• A Full Strawberry Moon approaches completion during the night of the Summer Solstice of 2024. Saturn and Neptune follow in the eastern sky as the reddish planet Mars, walking behind these two gaseous planets, fades into the summer sunrise.

    #FullStrawberryMoon #StrawberryMoon #FullMoon #Moon #SummerSolstice #Solstice #NightSky #Astronomy

    A Full Strawberry Moon approaches completion during the night of the Summer Solstice of 2024. Saturn and Neptune follow in the eastern sky as the reddish planet Mars, walking behind these two gaseous planets, fades into the summer sunrise. #FullStrawberryMoon #StrawberryMoon #FullMoon #Moon #SummerSolstice #Solstice #NightSky #Astronomy https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/everything-you-need-to-know-june-solstice/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 647 Просмотры
  • W1935, a brown dwarf
    known as W1935 is more massive than Jupiter, and exhibited infrared emissions from methane — a finding that has puzzled scientists due to the brown dwarf's cold nature and lack of a host star to provide energy for such atmospheric phenomena.

    W1935, a brown dwarf located 47 light-years from Earth, has intrigued astronomers with its unexpected behavior. Despite being more massive than Jupiter and lacking a host star, it exhibits infrared emissions from methane in its upper atmosphere. This phenomenon is puzzling because the brown dwarf is cold and lacks an obvious energy source to fuel such atmospheric processes

    On Earth, aurorae are created when energetic particles from the Sun interact with our magnetic field, producing captivating curtains of light near the poles. Similarly, Jupiter and Saturn have auroral processes, including contributions from their active moons like Io and Enceladus. However, for isolated brown dwarfs like W1935, the absence of a stellar wind complicates the explanation for the extra energy needed to produce methane glow. Scientists speculate that internal processes or interactions with interstellar plasma or nearby active moons may play a role in this intriguing phenomenon.

    The discovery of methane emission on W1935 is akin to a fascinating detective story, unraveling the mysteries of celestial phenomena.

    Mysterious aurora over 'failed star' 'shocking' discovery that transformed into pure fantasy the astrophysics of today and education into university worldwide.

    The recent discovery of a mysterious aurora around a brown dwarf has left astronomers astounded. This celestial body, known as W1935, is larger than Jupiter and exhibits infrared emissions from methane in its upper atmosphere. What makes this finding even more intriguing is that W1935 lacks a host star to provide energy for such atmospheric phenomena.

    Let’s delve into the captivating details:

    Brown Dwarfs: These enigmatic objects are larger than gas giant planets but smaller than stars. They form similarly to stars, arising from collapsing clouds of gas and dust. Brown dwarfs are often isolated, just like W1935. Their nickname, “failed stars,” stems from their inability to sustain nuclear fusion like main-sequence stars.

    Auroras: On Earth, we witness auroras as the mesmerizing northern and southern lights. These luminous displays occur when charged solar particles interact with molecules in our atmosphere. Auroras are also observed on other planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, and over active moons like Io and Enceladus. However, W1935’s aurora is baffling because there are no nearby stars to supply charged particles for this phenomenon .

    Infrared Clues: The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) detected the potential aurora over W1935 through infrared emissions from methane. Similar emissions occur on Jupiter and Saturn due to charged particles heating their atmospheres and creating aurorae. Scientists speculate that internal processes within W1935 or interactions with interstellar plasma might be responsible for its mysterious glow. Alternatively, an influx of particles from a nearby active moon could play a role.

    This discovery transforms the astrophysics of today, sparking curiosity and wonder across universities worldwide. The universe continues to surprise us with its hidden secrets, inviting us to explore further into the cosmic unknown.

    W1935, a brown dwarf known as W1935 is more massive than Jupiter, and exhibited infrared emissions from methane — a finding that has puzzled scientists due to the brown dwarf's cold nature and lack of a host star to provide energy for such atmospheric phenomena. W1935, a brown dwarf located 47 light-years from Earth, has intrigued astronomers with its unexpected behavior. Despite being more massive than Jupiter and lacking a host star, it exhibits infrared emissions from methane in its upper atmosphere. This phenomenon is puzzling because the brown dwarf is cold and lacks an obvious energy source to fuel such atmospheric processes On Earth, aurorae are created when energetic particles from the Sun interact with our magnetic field, producing captivating curtains of light near the poles. Similarly, Jupiter and Saturn have auroral processes, including contributions from their active moons like Io and Enceladus. However, for isolated brown dwarfs like W1935, the absence of a stellar wind complicates the explanation for the extra energy needed to produce methane glow. Scientists speculate that internal processes or interactions with interstellar plasma or nearby active moons may play a role in this intriguing phenomenon. The discovery of methane emission on W1935 is akin to a fascinating detective story, unraveling the mysteries of celestial phenomena. Mysterious aurora over 'failed star' 'shocking' discovery that transformed into pure fantasy the astrophysics of today and education into university worldwide. The recent discovery of a mysterious aurora around a brown dwarf has left astronomers astounded. This celestial body, known as W1935, is larger than Jupiter and exhibits infrared emissions from methane in its upper atmosphere. What makes this finding even more intriguing is that W1935 lacks a host star to provide energy for such atmospheric phenomena. Let’s delve into the captivating details: Brown Dwarfs: These enigmatic objects are larger than gas giant planets but smaller than stars. They form similarly to stars, arising from collapsing clouds of gas and dust. Brown dwarfs are often isolated, just like W1935. Their nickname, “failed stars,” stems from their inability to sustain nuclear fusion like main-sequence stars. Auroras: On Earth, we witness auroras as the mesmerizing northern and southern lights. These luminous displays occur when charged solar particles interact with molecules in our atmosphere. Auroras are also observed on other planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, and over active moons like Io and Enceladus. However, W1935’s aurora is baffling because there are no nearby stars to supply charged particles for this phenomenon . Infrared Clues: The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) detected the potential aurora over W1935 through infrared emissions from methane. Similar emissions occur on Jupiter and Saturn due to charged particles heating their atmospheres and creating aurorae. Scientists speculate that internal processes within W1935 or interactions with interstellar plasma might be responsible for its mysterious glow. Alternatively, an influx of particles from a nearby active moon could play a role. This discovery transforms the astrophysics of today, sparking curiosity and wonder across universities worldwide. The universe continues to surprise us with its hidden secrets, inviting us to explore further into the cosmic unknown.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2697 Просмотры
  • Are you too smart to learn anything new?
    Do you ALREADY "know it all?"

    Well..... providing you answered "No" to those questions......
    I'd make time to check out the videos on this page!
    Biblical #Evidence of the true sabbath day!
    (And it's NOT Saturn's Day)

    Saturday Sabbath? Or Lunar Sabbath?
    People in love do everything in their power to please the one they love. This is the natural reaction of the heart that loves. It is not viewed as a duty, but a joy and privilege!

    This is what the true Sabbath means to all who love their Maker and wish to honor Him. At the very start of the world, the seventh-day was set apart as a day to rest and worship the Creator. Those who value the care showered on them by a loving heavenly Father, want to obey Him and worship Him on the true Sabbath day.

    The question then arises: "Which day is the Bible Sabbath? Which day is the true seventh-day Sabbath of Scripture?" There are many different, widely-held beliefs regarding when to worship. Three of these views are as follows:

    Many people believe that there is no need for a specific day of rest since Yahuwah should be worshipped every day.
    Saturday sabbatarians believe that because Saturday is the last day of the modern seven-day week, it must be the true seventh-day Sabbath. Because modern weeks cycle continuously, they believe Saturday has come down uninterrupted from Creation as the true seventh-day Sabbath.

    Still others believe that an accumulation of Biblical and historical evidence reveals that the true Sabbath can only be found by using the luni-solar calendar used in Bible times.

    While it is true that one should worship every day, the sovereign of the Universe Himself expressly commanded that on the seventh-day, labor is to be set aside and special time spent with Him.

    The Sabbath is not just a day of worship. It is also specifically a day of no labor. Yahuwah even stated that the Sabbath is a sign between Himself and His children forever. This article will consider the evidence for whether the true Sabbath is a "Saturday Sabbath" or what is called a "lunar Sabbath."

    "There is no excuse for anyone in taking the position that there is no more truth to be revealed, and that all our expositions of Scripture are without an error. The fact that certain doctrines have been held as truth for many years . . . is not a proof that our ideas are infallible. Age will not make error into truth, and truth can afford to be fair. No true doctrine will lose anything by close investigation." Counsels to Writers and Editors, p. 35

    For all who want to know truth, there comes a time when the way divides. Personal prejudice, tradition and preconceived ideas should have no standing in the mind of one wanting to know "the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth." If the seeker for truth will study with an open mind, being willing to obey what is revealed if he is convicted that it is truth, then truth will be revealed to his mind and he need not remain in error. This is what is required of all who would study the subject of the true Bible Sabbath.

    Scripture reveals that the entire conflict between the Creator and Satan is contained in the battle over worship. It is a war for the mind of every man, woman and child alive today. Therefore, it would be wise for everyone on earth to examine this subject for themselves. All should study and know for sure whether the true day of worship is a Saturday Sabbath or a Lunar Sabbath.

    Are you too smart to learn anything new? Do you ALREADY "know it all?" Well..... providing you answered "No" to those questions...... I'd make time to check out the videos on this page! Biblical #Evidence of the true sabbath day! (And it's NOT Saturn's Day) Saturday Sabbath? Or Lunar Sabbath? People in love do everything in their power to please the one they love. This is the natural reaction of the heart that loves. It is not viewed as a duty, but a joy and privilege! This is what the true Sabbath means to all who love their Maker and wish to honor Him. At the very start of the world, the seventh-day was set apart as a day to rest and worship the Creator. Those who value the care showered on them by a loving heavenly Father, want to obey Him and worship Him on the true Sabbath day. The question then arises: "Which day is the Bible Sabbath? Which day is the true seventh-day Sabbath of Scripture?" There are many different, widely-held beliefs regarding when to worship. Three of these views are as follows: Many people believe that there is no need for a specific day of rest since Yahuwah should be worshipped every day. Saturday sabbatarians believe that because Saturday is the last day of the modern seven-day week, it must be the true seventh-day Sabbath. Because modern weeks cycle continuously, they believe Saturday has come down uninterrupted from Creation as the true seventh-day Sabbath. Still others believe that an accumulation of Biblical and historical evidence reveals that the true Sabbath can only be found by using the luni-solar calendar used in Bible times. While it is true that one should worship every day, the sovereign of the Universe Himself expressly commanded that on the seventh-day, labor is to be set aside and special time spent with Him. The Sabbath is not just a day of worship. It is also specifically a day of no labor. Yahuwah even stated that the Sabbath is a sign between Himself and His children forever. This article will consider the evidence for whether the true Sabbath is a "Saturday Sabbath" or what is called a "lunar Sabbath." "There is no excuse for anyone in taking the position that there is no more truth to be revealed, and that all our expositions of Scripture are without an error. The fact that certain doctrines have been held as truth for many years . . . is not a proof that our ideas are infallible. Age will not make error into truth, and truth can afford to be fair. No true doctrine will lose anything by close investigation." Counsels to Writers and Editors, p. 35 For all who want to know truth, there comes a time when the way divides. Personal prejudice, tradition and preconceived ideas should have no standing in the mind of one wanting to know "the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth." If the seeker for truth will study with an open mind, being willing to obey what is revealed if he is convicted that it is truth, then truth will be revealed to his mind and he need not remain in error. This is what is required of all who would study the subject of the true Bible Sabbath. Scripture reveals that the entire conflict between the Creator and Satan is contained in the battle over worship. It is a war for the mind of every man, woman and child alive today. Therefore, it would be wise for everyone on earth to examine this subject for themselves. All should study and know for sure whether the true day of worship is a Saturday Sabbath or a Lunar Sabbath. https://www.worldslastchance.com/yahuwahs-calendar/the-lunar-sabbath.html
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2208 Просмотры
  • In Defense of the Lunar Sabbath | Part 1

    I urge everyone to check into the true #Sabbath!
    It's NOT Sunday!

    And it's NOT Saturn's Day either!
    (Well sometimes it's both of them!)

    This is not a 5 minute decision!
    But I'd listen to what they have to say!
    They managed to convince me they have it right!
    (And that's not easy!)

    Give it a listen! There is also a part 2 to this video!

    Genesis 1:
    14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

    15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

    16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

    17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

    In Defense of the Lunar Sabbath | Part 1 I urge everyone to check into the true #Sabbath! It's NOT Sunday! And it's NOT Saturn's Day either! (Well sometimes it's both of them!) This is not a 5 minute decision! But I'd listen to what they have to say! They managed to convince me they have it right! (And that's not easy!) Give it a listen! There is also a part 2 to this video! Genesis 1: 14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. 16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. 17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, https://youtu.be/BBVMD3VEEc0
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 811 Просмотры
  • Star dunes, with their striking resemblance to stars when seen from above, are indeed remarkable natural formations. Let’s delve into their fascinating details:

    What Are Star Dunes?
    Star dunes are massive sand dunes characterized by arms radiating from a central peak. Their pyramidal shape gives them the appearance of celestial stars when viewed from an aerial perspective.
    These dunes are found in various modern deserts across the globe, including sand seas in Africa, Arabia, China, and North America.
    Tallest Sand Dunes on Earth:
    Believed to be the tallest dunes on Earth, one such star dune stands tall in the Badain Jaran Desert in China, reaching an impressive height of 300 meters.
    These towering dunes are a testament to the dynamic forces shaping our planet’s landscapes.
    A Mysterious Absence in Geological History:
    Despite their prominence today, star dunes have rarely been found in the geological record.
    Scientists have puzzled over their absence, considering that past deserts are preserved in rocks deep underground.
    Ancient Origins Revealed:
    A recent study by Aberystwyth University, Birkbeck, and UCL has shed light on the mystery.
    The researchers dated the foundations of a star dune called Lala Lallia in the southeast of Morocco to approximately 13,000 years old.
    Lala Lallia, meaning “highest sacred point” in the Berber language, sits in the Erg Chebbi area of the Sahara Desert near the border with Algeria.
    Surprisingly, this enormous dune formed rapidly in the last thousand years, challenging the assumption that larger dunes were much older.
    Rapid Growth and Movement:
    Lala Lallia’s sand pyramid has reached its current dimensions—100 meters in height and 700 meters in width—due to rapid growth over the past millennium.
    Remarkably, it continues to shift westward at a rate of about 50 centimeters per year.
    These fantastic star dunes are truly one of the natural wonders of the world.
    Beyond Earth:
    Star dunes aren’t limited to our planet. They also exist elsewhere in the solar system:
    Mars: Martian dunes exhibit similar features, including star-shaped formations.
    Saturn’s Moon Titan: Titan’s landscape boasts these intriguing dunes
    Star dunes, with their striking resemblance to stars when seen from above, are indeed remarkable natural formations. Let’s delve into their fascinating details: What Are Star Dunes? Star dunes are massive sand dunes characterized by arms radiating from a central peak. Their pyramidal shape gives them the appearance of celestial stars when viewed from an aerial perspective. These dunes are found in various modern deserts across the globe, including sand seas in Africa, Arabia, China, and North America. Tallest Sand Dunes on Earth: Believed to be the tallest dunes on Earth, one such star dune stands tall in the Badain Jaran Desert in China, reaching an impressive height of 300 meters. These towering dunes are a testament to the dynamic forces shaping our planet’s landscapes. A Mysterious Absence in Geological History: Despite their prominence today, star dunes have rarely been found in the geological record. Scientists have puzzled over their absence, considering that past deserts are preserved in rocks deep underground. Ancient Origins Revealed: A recent study by Aberystwyth University, Birkbeck, and UCL has shed light on the mystery. The researchers dated the foundations of a star dune called Lala Lallia in the southeast of Morocco to approximately 13,000 years old. Lala Lallia, meaning “highest sacred point” in the Berber language, sits in the Erg Chebbi area of the Sahara Desert near the border with Algeria. Surprisingly, this enormous dune formed rapidly in the last thousand years, challenging the assumption that larger dunes were much older. Rapid Growth and Movement: Lala Lallia’s sand pyramid has reached its current dimensions—100 meters in height and 700 meters in width—due to rapid growth over the past millennium. Remarkably, it continues to shift westward at a rate of about 50 centimeters per year. These fantastic star dunes are truly one of the natural wonders of the world. Beyond Earth: Star dunes aren’t limited to our planet. They also exist elsewhere in the solar system: Mars: Martian dunes exhibit similar features, including star-shaped formations. Saturn’s Moon Titan: Titan’s landscape boasts these intriguing dunes🌟🌍🪐
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2171 Просмотры
  • This Is What They Don’t Want You to Know About the Climate Agenda
    If fossil fuels come from fossils, why have scientists found them on one of Saturn’s moons? A lot of what you’ve heard about energy is false. Dr. Willie Soon and Tucker Carlson discuss.
    This Is What They Don’t Want You to Know About the Climate Agenda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7IdLzxzINw If fossil fuels come from fossils, why have scientists found them on one of Saturn’s moons? A lot of what you’ve heard about energy is false. Dr. Willie Soon and Tucker Carlson discuss.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 878 Просмотры
  • FINALLY a scientist not afraid of his own shadow EXPOSES the #ClimateChangeLie!

    This Is What They Don’t Want You to Know About the Climate Agenda
    45,348 views views
    Jan 9, 2024 #TuckerCarlson #DrWillieSoon #climatechange

    If fossil fuels come from fossils, why have scientists found them on one of Saturn’s moons? A lot of what you’ve heard about energy is false. Dr. Willie Soon and Tucker Carlson discuss.
    FINALLY a scientist not afraid of his own shadow EXPOSES the #ClimateChangeLie! This Is What They Don’t Want You to Know About the Climate Agenda 45,348 views views Jan 9, 2024 #TuckerCarlson #DrWillieSoon #climatechange If fossil fuels come from fossils, why have scientists found them on one of Saturn’s moons? A lot of what you’ve heard about energy is false. Dr. Willie Soon and Tucker Carlson discuss. https://youtu.be/E7IdLzxzINw?si=XY2Tmtz_yKHFzWLG
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2698 Просмотры
  • The fourth and final supermoon of 2023 rises tonight with the planet Neptune in the constellation Pisces, joined by Saturn with the globular clusters M15, M2 & M30 to the east and Jupiter & Uranus to the west, and is the first full moon following the autumnal equinox.


    #HarvestMoonSupermoon #HarvestMoon #HarvestSupermoon #CornMoon #FallingLeavesMoon #Autumn #Supermoon2023 #Supermoon #Moon #Perigee #Astronomy
    The fourth and final supermoon of 2023 rises tonight with the planet Neptune in the constellation Pisces, joined by Saturn with the globular clusters M15, M2 & M30 to the east and Jupiter & Uranus to the west, and is the first full moon following the autumnal equinox. https://earthsky.org/moon-phases/september-full-moon-harvest-moon-corn-moon/ #HarvestMoonSupermoon #HarvestMoon #HarvestSupermoon #CornMoon #FallingLeavesMoon #Autumn #Supermoon2023 #Supermoon #Moon #Perigee #Astronomy
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 4128 Просмотры
  • I just want to put this out there for you all to consider. I'm not pushing or selling anything! After a lot of research, I believe this to be the actual "Calendar of Creation."

    But everyone must decide that for themselves. There are lots of excellent videos explaining it on YouTube if you search for "In defense of the Lunar Sabbath"

    We've been so busy fighting about if it's "Saturday or Sunday"
    (Saturn's Day or SUN Day) that we may have missed the fact the entire calendar has been altered! In biblical times they used the Luni-Solar Calendar AND the Romans had an 8 day week! It's worth researching.

    You can head over to the "Worlds Last Chance online Calendar" and see that according to YHWH's clock (The sun, moon, and stars as detailed in Genesis) TODAY is a holy day, the "Day of Atonement."

    And also according to YHWH's calendar, starting on September 29th on our Gregorian Calendar is the Feast of Tabernacles, running through October 6th

    You should research the WLC Luni-Solar Calendar!
    WLC has several videos about it which demonstrate through scripture that it is the actual Calendar of Creation!

    Our calendar has been changed several times, every time by a #Pagan who worshiped false gods! Is THAT who you want to trust to tell you your Holy Days / Sabbaths?

    NOT ME!
    Here's a link to the online version, just put in a zip code

    I just want to put this out there for you all to consider. I'm not pushing or selling anything! After a lot of research, I believe this to be the actual "Calendar of Creation." But everyone must decide that for themselves. There are lots of excellent videos explaining it on YouTube if you search for "In defense of the Lunar Sabbath" We've been so busy fighting about if it's "Saturday or Sunday" (Saturn's Day or SUN Day) that we may have missed the fact the entire calendar has been altered! In biblical times they used the Luni-Solar Calendar AND the Romans had an 8 day week! It's worth researching. You can head over to the "Worlds Last Chance online Calendar" and see that according to YHWH's clock (The sun, moon, and stars as detailed in Genesis) TODAY is a holy day, the "Day of Atonement." And also according to YHWH's calendar, starting on September 29th on our Gregorian Calendar is the Feast of Tabernacles, running through October 6th You should research the WLC Luni-Solar Calendar! WLC has several videos about it which demonstrate through scripture that it is the actual Calendar of Creation! Our calendar has been changed several times, every time by a #Pagan who worshiped false gods! Is THAT who you want to trust to tell you your Holy Days / Sabbaths? NOT ME! Here's a link to the online version, just put in a zip code https://www.worldslastchance.com/lunisolarcalendar/web/WlcWeb.html
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2826 Просмотры
  • The third supermoon of 2023, and the Moon's closest approach to Earth this year, is in the sky with Saturn and Neptune for a second night as the calendar changes to the month of September. To the right of Saturn are the globular clusters M15, M2 and M30 in a vertical line across the constellation Aquarius, and Jupiter and Uranus are trailing the Moon. September 28-29 will be the fourth and final supermoon of 2023. #BlueMoonSupermoon #BlueMoon #BlueSupermoon #Supermoon2023 #Supermoon #Moon #Perigee #Astronomy
    The third supermoon of 2023, and the Moon's closest approach to Earth this year, is in the sky with Saturn and Neptune for a second night as the calendar changes to the month of September. To the right of Saturn are the globular clusters M15, M2 and M30 in a vertical line across the constellation Aquarius, and Jupiter and Uranus are trailing the Moon. September 28-29 will be the fourth and final supermoon of 2023. #BlueMoonSupermoon #BlueMoon #BlueSupermoon #Supermoon2023 #Supermoon #Moon #Perigee #Astronomy
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 3317 Просмотры
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