• https://medforth.biz/uk-govt-realises-teachers-need-protection-from-blasphemy-allegations-the-threat-of-islamist-violence-is-already-a-reality-in-europe/
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    You will NEVER DEFEAT the #Slavery System of "Maritime Admiralty Law" that has been set up to control you, enslave you, and steal your fruits of your labor, by continuing to "consent" to being the #Slave of a Corporation!

    Our entire system is nothing more than institutionalized SLAVERY that you are duped into participating in EVERY TIME YOU VOTE or declare yourself a "US Citizen"

    If you want to "consent" to something, how about you consent to sending every one of these political parasites to the PRISONS THEY BUILT TO PUT YOU INTO???

    This goes for the politicians, the bankers that control them, the Jews, the Jesuits, the Vatican, an the #Police they have hired to PROTECT THEM FROM BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE, as they shake you down for any money you have left after being robbed the first ten times through "taxation"

    You PAY because you are a SLAVE and you refuse to stand together!

    Until you ALL stand together and END the entire corrupt system of slavery EVERYTHING called "government" will continue to rule and rob you!

    Their black robed priests and their Maritime Admiralty Law Courts will continue to send you to PRISON and steal your assets UNTIL you remove yourself from their #Jurisdiction by REFUSING TO CONSENT!

    I do not want or need a group of people to make rules for me and rob me daily!

    I don't need their "protection" and don't "consent" to be bound by their "Statutes and Codes" (Which are NOT #Laws, and REQUIRE YOUR CONSENT)


    It's a "Private Society" that you MUST CONSENT TO JOINING
    for them to have any jurisdiction over you whatsoever!

    This is how they send you to prison without you creating a VICTIM!

    UNLESS you "consent" to giving "power of attorney" over your life to a CORPORATION by voting or declaring yourself a "citizen"

    Because a "citizen" is a SLAVE with no inalienable human rights!
    They can make the AIR YOU BREATHE ILLEGAL if they desire to do so

    The ONLY WAY to escape your slavery is by REVOKING YOUR CONSENT! Do NOT consent to ANY OF IT!

    Declare yourself a FREE MAN or WOMAN and place yourself firmly under COMMON LAW where MEN and WOMEN belong!

    COMMON LAW is the LAW for men and women living on the LAND! You are currently being ruled over as a "vessel" at sea!

    I really don't care about ANY of their laws, once every last one of them have been executed or sent to prison for their crimes they will be irrelevant anyway.

    What we got to care about is CONSENT!
    And none of us need to "consent" to any of it!

    The very day we stand together..... IT ALL ENDS!

    TRUMPERTARIANISM (PART 3) You will NEVER DEFEAT the #Slavery System of "Maritime Admiralty Law" that has been set up to control you, enslave you, and steal your fruits of your labor, by continuing to "consent" to being the #Slave of a Corporation! Our entire system is nothing more than institutionalized SLAVERY that you are duped into participating in EVERY TIME YOU VOTE or declare yourself a "US Citizen" If you want to "consent" to something, how about you consent to sending every one of these political parasites to the PRISONS THEY BUILT TO PUT YOU INTO??? This goes for the politicians, the bankers that control them, the Jews, the Jesuits, the Vatican, an the #Police they have hired to PROTECT THEM FROM BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE, as they shake you down for any money you have left after being robbed the first ten times through "taxation" You PAY because you are a SLAVE and you refuse to stand together! Until you ALL stand together and END the entire corrupt system of slavery EVERYTHING called "government" will continue to rule and rob you! Their black robed priests and their Maritime Admiralty Law Courts will continue to send you to PRISON and steal your assets UNTIL you remove yourself from their #Jurisdiction by REFUSING TO CONSENT! I do not want or need a group of people to make rules for me and rob me daily! I don't need their "protection" and don't "consent" to be bound by their "Statutes and Codes" (Which are NOT #Laws, and REQUIRE YOUR CONSENT) EVERYTHING "Maritime Admiralty Law" REQUIRES YOUR CONSENT! It's a "Private Society" that you MUST CONSENT TO JOINING for them to have any jurisdiction over you whatsoever! This is how they send you to prison without you creating a VICTIM! NO VICTIM = NO CRIME! UNLESS you "consent" to giving "power of attorney" over your life to a CORPORATION by voting or declaring yourself a "citizen" Because a "citizen" is a SLAVE with no inalienable human rights! They can make the AIR YOU BREATHE ILLEGAL if they desire to do so The ONLY WAY to escape your slavery is by REVOKING YOUR CONSENT! Do NOT consent to ANY OF IT! Declare yourself a FREE MAN or WOMAN and place yourself firmly under COMMON LAW where MEN and WOMEN belong! COMMON LAW is the LAW for men and women living on the LAND! You are currently being ruled over as a "vessel" at sea! I really don't care about ANY of their laws, once every last one of them have been executed or sent to prison for their crimes they will be irrelevant anyway. What we got to care about is CONSENT! And none of us need to "consent" to any of it! The very day we stand together..... IT ALL ENDS! https://www.bitchute.com/video/6MGx-S7G2DA/
    Trumpertarianism (Part 3)
    As promised, here is my take on the all-too-predictable spectacle of the Orange Fuhrer doing his schtick at the "Libertarian" (sic) convention. This is Part THREE (of three). ____________________________ If you want to support what we do here, dona…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 289 Views
  • EMF Neutralizers | Whole-Home EMF Protection | Aulterra - https://aulterra.com/
    EMF Neutralizers | Whole-Home EMF Protection | Aulterra - https://aulterra.com/ #emf
    Aulterra Home
    Looking for a scientifically proven way to protect yourself from the harmful effects of EMF radiation? Aulterra’s EMF neutralizers are the smart choice.
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  • Norway just went AGAINST cashless agenda

    Good news coming from Norway today.

    Parliament just voted for a law that will STRENGTHEN the use of physical cash.

    The law will ensure that people have the right to use physical cash as payment.

    Meaning that shops cannot refuse cash payments from customers.

    While cash payments only make 1,4% of payments in Norway today, this will ensure that people will have the right and freedom to continue using it.

    The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection is in fact recommending people to keep some amount of physical cash at home, in the event that electronic payment systems would stop working for example.

    Did you know that in Sweden, thousands of people have gotten MICROCHIP implants in their hands to use for cashless payments?
    Norway just went AGAINST cashless agenda https://petersweden.substack.com/p/norway-just-went-against-cashless?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=547128&post_id=144944554&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=djel3&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email Good news coming from Norway today. Parliament just voted for a law that will STRENGTHEN the use of physical cash. The law will ensure that people have the right to use physical cash as payment. Meaning that shops cannot refuse cash payments from customers. While cash payments only make 1,4% of payments in Norway today, this will ensure that people will have the right and freedom to continue using it. The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection is in fact recommending people to keep some amount of physical cash at home, in the event that electronic payment systems would stop working for example. Did you know that in Sweden, thousands of people have gotten MICROCHIP implants in their hands to use for cashless payments?
    Norway just went AGAINST cashless agenda
    Massive news as Norway just ensured the right to use real cash.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 275 Views
  • America’s public lands should be conserved and remain open to the public for shared uses. The Biden administration, however, is targeting millions of acres for permanent protection in the name of “conservation” to bolster its America the Beautiful (or 30-by-30) initiative–a dangerous rewilding plan masquerading as conservation.
    America’s public lands should be conserved and remain open to the public for shared uses. The Biden administration, however, is targeting millions of acres for permanent protection in the name of “conservation” to bolster its America the Beautiful (or 30-by-30) initiative–a dangerous rewilding plan masquerading as conservation. https://wattsupwiththat.com/2024/05/10/biden-administration-locking-up-public-lands-from-west-to-east/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 233 Views
  • Your ILLEGITIMATE "government"
    Which is actually a for-profit #Corporation
    who has deceived you into volunteering to be a #Slave!

    And let's face it, you ARE a slave!
    I mean you are a "free range human" slave... but still a slave

    You are kept in line, and kept a slave, through the deceiver's
    "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Courts and their "Policy Enforcers" the #Police

    You are literally RULED OVER under the "Law of the SEA"
    or "Contract Law" or the "Law of Commerce"

    EVERYTHING that is supposedly "illegal" is only illegal ON A VESSEL AT SEA!
    YOU are considered a "vessel" at sea in American courts!

    It's why the Flag has gold fringe around it!
    This signifies that you are in a "Maritime Admiralty Law" court!

    This entire system is based purely on #Fraud and deception!
    But you'll remain a SLAVE until these Pirates of the high seas are taken down!

    The truth of the matter is that Police are actually a
    "Foreign Military on US Soil in violation of the Constitution"

    But that's okay....
    YOU have no constitutional protections anyway....
    The #Constitution is the "Law of the Land"
    and YOU are in the #Jurisdiction of the SEA!

    Your "Birth Certificate" was used to deceive your mother and father into unknowingly "consenting" (You cannot consent to something you are unaware of) to hand YOU over to this CORPORATION as a maritime admiralty law "Product,"

    PROPERTY of the Corporation
    Your ILLEGITIMATE "government" Which is actually a for-profit #Corporation who has deceived you into volunteering to be a #Slave! And let's face it, you ARE a slave! I mean you are a "free range human" slave... but still a slave You are kept in line, and kept a slave, through the deceiver's "Maritime Admiralty Law" #Courts and their "Policy Enforcers" the #Police You are literally RULED OVER under the "Law of the SEA" or "Contract Law" or the "Law of Commerce" EVERYTHING that is supposedly "illegal" is only illegal ON A VESSEL AT SEA! YOU are considered a "vessel" at sea in American courts! It's why the Flag has gold fringe around it! This signifies that you are in a "Maritime Admiralty Law" court! This entire system is based purely on #Fraud and deception! But you'll remain a SLAVE until these Pirates of the high seas are taken down! The truth of the matter is that Police are actually a "Foreign Military on US Soil in violation of the Constitution" But that's okay.... YOU have no constitutional protections anyway.... The #Constitution is the "Law of the Land" and YOU are in the #Jurisdiction of the SEA! Your "Birth Certificate" was used to deceive your mother and father into unknowingly "consenting" (You cannot consent to something you are unaware of) to hand YOU over to this CORPORATION as a maritime admiralty law "Product," PROPERTY of the Corporation
    0 Comments 0 Shares 627 Views
  • Join the Monsanto/Bayer #BOYCOTT!
    There are several reasons that people are opposed to Monsanto, but among the top two are their involvement with GMOs and their corruption of the U.S. government.

    One of the more outrageous schemes they pulled off in recent years was to ensure the passing of the “Monsanto Protection Act” that essentially prevented courts from prosecuting Monsanto over GMO-related health issues and was allegedly partly written by the company itself. Though the Act was only in effect for six months, similar bills have been signed into law that protect companies over consumers.

    As for GMOs, many studies have suggested that genetically-modified food products can drastically alter the health of consumers in a negative way. The number of Americans with chronic illnesses has doubled since the mass production of GMOs began and animals given only a GMO diet have shown to develop organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. GMOs have also shown to cross-pollinate and last forever, meaning that the number of non-GMO products is decreasing and could ruin the health of future generations.

    Though many of the products below may not contain GMOs themselves, the objective of a product boycott is to lessen the profit for Monsanto to show them that consumers are rejecting their practices and that we will not stand for their pollution or corruption.
    Click on the link below to enlarge it.
    Join the Monsanto/Bayer #BOYCOTT! There are several reasons that people are opposed to Monsanto, but among the top two are their involvement with GMOs and their corruption of the U.S. government. One of the more outrageous schemes they pulled off in recent years was to ensure the passing of the “Monsanto Protection Act” that essentially prevented courts from prosecuting Monsanto over GMO-related health issues and was allegedly partly written by the company itself. Though the Act was only in effect for six months, similar bills have been signed into law that protect companies over consumers. As for GMOs, many studies have suggested that genetically-modified food products can drastically alter the health of consumers in a negative way. The number of Americans with chronic illnesses has doubled since the mass production of GMOs began and animals given only a GMO diet have shown to develop organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. GMOs have also shown to cross-pollinate and last forever, meaning that the number of non-GMO products is decreasing and could ruin the health of future generations. Though many of the products below may not contain GMOs themselves, the objective of a product boycott is to lessen the profit for Monsanto to show them that consumers are rejecting their practices and that we will not stand for their pollution or corruption. Click on the link below to enlarge it. https://imgflip.com/i/8pc3xr
    0 Comments 0 Shares 818 Views

    YOU have been transformed into a CHILD!
    Your "Parents" are the Police, who treat you just like a 3 year old!

    And the worst part is, it's usually some snot nosed 24 year old kid, who is still shi**ing yellow! Some little "scared" punk, who is just looking for a reason to claim that he "is scared for his safety"

    But hold em up here.... IF he were really scared for his safety......

    This is nothing more than his brainwashing at work!
    He is taught to be "afraid" of everything, and to use that as an excuse to #Murder Americans who have harmed nobody!

    "Officer Safety" is the biggest scam in history!
    You did not become a #Police Officer to be "Safe"
    You supposedly joined the Police to keep the PUBLIC safe!

    But that's NOT what they do is it?
    They keep THEMSELVES "safe" as they destroy any "safety" the public enjoys!

    You are far more likely to be assaulted, kidnapped, or killed at the hands of "Law Enforcement" than at the hands of a crackhead
    (Or anyone else)

    These scumbags believe themselves to be YOUR PARENTS, and it's their job to prevent you from ever growing up, and becoming an actual MAN.

    A MAN who needs no protection because he protects HIMSELF!

    The #Truth is that Police are a foreign military on US Soil in violation of the Constitution. They work for a #Corporation that deceptively named itself something that made YOU believe it's your "government"

    But it's NOT your government!

    One that has killed and injured more Americans than ALL CRIMINALS COMBINED! That is when they are not kidnapping people and holding them for random

    You've been played folks!
    You were BRAINWASHED and DECEIVED into thinking that you "Consented" to be RULED OVER UNDER MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW!

    But you never consented to this!
    HOW can you consent to something you know nothing about???

    This is the largest #OrganizedCrime ring in human history!

    THAT is what this is!

    THIS DETECTIVE DESERVES 1,000,000,000 VIEWS YOU have been transformed into a CHILD! Your "Parents" are the Police, who treat you just like a 3 year old! And the worst part is, it's usually some snot nosed 24 year old kid, who is still shi**ing yellow! Some little "scared" punk, who is just looking for a reason to claim that he "is scared for his safety" But hold em up here.... IF he were really scared for his safety...... WHY DID HE APPROACH YOU TO BEGIN WITH??? This is nothing more than his brainwashing at work! He is taught to be "afraid" of everything, and to use that as an excuse to #Murder Americans who have harmed nobody! "Officer Safety" is the biggest scam in history! You did not become a #Police Officer to be "Safe" You supposedly joined the Police to keep the PUBLIC safe! But that's NOT what they do is it? They keep THEMSELVES "safe" as they destroy any "safety" the public enjoys! You are far more likely to be assaulted, kidnapped, or killed at the hands of "Law Enforcement" than at the hands of a crackhead (Or anyone else) These scumbags believe themselves to be YOUR PARENTS, and it's their job to prevent you from ever growing up, and becoming an actual MAN. A MAN who needs no protection because he protects HIMSELF! The #Truth is that Police are a foreign military on US Soil in violation of the Constitution. They work for a #Corporation that deceptively named itself something that made YOU believe it's your "government" But it's NOT your government! IT'S A FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION!!! One that has killed and injured more Americans than ALL CRIMINALS COMBINED! That is when they are not kidnapping people and holding them for random You've been played folks! You were BRAINWASHED and DECEIVED into thinking that you "Consented" to be RULED OVER UNDER MARITIME ADMIRALTY LAW! But you never consented to this! HOW can you consent to something you know nothing about??? This is the largest #OrganizedCrime ring in human history! THAT is what this is! https://www.bitchute.com/video/Oll32A8GRFE/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 835 Views
  • Climate action in Germany was dismissed by Government. Germany’s controversial parliament dismayed climate e Protection Act and so reduce the responsibility of failing to reach set emission goals to protect it own government ministries.
    Climate action in Germany was dismissed by Government. Germany’s controversial parliament dismayed climate e Protection Act and so reduce the responsibility of failing to reach set emission goals to protect it own government ministries.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 303 Views
  • ‘Chestfeeding’ to be banned in NHS crackdown


    The NHS is to crack down on transgender ideology in hospitals, with terms like “chestfeeding” set to be banned.

    Victoria Atkins, the Health Secretary, will this week announce a series of changes to the NHS constitution which sets out patients’ rights.

    Referring to “people who have ovaries” rather than “women” will also be prohibited under plans to ensure hospitals use clear language based on biological sex.

    The new constitution will ban transgender women from being treated on single-sex female hospital wards to ensure women and girls receive “privacy and protection” in hospitals.

    Patients will also be given the right to request that intimate care is carried out by someone of the same biological sex.

    It follows concerns from patients about biological men being allowed in women’s hospital wards. NHS guidance has previously stated that trans patients could be placed in single-sex wards on the basis of the gender with which they identified.

    Kemi Badenoch, the women and equalities minister, has backed calls for a public inquiry into the “pervasive influence” of transgender ideology in the NHS.

    The new NHS constitution will emphasise the importance of using “sex-specific” language in the health service after references to women were expunged from advice on the menopause and diseases such as cervical and ovarian cancer.
    ‘Chestfeeding’ to be banned in NHS crackdown https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/04/27/nhs-to-limit-trans-ideology-with-new-constitution/ The NHS is to crack down on transgender ideology in hospitals, with terms like “chestfeeding” set to be banned. Victoria Atkins, the Health Secretary, will this week announce a series of changes to the NHS constitution which sets out patients’ rights. Referring to “people who have ovaries” rather than “women” will also be prohibited under plans to ensure hospitals use clear language based on biological sex. The new constitution will ban transgender women from being treated on single-sex female hospital wards to ensure women and girls receive “privacy and protection” in hospitals. Patients will also be given the right to request that intimate care is carried out by someone of the same biological sex. It follows concerns from patients about biological men being allowed in women’s hospital wards. NHS guidance has previously stated that trans patients could be placed in single-sex wards on the basis of the gender with which they identified. Kemi Badenoch, the women and equalities minister, has backed calls for a public inquiry into the “pervasive influence” of transgender ideology in the NHS. The new NHS constitution will emphasise the importance of using “sex-specific” language in the health service after references to women were expunged from advice on the menopause and diseases such as cervical and ovarian cancer.
    ‘Chestfeeding’ to be banned in NHS crackdown
    The health service is to limit trans ideology with new constitution
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1114 Views
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