• Video
    Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - How The #PRIDE Movement Will Destroy #Sodomy - The Bible makes it clear that #sodomites have always been around. Every nation has had men and women involved in this #sin. The modern "Pride" movement is a military system created to divide people, and get them to fight and kill one another. The growing hatred of those in the LGBTQ system, will one day lead to laws passed against them, and ultimately the death penalty. How is a Christian supposed to view this system, and is it a threat to our #freedom? - https://youtu.be/R_dmBmaPg5M?si=tQxzVGTZPO43CFP2
    Video Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - How The #PRIDE Movement Will Destroy #Sodomy - The Bible makes it clear that #sodomites have always been around. Every nation has had men and women involved in this #sin. The modern "Pride" movement is a military system created to divide people, and get them to fight and kill one another. The growing hatred of those in the LGBTQ system, will one day lead to laws passed against them, and ultimately the death penalty. How is a Christian supposed to view this system, and is it a threat to our #freedom? - https://youtu.be/R_dmBmaPg5M?si=tQxzVGTZPO43CFP2
    1 Comments 0 Shares 44 Views
  • Saving America from the utter ruin to which it’s surely headed means Exiling Joe Biden from D.C. and reuniting him with his former companion Commander. Safely ensconced in Delaware, they can both sit on the Rehoboth beach, growling and baring their teeth at the joggers and other passers-by.
    Saving America from the utter ruin to which it’s surely headed means Exiling Joe Biden from D.C. and reuniting him with his former companion Commander. Safely ensconced in Delaware, they can both sit on the Rehoboth beach, growling and baring their teeth at the joggers and other passers-by. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/06/joe_s_distemper_is_showing.html
    Joe’s Distemper Is Showing
    It’s been said that in the end, fate gives us all the face that we’ve earned. That maxim seems to have been tailor-made for Joe Biden; can there be a more revealing portal to the man’s core than the unpleasant countenance he now imp...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 21 Views
  • Breaking: The House has passed a resolution to hold AG Democrat KGB Director Comrade Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand out subpoenaed tapes of Beijing Biden's interview with Special Counsel Hur: 208-207 Votes.
    Breaking: The House has passed a resolution to hold AG Democrat KGB Director Comrade Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand out subpoenaed tapes of Beijing Biden's interview with Special Counsel Hur: 208-207 Votes.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 58 Views
  • Yale Law Professor just EXPOSED the Unconstitutional Trial Against Trump | Redacted w Clayton Morris

    It's helpful to understand the personalities behind everything in this country. Not knowing who these people REALLY ARE leads to putting the worst criminals in our country into powerful political positions like JB Pritzker for example. To REALLY understand the Pritzker family I advise reading Whitney Webb's two volume series 'One nation under blackmail'. Here you will find that this Ohio based family created the Hyatt hotel chain but were deeply involved in the 'organized crime' syndicate that had been merged with America's intelligence agencies back in the 40's. Understand also that Donald Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn. Roy Cohn was a player in that world at a high level. Nobody says this anywhere but it appears to me that Cohn prior to his death, had some misgivings about his activities in the Deep State and Donald Trump may know where the 'bodies are buried' because Cohn most certainly did. If that is true then what would you expect the Pritzker family to say about Donald Trump? Maybe something like this?

    The second part of the video takes on the exact same problem many of us have undertaken to expose and correct through the legal system. Understand what the law professor is saying,

    The US Constitution has very specific instructions for the federal legal and state systems operations. One of these is that there MUST be an underlying crime before you can charge for downstream crimes. We call it a 'predicate' crime. Here's is how its supposed to work:

    1. Suspicion of a particular crime
    2. An investigation
    3. An Indictment
    4. Downstream charges if the crime can be substantiated through said investigation

    What did they do? They did the whole process backasswards beginning with 4 and seemingly bypassing 2 entirely.
    Yale Law Professor just EXPOSED the Unconstitutional Trial Against Trump | Redacted w Clayton Morris It's helpful to understand the personalities behind everything in this country. Not knowing who these people REALLY ARE leads to putting the worst criminals in our country into powerful political positions like JB Pritzker for example. To REALLY understand the Pritzker family I advise reading Whitney Webb's two volume series 'One nation under blackmail'. Here you will find that this Ohio based family created the Hyatt hotel chain but were deeply involved in the 'organized crime' syndicate that had been merged with America's intelligence agencies back in the 40's. Understand also that Donald Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn. Roy Cohn was a player in that world at a high level. Nobody says this anywhere but it appears to me that Cohn prior to his death, had some misgivings about his activities in the Deep State and Donald Trump may know where the 'bodies are buried' because Cohn most certainly did. If that is true then what would you expect the Pritzker family to say about Donald Trump? Maybe something like this? The second part of the video takes on the exact same problem many of us have undertaken to expose and correct through the legal system. Understand what the law professor is saying, The US Constitution has very specific instructions for the federal legal and state systems operations. One of these is that there MUST be an underlying crime before you can charge for downstream crimes. We call it a 'predicate' crime. Here's is how its supposed to work: 1. Suspicion of a particular crime 2. An investigation 3. An Indictment 4. Downstream charges if the crime can be substantiated through said investigation What did they do? They did the whole process backasswards beginning with 4 and seemingly bypassing 2 entirely. https://rumble.com/v50uklz-yale-law-professor-just-exposed-the-unconstitutional-trial-against-trump-re.html
    0 Comments 1 Shares 168 Views
  • U K R A I N E
    The Ukrainian army has mined the stretch of the border with Romania along the Tisza River, across which every day Ukrainian men of military age try to escape the mobilization.
    The bodies of the first victims have already been found by the border guards, who previously could shoot at the fugitives to kill them, but now eliminate them with anti-personnel mines.

    zelensky's Ukranian Reich becomes more and more brutal every day, surpassing even Nazi Germany or Bolsheviks in the brutality ranking. Whole society become one big concentration camp that the west and zelenskys regime transformed into largest extermination camp ever.
    video detail
    U K R A I N E The Ukrainian army has mined the stretch of the border with Romania along the Tisza River, across which every day Ukrainian men of military age try to escape the mobilization. The bodies of the first victims have already been found by the border guards, who previously could shoot at the fugitives to kill them, but now eliminate them with anti-personnel mines. zelensky's Ukranian Reich becomes more and more brutal every day, surpassing even Nazi Germany or Bolsheviks in the brutality ranking. Whole society become one big concentration camp that the west and zelenskys regime transformed into largest extermination camp ever. 📍 video detail 👇
    0 Comments 0 Shares 129 Views 0
  • Pale Rider - The Storm by Doug Simpson
    In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. ― Mark Twain

    “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!” ― Barry Goldwater

    "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
    ― Thomas Jefferson

    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ― Thomas Jefferson

    "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" ― Thomas Jefferson

    “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
    ― Ronald Reagan

    Remember Ruby Ridge. Remember the family of Randy & Vicki Weaver. Remember an FBI sniper shooting an unarmed mother through a door holding her infant daughter.

    Remember Waco. Remember a host of other government sponsored murders, including LaVoy Finicum.

    No more free Ruby Ridges and no more free Wacos.

    We're drawing our line in the sand. Isn't it about time you drew yours?
    Pale Rider - The Storm by Doug Simpson 🩸 ✝️ In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. ― Mark Twain “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!” ― Barry Goldwater "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." ― Thomas Jefferson "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ― Thomas Jefferson "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" ― Thomas Jefferson “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” ― Ronald Reagan Remember Ruby Ridge. Remember the family of Randy & Vicki Weaver. Remember an FBI sniper shooting an unarmed mother through a door holding her infant daughter. Remember Waco. Remember a host of other government sponsored murders, including LaVoy Finicum. No more free Ruby Ridges and no more free Wacos. We're drawing our line in the sand. Isn't it about time you drew yours? https://rumble.com/v3e1yqg-pale-rider-the-storm.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 387 Views
  • According to recent mainstream media reports, the White House is debating whether to declare a "climate emergency", which would grant Joe Biden "dictatorial", Covid-style emergency powers "by which to bypass democracy and impose the Green New Deal"—as explained by former U.S. congressional staffer and author of 'The Great Reset', Marc Morano.
    According to recent mainstream media reports, the White House is debating whether to declare a "climate emergency", which would grant Joe Biden "dictatorial", Covid-style emergency powers "by which to bypass democracy and impose the Green New Deal"—as explained by former U.S. congressional staffer and author of 'The Great Reset', Marc Morano.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 217 Views 0
  • I'm burning this image on my laser this morning....

    The bottom line is that the guy who created this
    KNEW the earth is flat!

    This was created long before the MK Ultra mind control, and public school brainwashing began!

    This is the #Truth!
    The ONLY "Conspiracy THEORY" we find today is that the earth is a spinning water ball with an atmosphere, which somehow exists inside of a "space vacuum"

    Which is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE!
    No scientist on earth can DEMONSTRATE a high pressure system existing inside of a vacuum, without being inside of a container!

    Unfortunately.... The brainwashed masses are unable to THINK clearly!

    And their brainwashing has been so thorough, so complete, they believe that even questioning the plausibility of this IMPOSSIBLE feat being claimed by "science" is completely and totally INSANE!

    When the TRUTH is that believing in a fairy tale, as they do, with ZERO EVIDENCE to back it up, just because someone told you it's so.... IS A RELIGION!

    #NASA and the belief in "Space" with ZERO PROOF for it's existence
    (Except the word of Freemason liars) is what's insane!

    ANY "Science" that cannot be questioned is NOT Science!
    It's a #Cult.... A #Religion!

    The Flammarion engraving is a wood engraving by an unknown artist. Its first documented appearance is in the book L'atmosphère : météorologie populaire ("The Atmosphere: Popular Meteorology"), published in 1888 by the French astronomer and writer Camille Flammarion.[1][2] Several authors during the 20th century considered it to be either a Medieval or Renaissance artwork, but the current consensus is that it is a 19th century illustration that imitates older artistic styles and themes.[1]

    The illustration depicts a man, dressed as a pilgrim in a long robe and carrying a walking stick, who has reached a point where the flat Earth meets the firmament. The pilgrim kneels down and passes his head, shoulders, right arm, and the top of the walking stick through an opening in the firmament, which is depicted as covered on the inside by the stars, Sun, and Moon. Behind the sky, the pilgrim finds a marvelous realm of circling clouds, fires and suns. One of the elements of the cosmic machinery resembles traditional pictorial representations of the "wheel in the middle of a wheel" described in the visions of the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel.[1]

    The wood engraving has often, but erroneously, been referred to as a woodcut.[1] It has been widely used as a metaphorical illustration of either the scientific or the mystical quests for knowledge.[1][3] More recently, it has also been used as to represent a psychedelic experience.[4]

    I'm burning this image on my laser this morning.... The bottom line is that the guy who created this KNEW the earth is flat! This was created long before the MK Ultra mind control, and public school brainwashing began! This is the #Truth! The ONLY "Conspiracy THEORY" we find today is that the earth is a spinning water ball with an atmosphere, which somehow exists inside of a "space vacuum" Which is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE! No scientist on earth can DEMONSTRATE a high pressure system existing inside of a vacuum, without being inside of a container! Unfortunately.... The brainwashed masses are unable to THINK clearly! And their brainwashing has been so thorough, so complete, they believe that even questioning the plausibility of this IMPOSSIBLE feat being claimed by "science" is completely and totally INSANE! When the TRUTH is that believing in a fairy tale, as they do, with ZERO EVIDENCE to back it up, just because someone told you it's so.... IS A RELIGION! #NASA and the belief in "Space" with ZERO PROOF for it's existence (Except the word of Freemason liars) is what's insane! QUESTIONING THINGS IS SCIENCE!!! ANY "Science" that cannot be questioned is NOT Science! It's a #Cult.... A #Religion! The Flammarion engraving is a wood engraving by an unknown artist. Its first documented appearance is in the book L'atmosphère : météorologie populaire ("The Atmosphere: Popular Meteorology"), published in 1888 by the French astronomer and writer Camille Flammarion.[1][2] Several authors during the 20th century considered it to be either a Medieval or Renaissance artwork, but the current consensus is that it is a 19th century illustration that imitates older artistic styles and themes.[1] The illustration depicts a man, dressed as a pilgrim in a long robe and carrying a walking stick, who has reached a point where the flat Earth meets the firmament. The pilgrim kneels down and passes his head, shoulders, right arm, and the top of the walking stick through an opening in the firmament, which is depicted as covered on the inside by the stars, Sun, and Moon. Behind the sky, the pilgrim finds a marvelous realm of circling clouds, fires and suns. One of the elements of the cosmic machinery resembles traditional pictorial representations of the "wheel in the middle of a wheel" described in the visions of the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel.[1] The wood engraving has often, but erroneously, been referred to as a woodcut.[1] It has been widely used as a metaphorical illustration of either the scientific or the mystical quests for knowledge.[1][3] More recently, it has also been used as to represent a psychedelic experience.[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flammarion_engraving#Context_in_Flammarion's_book
    0 Comments 0 Shares 676 Views
  • https://medforth.org/frankreich-allahu-akbar-und-viva-palastina-rufender-mann-schlagt-passanten-nieder/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 38 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/france-man-shouting-allahu-akbar-and-viva-palestina-beats-up-passers-by/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 68 Views
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