• Europa Clipper NASA issue with the transistors came when this similar parts were failing at lower radiation doses than expected .
    Europa Clipper NASA issue with the transistors came when this similar parts were failing at lower radiation doses than expected .
    0 Comments 0 Shares 204 Views
  • Cancer surgeon Dr. Kathleen Ruddy: “I was as astonished as anyone might be that Ivermectin has potential as an anti-cancer agent.” Ruddy has observed multiple cases where patients with severe, late stage cancer started to make a turn for the better after taking Ivermectin.
    One patient with stage four prostate cancer tried all the traditional protocols like chemotherapy and radiation before being told that there was nothing left that his doctors could do. He started taking Ivermectin as a last resort. In a few short months, he had made a stunning recovery. (1 min, 43 sec)

    Cancer surgeon Dr. Kathleen Ruddy: “I was as astonished as anyone might be that Ivermectin has potential as an anti-cancer agent.” Ruddy has observed multiple cases where patients with severe, late stage cancer started to make a turn for the better after taking Ivermectin. One patient with stage four prostate cancer tried all the traditional protocols like chemotherapy and radiation before being told that there was nothing left that his doctors could do. He started taking Ivermectin as a last resort. In a few short months, he had made a stunning recovery. (1 min, 43 sec) https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/133341
    0 Comments 0 Shares 625 Views 0
  • https://zeolite.reviews/zeolite-pure/ What is zeolite? Zeolite is an alkaline crystal mineral that protects your health from pathogens, heavy metals, radiation and environmental toxins better than anything else. What is Zeolite Pure? Life Saving Zeolite is the most potent Vaccine and Heavy Metals Detox. It is a natural Anti-Microbial, Anti-Parasite and Anti-Tumor natural crystal mineral. It is the Best Heavy Metal Removal Mineral (Graphene Oxide, Thimerosal, Mercury and viral detox.) Have it ready when they start spraying vaccines from the air that you can’t defend against. It can save your life! #zeolite #antimicrobial #tumor #vaccine #radiation
    https://zeolite.reviews/zeolite-pure/ What is zeolite? Zeolite is an alkaline crystal mineral that protects your health from pathogens, heavy metals, radiation and environmental toxins better than anything else. What is Zeolite Pure? Life Saving Zeolite is the most potent Vaccine and Heavy Metals Detox. It is a natural Anti-Microbial, Anti-Parasite and Anti-Tumor natural crystal mineral. It is the Best Heavy Metal Removal Mineral (Graphene Oxide, Thimerosal, Mercury and viral detox.) Have it ready when they start spraying vaccines from the air that you can’t defend against. It can save your life! #zeolite #antimicrobial #tumor #vaccine #radiation
    0 Comments 0 Shares 805 Views
  • https://bestwaterfilter.review/pure-effect-filters/ Get the nasty sludge, chemicals, pathogens and toxins out of your family’s drinking water. Use a powerful filter or you become that filter! Pure Effect filters are the number one Toxin (Radiation, Virus, Pathogen, Parasite, Pesticide, Heavy Metal, and Chemical removing water purifier for your home.) It Gets all the toxic waste water and chemical poisons Out of Your Family's Drinking Water! Pure Effect Water Filters are the #1 Filter for Removing Radiation, Fluoride, Heavy Metals, Lead, Mercury, Flushed Pharmaceuticals, Pesticides, Viruses, and Microbes. Countertop, Under Sink, Shower, and Whole House Water Filters Produce Healthy Alkaline Water. #water #filter #purifier #fluoride #radiation #uranium
    https://bestwaterfilter.review/pure-effect-filters/ Get the nasty sludge, chemicals, pathogens and toxins out of your family’s drinking water. Use a powerful filter or you become that filter! Pure Effect filters are the number one Toxin (Radiation, Virus, Pathogen, Parasite, Pesticide, Heavy Metal, and Chemical removing water purifier for your home.) It Gets all the toxic waste water and chemical poisons Out of Your Family's Drinking Water! Pure Effect Water Filters are the #1 Filter for Removing Radiation, Fluoride, Heavy Metals, Lead, Mercury, Flushed Pharmaceuticals, Pesticides, Viruses, and Microbes. Countertop, Under Sink, Shower, and Whole House Water Filters Produce Healthy Alkaline Water. #water #filter #purifier #fluoride #radiation #uranium
    Pure Effect Water Filters
    Pure Effect Water Filters Want the best overall water filter for your home, office or RV? Pure Effec
    0 Comments 0 Shares 956 Views
  • https://holistichealth.one/heavy-metal-detox/ Heavy Metals from tap water, food products, chemtrails, vaccines, prescription medicines and environmental toxins end up in your brain and damage your immune system. Buildup of toxic heavy metals like thimerosal, mercury, lead, graphene oxide (a heavy metal concentrator that causes the injection site to react to magnets because of the high heavy metal concentration) from vaccines, chemtrails, radiation, medical treatments, cleaning chemicals in your body can cause "mystery" conditions like brain fog, lethargy, autoimmune disorder, nervous system problems and liver problems. You test at home to see if you have any buildup and safely cleanse them out of your body with zeolites, chelation therapy and specific cleansing nutrients. #heavymetals #detox #cleanse #5g #vaccines
    https://holistichealth.one/heavy-metal-detox/ Heavy Metals from tap water, food products, chemtrails, vaccines, prescription medicines and environmental toxins end up in your brain and damage your immune system. Buildup of toxic heavy metals like thimerosal, mercury, lead, graphene oxide (a heavy metal concentrator that causes the injection site to react to magnets because of the high heavy metal concentration) from vaccines, chemtrails, radiation, medical treatments, cleaning chemicals in your body can cause "mystery" conditions like brain fog, lethargy, autoimmune disorder, nervous system problems and liver problems. You test at home to see if you have any buildup and safely cleanse them out of your body with zeolites, chelation therapy and specific cleansing nutrients. #heavymetals #detox #cleanse #5g #vaccines
    Heavy Metal Detox
    Heavy Metal Detox Heavy Metals (or elemental heavy metal) are a type of metallic substance that is t
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1655 Views

    It's easy enough to laugh this off as a joke....

    There are a nasty group of demonic scumbags that need to be ELIMINATED
    or all of mankind will be eliminated..... The choice is yours!

    I say we eliminate the scumbags trying to murder everyone myself.....
    I mean that only makes sense!

    OR.... sit around and wait for them to succeed in murdering you!

    I like Jeff.... But I can live WITHOUT #Football, #Hockey, or #Basketball!
    (Like I can live without ALL Bread and Circuses)

    YOU are at war and a group of people ARE trying to kill you....
    I'd think it's time to get your priorities straight!

    No telling WHAT is being sprayed on or targeted at people going to sporting events!
    Some 5G radiation attacks perhaps (that kill you after 1 year)
    Etc... etc.....

    Huddling up in LARGE GROUPS makes YOU an easy target!

    THIRD REICH NAZI(ONISTS), FLIRTING WITH DEATH, AND THE NEW INVISIBLE ENEMY: APOCALYPTIC BIRD FLU It's easy enough to laugh this off as a joke.... BUT IT'S NOT! There are a nasty group of demonic scumbags that need to be ELIMINATED or all of mankind will be eliminated..... The choice is yours! I say we eliminate the scumbags trying to murder everyone myself..... I mean that only makes sense! OR.... sit around and wait for them to succeed in murdering you! I like Jeff.... But I can live WITHOUT #Football, #Hockey, or #Basketball! (Like I can live without ALL Bread and Circuses) YOU are at war and a group of people ARE trying to kill you.... I'd think it's time to get your priorities straight! No telling WHAT is being sprayed on or targeted at people going to sporting events! Some 5G radiation attacks perhaps (that kill you after 1 year) Etc... etc..... Huddling up in LARGE GROUPS makes YOU an easy target! https://www.bitchute.com/video/xhMCSrl0mnKR/
    Third Reich NaZi(onists), FLiRTING With Death, And The New Invisible Enemy: Apocalyptic Bird Flu
    Decentralized Societies Non-Conformist Series: anarchapulco.com/ncs Free Trial to TDV: dollarvigilante.com/freetrial Intro: The Pig and the Pearl: https://www.bitchute.com/video/FnaKyDjXeCSQ/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1108 Views
  • https://herbalremedies.one/chemtrail-flu-detox/ What you can't see or don't want to see can hurt you, and will be inhaled by you, your children and even your pets! These chemtrails are toxic heavy metals and microbials like covid-19 coronaviruses (flu viruses and now bird flu) being sprayed on you like roaches from chemtrails that affect your brain, nervous system and immune system. They are activated even more by 5G radiation. Morgellons's disease cases are higher in number in heavily sprayed areas. You need to regularly detox this crap out of your lungs and body. #chemtrails #heavymetals #birdflu #covid19 #geoengineereing
    https://herbalremedies.one/chemtrail-flu-detox/ What you can't see or don't want to see can hurt you, and will be inhaled by you, your children and even your pets! These chemtrails are toxic heavy metals and microbials like covid-19 coronaviruses (flu viruses and now bird flu) being sprayed on you like roaches from chemtrails that affect your brain, nervous system and immune system. They are activated even more by 5G radiation. Morgellons's disease cases are higher in number in heavily sprayed areas. You need to regularly detox this crap out of your lungs and body. #chemtrails #heavymetals #birdflu #covid19 #geoengineereing
    Chemtrail Flu Protection
    Chemtrail Flu Just what is Chemtrail Flu? Chemtrail Flu (also associated with Chemtrail Cough) is ca
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1949 Views
  • A powerful X8.7 solar flare occurred on May 14, 2024. Due to this event, a radiation storm began on May 13 and is expected to persist for at least the next 24 hours.
    A powerful X8.7 solar flare occurred on May 14, 2024. Due to this event, a radiation storm began on May 13 and is expected to persist for at least the next 24 hours.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 300 Views
  • TODAY, LAST RADIATION OF ‘BRAIN TUMOR’. THEN MOVING ON TO OTHER TUMORS. You are probably wondering why I’m writing this in this format & sending it out to the abyss.
    If I don’t, many will miss this hysterical life of “J.P. (Just Plain) Lloyd.
    So what you say!
    Remember this is for ME, not you. It’s the best therapy for what’s coming and by the way, I’m truly ready for what’s next.
    I’m right where I should be.
    If any followers go to the profile & do a deep dive, they will understand, I DO.
    Read , don’t read , your choice, not mine.
    This “SNOWFLAKE” is still frozen, however, when melted will still have been , unique in all the world from the beginning of time.
    TODAY, LAST RADIATION OF ‘BRAIN TUMOR’. THEN MOVING ON TO OTHER TUMORS. You are probably wondering why I’m writing this in this format & sending it out to the abyss. If I don’t, many will miss this hysterical life of “J.P. (Just Plain) Lloyd. So what you say! Remember this is for ME, not you. It’s the best therapy for what’s coming and by the way, I’m truly ready for what’s next. I’m right where I should be. If any followers go to the profile & do a deep dive, they will understand, I DO. Read , don’t read , your choice, not mine. This “SNOWFLAKE” is still frozen, however, when melted will still have been , unique in all the world from the beginning of time. Blessings JPL😎🔯✝️😇
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1091 Views
  • Solar Panels are Tornado Generators
    George Franklin says...
    I should start by telling you what bonafides I have for writing this. I am a retired aerospace engineer. A literal rocket scientist if you will. I worked on MX (Peacekeeper) Space Shuttle, Hubble, Brilliant Pebbles, PACOSS, Space Station, MMU, B2, the Sultan of Brunei's half billion dollar private 747 with crystal showers, gold sinks and 100 dollar a yard coiffed silk carpets. I designed a satphone installation on prince Jeffry's 757. I did all of the design work for the structure of Mark 1V propulsion module currently flying on at least 3 spacecraft that I know of. Some of the more exciting projects I have worked on are not shareable. I am also am FAA certified glider pilot and FAI certified gold glider pilot. I fly both full scale and model sailplanes. I am Microsoft certified and ComTIA A+ certified.

    SOLAR PANELS are at best about 20% EFFICIENT. They convert almost 0% of the UV light that hits them. None of the visible spectrum and only some of the IR spectrum. At the same time as they are absorbing light they are absorbing heat from the sun. This absorbed HEAT is RADIATED INTO THE adjacent ATMOSPHERE. It should be obvious what happens next. When air is warmed it rises. Even small differences in ordinary land surfaces are capable of creating powerful forces of weather like thunderstorms and tornadoes. These weather phenomena are initiated and reinforced by land features as they are blown downwind. It is all too obvious to me what will happen with the heat generated by an entire solar farm. SOLAR FARMS WILL BECOME THUNDERSTORM and TORNADO INCUBATORS and MAGNETS.

    Solar panels are dark and and they emit energy to the space above them when they are not being radiated. This is known as black-body radiation. Satellites flying in space use this phenomenon to cool internal components. If they didn't do this they would fry themselves.
    So solar farms not only produce more heat in summer than the original land that they were installed on, but they also produce more cooling in winter, thus exacerbating weather extremes.

    So I conclude with this. THERE IS NOTHING GREEN ABOUT GREEN ENERGY except the DIRTY MONEY flowing into corrupt pockets.

    There is no such thing as green energy. The science doesn't exist. The technology doesn't exist. The engineering doesn't exist. We are being pushed to save the planet with solutions that are worse than the problems.
    Solar Panels are Tornado Generators George Franklin says... I should start by telling you what bonafides I have for writing this. I am a retired aerospace engineer. A literal rocket scientist if you will. I worked on MX (Peacekeeper) Space Shuttle, Hubble, Brilliant Pebbles, PACOSS, Space Station, MMU, B2, the Sultan of Brunei's half billion dollar private 747 with crystal showers, gold sinks and 100 dollar a yard coiffed silk carpets. I designed a satphone installation on prince Jeffry's 757. I did all of the design work for the structure of Mark 1V propulsion module currently flying on at least 3 spacecraft that I know of. Some of the more exciting projects I have worked on are not shareable. I am also am FAA certified glider pilot and FAI certified gold glider pilot. I fly both full scale and model sailplanes. I am Microsoft certified and ComTIA A+ certified. SOLAR PANELS are at best about 20% EFFICIENT. They convert almost 0% of the UV light that hits them. None of the visible spectrum and only some of the IR spectrum. At the same time as they are absorbing light they are absorbing heat from the sun. This absorbed HEAT is RADIATED INTO THE adjacent ATMOSPHERE. It should be obvious what happens next. When air is warmed it rises. Even small differences in ordinary land surfaces are capable of creating powerful forces of weather like thunderstorms and tornadoes. These weather phenomena are initiated and reinforced by land features as they are blown downwind. It is all too obvious to me what will happen with the heat generated by an entire solar farm. SOLAR FARMS WILL BECOME THUNDERSTORM and TORNADO INCUBATORS and MAGNETS. Solar panels are dark and and they emit energy to the space above them when they are not being radiated. This is known as black-body radiation. Satellites flying in space use this phenomenon to cool internal components. If they didn't do this they would fry themselves. So solar farms not only produce more heat in summer than the original land that they were installed on, but they also produce more cooling in winter, thus exacerbating weather extremes. So I conclude with this. THERE IS NOTHING GREEN ABOUT GREEN ENERGY except the DIRTY MONEY flowing into corrupt pockets. There is no such thing as green energy. The science doesn't exist. The technology doesn't exist. The engineering doesn't exist. We are being pushed to save the planet with solutions that are worse than the problems. https://imgflip.com/i/8ombgp
    0 Comments 1 Shares 2603 Views
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