• Presumption

    Presumption https://beta.sermonaudio.com/sermons/56241954334958/
    Lawrence Blair | Pilgrim Devotion
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 136 Visualizações
  • https://medforth.biz/laurence-fox-free-speech-and-the-presumption-of-innocence-are-the-cornerstones-of-a-liberal-democracy-both-have-been-completely-undermined/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 438 Visualizações
  • https://medforth.biz/laurence-fox-free-speech-and-the-presumption-of-innocence-are-the-cornerstones-of-a-liberal-democracy-both-have-been-completely-undermined/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 429 Visualizações
  • What is "Legal" is NOT generally LAWFUL!
    The "Legal System" is the undoing of the Father's Law!

    Follow The #Law! Common Law, Natural Law, and God's Law...
    Follow YHWH's Law, Step out of the #Criminal Jurisdiction of the "legal system"

    The Legal System, Corporate Law, UCC, The law of money was created to protect the Criminals and limit liability!

    What is "Legal" has nothing to do with the law. It's a corrupt system which requires YOUR CONSENT and puts you under the law of the Sea, Admiralty Law


    Posted: Thursday, July 16, 2015 in Born Without Money

    In Chuck BALDWINS most recent post on FACEBOOK, he asks the question over and over, “What will we do,” in relation to the recent decision of homosexual marriage. Here is what I posted in response to his post.

    The answer to the question, “What will we do?” I think is hidden in one key word within your the first sentence, “What Caesar has demanded that we recognize the legal “right” of homosexuals and lesbians to “marry.” The KEY word that I speak of is the word LEGAL. Why? Even though the word legal is defined any many dictionaries and encyclopedias, the definitions are vague, confusing and most of all misdirect in misunderstanding of its true meaning and nature.

    Nevertheless, the most direct and strait forward definition that I have ever found for the word LEGAL is, “THE UNDOING OF GOD’S LAW.” [1893 Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Encyclopedia Britannica, a dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature / The R.S Peale 9th 1893] Think about the ramifications of this definition, as well as how plain and simple this definition is to not only get its proper meaning and intent, but to also clearly obtain insight into the activities of the world around us, and why things are being done the way that they are being done on a daily bases. It should no longer be of any wonder why the definition of this word has been obscured and hidden. This definition reveals the true objective of the LEGAL world of the dead to be to keep one embedded in a carnal mindset, which is enmity against The Most High God, Creator and Father.

    Now, what shall one do? Perhaps one can start with considering the connection between the legal world of the dead and the biblical admonishment to, “Let the dead bury the dead,” since corporations are of the world of the dead, and all governments are corporations. There obviously is some kind of connection. Furthermore, perhaps one can also consider why it behooves all to come out from such folly and be separate from the related unconscionable acts and deeds done only for the purpose of convenience. Folks, there is NO LOVE present when things are done for the sake of convenience. Likewise, if something is not done for the sake of it being inconvenient, it is no different, for it is without love and thus without keeping and fulfilling the two greatest commandments.

    Therefore, perhaps one should consider making a formal declaration for and on the PUBLIC RECORD to not only declare who they worship (in Spirit and Truth) but, to also define oneself according to LAW, not a frivolous LEGAL interpretation of Law and/or any of its definitions. Then, once such a declaration is a matter of record, it is possible that it can be used to serve notice upon all who attempt to trespass on them through assumption and/or presumption of that LEGAL WORLD that one has voluntarily elected to be under the governance of the legal world of the dead (other men/another manking 1SAM8) and all the legalities of its overwhelming statutes and codes (+60 million), which ultimately ends up with one paying tribute and homage unto Caesar. That’s Rome doing business as the UNITED STATES folks.

    Therefore, any such presumption and/or assumption is automatically declared to be null and void for willful negligent fraud unto the unconscionable act and deed of forcible conscription to violate the first of the 10-commandments; and is therefore, absent merit, absent consent, absent agreement, absent validity, absent honesty, absent mercy, absent honor, and most of all absent love.

    What is "Legal" is NOT generally LAWFUL! The "Legal System" is the undoing of the Father's Law! Follow The #Law! Common Law, Natural Law, and God's Law... Follow YHWH's Law, Step out of the #Criminal Jurisdiction of the "legal system" The Legal System, Corporate Law, UCC, The law of money was created to protect the Criminals and limit liability! What is "Legal" has nothing to do with the law. It's a corrupt system which requires YOUR CONSENT and puts you under the law of the Sea, Admiralty Law THE UNDOING OF GOD’S LAW – CAN YOU SEE IT? Posted: Thursday, July 16, 2015 in Born Without Money In Chuck BALDWINS most recent post on FACEBOOK, he asks the question over and over, “What will we do,” in relation to the recent decision of homosexual marriage. Here is what I posted in response to his post. The answer to the question, “What will we do?” I think is hidden in one key word within your the first sentence, “What Caesar has demanded that we recognize the legal “right” of homosexuals and lesbians to “marry.” The KEY word that I speak of is the word LEGAL. Why? Even though the word legal is defined any many dictionaries and encyclopedias, the definitions are vague, confusing and most of all misdirect in misunderstanding of its true meaning and nature. Nevertheless, the most direct and strait forward definition that I have ever found for the word LEGAL is, “THE UNDOING OF GOD’S LAW.” [1893 Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Encyclopedia Britannica, a dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature / The R.S Peale 9th 1893] Think about the ramifications of this definition, as well as how plain and simple this definition is to not only get its proper meaning and intent, but to also clearly obtain insight into the activities of the world around us, and why things are being done the way that they are being done on a daily bases. It should no longer be of any wonder why the definition of this word has been obscured and hidden. This definition reveals the true objective of the LEGAL world of the dead to be to keep one embedded in a carnal mindset, which is enmity against The Most High God, Creator and Father. Now, what shall one do? Perhaps one can start with considering the connection between the legal world of the dead and the biblical admonishment to, “Let the dead bury the dead,” since corporations are of the world of the dead, and all governments are corporations. There obviously is some kind of connection. Furthermore, perhaps one can also consider why it behooves all to come out from such folly and be separate from the related unconscionable acts and deeds done only for the purpose of convenience. Folks, there is NO LOVE present when things are done for the sake of convenience. Likewise, if something is not done for the sake of it being inconvenient, it is no different, for it is without love and thus without keeping and fulfilling the two greatest commandments. Therefore, perhaps one should consider making a formal declaration for and on the PUBLIC RECORD to not only declare who they worship (in Spirit and Truth) but, to also define oneself according to LAW, not a frivolous LEGAL interpretation of Law and/or any of its definitions. Then, once such a declaration is a matter of record, it is possible that it can be used to serve notice upon all who attempt to trespass on them through assumption and/or presumption of that LEGAL WORLD that one has voluntarily elected to be under the governance of the legal world of the dead (other men/another manking 1SAM8) and all the legalities of its overwhelming statutes and codes (+60 million), which ultimately ends up with one paying tribute and homage unto Caesar. That’s Rome doing business as the UNITED STATES folks. Therefore, any such presumption and/or assumption is automatically declared to be null and void for willful negligent fraud unto the unconscionable act and deed of forcible conscription to violate the first of the 10-commandments; and is therefore, absent merit, absent consent, absent agreement, absent validity, absent honesty, absent mercy, absent honor, and most of all absent love. https://onlashuk.wordpress.com/2015/07/16/the-undoing-of-gods-law-can-you-see-it/
    In Chuck BALDWINS most recent post on FACEBOOK, he asks the question over and over, “What will we do,” in relation to the recent decision of homosexual marriage. Here is what I posted …
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 4371 Visualizações
  • EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Evolutionary ‘Proofs’ EXPOSED As False Presumptions – NOT Evidence https://www.infowars.com/posts/exclusive-interview-evolutionary-proofs-exposed-as-false-presumptions-not-evidence/
    EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Evolutionary ‘Proofs’ EXPOSED As False Presumptions – NOT Evidence https://www.infowars.com/posts/exclusive-interview-evolutionary-proofs-exposed-as-false-presumptions-not-evidence/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 272 Visualizações

    Now, I KNOW that you THINK you can read!

    These are two entirely different things!
    And the more #Indoctrination (Education) you have...

    You may not know it, but you ARE a #Slave!
    And fighting for one side or the other of our #CRIMINAL, ILLEGITIMATE, #GOVERNMENT just demonstrates my point further!

    Your entire LIFE is manipulated and controlled by #Fraudulent documents, that YOU think are legitimate, but are absolute #Fraud! Our illegitimate #Courts ignore this FRAUD, making them fraudulent as well.
    It's how you were enslaved!

    Brothers and Sisters ALL I WANT FOR YOU IS TO FREE YOURSELF!
    Then, we can worry with holding the criminals accountable!

    Romley Stewart ~ An older code (dog Latin the language of the dead/debtor).

    “Once the fraud has been detected in a document or contract that’s the end of the contract or document. A fact negates a presumption rendering government and corporate documents void if the fraud is detected on such documents or contracts.

    Every government document mixes all uppercase text with proper English together on one document. Once the SIGN language has been separated from the content of the document, most government and banking documents will make very little or no sense.

    Once a document has been exposed as grammatically incorrect, nothing can save it.”

    CAN YOU READ? Now, I KNOW that you THINK you can read! But CAN YOU ACTUALLY READ??? These are two entirely different things! And the more #Indoctrination (Education) you have... THE LESS LIKELY YOU ARE TO BE ABLE TO READ! You may not know it, but you ARE a #Slave! And fighting for one side or the other of our #CRIMINAL, ILLEGITIMATE, #GOVERNMENT just demonstrates my point further! Your entire LIFE is manipulated and controlled by #Fraudulent documents, that YOU think are legitimate, but are absolute #Fraud! Our illegitimate #Courts ignore this FRAUD, making them fraudulent as well. It's how you were enslaved! Brothers and Sisters ALL I WANT FOR YOU IS TO FREE YOURSELF! Then, we can worry with holding the criminals accountable! Romley Stewart ~ An older code (dog Latin the language of the dead/debtor). “Once the fraud has been detected in a document or contract that’s the end of the contract or document. A fact negates a presumption rendering government and corporate documents void if the fraud is detected on such documents or contracts. Every government document mixes all uppercase text with proper English together on one document. Once the SIGN language has been separated from the content of the document, most government and banking documents will make very little or no sense. Once a document has been exposed as grammatically incorrect, nothing can save it.” https://rumble.com/v247ki4-can-you-read.html
    Can You Read?
    CAN YOU READ? Now, I KNOW that you THINK you can read! But CAN YOU ACTUALLY READ??? These are two entirely different things! And the more #Indoctrination (Education) you have... THE LESS LIKELY YOU AR
    0 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 276 Visualizações
  • Daily Surge
    Steve Pauwels/Managing Editor
    -- When All These Things Are Happening … Time to Prepare, Respond …

    “When 50 senior members of the former President’s administration are raided, searched, detained, questioned and abused by federal law enforcement just prior to a huge election, the right to vote and the right to the presumption of innocence just might be at grave risk.”

    -- In Our Sometimes-Too-Casual Age … There’s a Place for Majesty, Royalty, Awe

    -- Eyes Open! 10 Ways Democrats Deliberately Bringing Destruction to America, Part One

    -- Warped Kinsey Fascination Is Re-emerging … Hide the Kids!

    -- Are the ‘Woke’ the New Pharisees? Leftist’s Hypocrisy over Martha’s Vineyard on Full Display


    -- Remembering the Big Picture: Don’t Forget ‘LGB’ When Pushing Back Against ‘T’

    -- British Royal Family: One Scandal After Another—Time to Shut It Down?

    -- Adam Levine, Human Nature, and Adultery … Not the End of the Story

    -- Sowing/Reaping: America’s ‘Secularist’ Religion Has Produced a Ghastly Crop in Society

    -- No Babies, No Life: Modern Societies Without Enough Children Won’t Prosper, Advance

    -- Leftists Lately Quoting Bible … Usual Anti-Religion Types Suddenly Clam Up

    -- Misleading ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ Is Cynical, Anti-Child, Political Posturing

    -- More Child Corruption: ‘Banned Books Week’ Protects Low Quality Trash

    -- As Season Continues Taking Shape: Pigskin Pundit’s Picks, NFL Week 3

    Jump on over and check us out!

    Daily Surge Steve Pauwels/Managing Editor 9-28-22 dailysurge.com -- When All These Things Are Happening … Time to Prepare, Respond … https://dailysurge.com/2022/09/when-all-these-things-are-happening-time-to-prepare-respond/ “When 50 senior members of the former President’s administration are raided, searched, detained, questioned and abused by federal law enforcement just prior to a huge election, the right to vote and the right to the presumption of innocence just might be at grave risk.” -- In Our Sometimes-Too-Casual Age … There’s a Place for Majesty, Royalty, Awe https://dailysurge.com/2022/09/in-our-sometimes-too-casual-age-theres-a-place-for-majesty-royalty-awe/ -- Eyes Open! 10 Ways Democrats Deliberately Bringing Destruction to America, Part One https://dailysurge.com/2022/09/10-ways-democrats-deliberately-bringing-destruction-to-america-part-one/ -- Warped Kinsey Fascination Is Re-emerging … Hide the Kids! https://dailysurge.com/2022/09/warped-kinsey-fascination-is-re-emerging-hide-the-kids/ -- Are the ‘Woke’ the New Pharisees? Leftist’s Hypocrisy over Martha’s Vineyard on Full Display https://dailysurge.com/2022/09/are-the-woke-the-new-pharisees-leftists-hypocrisy-over-marthas-vineyard-on-full-display/ -- Remembering the Big Picture: Don’t Forget ‘LGB’ When Pushing Back Against ‘T’ https://dailysurge.com/2022/09/remembering-the-big-picture-dont-forget-lgb-when-pushing-back-against-t/ -- British Royal Family: One Scandal After Another—Time to Shut It Down? https://dailysurge.com/2022/09/british-royal-family-one-scandal-after-another-time-to-shut-it-down/ -- Adam Levine, Human Nature, and Adultery … Not the End of the Story https://dailysurge.com/2022/09/adam-levine-human-nature-and-adultery-not-the-end-of-the-story/ -- Sowing/Reaping: America’s ‘Secularist’ Religion Has Produced a Ghastly Crop in Society https://dailysurge.com/2022/09/sowing-reaping-americas-secularist-religion-has-produced-a-ghastly-crop-in-society/ -- No Babies, No Life: Modern Societies Without Enough Children Won’t Prosper, Advance https://dailysurge.com/2022/09/no-babies-no-life-modern-societies-without-enough-children-wont-prosper-advance/ -- Leftists Lately Quoting Bible … Usual Anti-Religion Types Suddenly Clam Up https://dailysurge.com/2022/09/leftists-lately-quoting-bible-usual-anti-religion-types-suddenly-clam-up/ -- Misleading ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ Is Cynical, Anti-Child, Political Posturing https://dailysurge.com/2022/09/misleading-respect-for-marriage-act-is-cynical-anti-child-political-posturing/ -- More Child Corruption: ‘Banned Books Week’ Protects Low Quality Trash https://dailysurge.com/2022/09/more-child-corruption-banned-books-week-protects-low-quality-trash/ -- As Season Continues Taking Shape: Pigskin Pundit’s Picks, NFL Week 3 https://dailysurge.com/2022/09/as-season-continues-taking-shape-pigskin-pundits-picks-nfl-week-3/ Jump on over and check us out! dailysurge.com
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  • https://settingbrushfires.com/12-presumptions-against-you-in-us-courts-that-must-be-challenged-video/
    12 Presumptions Against You In US Courts That Must Be Challenged (Video) - Setting Brushfires
    Did you know that there are 12 presumptions against you when you enter any court in the united States? These are devastating to you unless you challenged them. Ron Gibson, a lawyer for more than 50 years, joins me to explain these presumptions and why you must argue against them. ...
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 296 Visualizações
  • https://rumble.com/v1fq0sp-12-presumptions-against-you-in-us-courts.html
    12 Presumptions Against You In US Courts That Must Be Challenged
    Did you know that there are 12 presumptions against you when you enter any court in the united States? These are devastating to you unless you challenged them. Ron Gibson, a lawyer for more than 50 ye
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 266 Visualizações

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