• The court issued a temporary injunction on June 17, asserting that "EEOC has exceeded its statutory authority to implement the PWFA." The ruling criticized the EEOC for attempting to override Congressional intent and infringe upon state sovereignty. This ruling is an important step in ensuring that American workplaces can be free to continue serving their communities consistent with their beliefs.
    The court issued a temporary injunction on June 17, asserting that "EEOC has exceeded its statutory authority to implement the PWFA." The ruling criticized the EEOC for attempting to override Congressional intent and infringe upon state sovereignty. This ruling is an important step in ensuring that American workplaces can be free to continue serving their communities consistent with their beliefs. https://newstarget.com/2024-06-25-court-blocks-biden-force-employers-pay-abortions.html
    Federal court temporarily blocks Biden’s attempt to force all employers to pay for workers’ abortions
    The United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana has temporarily blocked the administration of President Joe Biden’s attempt to interpret the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) to mean that all employers, regardless of religious belief or affiliation, are mandated to pay for the abortions of their workers. In late December 2022, Congress […]
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  • ‘Our Allegiance Is Not to Them’: Trump Encourages Christians to Vote
    ‘Our Allegiance Is Not to Them’: Trump Encourages Christians to Vote https://new.americanprophet.org/our-allegiance-is-not-to-them-trump-encourages-christians-to-vote/
    ‘Our Allegiance Is Not to Them’: Trump Encourages Christians to Vote
    Former President Trump urges Christians to vote in November, citing Biden's administration's threat to Christian values, urging them to ensure honesty and participation.
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  • Because authorities worried that it could trigger a significant explosion, they drained vinyl chloride from five of the train cars into a trench and set it on fire in a controlled burn in hopes of minimizing the impact.
    It was later revealed, however, that the controlled burn violated EPA rules, and the head of the National Transportation Safety Board acknowledged that the burning had not been necessary.
    Because authorities worried that it could trigger a significant explosion, they drained vinyl chloride from five of the train cars into a trench and set it on fire in a controlled burn in hopes of minimizing the impact. It was later revealed, however, that the controlled burn violated EPA rules, and the head of the National Transportation Safety Board acknowledged that the burning had not been necessary. https://newstarget.com/2024-06-25-hazardous-chemicals-east-palestine-train-derailment-spread.html
    STUDY: Hazardous chemicals from East Palestine train derailment spread across 16 US states… while the EPA covered it up
    A newly released study found that the chemicals that leaked in the East Palestine train disaster last year have spread much further than originally expected, making their way to 16 states and causing concerns about the health of the communities surrounding the accident. The study, which was published in the journal Environmental Research Letters, found […]
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  • Drs. Peter McCullough, M.D.; Mark Trozzi, M.D.; Richard Amerling; Heather Gessling, M.D.; Harvey Risch; Paul Alexander; and Roger Hodkinson all contributed to the review.
    "We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination," Makis and his co-authors wrote. "Our data suggest a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and death."
    Drs. Peter McCullough, M.D.; Mark Trozzi, M.D.; Richard Amerling; Heather Gessling, M.D.; Harvey Risch; Paul Alexander; and Roger Hodkinson all contributed to the review. "We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination," Makis and his co-authors wrote. "Our data suggest a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and death." https://newstarget.com/2024-06-25-censored-lancet-paper-republished-74percent-deaths-vaccine.html
    Censored Lancet paper republished finally peer-reviewed, showing that 74% of deaths after COVID-19 “vaccination” were caused by injections
    A systematic review of autopsy findings in deaths following “vaccination” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) that was censored by The Lancet has found new life in the journal Forensic Science International. Review co-author Dr. William Makis, M.D., announced on X that the formerly censored paper has finally been peer reviewed and is now available for […]
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  • Happy Coffee – Happy Life

    SUMMARY: I’m taking a moment to step away from being an enemy of installed Biden’s state… I encourage you to give our HAPPY COFFEE and aligning synergistic supplements a whirl. If you find them as beneficial as we do, I pray you become repeat customers HERE. You can even connect with Diana through her website… TAKE A LOOK!
    Happy Coffee – Happy Life https://oneway2day.com/2024/06/25/happy-coffee-happy-life/ SUMMARY: I’m taking a moment to step away from being an enemy of installed Biden’s state… I encourage you to give our HAPPY COFFEE and aligning synergistic supplements a whirl. If you find them as beneficial as we do, I pray you become repeat customers HERE. You can even connect with Diana through her website… TAKE A LOOK! #HappyCoffee
    0 Comments 0 Shares 39 Views
  • WHO: New Monkeypox Strain Causes Miscarriages, Has 10% Fatality Rate & Spreads Without Sexual Contact

    WHO: New Monkeypox Strain Causes Miscarriages, Has 10% Fatality Rate & Spreads Without Sexual Contact 🙈 https://www.infowars.com/posts/who-new-monkeypox-strain-causes-miscarriages-has-10-fatality-rate-spreads-without-sexual-contact/
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  • Please Consider Donating to My Work & Websites, I am #disabled & #handicapped, not only it keeps #freeSpeech and Independent Media going, a small portion supplements my Social Security Disability, without help and support, can not operate on an empty gas can!! I would like to get Radio America USA back up, America can not afford to lose anymore platforms!

    2 ways you can #donate!

    #PayPal on my website! #money #finances

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    https://www.jeffhertzog.net – on the top row hit the donate button and a new browser will open scroll down to the donate section!


    You can donate via #GiveSendGo https://www.givesendgo.com/jeffhertzog_radioamericausa
    Please Consider Donating to My Work & Websites, I am #disabled & #handicapped, not only it keeps #freeSpeech and Independent Media going, a small portion supplements my Social Security Disability, without help and support, can not operate on an empty gas can!! I would like to get Radio America USA back up, America can not afford to lose anymore platforms! 2 ways you can #donate! #PayPal on my website! #money #finances You can use PayPal on my website: https://www.jeffhertzog.net – on the top row hit the donate button and a new browser will open scroll down to the donate section! Also: You can donate via #GiveSendGo https://www.givesendgo.com/jeffhertzog_radioamericausa
    Jeff Hertzog
    Jeff Hertzog, Jeffrey Hertzog, Talk Show Host, Entertainment, jeffhertzog.net, jeffhertzog.com, jeffhertzog.org, jeffhertzog.video Low Carb, Low Carbohydrate, Zero Carb, Zero Carbohydrate, Atkins Diet, Sugar Free, Stevia, Organic, Organic Food, Non GMO, Politics, Talk Radio, Lunatic Fringe, Radio, Independent Radio, Non Liberal Radio, Non Conservative Radio, Third Party Radio, Internet Radio, Internet Radio Station, Health Freedom, old time radio conspiracy, conspiracies, talk show, personality, broadcaster, broadcasting, Jeff on the Radio, talking politics, political talk, night time radio, late night talk show host, Independent Politics, Independent Religion, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Yeshua Messiah, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, KJV, Authorized Version, Textus Receptus, Masoretic Text, Old Latin Vulgate, Jesus, fundamental, salvation, eternal security, independent, non denominational, non Baptist, non Pentecostal, non charismatic, non ecumenical, church, lehigh valley, allentown, pennsylvania, united states, rightly, dividing, Rightly-Dividing the Word, dispensational, 2 Timothy 2:15, Pauline, home-style Bible classes, Israel, rapture, millennium, Genesis, Romans, Body of Christ, old Adam, dispensation, gospel, tribulation, grace, Jews, Hebrews, Israelites, Non-denominational Bible study. Rightly dividing the Word, the gospel of grace,salvation, the dispensations, end times prophecy, assurance, Bible chronology, creation science, and evidence by prophesy and types, and shadows, Bible, study, Jesus, Christ, apostle, Paul, Christian, non-denominational, Israel, rapture, prayer, creation, chronology, millennium, pre-tribulation, Body of Christ, resurrection, dispensation, rightly dividing, gospel of grace, prophesy, evangelism Independent Religion, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Yeshua Messiah, Bible, King James Bible, King James Bible 1611, KJV, Authorized Version, Textus Receptus, Masoretic Text, Old Latin Vulgate, Jesus, fundamental, salvation, eternal security, independent, non denominational, non Baptist, non Pentecostal, non charismatic, non ecumenical, church, rightly, dividing, Rightly-Dividing the Word, dispensational, 2 Timothy 2:15, Pauline, home-style Bible classes, Israel, rapture, millennium, Genesis, Romans, Body of Christ, old Adam, dispensation, gospel, tribulation, grace, Jews, Hebrews, Israelites
    0 Comments 0 Shares 126 Views
  • The CNN debate interference has already begun...

    Trump surrogates should stop going on CNN because they aren't allowed to speak the truth!

    This video looks like a state propaganda video from some communist country!

    The CNN debate interference has already begun... Trump surrogates should stop going on CNN because they aren't allowed to speak the truth! This video looks like a state propaganda video from some communist country! https://redstatenation.com/video-preview-of-how-fake-news-cnn-will-act-during-the-debate-watch-what-they-did-to-trumps-press-secretary-after-she-called-out-jake-tappers-anti-trump-history/
    Video: Preview of How Fake News CNN Will Act During the Debate - Watch What They Did to Trump's Press Secretary After She Called Out Jake Tapper's Anti-Trump History - Red State Nation
    NN host Kasie Hunt has a meltdown before kicking Trump 2024 National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt off her show for pointing out Jake Tapper’s bias. Kasie Hunt? More like Karen Hunt. Leavitt: “It takes someone five minutes to Google Jake Tapper, Donald Trump to see that… he has compared Trump to Adolf Hit…” Karen: “We’re […]
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  • #Iran’s Top Attorney Indicts #DonaldTrump for Murder in Criminal Court of #Tehran https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/irans-top-attorney-indicts-trump-for-murder-in-criminal-court-of-tehran/
    #Iran’s Top Attorney Indicts #DonaldTrump for Murder in Criminal Court of #Tehran https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/irans-top-attorney-indicts-trump-for-murder-in-criminal-court-of-tehran/
    Iran’s Top Attorney Indicts Trump for Murder in Criminal Court of Tehran
    In a story that has been widely reported in the Middle Eastern media since yesterday, June 23, 2024, Ali Alghasi-Mehr, the judiciary chief for Tehran province, has issued a 164-page indictment against 73 American officials regarding the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani and his companions back in 2020. The chief Iranian prosecutor stated that a public trial will be held next month, and that: “All the defendants, who are U.S. statesmen and military officials, have been officially notified of the case and required to introduce their lawyers." Only two of the 73 American officials have been revealed so far (that I could find), and that is former U.S. President Donald Trump, who ordered Soleimani's death, and Trump's former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. Skeptics and Zionist followers of the Trump Cult will be quick to point out that Iran has been trying to bring Trump to justice since 2020, the year Trump and the military assassinated General Qassem Soleimani, and that there is no chance Trump will ever stand trial in Iran. But many things have changed since 2020, and even since September of 2023 when it was announced that Iran was preparing these indictments, just one month before the Hamas attack on Israel in October of 2023. Also, recent events here in 2024 have dramatically changed the attitude in the Middle East with Iran and their allies. The first one was the explosion of pro-Palestinian student protests here in the U.S., which, perhaps for the first time, showed many Muslim people in the Middle East that not all Americans are Zionists, and that many Americans actually support the cause of the Palestinian people to stop Israel's genocide against them. Secondly, Iran joined the BRICS alliance at the beginning of 2024, closely allying with China and Russia to form a new “Golden Triangle” that is seen to be able to keep American and Israeli Zionist aggression in check. And lastly, military campaigns conducted by Iran and their proxies such as the Houthis have achieved far greater success than anyone in the West had previously thought was possible. If in the past it was impossible that any Americans would face criminal charges in Iran, one must consider the possibility that the situation is quickly changing, and that it actually could be possible at some point.
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  • #Health #UnitedKingdom
    Nurses Sue #UK’s NHS After Being Forced to Change in Front of #Transgender Male https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/nurses-sue-uks-nhs-after-being-forced-to-change-in-front-of-transgender-male
    #Health #UnitedKingdom Nurses Sue #UK’s NHS After Being Forced to Change in Front of #Transgender Male https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/nurses-sue-uks-nhs-after-being-forced-to-change-in-front-of-transgender-male
    Nurses sue UK’s NHS after being forced to change in front of ‘transgender’ male - LifeSite
    NHS hospital chiefs told nurses they needed to get ‘educated’ after they complained about having to change in front of a ‘transgender’ man who stared at them while they undressed. Now the nurses are suing.
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