, Censorship has become so prevalent world-wide that CBN News entered into that realm of controversy. TAKE A LOOK! #GlobalistCensorship #MinistryOfTruth
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 91 Views
  • Shining Light on Shadowy Leftist Intentions

    SUMMARY: … I’m going to share three posts that intrigued me enough to engage the thought processes in the grey matter of mind… THEMES: Evil Leftist Collective, Satanic Left & Masses forced to inhale mRNA… TAKE A LOOK!
    #LeftistCollective #SatanicLeft #InhalingMRNA
    Shining Light on Shadowy Leftist Intentions SUMMARY: … I’m going to share three posts that intrigued me enough to engage the thought processes in the grey matter of mind… THEMES: Evil Leftist Collective, Satanic Left & Masses forced to inhale mRNA… TAKE A LOOK! #LeftistCollective #SatanicLeft #InhalingMRNA
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 65 Views
  • Catching Up on ‘Remember the TYRANNY’ Videos

    SUMMARY: I pray you live in a U.S. region in which the Dem-Marxist/Globalist Agenda to control the lives of Individuals on a mass-scale has not affected YOU… I discovered most of these videos in August 2024… Tyranny is a creeping political demon that no matter how much its screws are tightened on Individuals, UNITY of purpose will always defeat a tyrannical agenda…TAKE A LOOK!
    #ResistTyranny #PatriotsRemainAlert
    Catching Up on ‘Remember the TYRANNY’ Videos SUMMARY: I pray you live in a U.S. region in which the Dem-Marxist/Globalist Agenda to control the lives of Individuals on a mass-scale has not affected YOU… I discovered most of these videos in August 2024… Tyranny is a creeping political demon that no matter how much its screws are tightened on Individuals, UNITY of purpose will always defeat a tyrannical agenda…TAKE A LOOK! #ResistTyranny #PatriotsRemainAlert
    0 Yorumlar 2 hisse senetleri 189 Views
  • Resist the Dem Transformation – VOTE Trump!

    SUMMARY: Today I’m sharing from a couple emails I received from Conservative sources. The first is amusing (well … at least to fellow Patriots) and the second I find disturbing. … AMUSING: Campaign video showing the cure for TDS is INDEPENDENCE. DISTURBING: Drag Queen Summer Camp for kids in Washington State. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #CureTDS #INDEPENDENCE #DragQueenIndoctrination
    Resist the Dem Transformation – VOTE Trump! SUMMARY: Today I’m sharing from a couple emails I received from Conservative sources. The first is amusing (well … at least to fellow Patriots) and the second I find disturbing. … AMUSING: Campaign video showing the cure for TDS is INDEPENDENCE. DISTURBING: Drag Queen Summer Camp for kids in Washington State. –TAKE A LOOK! #CureTDS #INDEPENDENCE #DragQueenIndoctrination
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 161 Views
  • Some Palestine/Philistine Truth NOT Reported by Propagandists

    SUMMARY: I have friended El Gato Weebee (pseudonym) on numerous Social Media and Video Platforms. … El Gato provides a marvelous TRUTH TELLING yet a succinctly short rundown on the group of Arabs who have adopted the name Palestinian (NO SUCH HISTORICAL PEOPLE EXISTED!). Followed by a rather graphic video on what these Jew-Hating people actually did to Jews in Israel on October 7, 2023. …READ & WATCH if You Dare!
    #HamasAtrocities #IslamicTerrorism #Antisemitism
    Some Palestine/Philistine Truth NOT Reported by Propagandists SUMMARY: I have friended El Gato Weebee (pseudonym) on numerous Social Media and Video Platforms. … El Gato provides a marvelous TRUTH TELLING yet a succinctly short rundown on the group of Arabs who have adopted the name Palestinian (NO SUCH HISTORICAL PEOPLE EXISTED!). Followed by a rather graphic video on what these Jew-Hating people actually did to Jews in Israel on October 7, 2023. …READ & WATCH if You Dare! #HamasAtrocities #IslamicTerrorism #Antisemitism
    0 Yorumlar 1 hisse senetleri 283 Views
  • The Shadow & Slumber of Tyranny – AWAKEN!

    SUMMARY: There is a tyranny in the lives of Americans (and the once-upon-a-time Free West) that has enveloped our lives like a slow moving dark shadow. So slow, many have slept through the erasure of Liberty nearly unnoticed. AND SOME of us have awakened. Once again I have acquired or visited a slew amount of videos that I am sharing to remind or awaken to that shadow of tyranny squeezing out Liberty. The subjects vary from Medical, Globalist and Criminal tyranny… TAKE A LOOK!
    #MedicalTyranny #GlobalistTyranny #CriminalTyranny
    The Shadow & Slumber of Tyranny – AWAKEN! SUMMARY: There is a tyranny in the lives of Americans (and the once-upon-a-time Free West) that has enveloped our lives like a slow moving dark shadow. So slow, many have slept through the erasure of Liberty nearly unnoticed. AND SOME of us have awakened. Once again I have acquired or visited a slew amount of videos that I am sharing to remind or awaken to that shadow of tyranny squeezing out Liberty. The subjects vary from Medical, Globalist and Criminal tyranny… TAKE A LOOK! #MedicalTyranny #GlobalistTyranny #CriminalTyranny
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 227 Views
  • Intro to Dr. Malone Endorses Trump for POTUS 2024

    SUMMARY: I enjoy reading and watching videos from Dr. Robert Malone… YUP, I’m aware he has his own controversies within Patriot circles and especially Medical Tyrant Narrative circles [addressed in main post]… Dr. Malone’s recent Substack post endorsing Donald Trump is remarkably effective and evenhanded contrasting plusses and minuses endorsing Donald Trump to be reelected (AGAIN!) as POTUS. –TAKE A LOOK!
    #VOTETrump #DrRobertMalone #DefeatDemLies
    Intro to Dr. Malone Endorses Trump for POTUS 2024 SUMMARY: I enjoy reading and watching videos from Dr. Robert Malone… YUP, I’m aware he has his own controversies within Patriot circles and especially Medical Tyrant Narrative circles [addressed in main post]… Dr. Malone’s recent Substack post endorsing Donald Trump is remarkably effective and evenhanded contrasting plusses and minuses endorsing Donald Trump to be reelected (AGAIN!) as POTUS. –TAKE A LOOK! #VOTETrump #DrRobertMalone #DefeatDemLies
    Intro to Dr. Malone Endorses Trump for POTUS 2024
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor © August 28, 2024 I enjoy reading and watching videos from Dr. Robert Malone. I am fully aware that many who openly combat Medical Tyranny dislike him for various reasons …
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 222 Views
  • MORE on Pavel Durov Arrest in France

    SUMMARY: DUROV’s ARREST IS A SOURCE OF PERSONAL OUTRAGE! The French are trying to paint Durov’s arrest is due to Telegram’s refusal to allow backdoor entrance by police to track child pornographers and terrorists. Telegram has officially claimed such criminals are given the boot when discovered. THE REALITY THEN IS Durov was arrested to force Telegram to be under police censorship control. …MORE FRENCH TYRANNY INFO TO READ!
    #GlobalistDeepState #PavelDurov #CensoringTelegram
    MORE on Pavel Durov Arrest in France SUMMARY: DUROV’s ARREST IS A SOURCE OF PERSONAL OUTRAGE! The French are trying to paint Durov’s arrest is due to Telegram’s refusal to allow backdoor entrance by police to track child pornographers and terrorists. Telegram has officially claimed such criminals are given the boot when discovered. THE REALITY THEN IS Durov was arrested to force Telegram to be under police censorship control. …MORE FRENCH TYRANNY INFO TO READ! #GlobalistDeepState #PavelDurov #CensoringTelegram
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 409 Views
  • Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Arrested By French
    Sounds Like Political Persecution to Me!

    SUMMARY: Pavel Durov is the founder and face of the app Telegram. Durov was arrested in France for nebulous reasons related to Telegram operations… Liberty-minded individuals have called into question the official French legal reasoning, I while suspect Durov’s Telegram is not cooperating with Globalist censorship of Truth is the actual arrest cause. …FOR LIBERTY – TAKE A LOOK!
    #FreePavel #FrenchPersecution #GlobalistTyranny
    Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Arrested By French Sounds Like Political Persecution to Me! SUMMARY: Pavel Durov is the founder and face of the app Telegram. Durov was arrested in France for nebulous reasons related to Telegram operations… Liberty-minded individuals have called into question the official French legal reasoning, I while suspect Durov’s Telegram is not cooperating with Globalist censorship of Truth is the actual arrest cause. …FOR LIBERTY – TAKE A LOOK! #FreePavel #FrenchPersecution #GlobalistTyranny
    Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Arrested By French
    Sounds Like Political Persecution to Me! John R. Houk, Blog Editor © August 26, 2024 Pavel Durov (Bloomberg-Getty Image on Pavel Durov is the founder and face of the app Telegram. Durov …
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 294 Views
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