• https://holistichealth.one/heavy-metal-detox/ Heavy Metals from tap water, food products, chemtrails, vaccines, prescription medicines and environmental toxins end up in your brain and damage your immune system. Buildup of toxic heavy metals like thimerosal, mercury, lead, graphene oxide (a heavy metal concentrator that causes the injection site to react to magnets because of the high heavy metal concentration) from vaccines, chemtrails, radiation, medical treatments, cleaning chemicals in your body can cause "mystery" conditions like brain fog, lethargy, autoimmune disorder, nervous system problems and liver problems. You test at home to see if you have any buildup and safely cleanse them out of your body with zeolites, chelation therapy and specific cleansing nutrients. #heavymetals #detox #cleanse #5g #vaccines
    https://holistichealth.one/heavy-metal-detox/ Heavy Metals from tap water, food products, chemtrails, vaccines, prescription medicines and environmental toxins end up in your brain and damage your immune system. Buildup of toxic heavy metals like thimerosal, mercury, lead, graphene oxide (a heavy metal concentrator that causes the injection site to react to magnets because of the high heavy metal concentration) from vaccines, chemtrails, radiation, medical treatments, cleaning chemicals in your body can cause "mystery" conditions like brain fog, lethargy, autoimmune disorder, nervous system problems and liver problems. You test at home to see if you have any buildup and safely cleanse them out of your body with zeolites, chelation therapy and specific cleansing nutrients. #heavymetals #detox #cleanse #5g #vaccines
    Heavy Metal Detox
    Heavy Metal Detox Heavy Metals (or elemental heavy metal) are a type of metallic substance that is t
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1645 Views
  • https://homeopathicmedicine.one/how-to-detox-your-body/ Your organs control how you look and feel. Detoxing all the stuff you pick up from your environment (food, water, chemicals, medicines) damage your brain, immune system and organs. Learning How to Detox Your Body naturally with homeopathy and Ayurvedic medicine (natural approaches that restore balance to all your body organ systems including your blood and lymph. Detox your liver, blood, kidneys, skin and flush out all the damage from your past. Rejuvenates your cells and the way you think, look, feel and act! #detox #cleanse #liver #blood #homeopathy
    https://homeopathicmedicine.one/how-to-detox-your-body/ Your organs control how you look and feel. Detoxing all the stuff you pick up from your environment (food, water, chemicals, medicines) damage your brain, immune system and organs. Learning How to Detox Your Body naturally with homeopathy and Ayurvedic medicine (natural approaches that restore balance to all your body organ systems including your blood and lymph. Detox your liver, blood, kidneys, skin and flush out all the damage from your past. Rejuvenates your cells and the way you think, look, feel and act! #detox #cleanse #liver #blood #homeopathy
    0 Commentarii 1 Distribuiri 1322 Views
  • Basically what this meme means is you can't be a homosexual of any form and be a Christian. It is what it is. If you call yourself a gay Christian, you are an unrepentant faggot and there is no room in heaven for an abomination like you. God's rules, not mine.

    The Bible provides God’s blueprint for marriage and for His good gift of sex in Genesis 2:24. The gift is only to be enjoyed within a marriage between a man and a woman.

    There are no exceptions suggested, such as homosexual partnerships. From Genesis on, the Bible praises the marriage of a man and a woman, but it speaks only negatively of homosexual behavior whenever it is mentioned.

    The Old Testament states, “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable” (Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13). The New Testament agrees, listing “homosexual offenders” among a list of people who “will not inherit the kingdom of God” unless they are cleansed through Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

    Other passages are Genesis, chapter 19; Romans 1:18-32; 1 Timothy 1:8-11; and Jude, verse 7. However, it is important to note that the Bible speaks only of homosexual behavior (which would include lust—choosing to fantasize about behavior), not unchosen feelings. God will not judge a Christian guilty for his or her involuntary feelings.
    Basically what this meme means is you can't be a homosexual of any form and be a Christian. It is what it is. If you call yourself a gay Christian, you are an unrepentant faggot and there is no room in heaven for an abomination like you. God's rules, not mine. The Bible provides God’s blueprint for marriage and for His good gift of sex in Genesis 2:24. The gift is only to be enjoyed within a marriage between a man and a woman. There are no exceptions suggested, such as homosexual partnerships. From Genesis on, the Bible praises the marriage of a man and a woman, but it speaks only negatively of homosexual behavior whenever it is mentioned. The Old Testament states, “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable” (Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13). The New Testament agrees, listing “homosexual offenders” among a list of people who “will not inherit the kingdom of God” unless they are cleansed through Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Other passages are Genesis, chapter 19; Romans 1:18-32; 1 Timothy 1:8-11; and Jude, verse 7. However, it is important to note that the Bible speaks only of homosexual behavior (which would include lust—choosing to fantasize about behavior), not unchosen feelings. God will not judge a Christian guilty for his or her involuntary feelings.
    1 Commentarii 1 Distribuiri 1436 Views
  • Queer Theory: What Does God Say About Homosexuality and Pedophilia?

    And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
    Mark 9:42

    Due to character limitations, I cannot list all of the Bible references to what God says about pedophilia, but you can reference all of them at the link below:

    The Bible provides God’s blueprint for marriage and for His good gift of sex in Genesis 2:24. The gift is only to be enjoyed within a marriage between a man and a woman.

    There are no exceptions suggested, such as homosexual partnerships. From Genesis on, the Bible praises the marriage of a man and a woman, but it speaks only negatively of homosexual behavior whenever it is mentioned.

    The Old Testament states, “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable” (Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13). The New Testament agrees, listing “homosexual offenders” among a list of people who “will not inherit the kingdom of God” unless they are cleansed through Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

    Other passages are Genesis, chapter 19; Romans 1:18-32; 1 Timothy 1:8-11; and Jude, verse 7. However, it is important to note that the Bible speaks only of homosexual behavior (which would include lust—choosing to fantasize about behavior), not unchosen feelings. God will not judge a Christian guilty for his or her involuntary feelings.

    Sometimes it is said that the Bible does not record any words of Jesus about homosexuality, and therefore it must be acceptable to God. However, the Bible does not record sayings of Jesus about a number of other specific sins either. When people asked Jesus about marriage, He told them to remember what Genesis said about God’s plan for marriage (Matthew 19:1-12). So, in this sense, Jesus did have something to say about homosexual partnerships. God only blessed sex within the committed marriage relationship of a man and a woman.
    Queer Theory: What Does God Say About Homosexuality and Pedophilia? And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea. Mark 9:42 Due to character limitations, I cannot list all of the Bible references to what God says about pedophilia, but you can reference all of them at the link below: https://www.openbible.info/topics/pedophiles The Bible provides God’s blueprint for marriage and for His good gift of sex in Genesis 2:24. The gift is only to be enjoyed within a marriage between a man and a woman. There are no exceptions suggested, such as homosexual partnerships. From Genesis on, the Bible praises the marriage of a man and a woman, but it speaks only negatively of homosexual behavior whenever it is mentioned. The Old Testament states, “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable” (Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13). The New Testament agrees, listing “homosexual offenders” among a list of people who “will not inherit the kingdom of God” unless they are cleansed through Christ (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Other passages are Genesis, chapter 19; Romans 1:18-32; 1 Timothy 1:8-11; and Jude, verse 7. However, it is important to note that the Bible speaks only of homosexual behavior (which would include lust—choosing to fantasize about behavior), not unchosen feelings. God will not judge a Christian guilty for his or her involuntary feelings. Sometimes it is said that the Bible does not record any words of Jesus about homosexuality, and therefore it must be acceptable to God. However, the Bible does not record sayings of Jesus about a number of other specific sins either. When people asked Jesus about marriage, He told them to remember what Genesis said about God’s plan for marriage (Matthew 19:1-12). So, in this sense, Jesus did have something to say about homosexual partnerships. God only blessed sex within the committed marriage relationship of a man and a woman.
    1 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1971 Views 2
  • https://herbalremedies.one/detox-heavy-metals/ Heavy metals are in all the foods you eat and in your drinking water supply. Your dental office and medical doctors use them as treatments. Buildup of toxic heavy metals like thimerosal, mercury, lead, graphene oxide, fluoride, chemtrails, vax ingredients, GMO ingredients can destroy your health and rob you of life. Get them out safely. #heavymetals #detox #cleanse #toxins #health
    https://herbalremedies.one/detox-heavy-metals/ Heavy metals are in all the foods you eat and in your drinking water supply. Your dental office and medical doctors use them as treatments. Buildup of toxic heavy metals like thimerosal, mercury, lead, graphene oxide, fluoride, chemtrails, vax ingredients, GMO ingredients can destroy your health and rob you of life. Get them out safely. #heavymetals #detox #cleanse #toxins #health
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2166 Views
  • https://holistichealth.one/alcoholic-fatty-liver-protection-supplement How to Protect Your Liver and your Health even if you choose to have a drink or two. Compromised liver function is one of the most common reasons for poor health. As you’re probably aware, one of your liver’s main functions is to cleanse your body of the chemicals and toxins you’re exposed to through food, drugs, alcohol and the environment in general. Taking a few natural herbs can protect your liver, brain and even your life from excess alcohol consumption. #alcohol #drinking #liver #detox #AA
    https://holistichealth.one/alcoholic-fatty-liver-protection-supplement How to Protect Your Liver and your Health even if you choose to have a drink or two. Compromised liver function is one of the most common reasons for poor health. As you’re probably aware, one of your liver’s main functions is to cleanse your body of the chemicals and toxins you’re exposed to through food, drugs, alcohol and the environment in general. Taking a few natural herbs can protect your liver, brain and even your life from excess alcohol consumption. #alcohol #drinking #liver #detox #AA
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1471 Views
  • https://holistichealth.one/fluoride-toxicity/ Sodium Fluoride toxicity and dangers. Fluoride ends up in your brain and damage your immune system. You are exposed to them by drinking unfiltered tap water, taking pharmaceutical medicines, getting a vaccine or using fluoride toothpaste. Getting fluoride out of your drinking water and body can cause "mystery" conditions like brain fog, lethargy, autoimmune disorder, nervous system problems and liver problems to clear up naturally. #fluoride #heavymetals #detox #cleanse #dental
    https://holistichealth.one/fluoride-toxicity/ Sodium Fluoride toxicity and dangers. Fluoride ends up in your brain and damage your immune system. You are exposed to them by drinking unfiltered tap water, taking pharmaceutical medicines, getting a vaccine or using fluoride toothpaste. Getting fluoride out of your drinking water and body can cause "mystery" conditions like brain fog, lethargy, autoimmune disorder, nervous system problems and liver problems to clear up naturally. #fluoride #heavymetals #detox #cleanse #dental
    Fluoride Toxicity
    Fluoride Toxicity Is Fluoride Toxic? Fluoride toxicity is a real concern in our
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 3114 Views
  • A Surprising Way To Cleanse Fatty Liver – Dr. Berg On Liver Detoxification
    A Surprising Way To Cleanse Fatty Liver – Dr. Berg On Liver Detoxification https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weZ_BoMptLI&list=TLPQMTQwMjIwMjQmr6UT8kc7gg&index=41
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 508 Views
  • https://holistichealth.one/how-to-detox-your-liver/ If you like to drink alcohol, eat fatty foods and still have great skin and health (and even lose weight), then you need to protect and detox your liver! Your liver is your body's master cleansing organ. When you have skin eruptions, your liver is overworked. Vaccines and pharmaceuticals are also damaging your liver cells and affecting your immune system. A clogged liver can cause jaundice, cirrhosis, cancer, hepatitis, fatty liver, liver disease and failing eyesight. You can prevent and reverse Alcoholic Liver Disease, Cirrhosis, Liver Cancer and Liver damage by using liver detox herbs and nutrients in your own home. #liver #cirrhosis #detox #cleanse #vaccines
    https://holistichealth.one/how-to-detox-your-liver/ If you like to drink alcohol, eat fatty foods and still have great skin and health (and even lose weight), then you need to protect and detox your liver! Your liver is your body's master cleansing organ. When you have skin eruptions, your liver is overworked. Vaccines and pharmaceuticals are also damaging your liver cells and affecting your immune system. A clogged liver can cause jaundice, cirrhosis, cancer, hepatitis, fatty liver, liver disease and failing eyesight. You can prevent and reverse Alcoholic Liver Disease, Cirrhosis, Liver Cancer and Liver damage by using liver detox herbs and nutrients in your own home. #liver #cirrhosis #detox #cleanse #vaccines
    1 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 2349 Views
  • https://holistichealth.one/alcoholic-fatty-liver-protection-supplement How to Protect Your Liver and your Health even if you choose to have a drink or two. Compromised liver function is one of the most common reasons for poor health. As you’re probably aware, one of your liver’s main functions is to cleanse your body of the chemicals and toxins you’re exposed to through food, drugs, alcohol and the environment in general. Taking a few natural herbs can protect your liver, brain and even your life from excess alcohol consumption. #alcohol #drinking #liver #detox #newyear
    https://holistichealth.one/alcoholic-fatty-liver-protection-supplement How to Protect Your Liver and your Health even if you choose to have a drink or two. Compromised liver function is one of the most common reasons for poor health. As you’re probably aware, one of your liver’s main functions is to cleanse your body of the chemicals and toxins you’re exposed to through food, drugs, alcohol and the environment in general. Taking a few natural herbs can protect your liver, brain and even your life from excess alcohol consumption. #alcohol #drinking #liver #detox #newyear
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 5202 Views
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