    0 Kommentare 2 Anteile 265 Ansichten 2
  • Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she “A.I.’d” it, and showed a massive “crowd” of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST! She was turned in by a maintenance worker at the airport when he noticed the fake crowd picture, but there was nobody there, later confirmed by the reflection of the mirror like finish on the Vice Presidential Plane. She’s a CHEATER. FAKE AI CROWDS AND FREE CONCERT RALLIES. SHE IS USING THE KILLARY PLAY BOOK.
    Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she “A.I.’d” it, and showed a massive “crowd” of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST! She was turned in by a maintenance worker at the airport when he noticed the fake crowd picture, but there was nobody there, later confirmed by the reflection of the mirror like finish on the Vice Presidential Plane. She’s a CHEATER. FAKE AI CROWDS AND FREE CONCERT RALLIES. SHE IS USING THE KILLARY PLAY BOOK.
    0 Kommentare 1 Anteile 413 Ansichten
  • I sometimes feel like the guy returning to the cave to free the people still in there, living a life of illusion!

    Of course they just mock me, insult my intelligence, quote something that we ALL were indoctrinated with.....

    And then they go back to watching their shadow puppet show, feeling superior and patting themselves on the back for being so "Intelligent"

    It's disheartening!
    But just like the bible tells us....
    “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

    It says nothing about sitting on your butt watching shadows
    on the wall (Or television either)

    Here's the beginning of the post:
    Plato's allegory of the cave
    In a cave, people who have spent their lives facing back to the light coming from outside, see only the shadows of animals, people and objects in front of them.
    These shadows are the only reality for these people who have never seen their true form.
    One day, one of the people living in the cave is suddenly released. He encounters the world outside the cave. The eyes of this person, who are completely acquainted with the light, that is, the truth, experience almost blindness.
    Over time, he begins to realize that the shadows that he thought were real until now are not real and are just dark reflections of the truth.
    I sometimes feel like the guy returning to the cave to free the people still in there, living a life of illusion! Of course they just mock me, insult my intelligence, quote something that we ALL were indoctrinated with..... And then they go back to watching their shadow puppet show, feeling superior and patting themselves on the back for being so "Intelligent" It's disheartening! But just like the bible tells us.... “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. It says nothing about sitting on your butt watching shadows on the wall (Or television either) Here's the beginning of the post: Plato's allegory of the cave In a cave, people who have spent their lives facing back to the light coming from outside, see only the shadows of animals, people and objects in front of them. These shadows are the only reality for these people who have never seen their true form. One day, one of the people living in the cave is suddenly released. He encounters the world outside the cave. The eyes of this person, who are completely acquainted with the light, that is, the truth, experience almost blindness. Over time, he begins to realize that the shadows that he thought were real until now are not real and are just dark reflections of the truth.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1142 Ansichten
  • The Statue of Liberty IS Lucifer...
    While I have no clue who this guy is.....
    He is right on point folks!
    The "Statue of Liberty" is Lucifer!
    That is just a FACT
    And I'll tell you what else folks..... EVERY TIME you turn a #Paramount movie on, you'll see #Lucifer again.... "The light bearer" is shown at the beginning of
    But that's all folks
    The other movie companies do the SAME THING!
    (Paying homage to Lucifer/fallen angels)
    The mountain that the stars fly around and then assemble above......
    that is Mount Hermon, where the fallen angels landed when cast out of Heaven!
    Now you find this fact in the bible!
    You must look to the book of Enoch for this information!
    My point is simple folks, EVERYTHING that #Hollywood and Television produce is designed to honor the fallen angels. AND designed to make YOU feel sympathetic towards them! It's Luciferian! (Like ALL "government" is, and the "Legal System"
    You are NOT in Kansas anymore!
    You ARE in the world with Lucifer and his minions!
    This guy appears to be a gnostic, one of those people who view Lucifer as some kind of "hero of humanity."
    In other words.A MORON!
    Yahuwah is not a "Tyrant" and Lucifer is NOT on your side!
    So act right
    The Book of the Watchers describes the fallen angels (1 Enoch 6-8). In the biblical story of the Nephilim, the sons of God saw the daughters of men were beautiful so they married them and had children (Gen 6:1-4). These children were called the Nephilim, the “mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.” In Genesis, the story shows how far the Nephilim, giants in genesiswickedness of humans had become: humans interacted sexually with spiritual beings. No details are given on how this might be possible, but the next verse in Genesis says “the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” This brief story is tantalizing: who are these “sons of God” and what were the Nephilim? 1 Enoch offers an expansion of this biblical story in chapters 6-11. Are the Nephilim fallen angels?
    In 1 Enoch, the sons of God are the “sons of heaven,” angelic beings led by Shemihazah. The name Shemihazah (שׁמיחזה, šemîḥăzāh) means “My name has seen” and is sometimes vocalized as Semyaz of Semyaza (Nickelsburg, 179). “Name” refers to God, so the name refers to constantly watching God. This is ironic since God will see this rebellion and render judgment on the Shemihazah. Some readers want to find some reference to Satan as the leader of fallen angels in the Book of Enoch. As the story progresses, however, Azazel emerges as the ringleader (but later Enoch will intercede on behalf of Azazel). This is an example of how foolish (and impossible) it is to project modern Christian angelology on 1 Enoch. Azazel is not the modern version of Satan at all!
    The two hundred angels take an oath to descend to Mt Hermon, find women to marry and have children with them. 1 Enoch 6:7-8 lists the names of the leaders of these angels. Most have names with some reference to God (Remashel, “evening of God” or Kokabel, “star of God” ). The most interesting of these names is Dan’el, a name associated with the Ugaritic literature and often offered as an explanation of the legendary character of Daniel.
    In chapters 7 and 8 the angels make good on their oath and take women as wives. They teach humans “magical medicines, incantations, the cutting of roots and about plants.” The origin of folk-medicine is therefore ascribed to these angelic beings. The children of the angels are giants standing three hundred cubits (an improbable 450 feet tall!) These giants eat so much food the humans cannot feed them anymore. The giants proceed to eat humans as well as all other kinds of animals.
    The text notes especially that they drank the blood of animals, “sinning against them.” In the biblical flood story, the Noahic covenant includes a command about consuming blood. 1 Enoch 7-8 is a reflection upon this command which was probably given because the antediluvian world did in fact consume blood.
    In addition to teaching humans in interpret a wide range of signs, they teach humans medicinal magic. The angel Azazel teaches humans metal-working, including making of ornaments and weapon making. Azazel also teaches them to make eye-shadow and other physical ornamentation. This may be a polemic against pagan practice of using make up in their religious ceremonies. Other angels teach the humans how to track the stars (astrology and divination) and the signs of the moon. These angels are responsible for teaching humans all sorts of sinful practices. Humanity cries out as a result of this oppression, a cry which “goes up to heaven.”

    The Statue of Liberty IS Lucifer... While I have no clue who this guy is..... He is right on point folks! The "Statue of Liberty" is Lucifer! That is just a FACT And I'll tell you what else folks..... EVERY TIME you turn a #Paramount movie on, you'll see #Lucifer again.... "The light bearer" is shown at the beginning of EVERY PARAMOUNT MOVIE! But that's all folks The other movie companies do the SAME THING! (Paying homage to Lucifer/fallen angels) The mountain that the stars fly around and then assemble above...... that is Mount Hermon, where the fallen angels landed when cast out of Heaven! Now you find this fact in the bible! You must look to the book of Enoch for this information! My point is simple folks, EVERYTHING that #Hollywood and Television produce is designed to honor the fallen angels. AND designed to make YOU feel sympathetic towards them! It's Luciferian! (Like ALL "government" is, and the "Legal System" You are NOT in Kansas anymore! You ARE in the world with Lucifer and his minions! This guy appears to be a gnostic, one of those people who view Lucifer as some kind of "hero of humanity." In other words.A MORON! Yahuwah is not a "Tyrant" and Lucifer is NOT on your side! So act right The Book of the Watchers describes the fallen angels (1 Enoch 6-8). In the biblical story of the Nephilim, the sons of God saw the daughters of men were beautiful so they married them and had children (Gen 6:1-4). These children were called the Nephilim, the “mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.” In Genesis, the story shows how far the Nephilim, giants in genesiswickedness of humans had become: humans interacted sexually with spiritual beings. No details are given on how this might be possible, but the next verse in Genesis says “the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” This brief story is tantalizing: who are these “sons of God” and what were the Nephilim? 1 Enoch offers an expansion of this biblical story in chapters 6-11. Are the Nephilim fallen angels? In 1 Enoch, the sons of God are the “sons of heaven,” angelic beings led by Shemihazah. The name Shemihazah (שׁמיחזה, šemîḥăzāh) means “My name has seen” and is sometimes vocalized as Semyaz of Semyaza (Nickelsburg, 179). “Name” refers to God, so the name refers to constantly watching God. This is ironic since God will see this rebellion and render judgment on the Shemihazah. Some readers want to find some reference to Satan as the leader of fallen angels in the Book of Enoch. As the story progresses, however, Azazel emerges as the ringleader (but later Enoch will intercede on behalf of Azazel). This is an example of how foolish (and impossible) it is to project modern Christian angelology on 1 Enoch. Azazel is not the modern version of Satan at all! The two hundred angels take an oath to descend to Mt Hermon, find women to marry and have children with them. 1 Enoch 6:7-8 lists the names of the leaders of these angels. Most have names with some reference to God (Remashel, “evening of God” or Kokabel, “star of God” ). The most interesting of these names is Dan’el, a name associated with the Ugaritic literature and often offered as an explanation of the legendary character of Daniel. In chapters 7 and 8 the angels make good on their oath and take women as wives. They teach humans “magical medicines, incantations, the cutting of roots and about plants.” The origin of folk-medicine is therefore ascribed to these angelic beings. The children of the angels are giants standing three hundred cubits (an improbable 450 feet tall!) These giants eat so much food the humans cannot feed them anymore. The giants proceed to eat humans as well as all other kinds of animals. The text notes especially that they drank the blood of animals, “sinning against them.” In the biblical flood story, the Noahic covenant includes a command about consuming blood. 1 Enoch 7-8 is a reflection upon this command which was probably given because the antediluvian world did in fact consume blood. In addition to teaching humans in interpret a wide range of signs, they teach humans medicinal magic. The angel Azazel teaches humans metal-working, including making of ornaments and weapon making. Azazel also teaches them to make eye-shadow and other physical ornamentation. This may be a polemic against pagan practice of using make up in their religious ceremonies. Other angels teach the humans how to track the stars (astrology and divination) and the signs of the moon. These angels are responsible for teaching humans all sorts of sinful practices. Humanity cries out as a result of this oppression, a cry which “goes up to heaven.” https://youtu.be/oie0zLGPmac
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 4301 Ansichten

  • The history of food is as old as human civilization itself, with various cultures developing unique cuisines and culinary traditions over millennia. Here's a brief overview of some key moments and developments in food history:

    Hunter-Gatherer Era: For thousands of years, early humans survived by hunting animals and gathering edible plants. This period laid the foundation for basic cooking techniques such as roasting and boiling.

    Agricultural Revolution (10,000 BCE): The transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities marked a significant turning point in food history. The cultivation of crops such as wheat, rice, and barley led to the development of farming villages and the domestication of animals for food.

    Ancient Civilizations: Civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and the Indus Valley contributed to the advancement of agriculture, irrigation systems, and culinary practices. They developed cooking methods, fermentation techniques, and food preservation methods like drying and salting.

    Classical Era (Greece and Rome): Greek and Roman civilizations greatly influenced Western culinary traditions. They introduced olive oil, wine, and various herbs and spices to cooking. The Greeks also established the concept of symposia, social gatherings where food, wine, and conversation were central.

    Medieval Europe: The Middle Ages saw the rise of feudalism and the dominance of the Catholic Church in Europe. Monasteries played a crucial role in preserving and developing culinary techniques. The use of spices, herbs, and exotic ingredients became more widespread among the nobility.

    Age of Exploration (15th–17th centuries): European exploration of the Americas, Asia, and Africa brought about the Columbian Exchange, which facilitated the global exchange of foods, plants, and animals. Potatoes, tomatoes, corn, and chili peppers were introduced to Europe, while coffee, tea, and spices became more accessible.

    Industrial Revolution (18th–19th centuries): Technological advancements revolutionized food production, transportation, and preservation. Canned foods, refrigeration, and pasteurization transformed the way people consumed and accessed food. Mass production and urbanization also led to the rise of fast food and convenience foods.

    20th Century: The 20th century saw further industrialization of food production, as well as the emergence of food science and technology. Fast food chains proliferated, and processed foods became ubiquitous in Western diets. However, there was also a growing interest in organic and sustainable food practices.

    Contemporary Food Trends: In recent decades, there has been a resurgence of interest in traditional and regional cuisines, as well as a focus on health, sustainability, and ethical food production. Food globalization continues, with fusion cuisines and cross-cultural culinary influences becoming more prominent.

    Throughout history, food has not only been essential for survival but also a reflection of cultural identity, social status, and economic conditions. The evolution of culinary traditions and food systems has been shaped by a complex interplay of factors, including geography, politics, religion, technology, and globalization.
    The history of food is as old as human civilization itself, with various cultures developing unique cuisines and culinary traditions over millennia. Here's a brief overview of some key moments and developments in food history: Hunter-Gatherer Era: For thousands of years, early humans survived by hunting animals and gathering edible plants. This period laid the foundation for basic cooking techniques such as roasting and boiling. Agricultural Revolution (10,000 BCE): The transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities marked a significant turning point in food history. The cultivation of crops such as wheat, rice, and barley led to the development of farming villages and the domestication of animals for food. Ancient Civilizations: Civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and the Indus Valley contributed to the advancement of agriculture, irrigation systems, and culinary practices. They developed cooking methods, fermentation techniques, and food preservation methods like drying and salting. Classical Era (Greece and Rome): Greek and Roman civilizations greatly influenced Western culinary traditions. They introduced olive oil, wine, and various herbs and spices to cooking. The Greeks also established the concept of symposia, social gatherings where food, wine, and conversation were central. Medieval Europe: The Middle Ages saw the rise of feudalism and the dominance of the Catholic Church in Europe. Monasteries played a crucial role in preserving and developing culinary techniques. The use of spices, herbs, and exotic ingredients became more widespread among the nobility. Age of Exploration (15th–17th centuries): European exploration of the Americas, Asia, and Africa brought about the Columbian Exchange, which facilitated the global exchange of foods, plants, and animals. Potatoes, tomatoes, corn, and chili peppers were introduced to Europe, while coffee, tea, and spices became more accessible. Industrial Revolution (18th–19th centuries): Technological advancements revolutionized food production, transportation, and preservation. Canned foods, refrigeration, and pasteurization transformed the way people consumed and accessed food. Mass production and urbanization also led to the rise of fast food and convenience foods. 20th Century: The 20th century saw further industrialization of food production, as well as the emergence of food science and technology. Fast food chains proliferated, and processed foods became ubiquitous in Western diets. However, there was also a growing interest in organic and sustainable food practices. Contemporary Food Trends: In recent decades, there has been a resurgence of interest in traditional and regional cuisines, as well as a focus on health, sustainability, and ethical food production. Food globalization continues, with fusion cuisines and cross-cultural culinary influences becoming more prominent. Throughout history, food has not only been essential for survival but also a reflection of cultural identity, social status, and economic conditions. The evolution of culinary traditions and food systems has been shaped by a complex interplay of factors, including geography, politics, religion, technology, and globalization.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 5651 Ansichten 1
  • ***Streaming Free* on Brighteon University - The End of COVID Docuseries - An Online Education to End Every Pandemic - Begins on Saturday Feb 10 at 12:00 noon**

    The End of COVID is a **library of videos** designed to educate the public on what happened over the last 3 years and the decades that proceeded that and a whole lot more. **Each session streams free for 24 hours.**

    The **course** begins with the COVID narrative, moves into science and corruption, the germ theory (reality or science fiction), the WHO, re-writing the script and ends with a new way to look at your health.

    - **Day 1** (8 sessions) - Discussions of how the globalists laid the groundwork for the COVID show to begin
    - **Day 2** (10 sessions) - Delves into how the globalists collaborated with Big Pharma, Hollywood and others to orchestrate and promote the COVID narrative.
    - **Day 3** (6 sessions) - Explores the Stockholm syndrome, gaslighting and other psy-op tactics and how they were used to manipulate the public during the COVID show
    - **Day 4** (7 sessions) - Covers critical topics like hospital protocols, health implications of masks, truth about HCQ and Ivermectin, and a debate on the legality of lockdowns
    - **Day 5** (9 sessions) - Examines the repercussions of vaccine mandates, personal accounts from people who suffered vaccine injuries or faced unjust termination due to the vaccine mandates.
    - **Day 6** (9 sessions) - Array of topics including the global premiere of "Dissolving the Vaccine Illusion" and insights into the pseudoscientific origins of vaccination and a critical examination of its unsubstantiated claims of its effectiveness in preventing disease.
    - **Day 7** (11 sessions) - The roots of the germ vs. terrain theory debate. What led to the predominance of the germ theory which fundamentally shaped modern medicine.
    - **Day 8** (5 sessions) - Discussion with Alec Zeck and David Icke on the overarching global agenda and the use of the COVID narrative.
    - **Day 9** (8 sessions) - Conversation about the promising new health paradigm humanity is approaching, following an intense period of reflection and unlearning
    - **Day 10** (9 sessions) - Session on the truth about disease, beyond the contagion dogma and the remarkable capabilities of the immune system.
    - **Day 11** (8 sessions) - Exploration of the Six Dimensions of Health and practical solutions for achieving your best health.

    For titles of the **90** **individual session topics** and to **sign up for the free online stream** go to: https://brightu.com/

    **Optional** - $110.00 to purchase all 90 sessions plus 2 bonus sessions. **Not necessary** to view any days session, however.

    #covid #covidtruth #pandemic #covidnarrative
    ***Streaming Free* on Brighteon University - The End of COVID Docuseries - An Online Education to End Every Pandemic - Begins on Saturday Feb 10 at 12:00 noon** The End of COVID is a **library of videos** designed to educate the public on what happened over the last 3 years and the decades that proceeded that and a whole lot more. **Each session streams free for 24 hours.** The **course** begins with the COVID narrative, moves into science and corruption, the germ theory (reality or science fiction), the WHO, re-writing the script and ends with a new way to look at your health. - **Day 1** (8 sessions) - Discussions of how the globalists laid the groundwork for the COVID show to begin - **Day 2** (10 sessions) - Delves into how the globalists collaborated with Big Pharma, Hollywood and others to orchestrate and promote the COVID narrative. - **Day 3** (6 sessions) - Explores the Stockholm syndrome, gaslighting and other psy-op tactics and how they were used to manipulate the public during the COVID show - **Day 4** (7 sessions) - Covers critical topics like hospital protocols, health implications of masks, truth about HCQ and Ivermectin, and a debate on the legality of lockdowns - **Day 5** (9 sessions) - Examines the repercussions of vaccine mandates, personal accounts from people who suffered vaccine injuries or faced unjust termination due to the vaccine mandates. - **Day 6** (9 sessions) - Array of topics including the global premiere of "Dissolving the Vaccine Illusion" and insights into the pseudoscientific origins of vaccination and a critical examination of its unsubstantiated claims of its effectiveness in preventing disease. - **Day 7** (11 sessions) - The roots of the germ vs. terrain theory debate. What led to the predominance of the germ theory which fundamentally shaped modern medicine. - **Day 8** (5 sessions) - Discussion with Alec Zeck and David Icke on the overarching global agenda and the use of the COVID narrative. - **Day 9** (8 sessions) - Conversation about the promising new health paradigm humanity is approaching, following an intense period of reflection and unlearning - **Day 10** (9 sessions) - Session on the truth about disease, beyond the contagion dogma and the remarkable capabilities of the immune system. - **Day 11** (8 sessions) - Exploration of the Six Dimensions of Health and practical solutions for achieving your best health. For titles of the **90** **individual session topics** and to **sign up for the free online stream** go to: https://brightu.com/ **Optional** - $110.00 to purchase all 90 sessions plus 2 bonus sessions. **Not necessary** to view any days session, however. #covid #covidtruth #pandemic #covidnarrative
    Brighteon University
    Stream exclusive docuseries on BrightU.com
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 6481 Ansichten
  • https://www.globalresearch.ca/reflections-secret-agenda-elite-role-us-citizens/5709112
    Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates: The "Secret Agenda" of the So-called Elite and the COVID mRNA Vaccine. "Reducing World Population"?
    Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc. *** Important and timely article, first published on April 10, 2020. The late Henry Kissinger has played a key role in the formulation of the “Depopulation Agenda” “The International” …
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 621 Ansichten
  • https://www.globalresearch.ca/reflections-secret-agenda-elite-role-us-citizens/5709112
    Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates: The "Secret Agenda" of the So-called Elite and the COVID mRNA Vaccine. "Reducing World Population"?
    Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc. *** Important and timely article, first published on April 10, 2020. The late Henry Kissinger has played a key role in the formulation of the “Depopulation Agenda” “The International” …
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 890 Ansichten
  • Benjamin Banneker's Dream:
    I followed my guide into the House, but did not at first see the beauty of it to the full. It seemed white and bright, and a Large Company sitting, such a number as I never beheld [cf. Rev. 5:11-14]. The farther we went in, the Brighter it appeared, and more like the reflection of the Sun [cf. Acts 26:12-14] ... I then asked my guide what is this place. He answered Heaven. ... My guide turned about to go out and looked at me and said follow, but I was so much delighted that I was unwilling to follow. ... I had but just time to take a view of this fine place before a number of persons richly dressed passed us who smelled so strong of Brimstone ... I was seized with horror and asked my guide what is this place and what are these. He answered this place is Hell and them are Miserable forever.
    Benjamin Banneker - Charles Cerami, pp. 59-61.
    see 2 Thes. 1:7-9, Mt. 25:21-46, Rom. 2:5-9
    Benjamin Banneker's Dream: I followed my guide into the House, but did not at first see the beauty of it to the full. It seemed white and bright, and a Large Company sitting, such a number as I never beheld [cf. Rev. 5:11-14]. The farther we went in, the Brighter it appeared, and more like the reflection of the Sun [cf. Acts 26:12-14] ... I then asked my guide what is this place. He answered Heaven. ... My guide turned about to go out and looked at me and said follow, but I was so much delighted that I was unwilling to follow. ... I had but just time to take a view of this fine place before a number of persons richly dressed passed us who smelled so strong of Brimstone ... I was seized with horror and asked my guide what is this place and what are these. He answered this place is Hell and them are Miserable forever. Benjamin Banneker - Charles Cerami, pp. 59-61. see 2 Thes. 1:7-9, Mt. 25:21-46, Rom. 2:5-9 https://totalyouth.us
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1510 Ansichten

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