• #Jesuits always gravitate towards #Astronomy!
    And that is because Jesuits are LIARS and Serpents!

    Jesuits are ENEMIES of the #Truth and the word of God!

    Even that being the case.... occasionally some #Truth slips past their lips!
    This supposed "Scientist" KNOWS the bible directly contradicts EVERYTHING he and his ilk teaches! And he is telling you so right here!

    Here's a clip of the transcript

    I was asked to do a Bible study group. I'm thinking Catholics don't do Bible studies you know and to do a Bible study group in Houston?

    Catholics definitely don't do Bible studies in Texas to do a Bible study group in Houston with a bunch of astronauts. Astronauts oh I could do that yeah so I wound up at a dinner evening of about 12 couples all of them astronauts and spouses.

    Half of them were Catholic as it turns out so so much for Catholics not doing Bible studies.

    One of the guys came up to me and said you know I just want to let you know I
    believe in the absolute truth that creation was made in the six days just as described in the book of Genesis and that's why religion I just want to let you know that ahead of time.....

    And I'm thinking... you know, "have you actually read Genesis where it says the world is flat and it's covered with the dome and there's water above and below the dome?????

    You know where does the shuttle go how come you don't get wet???

    but then he told me a little bit more he said you know I'm before he was an astronaut he was a test pilot test pilots you don't want to have the habit of creatively reinterpreting their written instructions and that's true of computer programmers and that's true of Engineers in general these are people whose world depends on them literally interpreting the material that they've been given and so to them the Bible is just another owners manual because that's the way....

    I want YOU to know your enemy!
    Who he is, and the tactics he uses!

    Don't believe Jesuits are your enemy? READ THE OATH THEY TAKE!

    The Jesuit #Oath

    I now in the presence of the Almighty God, the blessed virgin
    Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John
    the Baptist . . • and my ghostly father, the superior general
    of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, do by
    the womb of the Virgin • . . swear that His Holiness the Pope
    is Christ’s vice-regent, and is the true and only Head of the
    Catholic or Universal Church ... I do now renounce and dis-
    own any allegiance is due to any heretical King, Prince, or
    State, named Protestant or Liberal, or obedience to any of their
    laws or magistrates, or officers. I do further declare the doc-
    trine of the Church of England, and Scotland, and of Calvanists,
    Huguenots, and others of the name of Protestant or Liberal, to
    be damnable, and themselves to be damned, who will not forsake
    the same- Ido further promise and declare that, notwithstand-
    ing 1 am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical for the
    propagation of Mother Church’s interest, to keep secret and
    private all her agents, counsels, from time to time, as they in-
    terest me, and not divulge directly or indirectly by word, writing,
    or circumstances whatever. I do furthermore promise and
    declare that 1 will, when opportunity presents, make and wage
    relentless war secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants,
    and Liberals, as I am directed to; extirpate them from the face
    of the earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition,
    and that I will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury
    alive those infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs
    of the women, and crush their infants’ heads against the walls
    in order to annihilate their inexorable race. That when the
    same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous
    cup, the strangulating cords, the steels of the poinard, or the
    leaden bullets, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity, or
    authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life,
    either public or private, as I at any time may be directed to by
    any agent of the Pope, or the superior of the Holy Father of
    the Society of Jesus. In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate
    my life, my soul, and my corporeal powers; and with this dagger,
    which 1 now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my
    blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false, or weaken
    in my determination may my brethren and fellow-soldiers of the
    militia of the Pope, cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat

    from ear to ear, rip my belly open, and sulphur burn therein,
    .and all the punishments that can be inflicted on me on earth,
    and my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell for ever.
    In testimony thereof I take this most holy and blessed sacrament
    of the Eucharist, and witness the same further with my name
    written with the point of this dagger, dipped in my own blood,
    and sealed in the face of the holy covenant-
    (Copied from the “Divine Calendar’, Vol. 11., edited by
    Augusta Cook, and published by Dank and Sons, 1916.)
    Prinked by Protestant Publications, 110 Glebe Point Road, Glebe, and
    -obtainable at the Protestant Truth Society (Mr. A. L. Sainsbury, Secre-
    tary), 15a Barlow Street, Sydney.

    #Jesuits always gravitate towards #Astronomy! And that is because Jesuits are LIARS and Serpents! Jesuits are ENEMIES of the #Truth and the word of God! Even that being the case.... occasionally some #Truth slips past their lips! This supposed "Scientist" KNOWS the bible directly contradicts EVERYTHING he and his ilk teaches! And he is telling you so right here! Here's a clip of the transcript I was asked to do a Bible study group. I'm thinking Catholics don't do Bible studies you know and to do a Bible study group in Houston? Catholics definitely don't do Bible studies in Texas to do a Bible study group in Houston with a bunch of astronauts. Astronauts oh I could do that yeah so I wound up at a dinner evening of about 12 couples all of them astronauts and spouses. Half of them were Catholic as it turns out so so much for Catholics not doing Bible studies. One of the guys came up to me and said you know I just want to let you know I believe in the absolute truth that creation was made in the six days just as described in the book of Genesis and that's why religion I just want to let you know that ahead of time..... And I'm thinking... you know, "have you actually read Genesis where it says the world is flat and it's covered with the dome and there's water above and below the dome????? You know where does the shuttle go how come you don't get wet??? but then he told me a little bit more he said you know I'm before he was an astronaut he was a test pilot test pilots you don't want to have the habit of creatively reinterpreting their written instructions and that's true of computer programmers and that's true of Engineers in general these are people whose world depends on them literally interpreting the material that they've been given and so to them the Bible is just another owners manual because that's the way.... I want YOU to know your enemy! Who he is, and the tactics he uses! Don't believe Jesuits are your enemy? READ THE OATH THEY TAKE! The Jesuit #Oath I now in the presence of the Almighty God, the blessed virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist . . • and my ghostly father, the superior general of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola, do by the womb of the Virgin • . . swear that His Holiness the Pope is Christ’s vice-regent, and is the true and only Head of the Catholic or Universal Church ... I do now renounce and dis- own any allegiance is due to any heretical King, Prince, or State, named Protestant or Liberal, or obedience to any of their laws or magistrates, or officers. I do further declare the doc- trine of the Church of England, and Scotland, and of Calvanists, Huguenots, and others of the name of Protestant or Liberal, to be damnable, and themselves to be damned, who will not forsake the same- Ido further promise and declare that, notwithstand- ing 1 am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical for the propagation of Mother Church’s interest, to keep secret and private all her agents, counsels, from time to time, as they in- terest me, and not divulge directly or indirectly by word, writing, or circumstances whatever. I do furthermore promise and declare that 1 will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants, and Liberals, as I am directed to; extirpate them from the face of the earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition, and that I will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive those infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of the women, and crush their infants’ heads against the walls in order to annihilate their inexorable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulating cords, the steels of the poinard, or the leaden bullets, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity, or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed to by any agent of the Pope, or the superior of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus. In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, my soul, and my corporeal powers; and with this dagger, which 1 now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false, or weaken in my determination may my brethren and fellow-soldiers of the militia of the Pope, cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, rip my belly open, and sulphur burn therein, .and all the punishments that can be inflicted on me on earth, and my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell for ever. In testimony thereof I take this most holy and blessed sacrament of the Eucharist, and witness the same further with my name written with the point of this dagger, dipped in my own blood, and sealed in the face of the holy covenant- (Copied from the “Divine Calendar’, Vol. 11., edited by Augusta Cook, and published by Dank and Sons, 1916.) Prinked by Protestant Publications, 110 Glebe Point Road, Glebe, and -obtainable at the Protestant Truth Society (Mr. A. L. Sainsbury, Secre- tary), 15a Barlow Street, Sydney. https://youtu.be/wUyiQufyiK0
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 7299 Views
    Rantings of an old man that doesn't have to watch what a country I once loved turn communist much longer due to my age. The founding fathers spinning in their graves will be the next source of non-fossil energy.

    No Country for Old Men

    Growing old in a country you no longer recognize.

    Those of us who were part of the Baby Boom generation, now in our 60s and 70s, no longer recognize the nation in which we grew up. We are strangers in a land that gets stranger by the day.

    We believed in the American dream. We worked hard, paid our taxes and obeyed the law —even laws we thought were idiotic.

    We married and had children. Today’s young adults cohabit and have pets.

    We struggled to raise families. Some of us went to war, like our fathers and grandfathers before us. We thought that when we grew old, there would be more for us – more than alienation.

    Most of us don’t recognize Biden’s America. Patriotism has become passe'. Our military is led by men who are social workers and politically correct hacks.

    They can’t fight, but they’re great at getting soldiers to use preferred pronouns and combating imaginary racism in the ranks.

    Giant corporations have replaced individual enterprise, which – in many cases – has been taxed and regulated out of existence. Government bureaucrats and corporate executives are like the pigs and men at the end of Orwell’s “Animal Farm.”

    We look in vain for a Ronald Reagan, a Lincoln or a Teddy Roosevelt. Instead, we find corrupt clowns like wizened Nancy Pelosi, Commissar Ocasio-Cortez (the Cuban pinup girl selling socialist snake oil) and our president – a cranky septuagenarian slipping noisily into senility.

    If we’re white, we’re told that we are responsible for every problem that plagues people of color. That’s right, we’re to blame for the roughly 70% of black children born out of wedlock (we forced their parents to behave irresponsibly), just as cops are to blame for the deaths of thugs who threaten their lives.

    Savages who burn down cities are hailed as heroes and celebrated as warriors for social justice. But misguided middle-class citizens, among them veterans, who trespassed in the Capitol 14 months ago are branded traitors and insurgents.

    Mayors take down statues of Washington and Columbus and commission murals of George Floyd.

    If you’re white, you’re also responsible for slavery, segregation, the Wounded Knee massacre and Japanese Americans interned during World War II. Racism is in our blood, they tell us. Remember, throughout the course of human history, racism has never existed anywhere but here.

    By “despoiling the earth,” we’re also responsible for climate change. If we end up paying $7-a-gallon for gas – well, it’s our own damned fault.

    Forget racial minorities. Now, we’re told that there are “sexual minorities” -- that people who used to be considered odd are in fact oppressed. And that a man who thinks he’s a woman in fact is a woman – and is entitled to use the ladies’ room with our granddaughters. And if we refuse to accept this bizarre fantasy, we are hateful.

    What passes for entertainment is sickening – all blood and gore, sadistic killers, aliens who pop out of people’s stomachs and monsters in various guises. We search in vain for contemporary movies with characters we can admire or at least care about. So we retreat to cinema of the 40s and 50s on TCM.

    On top of living in a country that’s unrecognizable, we can’t even afford to live here anymore. You need a second mortgage to buy a steak. A hamburger and fries at McDonald’s is a gourmet feast.

    Filling up the tank is agonizing. Paying confiscatory taxes marks us as serfs. Inflation is at an almost 40-year high, and politicians tell us it’s because government isn’t spending enough.

    Our parents could retire at 65, in the mortgage-free home they bought in their 30s. We’re still working at 75. Retirement is a distant dream. We’re working to provide benefits for illegal aliens, addicts and loons who camp and defecate on the streets.

    Many of us are the grandchildren of immigrants, a fact of which we are proud. Our people helped to build this country. But we witness with unalloyed horror the tide flowing across our southern border unimpeded. The middle class view them as criminals, gang members and mooches. The Democratic party sees them as voters. We can’t defend our own borders, but are expected to defend those of distant lands.

    This used to be an English-speaking country. Now it’s ballots in 20 languages, court interpreters and press one for Serbo-Croatian.

    Our feeble president (who’s been sucking on the federal teat for half-a-century) is unable to perform his Constitutional duties, but has successfully waged war on domestic energy production. We went from energy independence to beggars with a gas can in a matter of months. The corpse that walks says climate change is the biggest threat to our national security – along with transphobia.

    Washington sputters about Putin’s war on Ukraine, but imports 670,000 barrels of Russian oil a day. While he lets pipelines rust and our oil, coal and natural gas remain in the ground, Biden pleads with the Saudis to pump more – and is thinking about imports from the Marxists of Venezuela and the jihadists of Iran, both Russian allies. Apparently, oil from anywhere outside the U.S. doesn’t pollute.

    Officeholders for life treat us like mentally-challenged children. They snicker at those who pay their exorbitant salaries.

    So we limp along into old age, too proud to go on the dole and too stubborn to just give up.

    Besides, surrender now would be a betrayal of the America that once was.
    SHARING FROM ANOTHER: Rantings of an old man that doesn't have to watch what a country I once loved turn communist much longer due to my age. The founding fathers spinning in their graves will be the next source of non-fossil energy. No Country for Old Men Growing old in a country you no longer recognize. Those of us who were part of the Baby Boom generation, now in our 60s and 70s, no longer recognize the nation in which we grew up. We are strangers in a land that gets stranger by the day. We believed in the American dream. We worked hard, paid our taxes and obeyed the law —even laws we thought were idiotic. We married and had children. Today’s young adults cohabit and have pets. We struggled to raise families. Some of us went to war, like our fathers and grandfathers before us. We thought that when we grew old, there would be more for us – more than alienation. Most of us don’t recognize Biden’s America. Patriotism has become passe'. Our military is led by men who are social workers and politically correct hacks. They can’t fight, but they’re great at getting soldiers to use preferred pronouns and combating imaginary racism in the ranks. Giant corporations have replaced individual enterprise, which – in many cases – has been taxed and regulated out of existence. Government bureaucrats and corporate executives are like the pigs and men at the end of Orwell’s “Animal Farm.” We look in vain for a Ronald Reagan, a Lincoln or a Teddy Roosevelt. Instead, we find corrupt clowns like wizened Nancy Pelosi, Commissar Ocasio-Cortez (the Cuban pinup girl selling socialist snake oil) and our president – a cranky septuagenarian slipping noisily into senility. If we’re white, we’re told that we are responsible for every problem that plagues people of color. That’s right, we’re to blame for the roughly 70% of black children born out of wedlock (we forced their parents to behave irresponsibly), just as cops are to blame for the deaths of thugs who threaten their lives. Savages who burn down cities are hailed as heroes and celebrated as warriors for social justice. But misguided middle-class citizens, among them veterans, who trespassed in the Capitol 14 months ago are branded traitors and insurgents. Mayors take down statues of Washington and Columbus and commission murals of George Floyd. If you’re white, you’re also responsible for slavery, segregation, the Wounded Knee massacre and Japanese Americans interned during World War II. Racism is in our blood, they tell us. Remember, throughout the course of human history, racism has never existed anywhere but here. By “despoiling the earth,” we’re also responsible for climate change. If we end up paying $7-a-gallon for gas – well, it’s our own damned fault. Forget racial minorities. Now, we’re told that there are “sexual minorities” -- that people who used to be considered odd are in fact oppressed. And that a man who thinks he’s a woman in fact is a woman – and is entitled to use the ladies’ room with our granddaughters. And if we refuse to accept this bizarre fantasy, we are hateful. What passes for entertainment is sickening – all blood and gore, sadistic killers, aliens who pop out of people’s stomachs and monsters in various guises. We search in vain for contemporary movies with characters we can admire or at least care about. So we retreat to cinema of the 40s and 50s on TCM. On top of living in a country that’s unrecognizable, we can’t even afford to live here anymore. You need a second mortgage to buy a steak. A hamburger and fries at McDonald’s is a gourmet feast. Filling up the tank is agonizing. Paying confiscatory taxes marks us as serfs. Inflation is at an almost 40-year high, and politicians tell us it’s because government isn’t spending enough. Our parents could retire at 65, in the mortgage-free home they bought in their 30s. We’re still working at 75. Retirement is a distant dream. We’re working to provide benefits for illegal aliens, addicts and loons who camp and defecate on the streets. Many of us are the grandchildren of immigrants, a fact of which we are proud. Our people helped to build this country. But we witness with unalloyed horror the tide flowing across our southern border unimpeded. The middle class view them as criminals, gang members and mooches. The Democratic party sees them as voters. We can’t defend our own borders, but are expected to defend those of distant lands. This used to be an English-speaking country. Now it’s ballots in 20 languages, court interpreters and press one for Serbo-Croatian. Our feeble president (who’s been sucking on the federal teat for half-a-century) is unable to perform his Constitutional duties, but has successfully waged war on domestic energy production. We went from energy independence to beggars with a gas can in a matter of months. The corpse that walks says climate change is the biggest threat to our national security – along with transphobia. Washington sputters about Putin’s war on Ukraine, but imports 670,000 barrels of Russian oil a day. While he lets pipelines rust and our oil, coal and natural gas remain in the ground, Biden pleads with the Saudis to pump more – and is thinking about imports from the Marxists of Venezuela and the jihadists of Iran, both Russian allies. Apparently, oil from anywhere outside the U.S. doesn’t pollute. Officeholders for life treat us like mentally-challenged children. They snicker at those who pay their exorbitant salaries. So we limp along into old age, too proud to go on the dole and too stubborn to just give up. Besides, surrender now would be a betrayal of the America that once was.
    1 Commentarios 0 Acciones 309 Views
  • Great! More food for me>
    Great! More food for me> https://steadfastclash.com/the-latest/empty-heads-with-empty-stomachs-students-threaten-hunger-strike-until-hr1-passes/
    Empty Heads with Empty Stomachs – Students Threaten Hunger Strike Until HR1 Passes
    Often, Americans will stick to a cause, regardless of its apparent merits or lack of common sense. Some people seem to just enjoy the thrill of the protest. Frequently, exercising our First Amendment rights will have profound effects on policy, however. Nevertheless, sometimes they’ll just make us hungry, very hungry. Right now, there are a ...
    0 Commentarios 1 Acciones 189 Views
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 167 Views
  • all the fake news tramps whose stomachs r turnin to mush cuz dey wanted to do journalism but instead spend der lives betraying us
    all the fake news tramps whose stomachs r turnin to mush cuz dey wanted to do journalism but instead spend der lives betraying us
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 150 Views
  • Augustine paints a picture of ancient Rome for us modern folk.

    Chapter 20

    The worshipers and devotees of those gods of yours, the men who gaily ape their vices and depravities, are not in the least disturbed to see their country wallow in a dismal swamp of immorality. ‘As long as it endures,’ they say, ‘as long as it prospers amid plenty and can boast of victories and enjoy the security of peace, what do morals matter to us? What concerns us more is that everyone should become richer and richer, so as to be able to bear the costs of his daily excesses, and to lord it over his economically weaker fellows. Let the poor toady to the rich in order to fill their stomachs and enjoy indolent ease under their patronage. Let the rich use the poor to surround themselves with a crowd of satellites and to enhance their prestige. Let the mob applaud, not those who think of what is good for them, but those who minister to their pleasures. Let no one impose toil and trouble, or prohibit impure pleasures. Rulers must not bother whether their people are virtuous, if only they can keep them subject. The people of the provinces must not obey the governors as guardians of their morals, but as managers of their affairs and purveyors of their pleasures. They are not to show them sincere respect, but cower before them in base servility. As for the laws, let them look to wrongs against property without bothering about moral propriety.

    No one should be brought to court, except one who has done harm or nuisance to another’s property, home, or limb, or to an unwilling party. As for the rest, each man can do his own sweet will with his goods, with his subjects, or with the goods or subjects of any others who consent. Let there be public harlots in abundance for all who would indulge their lust, and, above all, for those who have no mistresses of their own.

    Let houses be built, spacious and exquisitely furnished, and let people come to sumptuous banquets where each one can gamble and drink and vomit and carouse day or night, as much as he pleases or is able. Let the noise of dancing be everywhere. Let the theatres resound with lewd merriment and with every kind of cruel and vicious pleasure. Let the man who dislikes these pleasures be branded as a public enemy, and, should he attempt to interfere with them, let the mob be free to hound him to death. Let those rulers be regarded as true gods who devote themselves to giving the people a good time, and guarantee them its continuance. Let them be worshiped in the manner they desire, and demand the plays they please, in the company, or at the expense, of their devotees. Only let them take care that no foe, no plague, no calamity interfere with this reign of prosperity.

    What man in his right senses would place this kind of commonwealth on the same level with, I do not say the Roman Empire, but with the house of Sardanapalus. This king abandoned himself so completely to dissipation that on his tomb he had inscribed that in death he possessed only what in life his lust had enjoyed. If those pleasureseekers had a king of that sort, who indulged them in such things and placed not the slightest restraint on anyone’s whim, they would dedicate to him a temple and a high-priest more readily than did the ancient Romans to Romulus.

    Augustine of Hippo, The City of God, Books I–VII, ed. Hermigild Dressler,
    Augustine paints a picture of ancient Rome for us modern folk. Chapter 20 The worshipers and devotees of those gods of yours, the men who gaily ape their vices and depravities, are not in the least disturbed to see their country wallow in a dismal swamp of immorality. ‘As long as it endures,’ they say, ‘as long as it prospers amid plenty and can boast of victories and enjoy the security of peace, what do morals matter to us? What concerns us more is that everyone should become richer and richer, so as to be able to bear the costs of his daily excesses, and to lord it over his economically weaker fellows. Let the poor toady to the rich in order to fill their stomachs and enjoy indolent ease under their patronage. Let the rich use the poor to surround themselves with a crowd of satellites and to enhance their prestige. Let the mob applaud, not those who think of what is good for them, but those who minister to their pleasures. Let no one impose toil and trouble, or prohibit impure pleasures. Rulers must not bother whether their people are virtuous, if only they can keep them subject. The people of the provinces must not obey the governors as guardians of their morals, but as managers of their affairs and purveyors of their pleasures. They are not to show them sincere respect, but cower before them in base servility. As for the laws, let them look to wrongs against property without bothering about moral propriety. No one should be brought to court, except one who has done harm or nuisance to another’s property, home, or limb, or to an unwilling party. As for the rest, each man can do his own sweet will with his goods, with his subjects, or with the goods or subjects of any others who consent. Let there be public harlots in abundance for all who would indulge their lust, and, above all, for those who have no mistresses of their own. Let houses be built, spacious and exquisitely furnished, and let people come to sumptuous banquets where each one can gamble and drink and vomit and carouse day or night, as much as he pleases or is able. Let the noise of dancing be everywhere. Let the theatres resound with lewd merriment and with every kind of cruel and vicious pleasure. Let the man who dislikes these pleasures be branded as a public enemy, and, should he attempt to interfere with them, let the mob be free to hound him to death. Let those rulers be regarded as true gods who devote themselves to giving the people a good time, and guarantee them its continuance. Let them be worshiped in the manner they desire, and demand the plays they please, in the company, or at the expense, of their devotees. Only let them take care that no foe, no plague, no calamity interfere with this reign of prosperity. What man in his right senses would place this kind of commonwealth on the same level with, I do not say the Roman Empire, but with the house of Sardanapalus. This king abandoned himself so completely to dissipation that on his tomb he had inscribed that in death he possessed only what in life his lust had enjoyed. If those pleasureseekers had a king of that sort, who indulged them in such things and placed not the slightest restraint on anyone’s whim, they would dedicate to him a temple and a high-priest more readily than did the ancient Romans to Romulus. Augustine of Hippo, The City of God, Books I–VII, ed. Hermigild Dressler,
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 286 Views
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 160 Views

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