• If #Vaccines were actually "good" for your child's health.....
    WHY would big pharma give bonuses to doctors for pushing them on you?

    Vaccines are T0XIC and cause lifelong illnesses, contain aluminum, mercury, and other toxins... Do you REALLY believe that injecting your child with MERCURY is "healthy" for the child???

    Do you REALLY believe that an industry that profits from SICK PEOPLE has any interests whatsoever in making your child healthy?

    Do you REALLY believe that #Congress would need to shield vaccine manufacturers from ALL LIABILITY related to your child's reaction to these "vaccines" if they were actually beneficial to your child's health???

    I mean WHY would a corporation seek

    And EVERY YEAR health declines in America and the WORLD!

    Rates of Autism have climbed from non-existent,
    to about 1 in 35,000 in 1960, to 1 in 28 in 2024....

    And during the SAME TIME FRAME the "vaccines" suggested by their
    have went froom suggesting 7 vaccines, to suggesting 84 vaccines!

    YOUR CHILDREN are dying and being damaged by these vaccines, which are pushed by the #Luciferian scumbags at the CDC, whop profits from EVERY VACCINE SALE!

    WAKE UP!
    Before you turn your child into a sickly (or DEAD) vegetable!

    Are you REALLY telling your Creator that YOU TRUST MAN more than Him???
    He designed you PERFECTLY, and you don't need a vaccine!

    Vaccines were created to poison, kill, and CONTROL the people of the world!

    Doctors who are honest will tell you, their HEALTHIEST PATIENTS are their UNVACCINATED PATIENTS!
    If #Vaccines were actually "good" for your child's health..... WHY would big pharma give bonuses to doctors for pushing them on you? Vaccines are T0XIC and cause lifelong illnesses, contain aluminum, mercury, and other toxins... Do you REALLY believe that injecting your child with MERCURY is "healthy" for the child??? Do you REALLY believe that an industry that profits from SICK PEOPLE has any interests whatsoever in making your child healthy? Do you REALLY believe that #Congress would need to shield vaccine manufacturers from ALL LIABILITY related to your child's reaction to these "vaccines" if they were actually beneficial to your child's health??? I mean WHY would a corporation seek COMPLETE AND TOTAL IMMUNITY FROM LIABILITY and PROSECUTION if their product was safe??? EVERY YEAR we have MORE VACCINES.... And EVERY YEAR health declines in America and the WORLD! Rates of Autism have climbed from non-existent, to about 1 in 35,000 in 1960, to 1 in 28 in 2024.... And during the SAME TIME FRAME the "vaccines" suggested by their PATENT HOLDER ( THE #CDC MAKES MONEY SELLING VACCINES ) have went froom suggesting 7 vaccines, to suggesting 84 vaccines! YOUR CHILDREN are dying and being damaged by these vaccines, which are pushed by the #Luciferian scumbags at the CDC, whop profits from EVERY VACCINE SALE! WAKE UP! Before you turn your child into a sickly (or DEAD) vegetable! Are you REALLY telling your Creator that YOU TRUST MAN more than Him??? He designed you PERFECTLY, and you don't need a vaccine! Vaccines were created to poison, kill, and CONTROL the people of the world! So just STOP POISONING YOUR CHILDREN! Doctors who are honest will tell you, their HEALTHIEST PATIENTS are their UNVACCINATED PATIENTS!
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 581 Views
  • Violators of the Nuremberg Code Must be Labelled Criminals

    SUMMARY: I’m perusing my saved Telegram interests as I watch the NFL’s opening Sunday. And I came across a saved Telegram Julian Assange from 9/3/24. “Government, Big Pharma, and their lapdog MSM, were complicit in violating all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code with their Covid vaccine campaign.” …MORE TO READ!
    #NurembergViolations #COVIDCriminals
    Violators of the Nuremberg Code Must be Labelled Criminals https://tinyurl.com/y3ptfujp SUMMARY: I’m perusing my saved Telegram interests as I watch the NFL’s opening Sunday. And I came across a saved Telegram Julian Assange from 9/3/24. “Government, Big Pharma, and their lapdog MSM, were complicit in violating all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code with their Covid vaccine campaign.” …MORE TO READ! #NurembergViolations #COVIDCriminals
    Violators of the Nuremberg Code Must be Labelled Criminals
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor September 8, 2024 [By The Way: I Telegram at SlantRight 2.0 and SlantRight 2.0 chat – JOIN] I’m perusing my saved Telegram interests as I watch the NFL’s opening Sunday. A…
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 271 Views
  • Get off your knees, Humanity. The Nexus of Narcissism and Leadership
    Narcissism and leadership are intricately linked, with both positive and negative consequences. Here’s a breakdown of the key findings:

    Healthy Narcissism in Leadership

    Healthy narcissism can be beneficial in leadership roles, as it can drive ambition, confidence, and a sense of self-importance (Maccoby, 2000).
    Leaders with healthy narcissistic tendencies may be more likely to take risks, innovate, and inspire others (Galvin et al., 2010).
    However, healthy narcissism is rare and often accompanied by other positive traits, such as empathy and self-awareness (Emmons, 1987).
    Destructive Narcissism in Leadership

    Destructive narcissism, characterized by grandiosity, entitlement, and a lack of empathy, can have negative consequences for organizations and followers (Rosenthal and Pittinsky, 2006).
    Leaders with destructive narcissistic tendencies may engage in abusive supervision, exploit others, and prioritize their own interests over the well-being of the organization (Tepper, 2000).
    Followers with low self-esteem may be particularly vulnerable to abuse by narcissistic leaders (Nevicka et al., 2011b).
    Mixed Results

    Research has yielded mixed results regarding the relationship between leader narcissism and leadership effectiveness (Campbell et al., 2011; Grijalva and Harms, 2014).
    Some studies have found positive correlations between leader narcissism and leadership emergence, but not with leadership effectiveness (Harms et al., 2022).
    Others have found no direct relationship between leader narcissism and abusive supervision (Wisse and Sleebos, 2016).
    Key Takeaways

    Narcissism is a complex trait that can manifest differently in leaders, with both positive and negative consequences.
    Healthy narcissism may be beneficial in leadership roles, but it is rare and often accompanied by other positive traits.
    Destructive narcissism can have devastating consequences for organizations and followers.
    Followers’ personality traits, such as low self-esteem, can influence their susceptibility to abuse by narcissistic leaders.
    Get off your knees, Humanity. The Nexus of Narcissism and Leadership Narcissism and leadership are intricately linked, with both positive and negative consequences. Here’s a breakdown of the key findings: Healthy Narcissism in Leadership Healthy narcissism can be beneficial in leadership roles, as it can drive ambition, confidence, and a sense of self-importance (Maccoby, 2000). Leaders with healthy narcissistic tendencies may be more likely to take risks, innovate, and inspire others (Galvin et al., 2010). However, healthy narcissism is rare and often accompanied by other positive traits, such as empathy and self-awareness (Emmons, 1987). Destructive Narcissism in Leadership Destructive narcissism, characterized by grandiosity, entitlement, and a lack of empathy, can have negative consequences for organizations and followers (Rosenthal and Pittinsky, 2006). Leaders with destructive narcissistic tendencies may engage in abusive supervision, exploit others, and prioritize their own interests over the well-being of the organization (Tepper, 2000). Followers with low self-esteem may be particularly vulnerable to abuse by narcissistic leaders (Nevicka et al., 2011b). Mixed Results Research has yielded mixed results regarding the relationship between leader narcissism and leadership effectiveness (Campbell et al., 2011; Grijalva and Harms, 2014). Some studies have found positive correlations between leader narcissism and leadership emergence, but not with leadership effectiveness (Harms et al., 2022). Others have found no direct relationship between leader narcissism and abusive supervision (Wisse and Sleebos, 2016). Key Takeaways Narcissism is a complex trait that can manifest differently in leaders, with both positive and negative consequences. Healthy narcissism may be beneficial in leadership roles, but it is rare and often accompanied by other positive traits. Destructive narcissism can have devastating consequences for organizations and followers. Followers’ personality traits, such as low self-esteem, can influence their susceptibility to abuse by narcissistic leaders. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-zZESSt_X0
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 359 Views
  • We'll tell you any shit you want to hear.

    What policies did Harris propose?
    The vice president and her campaign floated more than a dozen economic policies Friday. They include:

    Combating “price gouging” on groceries and food by authorizing the Federal Trade Commission to impose large fines on grocery stores that impose “excessive” price hikes on customers.

    Eliminating medical debt for millions of Americans, possibly by using federal funds to buy and forgive outstanding debt from health providers.

    Capping the out-of-pocket cost of insulin at $35 per month for all Americans.

    Limiting Americans’ annual out-of-pocket spending on prescription drugs to $2,000.

    Providing up to $25,000 in down payment support for more than 1 million first-time home buyers.

    Calling for the construction of 3 million new housing units over the next four years.

    Expanding an existing tax incentive for developers who build affordable rental housing.

    Removing tax benefits for Wall Street investors who bulk buy single-family rental homes.

    Preventing corporate landlords from using algorithmic price-setting tools to increase rents by large margins.

    Passing a child tax credit that would provide $6,000 per child to families for the first year of a baby’s life.

    Expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit for lower-wage workers by up to $1,500.

    Notice that every one of Harris’s proposals is designed to cut the cost of living — whether in terms of food, medicine, housing or child care. And nearly all of her plans are “populist” as well, involving government intervention against corporate interests on behalf of consumers.

    “I know that most businesses are playing by the rules and creating jobs,” Harris said Friday. “But some are not, and we need to take action when that is the case.”
    We'll tell you any shit you want to hear. What policies did Harris propose? The vice president and her campaign floated more than a dozen economic policies Friday. They include: Combating “price gouging” on groceries and food by authorizing the Federal Trade Commission to impose large fines on grocery stores that impose “excessive” price hikes on customers. Eliminating medical debt for millions of Americans, possibly by using federal funds to buy and forgive outstanding debt from health providers. Capping the out-of-pocket cost of insulin at $35 per month for all Americans. Limiting Americans’ annual out-of-pocket spending on prescription drugs to $2,000. Providing up to $25,000 in down payment support for more than 1 million first-time home buyers. Calling for the construction of 3 million new housing units over the next four years. Expanding an existing tax incentive for developers who build affordable rental housing. Removing tax benefits for Wall Street investors who bulk buy single-family rental homes. Preventing corporate landlords from using algorithmic price-setting tools to increase rents by large margins. Passing a child tax credit that would provide $6,000 per child to families for the first year of a baby’s life. Expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit for lower-wage workers by up to $1,500. Notice that every one of Harris’s proposals is designed to cut the cost of living — whether in terms of food, medicine, housing or child care. And nearly all of her plans are “populist” as well, involving government intervention against corporate interests on behalf of consumers. “I know that most businesses are playing by the rules and creating jobs,” Harris said Friday. “But some are not, and we need to take action when that is the case.”
    0 Reacties 2 aandelen 954 Views
  • Defining a Constitutional Republic
    One fundamental principle of a constitutional republic is the protection of minority rights against the potential tyranny of the majority. This design counters direct democracy, where majority rules could potentially ride roughshod over minority interests. The U.S. Constitution outlines various checks and balances intended to prevent any single branch of government from gaining absolute power, thereby protecting individual rights from being infringed upon by majority vote.
    Defining a Constitutional Republic https://www.usconstitution.net/republic-vs-democracy/ One fundamental principle of a constitutional republic is the protection of minority rights against the potential tyranny of the majority. This design counters direct democracy, where majority rules could potentially ride roughshod over minority interests. The U.S. Constitution outlines various checks and balances intended to prevent any single branch of government from gaining absolute power, thereby protecting individual rights from being infringed upon by majority vote.
    Republic vs Democracy
    Defining a Constitutional Republic The United States operates as a constitutional republic, a form of government that involves representatives elected by the people, who execute their duties under the constraints of a prevailing constitution that specifies the powers and limits of government. One fundamental principle of a constitutional republic is the protection of minority rights […]
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 477 Views
  • https://americafirstreport.com/shocking-documentary-reveals-how-media-outlets-work-covertly-with-liberal-political-interests-and-government-agencies-to-control-narratives/
    Shocking Documentary Reveals How Media Outlets Work Covertly With Liberal Political Interests and Government Agencies to Control Narratives
    (Natural News)—A lengthy expose by journalist Sharyl Attkisson has shed light on the widespread practice in journalism wherein reporters collaborate
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 414 Views
  • "Redfin is the latest major brokerage to agree to settlement terms in order to resolve lawsuits related to the real estate industry's broker business affairs. The settlement, which must be approved by a judge, alleges that Redfin violated antitrust laws through certain business practices. This litigation aims to remove uncertainty and address the interests of many companies and employees involved in the industry."
    "Redfin is the latest major brokerage to agree to settlement terms in order to resolve lawsuits related to the real estate industry's broker business affairs. The settlement, which must be approved by a judge, alleges that Redfin violated antitrust laws through certain business practices. This litigation aims to remove uncertainty and address the interests of many companies and employees involved in the industry."
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 971 Views
  • https://southfront.press/conflict-in-ukraine-perpetuated-by-private-and-corrupt-interests-linking-zelensky-and-the-bidens/
    Conflict In Ukraine Perpetuated By Private And Corrupt Interests Linking Zelensky And The Bidens
    With regards to the ongoing Israeli military campaign in Gaza, the point of Benjamin Netanyahu’s supposed personal and political interests in the perpetuation of the military occupation has been raised by several analysts and journalists.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 311 Views
  • 𝗧đ—Ĩ𝗨𝗠đ—Ŗ
    𝗨đ—Ļ 𝗘𝗟𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗜đ—ĸ𝗡đ—Ļ 𝟮đŸŦ𝟮𝟰
    ───── | ─────
    Former United States President Trump unleashed a scathing attack on independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. via social media, accusing him of being a Democratic "plant" to secure President Joe Biden's reelection.
    Trump dismissed Kennedy's candidacy, labeling it a "wasted protest vote" that could only undermine the Republicans' chances if voters knew the truth about him. #Trump further criticized Kennedy's running mate, Nichole Shanahan, as lacking seriousness and being merely a source of financial support.
    Trump's accusations extended beyond political alliances, accusing Kennedy of advocating for policies detrimental to America's interests, particularly regarding energy and the economy.
    𝗧đ—Ĩ𝗨𝗠đ—Ŗ đ—Ĩ𝗙𝗞 𝗨đ—Ļ 𝗘𝗟𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗜đ—ĸ𝗡đ—Ļ 𝟮đŸŦ𝟮𝟰 ───── | ───── Former United States President Trump unleashed a scathing attack on independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. via social media, accusing him of being a Democratic "plant" to secure President Joe Biden's reelection. Trump dismissed Kennedy's candidacy, labeling it a "wasted protest vote" that could only undermine the Republicans' chances if voters knew the truth about him. #Trump further criticized Kennedy's running mate, Nichole Shanahan, as lacking seriousness and being merely a source of financial support. Trump's accusations extended beyond political alliances, accusing Kennedy of advocating for policies detrimental to America's interests, particularly regarding energy and the economy.
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 1279 Views

    “Our attack is over and we do not wish to continue it, but we will respond forcefully if Israel targets our interests.”
    BREAKING: IRAN CHIEF OF STAFF OFFICIAL STATEMENT “Our attack is over and we do not wish to continue it, but we will respond forcefully if Israel targets our interests.”
    0 Reacties 0 aandelen 331 Views

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