• Source: https://x.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1846675214370836905

    BREAKING: Senior Meta Engineer Reveals Anti-Kamala Posts Are "Automatically Demoted,” Admits Shadowbanning Tactics

    "Say your uncle in Ohio said something about Kamala Harris is unfit to be a president because she doesn't have a child, that kind of sh*t is automatically demoted,” reveals @Meta Senior Software Engineer, Jeevan Gyawali (@JGyawali), to an undercover @OKeefeMedia journalist during a hidden camera date. He confirmed, “The person would not be notified,” but would see a decline in their post engagement and impressions, explaining that Meta’s “Integrity Team” is responsible for controlling content through “civic classifiers,” a system that “shadowbans” posts without notifying users.

    Gyawali also revealed a specialized Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) team that was created at Meta, stating, “There is a SWAT team that's already set up since April… just to think about all the scenarios of how the platform could be abused.” When asked if Meta is doing their due diligence to protect democracy from disinformation, Gyawali ensured “that’s all going to be demoted 100%.”

    When asked, “You guys [Meta] have the ability to influence the outcome of the election?” Gyawali confirmed, “Yes,” admitting Meta’s power to sway political outcomes. When asked if Mark Zuckerberg (@finkd), Co-Founder and CEO and Meta, supports Meta’s political influence and agenda to help the Democratic Party, Gyawali answered, “100%.”

    @MetaNewsroom @andymstone
    Source: https://x.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1846675214370836905 BREAKING: Senior Meta Engineer Reveals Anti-Kamala Posts Are "Automatically Demoted,” Admits Shadowbanning Tactics "Say your uncle in Ohio said something about Kamala Harris is unfit to be a president because she doesn't have a child, that kind of sh*t is automatically demoted,” reveals @Meta Senior Software Engineer, Jeevan Gyawali (@JGyawali), to an undercover @OKeefeMedia journalist during a hidden camera date. He confirmed, “The person would not be notified,” but would see a decline in their post engagement and impressions, explaining that Meta’s “Integrity Team” is responsible for controlling content through “civic classifiers,” a system that “shadowbans” posts without notifying users. Gyawali also revealed a specialized Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) team that was created at Meta, stating, “There is a SWAT team that's already set up since April… just to think about all the scenarios of how the platform could be abused.” When asked if Meta is doing their due diligence to protect democracy from disinformation, Gyawali ensured “that’s all going to be demoted 100%.” When asked, “You guys [Meta] have the ability to influence the outcome of the election?” Gyawali confirmed, “Yes,” admitting Meta’s power to sway political outcomes. When asked if Mark Zuckerberg (@finkd), Co-Founder and CEO and Meta, supports Meta’s political influence and agenda to help the Democratic Party, Gyawali answered, “100%.” @MetaNewsroom @andymstone
    1 Commenti 1 condivisioni 182 Views 1

    We are an illegitimate "authority" to begin with, we are "POLICY ENFORCERS" of the #Corporation of the United States, and we are unthinking, immoral, scumbags who believe that we have more rights than every other American...

    We are brain dead ZOT-BOTS who "Follow Orders" even when we are fully aware those orders are UNLAWFUL! Instead of arresting the #Criminal who GAVE those orders, we will unlawfully follow those orders to the letter

    We violate our sworn #Oath on a daily basis because we cannot BOTH "Protect and Defend the #Constitution of the United States" while simultaneously "Enforcing the STATUTES and CODES of our CORPORATE State"

    Because the "Statutes and Codes" we swear to enforce are

    You CANNOT serve two masters folks!
    You either uphold your sworn oath to the Constitution....
    OR you uphold the STATUTES and CODES of the Criminal Corporate "state"


    We wear a pentagram on our chest, or some other Satanic symbol, which must have some sort of effect over our minds, because we are ALL pieces of dung without empathy for ANYONE!

    I know what you'll say.... Some have pentagrams, but other Police and Sheriffs wear badges with 7 pointed stars... and others even wear 8 pointed stars!

    Well guess what???
    ALL of those have Satanic meanings too!

    Babylonian TALMUD meanings, Greek FALSE GOD meanings, Every FALSE RELIGION on earth holds these symbols to have meanings in their false doctrine!


    Whatever "training" these individuals have gone through likely involved at least some Satanic ritual abuse AND mind control technology!

    Because the simple fact of the matter is that they no longer even seem human!
    Police are just about ALL narcissistic, psychopathic abusers, who have zero empathy or compassion for anyone but themselves!

    They will gladly DO TO YOU
    what they would NOT want done to them!

    It's quite possible that psychopaths seek out positions of authority and control so that they can get away with their evil deeds and crimes....

    And it works very well for them since they are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE except in very rare cases, where their deeds draw national attention

    Scumbags all

    And these symbols being on a person all the time, and within their line of sight, along with the flashing strobes etc.... certainly has an effect on their subconscious mind and their actions!

    Plus the lack of accountability just encourages criminal behavior!
    WHY NOT break the "Law" if you KNOW you won't be punished?

    HIDDEN CAMERA: COPS Threaten DESPERATE Hurricane SURVIVORS We are an illegitimate "authority" to begin with, we are "POLICY ENFORCERS" of the #Corporation of the United States, and we are unthinking, immoral, scumbags who believe that we have more rights than every other American... We are brain dead ZOT-BOTS who "Follow Orders" even when we are fully aware those orders are UNLAWFUL! Instead of arresting the #Criminal who GAVE those orders, we will unlawfully follow those orders to the letter We violate our sworn #Oath on a daily basis because we cannot BOTH "Protect and Defend the #Constitution of the United States" while simultaneously "Enforcing the STATUTES and CODES of our CORPORATE State" Because the "Statutes and Codes" we swear to enforce are REPUGNANT TO THE CONSTITUTION! You CANNOT serve two masters folks! You either uphold your sworn oath to the Constitution.... OR you uphold the STATUTES and CODES of the Criminal Corporate "state" PERIOD! We wear a pentagram on our chest, or some other Satanic symbol, which must have some sort of effect over our minds, because we are ALL pieces of dung without empathy for ANYONE! I know what you'll say.... Some have pentagrams, but other Police and Sheriffs wear badges with 7 pointed stars... and others even wear 8 pointed stars! Well guess what??? ALL of those have Satanic meanings too! Babylonian TALMUD meanings, Greek FALSE GOD meanings, Every FALSE RELIGION on earth holds these symbols to have meanings in their false doctrine! LOOK IT UP! Whatever "training" these individuals have gone through likely involved at least some Satanic ritual abuse AND mind control technology! Because the simple fact of the matter is that they no longer even seem human! Police are just about ALL narcissistic, psychopathic abusers, who have zero empathy or compassion for anyone but themselves! They will gladly DO TO YOU what they would NOT want done to them! It's quite possible that psychopaths seek out positions of authority and control so that they can get away with their evil deeds and crimes.... And it works very well for them since they are NEVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE except in very rare cases, where their deeds draw national attention Scumbags all And these symbols being on a person all the time, and within their line of sight, along with the flashing strobes etc.... certainly has an effect on their subconscious mind and their actions! Plus the lack of accountability just encourages criminal behavior! WHY NOT break the "Law" if you KNOW you won't be punished? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Om4uTDe0tcs
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 714 Views
  • General Flynn thinks the Diddy case is going to implicate musicians, sports players, politicians AND media

    He also says some of the abusers are satanic: “These people are psychopaths. They’re evil. They’re satanic.
    General Flynn thinks the Diddy case is going to implicate musicians, sports players, politicians AND media He also says some of the abusers are satanic: “These people are psychopaths. They’re evil. They’re satanic.
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  • In Austria, around two thirds of the electricity comes from hydropower. Austria is one of the largest users of hydropower in Europe.

    in Denmark half of electricity production (49%) came from wind energy.


    Geothermal and Hydropower

    Nearly 100% of Iceland’s electricity comes from renewable sources, with about 73% from hydropower and 27% from geothermal energy. Its volcanic landscape provides abundant geothermal resources, and the country's rivers and waterfalls are harnessed for hydropower.

    Primary Hydropower

    Like Iceland, Norway almost all of its electricity from renewable sources, primarily hydropower (around 95%). Its extensive network of rivers and waterfalls make it one of the world leaders in hydropower generation.

    Primary Source: Hydropower and Wind
    Sweden gets over 50% of its energy from renewable sources, with hydropower accounting for the majority, followed by wind power. The country aims to achieve 100% renewable electricity production by 2040.
    In Austria, around two thirds of the electricity comes from hydropower. Austria is one of the largest users of hydropower in Europe. in Denmark half of electricity production (49%) came from wind energy. Iceland Geothermal and Hydropower Nearly 100% of Iceland’s electricity comes from renewable sources, with about 73% from hydropower and 27% from geothermal energy. Its volcanic landscape provides abundant geothermal resources, and the country's rivers and waterfalls are harnessed for hydropower. Norway Primary Hydropower Like Iceland, Norway almost all of its electricity from renewable sources, primarily hydropower (around 95%). Its extensive network of rivers and waterfalls make it one of the world leaders in hydropower generation. Sweden Primary Source: Hydropower and Wind Sweden gets over 50% of its energy from renewable sources, with hydropower accounting for the majority, followed by wind power. The country aims to achieve 100% renewable electricity production by 2040.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 390 Views
  • Walking down memory lane: ‘Lest we forget’
    Why did the government coercise us to vaccinate children?
    Walking down memory lane: ‘Lest we forget’ Why did the government coercise us to vaccinate children? file:///C:/Users/flash/Downloads/Telegram%20Desktop/5_6334453905442735090.pdf
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  • 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 KJV
    Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

    Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
    1 Corinthians 6:9-10 KJV Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. https://imgflip.com/i/93pqem
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 277 Views
  • BC Conservatives vow involuntary treatment for at-risk drug users
    via @truenorthcentre
    BC Conservatives vow involuntary treatment for at-risk drug users 🇨🇦 #NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 #resigntrudeau 🇨🇦 https://tnc.news/2024/09/14/bc-conservatives-involuntary-treatment-drugs/ via @truenorthcentre
    BC Conservatives vow involuntary treatment for at-risk drug users
    The BC Conservatives have pledged to support involuntary treatment for people struggling with substance abuse should they “pose a risk to themselves and others.”
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 222 Views

    #Police are enemies of every American
    You can choose to "not like the man's behavior" if you like... But it wasn't unlawful

    Police are nothing more than grown up schoolyard bullies, with guns and body armor who believe that they are YOUR MASTERS instead of realizing they are SERVANTS!

    If you #BackTheBlue I'm certain it's because these tyrannical, bully scumbags have never abused YOU personally, and apparently you have no empathy for others

    Police act as if they are some sort of "gods" or something...
    Believing they have the right to treat you like a dog. "Sit on the curb." "Roll over, beg, speak"

    Yeah, well FTP!
    Personally, I would NOT piss on the police if they were on fire

    And I have several very good reasons for feeling the way that I do!
    Namely MY EXPERIENCES with these authoritarian pieces of dung

    Despite this guy starting out good....
    He is now kissing that blue a** and talking about the fictional "good cops" that don't exist! But at least he is calling for the firing of ONE of his abusers! WHAT OF THE REST?

    What did they do to stop the abuse?

    Police being "fired" for gross misconduct, violence, and falsely imprisoning Americans does not cut it!

    Police need to be INDICTED by a grand jury of Americans
    (Called forth BY AMERICANS since prosecutors won't do it)

    for violating TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights AND 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law AND SENT TO PRISON OR EXECUTED FOR THEIR CRIMES!

    We have reached a point where the corporate "government" abuses are INTOLERABLE, and it is time to stop tolerating the intolerable! POLICE are the criminals we have police to defend us against! PERIOD!

    WERE TYREEK HILL'S RIGHTS VIOLATED? | FULL LEGAL BREAKDOWN #Police are enemies of every American You can choose to "not like the man's behavior" if you like... But it wasn't unlawful Police are nothing more than grown up schoolyard bullies, with guns and body armor who believe that they are YOUR MASTERS instead of realizing they are SERVANTS! If you #BackTheBlue I'm certain it's because these tyrannical, bully scumbags have never abused YOU personally, and apparently you have no empathy for others Police act as if they are some sort of "gods" or something... Believing they have the right to treat you like a dog. "Sit on the curb." "Roll over, beg, speak" Yeah, well FTP! Personally, I would NOT piss on the police if they were on fire And I have several very good reasons for feeling the way that I do! Namely MY EXPERIENCES with these authoritarian pieces of dung Despite this guy starting out good.... He is now kissing that blue a** and talking about the fictional "good cops" that don't exist! But at least he is calling for the firing of ONE of his abusers! WHAT OF THE REST? EVERY COP ON THE SCENE IS GUILTY! What did they do to stop the abuse? Police being "fired" for gross misconduct, violence, and falsely imprisoning Americans does not cut it! Police need to be INDICTED by a grand jury of Americans (Called forth BY AMERICANS since prosecutors won't do it) for violating TITLE 18 U.S.C. § 241 Conspiracy Against Rights AND 18 U.S.C. § 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law AND SENT TO PRISON OR EXECUTED FOR THEIR CRIMES! We have reached a point where the corporate "government" abuses are INTOLERABLE, and it is time to stop tolerating the intolerable! POLICE are the criminals we have police to defend us against! PERIOD! https://old.bitchute.com/video/idtaZIdXIsw/
    Were Tyreek Hill's Rights Violated? | Full Legal Breakdown
    Got injured in an accident? You could be one click away from a claim worth millions. You can start your claim now with Morgan & Morgan at https://ForThePeople.com/TheCivilRightsLawyer without leaving your couch. Remember, it's free unless you win. V…
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 781 Views
  • Bluesky registered Millions of new users in Brazil that well reflect the importance of social media in Brazil. Otherwise X (or twitter) highlighter with comply on the law in Brazil affecter in topped bans over X network web social.
    Bluesky registered Millions of new users in Brazil that well reflect the importance of social media in Brazil. Otherwise X (or twitter) highlighter with comply on the law in Brazil affecter in topped bans over X network web social.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 283 Views
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