• vs https://www.musicvf.com/King+Floyd.art
    vs https://music.amazon.com/playlists/B08X6PK822
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    vs https://open.spotify.com/artist/6QtGlUje9TIkLrgPZrESuk?autoplay=true
    vs https://music.apple.com/us/artist/simple-minds/645533
    vs https://soundcloud.com/eaglesofficial
    vs https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCXExK7We8VKsIzFFQYNEgBg
    vs https://www.iheart.com/artist/metallica-58269/?autoplay=true
    vs https://www.musicvf.com/Big+Audio+Dynamite.art
    vs https://music.apple.com/us/artist/linda-ronstadt/148850
    vs https://www.musicvf.com/King+Floyd.art vs https://music.amazon.com/playlists/B08X6PK822 vs https://music.apple.com/us/artist/jimi-hendrix/62852 vs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIZGqIYkST36dLp0uf9o9nw vs https://open.spotify.com/artist/7t0rwkOPGlDPEhaOcVtOt9 vs https://open.spotify.com/artist/6QtGlUje9TIkLrgPZrESuk?autoplay=true vs https://music.apple.com/us/artist/simple-minds/645533 vs https://soundcloud.com/eaglesofficial vs https://music.youtube.com/channel/UCXExK7We8VKsIzFFQYNEgBg vs https://www.iheart.com/artist/metallica-58269/?autoplay=true vs https://www.musicvf.com/Big+Audio+Dynamite.art vs https://music.apple.com/us/artist/linda-ronstadt/148850
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  • https://bestwaterfilter.review/ Get a Powerful Filter or You and your family will be that Filter! If you don't care to drink recycled wastewater that can still be full of parasites, amoeba, fluoride, chemicals, vaccine ingredients, flushed medicines and other heavy metals in your family's drinking water, then you absolutely need to filter your own water. Portable or Whole House Water Filters keep you and your family safe from toxins and heavy metals. #water #fluoride #waterfilter #purification #h20
    https://bestwaterfilter.review/ Get a Powerful Filter or You and your family will be that Filter! If you don't care to drink recycled wastewater that can still be full of parasites, amoeba, fluoride, chemicals, vaccine ingredients, flushed medicines and other heavy metals in your family's drinking water, then you absolutely need to filter your own water. Portable or Whole House Water Filters keep you and your family safe from toxins and heavy metals. #water #fluoride #waterfilter #purification #h20
    0 Comments 1 Shares 583 Views
  • No Way Financial System Survives - Bill Holter, Greg Hunter

    Financial writer and precious metals broker Bill Holter has been documenting all the unpayable debt that has been building up in the financial system like cancer. The latest black hole of default is coming from a big bank in Japan. Norinchukin Bank is selling $63 billion in Treasuries and other sovereign bonds to stay afloat. Then there is recent news announced by the FDIC that 63 US banks (the names are being kept secret) have more than $500 billion in losses, and let’s not forget about the trillions in losses sitting on the books of European banks ready to suck the world into a black debt hole. This is just a few of many on a long list of destabilizing problems that can tank the entire over-indebted financial system. Holter warns, “The list is so long, it could be a banking problem. It could be a derivatives problem. It could be a derivatives problem in the stock market, the bond market and you could see a failure to deliver in silver. Some type of warfare could crash the system. You could see warfare in Ukraine, Israel or Tiawan. The system is so unstable, at this point, it could be anything that could bring it down. Unpayable debt is not just a US problem. This is all over the world. Central banks are having to issue huge amounts of debt because we are in the exponential decay phase. We are exactly where Richard Russell said we would be 20 years ago. It’s inflate or die, and the only way to inflate is to create more money supply.”

    Add to that the $10 trillion in debt the US Government has to roll over by the end of the year. Meanwhile, the US government piles on $1 trillion in new debt every 100 days. What could go wrong?

    Holter said the last time he was on USAW that there was a little less than a 50% chance we would even have an election. Now, he predicts it is more likely there will be no 2024 Presidential Election. Holter says, “There is no way the system, as it is now, survives. It’s mathematically impossible. So, if it is mathematically impossible, are they going to blow smoke . . . up until the day it blows up? Or are they going to do something to blow it up and then say our programs and policies were working except for XYZ this or whatever. They have to kick the table over. They cannot allow the table to fall over on its own because then there is going to be finger pointing. To avoid the finger pointing, they have got to kick the table over.”

    Holter also thinks gold is going to exponential numbers to back all the debt the USA has. If you go with the 8,030 tons of gold the government claims is in Fort Knox, you will need a dollar price of gold at “$125,000 per ounce for 100% gold backing of the dollar.”

    Holter also says, “The dollar is being pushed out of the global financial system. . . . Demand for dollars is shrinking at a time when borrowing demand is rising.” This is a going to be a disaster for America and anyone holding dollars in the future.

    In closing, Holter says, “The financial collapse that is coming will be worse than anything we have ever experienced. This is going to be far worse than the Great Depression simply because society itself is far worse. . . . Back in the Great Depression, you had neighbors helping neighbors. Today you will have neighbors picking on other neighbors like vultures.”
    No Way Financial System Survives - Bill Holter, Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v52z8ew-no-way-financial-system-survives-bill-holter.html Financial writer and precious metals broker Bill Holter has been documenting all the unpayable debt that has been building up in the financial system like cancer. The latest black hole of default is coming from a big bank in Japan. Norinchukin Bank is selling $63 billion in Treasuries and other sovereign bonds to stay afloat. Then there is recent news announced by the FDIC that 63 US banks (the names are being kept secret) have more than $500 billion in losses, and let’s not forget about the trillions in losses sitting on the books of European banks ready to suck the world into a black debt hole. This is just a few of many on a long list of destabilizing problems that can tank the entire over-indebted financial system. Holter warns, “The list is so long, it could be a banking problem. It could be a derivatives problem. It could be a derivatives problem in the stock market, the bond market and you could see a failure to deliver in silver. Some type of warfare could crash the system. You could see warfare in Ukraine, Israel or Tiawan. The system is so unstable, at this point, it could be anything that could bring it down. Unpayable debt is not just a US problem. This is all over the world. Central banks are having to issue huge amounts of debt because we are in the exponential decay phase. We are exactly where Richard Russell said we would be 20 years ago. It’s inflate or die, and the only way to inflate is to create more money supply.” Add to that the $10 trillion in debt the US Government has to roll over by the end of the year. Meanwhile, the US government piles on $1 trillion in new debt every 100 days. What could go wrong? Holter said the last time he was on USAW that there was a little less than a 50% chance we would even have an election. Now, he predicts it is more likely there will be no 2024 Presidential Election. Holter says, “There is no way the system, as it is now, survives. It’s mathematically impossible. So, if it is mathematically impossible, are they going to blow smoke . . . up until the day it blows up? Or are they going to do something to blow it up and then say our programs and policies were working except for XYZ this or whatever. They have to kick the table over. They cannot allow the table to fall over on its own because then there is going to be finger pointing. To avoid the finger pointing, they have got to kick the table over.” Holter also thinks gold is going to exponential numbers to back all the debt the USA has. If you go with the 8,030 tons of gold the government claims is in Fort Knox, you will need a dollar price of gold at “$125,000 per ounce for 100% gold backing of the dollar.” Holter also says, “The dollar is being pushed out of the global financial system. . . . Demand for dollars is shrinking at a time when borrowing demand is rising.” This is a going to be a disaster for America and anyone holding dollars in the future. In closing, Holter says, “The financial collapse that is coming will be worse than anything we have ever experienced. This is going to be far worse than the Great Depression simply because society itself is far worse. . . . Back in the Great Depression, you had neighbors helping neighbors. Today you will have neighbors picking on other neighbors like vultures.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1015 Views
  • https://borouxfilter.com/boroux-legacy-water-filters Buy American Please and Support Your Veterans, especially our USMC brothers and sisters! Berkey is no longer but a better filter is now available. Boroux is proudly made in Colorado, and has even better ratings than Berkey Water Filter system. Gets the harmful chemicals and toxic heavy metals and pesticide residues out of your family’s drinking water. Always have Access to Clean Drinking Water. #berkey #boroux #health #water #veteran
    https://borouxfilter.com/boroux-legacy-water-filters Buy American Please and Support Your Veterans, especially our USMC brothers and sisters! Berkey is no longer but a better filter is now available. Boroux is proudly made in Colorado, and has even better ratings than Berkey Water Filter system. Gets the harmful chemicals and toxic heavy metals and pesticide residues out of your family’s drinking water. Always have Access to Clean Drinking Water. #berkey #boroux #health #water #veteran
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    The BOROUX legacy™ system isn't just an upgrade, it's a transformation. Experience the relief of truly pristine water and quality that lasts a lifetime. For 20 years, we've perfected water filtration. BOROUX legacy™ system delivers exceptional quality, unmatched longevity, and incredible value. Includes two rigorously tested BOROUX foundation filters (12,000 gallons). Upgrade to four filters for even greater capacity (24,000 gallons)! Superior stainless steel and elegant design ensure lasting beauty.
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  • https://holistichealth.one/heavy-metal-detox/ Heavy Metals from tap water, food products, chemtrails, vaccines, prescription medicines and environmental toxins end up in your brain and damage your immune system. Buildup of toxic heavy metals like thimerosal, mercury, lead, graphene oxide (a heavy metal concentrator that causes the injection site to react to magnets because of the high heavy metal concentration) from vaccines, chemtrails, radiation, medical treatments, cleaning chemicals in your body can cause "mystery" conditions like brain fog, lethargy, autoimmune disorder, nervous system problems and liver problems. You test at home to see if you have any buildup and safely cleanse them out of your body with zeolites, chelation therapy and specific cleansing nutrients. #heavymetals #detox #cleanse #5g #vaccines
    https://holistichealth.one/heavy-metal-detox/ Heavy Metals from tap water, food products, chemtrails, vaccines, prescription medicines and environmental toxins end up in your brain and damage your immune system. Buildup of toxic heavy metals like thimerosal, mercury, lead, graphene oxide (a heavy metal concentrator that causes the injection site to react to magnets because of the high heavy metal concentration) from vaccines, chemtrails, radiation, medical treatments, cleaning chemicals in your body can cause "mystery" conditions like brain fog, lethargy, autoimmune disorder, nervous system problems and liver problems. You test at home to see if you have any buildup and safely cleanse them out of your body with zeolites, chelation therapy and specific cleansing nutrients. #heavymetals #detox #cleanse #5g #vaccines
    Heavy Metal Detox
    Heavy Metal Detox Heavy Metals (or elemental heavy metal) are a type of metallic substance that is t
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  • https://beforeitsnews.com/health/2024/06/rare-miracle-mineral-removes-deadly-toxins-heavy-metals-in-just-30-seconds-a-day-limited-time-only-5-3057551.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 275 Views
  • Autism can be cured, this child was fully autistic at 3, yet by age 6 he was symptom-free and back to being a normal kid…
    The cure? His parents helped him to detox from Mercury and heavy metals injected into him through the childhood vaccines.
    Clip from the 2014 documentary “Trace Amounts”
    Autism can be cured, this child was fully autistic at 3, yet by age 6 he was symptom-free and back to being a normal kid…🥰❤️ The cure? His parents helped him to detox from Mercury and heavy metals injected into him through the childhood vaccines. Clip from the 2014 documentary “Trace Amounts”
    0 Comments 1 Shares 412 Views 3

    Great Depression Coming & Bitcoin Going To $0 or $1 Million? - Peter Schiff vs Raoul Paul Debate

    IT'S ELEMENTAL!!!!!! PRECIOUS METALS HAVE NO SUBSTITUTE!!! "CRYPTO-CURRENCIES ARE DIGITAL "NOTHING"... A DIGITAL "BEENIE-BABY", AT BEST... ALWAYS LOOKING FOR THE NEXT "SUCKER" TO PAY MORE FOR "IT"(NOTHING)... 💩💥 Great Depression Coming & Bitcoin Going To $0 or $1 Million? - Peter Schiff vs Raoul Paul Debate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfHCly1ZCQ0
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  • Donner Lake: The Perfect Place for A Family & Friends Dinner
    More information BELOW THE VIDEO on the Channel

    In 1846, a group of families set out for California in search of a better life. However, their journey took a tragic turn as they encountered brutal weather conditions, dwindling supplies, and forced to resort to extreme measures for survival, including cannibalism. The Donner Party's ordeal became a symbol of resilience and desperation in the face of adversity.

    Despite the grim circumstances, this wild, western tale has captivated generations, serving as both a cautionary tale and a reminder of the enduring human will to survive -- no matter what.

    Join us as we explore the untold details and lasting legacy of this unforgettable chapter in American frontier history.

    This is the REAL story of the Donner Party.

    I'm no expert on precious metals, but I think it would be a good idea to invest in some of these BEFORE the proverbial #SHTF

    Mead Industries
    PO Box 402
    411 Walnut Street
    (308) 583-2875
    Wood River, Nebraska 68883
    Donner Lake: The Perfect Place for A Family & Friends Dinner More information BELOW THE VIDEO on the Channel In 1846, a group of families set out for California in search of a better life. However, their journey took a tragic turn as they encountered brutal weather conditions, dwindling supplies, and forced to resort to extreme measures for survival, including cannibalism. The Donner Party's ordeal became a symbol of resilience and desperation in the face of adversity. Despite the grim circumstances, this wild, western tale has captivated generations, serving as both a cautionary tale and a reminder of the enduring human will to survive -- no matter what. Join us as we explore the untold details and lasting legacy of this unforgettable chapter in American frontier history. This is the REAL story of the Donner Party. I'm no expert on precious metals, but I think it would be a good idea to invest in some of these BEFORE the proverbial #SHTF https://meadammo.com/projectile/ Mead Industries PO Box 402 411 Walnut Street (308) 583-2875 Wood River, Nebraska 68883 https://meadammo.com/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 790 Views
  • I'm no expert in precious metals, but I think it would be a good idea to invest in some of these BEFORE the proverbial #SHTF

    Mead Industries
    PO Box 402
    411 Walnut Street
    Wood River, Nebraska 68883
    I'm no expert in precious metals, but I think it would be a good idea to invest in some of these BEFORE the proverbial #SHTF https://meadammo.com/projectile/ Mead Industries PO Box 402 411 Walnut Street Wood River, Nebraska 68883 https://meadammo.com/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 418 Views
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