• 3 DECEMBER (1876)

    Christ, the overcomer of the world

    ‘Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.’ John 16:33

    When men find themselves in a world like this, they generally say, ‘What is our market? What can we make out of it?’ This is how they are trained from childhood. ‘Boy, you have to fight your own way; mind you look to your own interests and rise in the world.’ The book which is commended to the young man shows him how to make the best use of all things for himself; he must take care of ‘number one’ and mind the main chance. The boy is told by his wise instructors, ‘You must look to yourself or nobody else will look to you: and whatever you may do for others, be doubly sure to guard your own interests.’ That is the world’s prudence, the essence of all her politics, the basis of her political economy; every man and every nation must take care of themselves: if you wish for any other politics or economics, you will be considered to be foolish theorists and probably a little touched in the head. Self is the man, the world’s law of self-preservation is the sovereign rule, and nothing can go on rightly if you interfere with the gospel of selfishness; so the commercial and political Solomons assure us.

    Now, look at the Lord Jesus Christ when he was in the world and you will learn nothing of such principles, except their condemnation: the world could not overcome him by leading him into a selfish mode of action. Did it ever enter into his soul, even for a moment, what he could do for himself? There were riches, but he had not where to lay his head. The little store he had he committed to the trust of Judas, and as long as there were any poor in the land they were sure to share in what was in the bag. He set so little account by estate, stock and funds that no mention is made of such things by any of his four biographers. He had wholly and altogether risen above the world.

    FOR MEDITATION: (Our Own Hymn Book no.739 v.5—John Newton, 1779)
    ‘As surely as He overcame,
    And triumphed once for you;
    So surely you that love His name
    Shall triumph in Him too.’

    C. H. Spurgeon and Terence Peter Crosby, 365 Days with Spurgeon (Volume 4), (Leominster, UK: Day One Publications, 2007), 348.
    3 DECEMBER (1876) Christ, the overcomer of the world ‘Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.’ John 16:33 SUGGESTED FURTHER READING: Luke 4:1–13 When men find themselves in a world like this, they generally say, ‘What is our market? What can we make out of it?’ This is how they are trained from childhood. ‘Boy, you have to fight your own way; mind you look to your own interests and rise in the world.’ The book which is commended to the young man shows him how to make the best use of all things for himself; he must take care of ‘number one’ and mind the main chance. The boy is told by his wise instructors, ‘You must look to yourself or nobody else will look to you: and whatever you may do for others, be doubly sure to guard your own interests.’ That is the world’s prudence, the essence of all her politics, the basis of her political economy; every man and every nation must take care of themselves: if you wish for any other politics or economics, you will be considered to be foolish theorists and probably a little touched in the head. Self is the man, the world’s law of self-preservation is the sovereign rule, and nothing can go on rightly if you interfere with the gospel of selfishness; so the commercial and political Solomons assure us. Now, look at the Lord Jesus Christ when he was in the world and you will learn nothing of such principles, except their condemnation: the world could not overcome him by leading him into a selfish mode of action. Did it ever enter into his soul, even for a moment, what he could do for himself? There were riches, but he had not where to lay his head. The little store he had he committed to the trust of Judas, and as long as there were any poor in the land they were sure to share in what was in the bag. He set so little account by estate, stock and funds that no mention is made of such things by any of his four biographers. He had wholly and altogether risen above the world. FOR MEDITATION: (Our Own Hymn Book no.739 v.5—John Newton, 1779) ‘As surely as He overcame, And triumphed once for you; So surely you that love His name Shall triumph in Him too.’ C. H. Spurgeon and Terence Peter Crosby, 365 Days with Spurgeon (Volume 4), (Leominster, UK: Day One Publications, 2007), 348.
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    Bible Study / Daily Devotional
    Average reading time is about 5 and a half minutes

    There are many suggestions in the Bible for dealing with temptation, but the most important tip is this: Run! Few speed records are broken when people run from temptation. They often crawl away from it hoping it catches up with them. Sometimes temptation comes through a door we deliberately leave open.

    Suppose that you accidentally spilled kerosene all over your clothes and somebody nearby lit a match. Where would you go? As far away as you could and as fast as possible! That should be the attitude of a Christian toward temptation. Paul said, “Flee sexual immorality” and “flee from idolatry” (1 Corinthians 6:18; 10:14). So run away from sin, and don’t leave a forwarding address.

    Don’t miss this: When you run from temptation, you head toward God. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). When you know something is sinful, don’t engage or banter with the devil, because he is the master of rationalization—that’s how Eve fell!

    It breaks my heart when Christians try to justify their sins. There is no limit to the arguments with which the devil can supply you. As soon as you know something is wrong, flee! The bravest person runs from temptation; the fool flirts with it.

    The most precious way to overcome any temptation has to be because you love God. You know that sin hurts God, and when tempted you need to say out loud, “I can’t do that because I love God.” The more you love Jesus, the less the attractions of the devil will hold sway over you.

    We’re all tempted, but the Lord has promised that we can be overcomers through the “exceeding great and precious promises” found in the Scriptures. Jesus will teach us how to overcome. The devil could not make Jesus sin, nor can he make us. “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57). Ask Him for overcoming power and joyfully dive into the pages of His Word!
    A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. Proverbs 22:3
    WHAT ARE SOME TIPS ON HOW TO HANDLE TEMPTATION? Bible Study / Daily Devotional Average reading time is about 5 and a half minutes There are many suggestions in the Bible for dealing with temptation, but the most important tip is this: Run! Few speed records are broken when people run from temptation. They often crawl away from it hoping it catches up with them. Sometimes temptation comes through a door we deliberately leave open. Suppose that you accidentally spilled kerosene all over your clothes and somebody nearby lit a match. Where would you go? As far away as you could and as fast as possible! That should be the attitude of a Christian toward temptation. Paul said, “Flee sexual immorality” and “flee from idolatry” (1 Corinthians 6:18; 10:14). So run away from sin, and don’t leave a forwarding address. Don’t miss this: When you run from temptation, you head toward God. “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). When you know something is sinful, don’t engage or banter with the devil, because he is the master of rationalization—that’s how Eve fell! It breaks my heart when Christians try to justify their sins. There is no limit to the arguments with which the devil can supply you. As soon as you know something is wrong, flee! The bravest person runs from temptation; the fool flirts with it. The most precious way to overcome any temptation has to be because you love God. You know that sin hurts God, and when tempted you need to say out loud, “I can’t do that because I love God.” The more you love Jesus, the less the attractions of the devil will hold sway over you. We’re all tempted, but the Lord has promised that we can be overcomers through the “exceeding great and precious promises” found in the Scriptures. Jesus will teach us how to overcome. The devil could not make Jesus sin, nor can he make us. “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57). Ask Him for overcoming power and joyfully dive into the pages of His Word! KEY BIBLE TEXTS A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. Proverbs 22:3
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