• Amazon Sells ‘Only Good Trump a Dead One’ Apparel Days After Assassination Attempt, Quickly Removes https://www.infowars.com/posts/amazon-sells-only-good-trump-a-dead-one-apparel-days-after-assassination-attempt-quickly-removes/
    Amazon Sells ‘Only Good Trump a Dead One’ Apparel Days After Assassination Attempt, Quickly Removes https://www.infowars.com/posts/amazon-sells-only-good-trump-a-dead-one-apparel-days-after-assassination-attempt-quickly-removes/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 74 Views
  • The Dark Arts: Fear Nudging
    Frame. Obstruct. Ruse. Compel. Entangle. Seduce
    Robert W Malone MD, MS

    During the COVID crisis, nudging emerged as one of the primary psyops tools used by globalists, governments, NGOs, and “security” (intelligence) forces against us ordinary folk.

    Recently, a number of peer-reviewed papers have come to light, exposing just how pervasive and damaging the use of nudges was during COVID-19. They also reveal how nudging, including fear nudging, is being used to control individuals and populations on matters such as health, climate change, meat-eating, tobacco use, alcohol use, weight control, electoral candidates, political campaigns, and more.

    The PsyWar Campaign continues to work to control our hearts and minds on all matters of statecraft.

    For those that need reminding, nudging is a form of psychological manipulation that is often used in psyops and psywar campaigns.
    The Dark Arts: Fear Nudging Frame. Obstruct. Ruse. Compel. Entangle. Seduce Robert W Malone MD, MS https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F25597ffb-bc74-4d95-a56e-909c535e5fc0_1386x906.png During the COVID crisis, nudging emerged as one of the primary psyops tools used by globalists, governments, NGOs, and “security” (intelligence) forces against us ordinary folk. Recently, a number of peer-reviewed papers have come to light, exposing just how pervasive and damaging the use of nudges was during COVID-19. They also reveal how nudging, including fear nudging, is being used to control individuals and populations on matters such as health, climate change, meat-eating, tobacco use, alcohol use, weight control, electoral candidates, political campaigns, and more. The PsyWar Campaign continues to work to control our hearts and minds on all matters of statecraft. For those that need reminding, nudging is a form of psychological manipulation that is often used in psyops and psywar campaigns.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 327 Views
  • Jones Plantation

    I very rarely spend any money on "entertainment"
    The "Jones Plantation" is really more of an education

    I bought the Jones Plantation, and it was worth my $10!
    You can now stream it for .99 cents

    Mankind needs to wake up to the fact that they ARE #Slaves!

    Jones Plantation I very rarely spend any money on "entertainment" The "Jones Plantation" is really more of an education I bought the Jones Plantation, and it was worth my $10! You can now stream it for .99 cents Mankind needs to wake up to the fact that they ARE #Slaves! https://www.amazon.com/Jones-Plantation-Maurice-Johnson/dp/B0CWDK5Z4K
    Watch Jones Plantation | Prime Video
    You can control a man for a time with brute violence, but you can never truly OWN a man until he's convinced that your word is law, and he must obey - and is virtuous for doing so. A film destined to be a cult classic,
    0 Comments 0 Shares 571 Views
  • https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09RKML4MV&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_940KH6R3SC5H2W289FZ4
    At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of U.S. Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic
    Shared via Kindle. Description: Today, we find ourselves embroiled in the midst of a pandemic, one which has collapsed economies, caused death by starvation, and has resulted in severe new restrictions on civil rights in the US and elsewhere. Numerous medic...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 259 Views
  • Three Foreign Men Forced their Way into Family’s Home after Posing as Amazon Delivery Person.
    • The foreigners were holding a package and waited for the family to open the door. When the family opened the door, the suspects forced their way inside and robbed them.
    • One adult and two children were home at the time.
    • The Police Department’s Response..
    “Residents may want to consider alternate delivery options, such as picking up your mail from a P.O. box or choosing a "Hold for Pickup" option.”
    So you can’t even get packages delivered to your house anymore..
    Import the third world… become the third world.. stay safe everyone.
    Three Foreign Men Forced their Way into Family’s Home after Posing as Amazon Delivery Person. • The foreigners were holding a package and waited for the family to open the door. When the family opened the door, the suspects forced their way inside and robbed them. • One adult and two children were home at the time. • The Police Department’s Response.. “Residents may want to consider alternate delivery options, such as picking up your mail from a P.O. box or choosing a "Hold for Pickup" option.” So you can’t even get packages delivered to your house anymore.. Import the third world… become the third world.. stay safe everyone.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 603 Views 2
  • Brock Steele Sphere is available from Amazon, Kindle, and all good bookshops worldwide!

    "Brock Steele knows his name – and very little else. After a vicious attack in mysterious circumstances, Brock’s memory has abandoned him. He has no idea why he’s being hounded by a mysterious man with a gun or why bad things keep happening to the people he loves. And why are strange voices talking to him from the walls of his flat? When he’s forced to go on the run to save his life, he has to decide who to trust – and making a mistake could be fatal. Can Brock find out who he is, why he’s being hunted, and stay alive into the bargain?"

    #BrockSteeleSphere #Goodreads #ReadingIsFun #BookLovers #ReadMoreBooks
    Brock Steele Sphere is available from Amazon, Kindle, and all good bookshops worldwide! "Brock Steele knows his name – and very little else. After a vicious attack in mysterious circumstances, Brock’s memory has abandoned him. He has no idea why he’s being hounded by a mysterious man with a gun or why bad things keep happening to the people he loves. And why are strange voices talking to him from the walls of his flat? When he’s forced to go on the run to save his life, he has to decide who to trust – and making a mistake could be fatal. Can Brock find out who he is, why he’s being hunted, and stay alive into the bargain?" #BrockSteeleSphere #Goodreads #ReadingIsFun #BookLovers #ReadMoreBooks
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1225 Views
  • https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B00J75IUCO&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_4GKYD26589A971C7NXB4
    Science for Sale: How the US Government Uses Powerful Corporations and Leading Universities to Support Government Policies, Silence Top Scientists, Jeopardize ... Our Health, and Protect Corporate Profits
    Shared via Kindle. Description: When Speaker Newt Gingrich greeted Dr. David Lewis in his office overlooking the National Mall, he looked at Dr. Lewis and said: ???You know you???re going to be fired for this, don???t you???? ???I know,??? Dr. Lewis replied, ???I ...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 403 Views
  • Trump Wins 2024 -- Chaos to Follow with Martin Armstrong
    In this exclusive interview, Martin Armstrong delves into the current economic and political landscape. Armstrong expresses concerns about the elites' potential actions to prevent Trump from winning the upcoming election and the desire for war as a political tool. He forecasts a decline in the economy until 2028, citing consumer distrust and election uncertainties as key factors. Armstrong critiques Amazon's diversity initiatives, linking them to unionization efforts, and questions the effectiveness of such policies. He draws comparisons between the potential recession's impact on global stock markets and the stagflation of the 1970s, noting the current administration's low approval ratings and the diminishing public trust in government. The conversation also explores the influence of unelected officials in Washington, the vetting of presidential candidates, and the IMF's digital currency as a potential threat to the US dollar's dominance. Armstrong underscores the importance of a stock market rebound and suggests that war could be used as an excuse for economic default. The discussion offers a candid view of the challenges facing central banks in maintaining economic stability.

    Trump Wins 2024 -- Chaos to Follow with Martin Armstrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K1OXvZeHfE&t=3s In this exclusive interview, Martin Armstrong delves into the current economic and political landscape. Armstrong expresses concerns about the elites' potential actions to prevent Trump from winning the upcoming election and the desire for war as a political tool. He forecasts a decline in the economy until 2028, citing consumer distrust and election uncertainties as key factors. Armstrong critiques Amazon's diversity initiatives, linking them to unionization efforts, and questions the effectiveness of such policies. He draws comparisons between the potential recession's impact on global stock markets and the stagflation of the 1970s, noting the current administration's low approval ratings and the diminishing public trust in government. The conversation also explores the influence of unelected officials in Washington, the vetting of presidential candidates, and the IMF's digital currency as a potential threat to the US dollar's dominance. Armstrong underscores the importance of a stock market rebound and suggests that war could be used as an excuse for economic default. The discussion offers a candid view of the challenges facing central banks in maintaining economic stability.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1553 Views
  • The Federal Government Under Joe Biden compiled a “Do Not Promote” list, to which more than 40 titles were added. Documents show that some books were simply generally critical of vaccines, with several written by medical professionals. Some were even just reviews of scientific studies. They even targeted a children’s book that they deemed to be too friendly toward the unvaccinated.
    The Federal Government Under Joe Biden compiled a “Do Not Promote” list, to which more than 40 titles were added. Documents show that some books were simply generally critical of vaccines, with several written by medical professionals. Some were even just reviews of scientific studies. They even targeted a children’s book that they deemed to be too friendly toward the unvaccinated. https://modernity.news/2024/06/22/biden-admin-asked-amazon-to-hide-vaccine-critical-books-during-the-pandemic/
    Biden Admin. Asked Amazon To Hide Vaccine Critical Books During The Pandemic
    House Judiciary Committee reveals that Over 40 titles were added to a hit list
    0 Comments 0 Shares 968 Views
  • This is the kind of dedicated service I want to see with my Prime membership!

    This incident stands as a powerful example of everyday heroism, reminding us all of the impact one person can make in the face of danger.

    This is the kind of dedicated service I want to see with my Prime membership! This incident stands as a powerful example of everyday heroism, reminding us all of the impact one person can make in the face of danger. https://conservativeus.com/video-carjacker-picked-the-wrong-amazon-delivery-truck-to-rob/
    Video: Carjacker Picked The Wrong Amazon Delivery Truck To Rob - Conservative US
    In a dramatic turn of events on a busy New York City street, a male Amazon delivery driver intervened heroically
    0 Comments 0 Shares 544 Views
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