• Utopia 2020

    The series where the #Parasite Class TOLD YOU their plans to sterilize, murder, and enslave YOU

    It's called "Revelation of the method" folks!
    Since they TOLD YOU their plans, they figure it's ON YOU if you didn't listen! (which is kinda true)

    Regardless.... Before ANYONE had taken the toxic jab, the scumbags had already told them what the result would be! Watch for yourself!

    Utopia 2020 The series where the #Parasite Class TOLD YOU their plans to sterilize, murder, and enslave YOU It's called "Revelation of the method" folks! Since they TOLD YOU their plans, they figure it's ON YOU if you didn't listen! (which is kinda true) Regardless.... Before ANYONE had taken the toxic jab, the scumbags had already told them what the result would be! Watch for yourself! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2QNnoqc3XU
    1 Comments 0 Shares 542 Views

    In case you don't know WHY farms are under attack and being shut down...
    It's being done so that the #Parasite Class can STARVE YOU TO DEATH, along with your children and grandchildren, and anyone else you care about

    First, they tried to inject you with a toxic bio-weapon that alters your DNA and makes you STERILE so that you cannot have children

    They gave you the full details in the series Utopia2020, which can be found by searching YouTube for "Utopia2020" and look for the one by Roman Krausko
    ( It has John Cusack on the thumbnail )

    Soon, fertilizer will be outlawed by people who have ZERO LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY over anyone! These same people will steal the land of farmers, starve you, and force you to "Eat Zee bugs"

    And you'll do it apparently!
    I mean you are sitting on your duff as they try to #Murder YOU and everyone you know and love! You have not demanded their arrest, or arrested them yourself!

    You have not awakened and organized your community while exposing the #Criminal Satan worshiping cartel called "The #Corporation of the United States!

    Soon.... you'll be either DEAD or sitting in the dark starving to death...
    Too busy defending your groceries and other possessions from the hoards of inner city criminals that will turn against THEMSELVES and kill their own neighbors because the store shelves are empty and the lights are off...

    Instead of going after the GUILTY scumbags who caused all of this orchestrated PAIN and misery... THEY'LL GO AFTER EACH OTHER AND ROB, KILL, AND MAIM...

    YOU have been at war for DECADES...
    but it has only really been exposed for the past 4 years...

    What have you done to STOP the people trying to kill you or starve you to death?

    What have you done to ensure JUSTICE finds the people responsible for injecting BILLIONS with a lethal weapon that alters their DNA???

    Do we owe the DEAD nothing?
    YOU could be one of the dead.... Or your people, your son or daughter, mom or dad

    Will you continue to sit idly by and let these people continue their attacks on you without you even putting up a fight??? We have so far!


    Go ahead and jump into the coffin for them since you want to cooperate with your own death so bad! Save them the trouble of having to kill you, and just do it yourself!

    If you are going to continue doing nothing....
    It will actually save you a lot of pain and suffering... AND HUNGER!

    THE EDOMITE KIKES ARE IMPLODING AMERICA. WILL WE DO ANYTHING? In case you don't know WHY farms are under attack and being shut down... It's being done so that the #Parasite Class can STARVE YOU TO DEATH, along with your children and grandchildren, and anyone else you care about HOW LONG WILL YOU TOLERATE THESE DEMONS TRYING TO MURDER YOU? First, they tried to inject you with a toxic bio-weapon that alters your DNA and makes you STERILE so that you cannot have children They gave you the full details in the series Utopia2020, which can be found by searching YouTube for "Utopia2020" and look for the one by Roman Krausko ( It has John Cusack on the thumbnail ) Soon, fertilizer will be outlawed by people who have ZERO LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY over anyone! These same people will steal the land of farmers, starve you, and force you to "Eat Zee bugs" And you'll do it apparently! I mean you are sitting on your duff as they try to #Murder YOU and everyone you know and love! You have not demanded their arrest, or arrested them yourself! You have not awakened and organized your community while exposing the #Criminal Satan worshiping cartel called "The #Corporation of the United States! Soon.... you'll be either DEAD or sitting in the dark starving to death... Too busy defending your groceries and other possessions from the hoards of inner city criminals that will turn against THEMSELVES and kill their own neighbors because the store shelves are empty and the lights are off... Instead of going after the GUILTY scumbags who caused all of this orchestrated PAIN and misery... THEY'LL GO AFTER EACH OTHER AND ROB, KILL, AND MAIM... YOU have been at war for DECADES... but it has only really been exposed for the past 4 years... BUT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ABOUT IT? What have you done to STOP the people trying to kill you or starve you to death? What have you done to ensure JUSTICE finds the people responsible for injecting BILLIONS with a lethal weapon that alters their DNA??? Do we owe the DEAD nothing? YOU could be one of the dead.... Or your people, your son or daughter, mom or dad Will you continue to sit idly by and let these people continue their attacks on you without you even putting up a fight??? We have so far! So I say "DEAD MEN WALKING" "We have DEAD MEN WALKING HERE" Go ahead and jump into the coffin for them since you want to cooperate with your own death so bad! Save them the trouble of having to kill you, and just do it yourself! If you are going to continue doing nothing.... It will actually save you a lot of pain and suffering... AND HUNGER! https://old.bitchute.com/video/nBmxBg26kAbv/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1279 Views
  • Climate Cult Wants Marxist Control – Brian Sussman

    America and the world are in a battle with evil godless demons for control. This is where all of the problems we face are coming from. It is that simple. Award winning meteorologist, newsman and best-selling author Brian Sussman lays out the plan for total tyranny and domination of everyone’s life in an upcoming book called “Climate Cult: Exposing Their War on Life, Liberty & Property.” Sussman explains, “I know the title to the book is an attention getter, but the ‘climate change’ agenda has all the facets of a cult. . . . The first is doom. They keep telling us if the temperature rises another half degree, it’s going to be the end of the earth as we know it. . . . If we go back to The Industrial Revolution, which basically got rolling in 1850, we had the use of fossil fuels. We have had billions more people on the planet, countless cars, trucks, planes and rockets. . . . Since the 1850’s, we have only warmed one degree–one degree! That is perfectly in keeping with temperatures as we know it based on geological records. They say another half degree and it’s over. So, they are scaring the pants off people. Then, just like all cults, they look at you as the problem. They say, ‘You are a carbon sinner,’ especially if you live in the United States of America. . . . Shame on you! You are a carbon sinner. Oh, but there is atonement. You can atone by reducing your carbon footprint. You can atone by becoming an activist. You can atone by planting a tree. Then they promise you utopia. . . . These people have partnered with the UN and the World Economic Forum . . . I have the documents. . . . This climate change agenda will give us no more social injustice. There will be no more social inequity, and we will all live in peace in a brand-new world. These are their plans. It’s frightening, but that is how they get people into this cult.” Sussman contends, the “Climate Cult” wants Marxist control.

    Sussman says big business is involved with something called ESG (Environment, Social Governance). Sussman says, “These companies want to play by their ESG scores, and this has become a multi-trillion dollar investment business. People are picking their investment based on a company’s ESG score. . . . The problem is as these companies attempt to fulfill their ESG status and raise their ratings, they are doing it at the expense of the investors. So, it’s really bass- ackwards, and it is biting investors in the shorts. It’s a loser, but the climate change agenda is all in on this.”

    Sussman says, “The Biden Administration is full of the ‘climate cult’ idiots, and they are carrying the torch to go forward, not just to end global warming and climate change, it is to end the way we live in America. They believe as Karl Marx did. They believe in the ‘Laws that Matter.’ The Laws that Matter basically say some people are born with a better brain than others. Those with a better brain have a responsibility to rule over those with a lessor brain. Otherwise, those with the lessor brains will kill one another and destroy the planet. That’s what Marx believed, and that’s what the modern-day liberal Democrat party believes to this day. For example, that stupid ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ that recently passed Congress, there is $250 billion to be spent on climate change. This goes to line the pockets of people with degrees that are worthless. It’s stupid.”

    Sussman says he wrote the book to try and get young people out of the “Climate Cult,” and he points out, “We have to do something to wake people up. Just like prior to the American Revolution, there was a shining light of truth that went forth. There was an old-fashioned revival that took place, and it gave the people courage to stand up to the biggest military in the history of the world, and guess what, they won. . . and we are up against a big enemy right now.”
    Climate Cult Wants Marxist Control – Brian Sussman https://rumble.com/v4v84ez-climate-cult-wants-marxist-control-brian-sussman.html America and the world are in a battle with evil godless demons for control. This is where all of the problems we face are coming from. It is that simple. Award winning meteorologist, newsman and best-selling author Brian Sussman lays out the plan for total tyranny and domination of everyone’s life in an upcoming book called “Climate Cult: Exposing Their War on Life, Liberty & Property.” Sussman explains, “I know the title to the book is an attention getter, but the ‘climate change’ agenda has all the facets of a cult. . . . The first is doom. They keep telling us if the temperature rises another half degree, it’s going to be the end of the earth as we know it. . . . If we go back to The Industrial Revolution, which basically got rolling in 1850, we had the use of fossil fuels. We have had billions more people on the planet, countless cars, trucks, planes and rockets. . . . Since the 1850’s, we have only warmed one degree–one degree! That is perfectly in keeping with temperatures as we know it based on geological records. They say another half degree and it’s over. So, they are scaring the pants off people. Then, just like all cults, they look at you as the problem. They say, ‘You are a carbon sinner,’ especially if you live in the United States of America. . . . Shame on you! You are a carbon sinner. Oh, but there is atonement. You can atone by reducing your carbon footprint. You can atone by becoming an activist. You can atone by planting a tree. Then they promise you utopia. . . . These people have partnered with the UN and the World Economic Forum . . . I have the documents. . . . This climate change agenda will give us no more social injustice. There will be no more social inequity, and we will all live in peace in a brand-new world. These are their plans. It’s frightening, but that is how they get people into this cult.” Sussman contends, the “Climate Cult” wants Marxist control. Sussman says big business is involved with something called ESG (Environment, Social Governance). Sussman says, “These companies want to play by their ESG scores, and this has become a multi-trillion dollar investment business. People are picking their investment based on a company’s ESG score. . . . The problem is as these companies attempt to fulfill their ESG status and raise their ratings, they are doing it at the expense of the investors. So, it’s really bass- ackwards, and it is biting investors in the shorts. It’s a loser, but the climate change agenda is all in on this.” Sussman says, “The Biden Administration is full of the ‘climate cult’ idiots, and they are carrying the torch to go forward, not just to end global warming and climate change, it is to end the way we live in America. They believe as Karl Marx did. They believe in the ‘Laws that Matter.’ The Laws that Matter basically say some people are born with a better brain than others. Those with a better brain have a responsibility to rule over those with a lessor brain. Otherwise, those with the lessor brains will kill one another and destroy the planet. That’s what Marx believed, and that’s what the modern-day liberal Democrat party believes to this day. For example, that stupid ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ that recently passed Congress, there is $250 billion to be spent on climate change. This goes to line the pockets of people with degrees that are worthless. It’s stupid.” Sussman says he wrote the book to try and get young people out of the “Climate Cult,” and he points out, “We have to do something to wake people up. Just like prior to the American Revolution, there was a shining light of truth that went forth. There was an old-fashioned revival that took place, and it gave the people courage to stand up to the biggest military in the history of the world, and guess what, they won. . . and we are up against a big enemy right now.”
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2171 Views
  • I clipped this from a post....
    EVERYONE should read it!

    If we want to change the WORLD, we must start by changing OURSELVES!
    Being "tolerant" of #Evil is NOT the position a Christian takes!

    I'll be "tolerant" of Freemasons, just like Jesus was "tolerant" of the money-changers!
    Speaking of which... We should not be tolerant of them either!

    #Bankers are modern money changers folks!
    And they are stealing the earth, which was given to YOU, using worthless paper!

    The Advent Truth

    Freemasonry: the all-embracing Heresy
    Freemasonry is a pagan cult that pretends to embrace all religions, but only in order to negate them all. Our lust for more power, money, and sex is unleashed inside this all-embracing heresy called Roman Catholic Freemasonry. The lower instincts become the higher. Accordingly, culture has been degraded and we have no real collective identity or ideals, just animal appetites. Lead by this satanic "G"ay m.a.f.i.a, all the humanity is becoming a bizarre sex cult.

    Inside the Freemasonry, only their inner circles are aware that the "Craft" is in fact devoted to Satanism, serving pagan gods behind a veil of false Judaism (Synagogue of Satan). These masonic Satanists disguise their agenda in warm and fuzzy buzzwords like "economic justice" and "international peace".

    They also have drafted a new world constitution called the "Earth Charter". In 2002, the Earth Charter was presented to the United Nations (UN) in a pantheistic 21st Century replica of the Ark of the Covenant called "the Ark of Hope". For many centuries, the world has been subject to a gradual and subtle process of Masonic occultist indoctrination.

    Religion is portrayed as irrelevant and the human "liberation" is defined as being able to have sex with anything and anyone, talking about bodily functions and exposing the body (the Temple of the Most High) in public. Also as humanity is continually made sicker by this heretic cult that is trying to rule over us, the man has become more and more beast-like.

    The untold fact is that we cannot understand the modern world unless we appreciate that it is the result of a gigantic Masonic conspiracy, planned by the Vatican and the Jesuits (IHS). Without belonging to the freemasonry and participating in their pacts and filthy oaths, there is no chance of a fast career, regardless of how talented one is.

    Essentially, a dominant segment of Western society has joined the Zionist financial elite in embracing Freemasonry, a satanic philosophy that represents a death wish for civilization. They imagine somehow they will profit from the oppression, lies and suffering caused by their Vatican's "New World Order".

    Incredible and bizarre as it sounds, 300 mainly Zionist banking families have used Freemasonry as an instrument to subvert, control and degrade the Western world. Masons are responsible for communism, Zionism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, anarchism and all the other "isms" in our society - "divide and conquer" they say.

    These "world revolutionary", "progressive" movements ensnare millions of gullible idealists by promising a utopia based on materialism and "reason" and dedicated to "liberty, equality and fraternity," "public ownership" or some other idealistic sounding claptrap. The common goal of these Masonic inspired movements is to undermine race, religion, nation and family ("all collective forces except our own") by promoting social division, self indulgence and "tolerance", miscegenation, atheism, nihilism, globalism, sexual "liberation" and homosexuality thereby reducing humanity to a uniform dysfunctional and malleable mush.

    Ultimately, Freemasons not only control politics but also virtually every sector of Western society, including the so called "science and culture".

    In last instance, Freemasonry is a cancer on earth - a club of fraudsters - nothing but the Vatican's m.a.f.i.a. Wherever the name of the Catholic church can't appear involved, there you will find the Roman Catholic Freemasonry infiltrated - as in the schemes of the m.a.f.i.a itself.
    I clipped this from a post.... EVERYONE should read it! If we want to change the WORLD, we must start by changing OURSELVES! Being "tolerant" of #Evil is NOT the position a Christian takes! I'll be "tolerant" of Freemasons, just like Jesus was "tolerant" of the money-changers! Speaking of which... We should not be tolerant of them either! #Bankers are modern money changers folks! And they are stealing the earth, which was given to YOU, using worthless paper! The Advent Truth Admin Freemasonry: the all-embracing Heresy Freemasonry is a pagan cult that pretends to embrace all religions, but only in order to negate them all. Our lust for more power, money, and sex is unleashed inside this all-embracing heresy called Roman Catholic Freemasonry. The lower instincts become the higher. Accordingly, culture has been degraded and we have no real collective identity or ideals, just animal appetites. Lead by this satanic "G"ay m.a.f.i.a, all the humanity is becoming a bizarre sex cult. Inside the Freemasonry, only their inner circles are aware that the "Craft" is in fact devoted to Satanism, serving pagan gods behind a veil of false Judaism (Synagogue of Satan). These masonic Satanists disguise their agenda in warm and fuzzy buzzwords like "economic justice" and "international peace". They also have drafted a new world constitution called the "Earth Charter". In 2002, the Earth Charter was presented to the United Nations (UN) in a pantheistic 21st Century replica of the Ark of the Covenant called "the Ark of Hope". For many centuries, the world has been subject to a gradual and subtle process of Masonic occultist indoctrination. Religion is portrayed as irrelevant and the human "liberation" is defined as being able to have sex with anything and anyone, talking about bodily functions and exposing the body (the Temple of the Most High) in public. Also as humanity is continually made sicker by this heretic cult that is trying to rule over us, the man has become more and more beast-like. The untold fact is that we cannot understand the modern world unless we appreciate that it is the result of a gigantic Masonic conspiracy, planned by the Vatican and the Jesuits (IHS). Without belonging to the freemasonry and participating in their pacts and filthy oaths, there is no chance of a fast career, regardless of how talented one is. Essentially, a dominant segment of Western society has joined the Zionist financial elite in embracing Freemasonry, a satanic philosophy that represents a death wish for civilization. They imagine somehow they will profit from the oppression, lies and suffering caused by their Vatican's "New World Order". Incredible and bizarre as it sounds, 300 mainly Zionist banking families have used Freemasonry as an instrument to subvert, control and degrade the Western world. Masons are responsible for communism, Zionism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, anarchism and all the other "isms" in our society - "divide and conquer" they say. These "world revolutionary", "progressive" movements ensnare millions of gullible idealists by promising a utopia based on materialism and "reason" and dedicated to "liberty, equality and fraternity," "public ownership" or some other idealistic sounding claptrap. The common goal of these Masonic inspired movements is to undermine race, religion, nation and family ("all collective forces except our own") by promoting social division, self indulgence and "tolerance", miscegenation, atheism, nihilism, globalism, sexual "liberation" and homosexuality thereby reducing humanity to a uniform dysfunctional and malleable mush. Ultimately, Freemasons not only control politics but also virtually every sector of Western society, including the so called "science and culture". In last instance, Freemasonry is a cancer on earth - a club of fraudsters - nothing but the Vatican's m.a.f.i.a. Wherever the name of the Catholic church can't appear involved, there you will find the Roman Catholic Freemasonry infiltrated - as in the schemes of the m.a.f.i.a itself.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 3928 Views
  • Netanyahu Unveils Utopian Plan for ‘Gaza 2035’ https://www.infowars.com/posts/netanyahu-unveils-utopian-plan-for-gaza-2035/
    Netanyahu Unveils Utopian Plan for ‘Gaza 2035’ https://www.infowars.com/posts/netanyahu-unveils-utopian-plan-for-gaza-2035/
    Netanyahu Unveils Utopian Plan for ‘Gaza 2035’
    Israel's 3-step plan seeks to rebuild Gaza into a major trade center and integrate it into the Middle East economy.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 309 Views
  • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/liberal-utopia-new-california-law-terminate-500000-jobs/
    Liberal Progress: New California Law Could Terminate up to 500,000 Entry-Level Jobs
    Once again, the meddling leftists in the California state legislature have destroyed jobs they meant to "protect" with anti-business laws.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 424 Views
  • Black looters steal bottled water from the London Marathon
    Niggers doing what niggers do. This is what liberals call a 'multicultural utopia'. And no, I am not a racist. There is only one race, the human race. Niggers and white trash are the lowest form of life on the planet, right next to Nazis and communists.
    Black looters steal bottled water from the London Marathon Niggers doing what niggers do. This is what liberals call a 'multicultural utopia'. And no, I am not a racist. There is only one race, the human race. Niggers and white trash are the lowest form of life on the planet, right next to Nazis and communists.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1184 Views 1
  • The world is not a progressive utopia. If you have deep pockets and are thinking of traveling to the Middle East to help Palestinians or even Israelis, think again. Can never get enough of watching Paul Joseph Watson videos. | https://youtu.be/7o40yZO2QPc
    The world is not a progressive utopia. If you have deep pockets and are thinking of traveling to the Middle East to help Palestinians or even Israelis, think again. Can never get enough of watching Paul Joseph Watson videos. | https://youtu.be/7o40yZO2QPc
    0 Comments 0 Shares 836 Views
  • Useful Idiots Running Wild
    The phrase 'useful idiots' refers to Westerners duped into saying good things about bad regimes.

    In political jargon it was used to describe Soviet sympathizers in Western countries and the attitude of the Soviet government towards them.

    A more complete definition of the term "useful idiots" is a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically being used by the cause's leaders. The term was often used during the Cold War to describe non-communists regarded as susceptible to communist propaganda and psychological manipulation. It also describes the modern day followers of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the so-called "Progressives" also known as the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Democratic National Committee; most of whom are card-carrying members of the American Communist Party.

    Useful idiots, in a broader sense, refers to Western journalists, travelers and intellectuals who gave their blessing -- often with evangelistic fervor -- to tyrannies and tyrants, thereby convincing politicians and public that utopias rather than concentration camps thrived.

    John Sweeney looks at Stalin's Western apologists and explores how present day stories of human rights abuses across the world are still rewritten.
    Useful Idiots Running Wild The phrase 'useful idiots' refers to Westerners duped into saying good things about bad regimes. In political jargon it was used to describe Soviet sympathizers in Western countries and the attitude of the Soviet government towards them. A more complete definition of the term "useful idiots" is a person perceived as propagandizing for a cause without fully comprehending the cause's goals, and who is cynically being used by the cause's leaders. The term was often used during the Cold War to describe non-communists regarded as susceptible to communist propaganda and psychological manipulation. It also describes the modern day followers of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the so-called "Progressives" also known as the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Democratic National Committee; most of whom are card-carrying members of the American Communist Party. Useful idiots, in a broader sense, refers to Western journalists, travelers and intellectuals who gave their blessing -- often with evangelistic fervor -- to tyrannies and tyrants, thereby convincing politicians and public that utopias rather than concentration camps thrived. John Sweeney looks at Stalin's Western apologists and explores how present day stories of human rights abuses across the world are still rewritten. https://rumble.com/v4lxczw-useful-idiots-running-wild.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 2819 Views

    The WAR is against ALL OF MANKIND!
    But especially against our ability to REPRODUCE!

    70% of all vaxxed people are now STERILE!
    The Satanic scumbags did EXACTLY what they showed you they'd do.... In the streaming Amazon video:
    Utopia 2020 (YouTube Link below)

    THE WAR ON CHILDREN The WAR is against ALL OF MANKIND! But especially against our ability to REPRODUCE! 70% of all vaxxed people are now STERILE! The Satanic scumbags did EXACTLY what they showed you they'd do.... In the streaming Amazon video: Utopia 2020 (YouTube Link below) https://youtu.be/Y2QNnoqc3XU https://www.bitchute.com/video/Hl2WSRdTaMZx/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1257 Views
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