• Eclipse start Eagle Pass, TX last Civil War flag buried!
    2017 Eclipse ended in #FortSumter where the American Civl War and the #ShotHeardAroundTheWorld began?

    Nasa's APEP [Egyptian Serpent Deity] Mission to fire rockets at the Eclipse?

    NASA's future Warfare Circa 2025 presentation

    "I give you power to tread on Serpents?"
    Eclipse path crossing over #LittleEgypt in Illinois?
    How many #Sychronicities before it is #MathematicallyImpossible?

    #EclipsePath, #JonahTX, #NinevehTx, #RaptureIN
    #LeaveTheWorldBehind, #DarkToLight, #UnitedWeStand,#OneNationUnderGod,#CivilWar

    Thank you for liking and subbing!
    #Godspeed, #LoveAndLight

    Eclipse start Eagle Pass, TX last Civil War flag buried! 2017 Eclipse ended in #FortSumter where the American Civl War and the #ShotHeardAroundTheWorld began? Nasa's APEP [Egyptian Serpent Deity] Mission to fire rockets at the Eclipse? NASA's future Warfare Circa 2025 presentation "I give you power to tread on Serpents?" Eclipse path crossing over #LittleEgypt in Illinois? How many #Sychronicities before it is #MathematicallyImpossible? #EclipsePath, #JonahTX, #NinevehTx, #RaptureIN #LeaveTheWorldBehind, #DarkToLight, #UnitedWeStand,#OneNationUnderGod,#CivilWar Thank you for liking and subbing! #Godspeed, #LoveAndLight https://rumble.com/v4o468r-eclipse-start-eagle-pass-tx-last-civil-war-flag-buried-2017-ended-where-war.html
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 6376 Views
  • https://www.onenation.org.au/who-forced-into-humiliating-backdown
    WHO Forced into Humiliating Backdown
    Brilliant news out of Geneva today! As most of you know, the World Health Assembly has spent the past 7 days considering Biden’s 13 controversial amendments to the International Health Regulations. Official delegates from wealthy developed nations like Australia, the UK, and the US spoke in strong support of the amendments and urged other states to join them in signing away their countries’ sovereignty. The first sign, however, that things might not be going the globalists’ way, came on Wednesday, the 25th of May, which just happened to also be Africa Day. Botswana read a statement on behalf of its 47 AFRO members, saying they would be collectively withholding their support for the ‘reforms’, which many African members were very concerned about. Multiple other countries also said they had reservations over the changes and would not be supporting them either. These included Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran and Malaysia.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 841 Views
    I hope Prime Minister Scott Morrison is paying attention. In less than 48 hours 75,000 Australians have signed the petition in support of my legislation to end the discrimination against Aussies who have not received a COVID jab.
    Australias have a right not to be bullied, threatened or coerced into a medical procedure they have decided against.
    Yet now we see Scott Morrison working with state Premiers to inflict brutal restrictions on Aussies across Australia.
    For example, In Queensland soon unvaccinated Aussies will be banned from most venues, including hospitals and disability services.
    Yet still Prime Minister Morrison does nothing.
    This is just so wrong!
    No one should be forced to have a COVID-19 vaccine. Yet we have reached the point where it is becoming mandatory even for children.
    I'm doing everything I can to help fight back against this but I need your support.
    So I ask, do you want to join the 75,000 Australians who have already taken a stand against vaccine status discrimination?
    All you have to do is follow the link below, sign the petition and if you already have, then spread it far and wide!
    Thank you, everyone, for your amazing support. Together we can put the Government on notice that Australians are ready to take their freedoms back.
    SIGN: https://www.onenation.org.au/vaccine-mandates

    #noway #vaccinemandates #onenation #endvaccinemandates #voteagainstscottmorrisonilk

    CAMPAIGN AGAINST MANDATORY VACCINATION UPDATE I hope Prime Minister Scott Morrison is paying attention. In less than 48 hours 75,000 Australians have signed the petition in support of my legislation to end the discrimination against Aussies who have not received a COVID jab. Australias have a right not to be bullied, threatened or coerced into a medical procedure they have decided against. Yet now we see Scott Morrison working with state Premiers to inflict brutal restrictions on Aussies across Australia. For example, In Queensland soon unvaccinated Aussies will be banned from most venues, including hospitals and disability services. Yet still Prime Minister Morrison does nothing. This is just so wrong! No one should be forced to have a COVID-19 vaccine. Yet we have reached the point where it is becoming mandatory even for children. I'm doing everything I can to help fight back against this but I need your support. So I ask, do you want to join the 75,000 Australians who have already taken a stand against vaccine status discrimination? All you have to do is follow the link below, sign the petition and if you already have, then spread it far and wide! Thank you, everyone, for your amazing support. Together we can put the Government on notice that Australians are ready to take their freedoms back. SIGN: https://www.onenation.org.au/vaccine-mandates #noway #vaccinemandates #onenation #endvaccinemandates #voteagainstscottmorrisonilk
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 3358 Views 1
  • Pauline Hanson's Please Explain posted a video to playlist COVID Coverage.
    S0p624st09o210rahdf1h ·
    I hope Prime Minister Scott Morrison is paying attention. In less than 48 hours 75,000 Australians have signed the petition in support of my legislation to end the discrimination against Aussies who have not received a COVID jab.
    Australias have a right not to be bullied, threatened or coerced into a medical procedure they have decided against.
    Yet now we see Scott Morrison working with state Premiers to inflict brutal restrictions on Aussies across Australia.
    For example, In Queensland soon unvaccinated Aussies will be banned from most venues, including hospitals and disability services.
    Yet still Prime Minister Morrison does nothing.
    This is just so wrong!
    No one should be forced to have a COVID-19 vaccine. Yet we have reached the point where it is becoming mandatory even for children.
    I'm doing everything I can to help fight back against this but I need your support.
    So I ask, do you want to join the 75,000 Australians who have already taken a stand against vaccine status discrimination?
    All you have to do is follow the link below, sign the petition and if you already have, then spread it far and wide!
    Thank you, everyone, for your amazing support. Together we can put the Government on notice that Australians are ready to take their freedoms back.
    SIGN: https://www.onenation.org.au/vaccine-mandates

    #noway #vaccinemandates #onenation #endvaccinemandates #voteagainstscottmorrisonilk
    Pauline Hanson's Please Explain posted a video to playlist COVID Coverage. S0p624st09o210rahdf1h · CAMPAIGN AGAINST MANDATORY VACCINATION UPDATE I hope Prime Minister Scott Morrison is paying attention. In less than 48 hours 75,000 Australians have signed the petition in support of my legislation to end the discrimination against Aussies who have not received a COVID jab. Australias have a right not to be bullied, threatened or coerced into a medical procedure they have decided against. Yet now we see Scott Morrison working with state Premiers to inflict brutal restrictions on Aussies across Australia. For example, In Queensland soon unvaccinated Aussies will be banned from most venues, including hospitals and disability services. Yet still Prime Minister Morrison does nothing. This is just so wrong! No one should be forced to have a COVID-19 vaccine. Yet we have reached the point where it is becoming mandatory even for children. I'm doing everything I can to help fight back against this but I need your support. So I ask, do you want to join the 75,000 Australians who have already taken a stand against vaccine status discrimination? All you have to do is follow the link below, sign the petition and if you already have, then spread it far and wide! Thank you, everyone, for your amazing support. Together we can put the Government on notice that Australians are ready to take their freedoms back. SIGN: https://www.onenation.org.au/vaccine-mandates #noway #vaccinemandates #onenation #endvaccinemandates #voteagainstscottmorrisonilk
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 2720 Views
  • Was reading an article on #aeon (which is great if you enjoy those types of topics) and this really stood out to me. What this author said at the end really put my brain into crazy mode. #freespeech #america #usa #onenation #work #twentytwentyone #Twenty21 #psychology #unitedstates #freedom #collaborate #ownterms

    "Gaslighting is bigger than denying where you moved the car keys, or telling someone they’re overreacting or being too sensitive. This is a model for understanding systemic and structural oppression. The denial of a marginalised group’s history or experience not only flies in the face of data but of reality. Just giving voice to gaslighting at a societal level is a form of reparation, and can restore a clarity and truth to groups that have historically faced oppression. Society’s unwillingness to do so speaks to a commitment to undermine the sanity of many, in the name of maintaining power for a few. The time has come for us to strive for a humanistic meeting of the minds, a sort of ‘global congress of civility’, a commitment to pushing back on polarisation and creating a code of conduct for leaders and governments. The global epidemics of insecurity, inequality and their attendant uncertainty have turned the world into a childhood game of ‘King/Queen of the Hill’ played by adults, with damaging consequences for the most marginalised and least privileged. Totalitarianism and authoritarianism rely on gaslighting to silence and destabilise their citizenry. Far more than a cinematic trope, gaslighting is the tip of a toxic iceberg that undermines not just relationships, but the very foundation of civil society.
    Was reading an article on #aeon (which is great if you enjoy those types of topics) and this really stood out to me. What this author said at the end really put my brain into crazy mode. #freespeech #america #usa #onenation #work #twentytwentyone #Twenty21 #psychology #unitedstates #freedom #collaborate #ownterms "Gaslighting is bigger than denying where you moved the car keys, or telling someone they’re overreacting or being too sensitive. This is a model for understanding systemic and structural oppression. The denial of a marginalised group’s history or experience not only flies in the face of data but of reality. Just giving voice to gaslighting at a societal level is a form of reparation, and can restore a clarity and truth to groups that have historically faced oppression. Society’s unwillingness to do so speaks to a commitment to undermine the sanity of many, in the name of maintaining power for a few. The time has come for us to strive for a humanistic meeting of the minds, a sort of ‘global congress of civility’, a commitment to pushing back on polarisation and creating a code of conduct for leaders and governments. The global epidemics of insecurity, inequality and their attendant uncertainty have turned the world into a childhood game of ‘King/Queen of the Hill’ played by adults, with damaging consequences for the most marginalised and least privileged. Totalitarianism and authoritarianism rely on gaslighting to silence and destabilise their citizenry. Far more than a cinematic trope, gaslighting is the tip of a toxic iceberg that undermines not just relationships, but the very foundation of civil society. https://aeon.co/essays/what-gaslighting-does-in-exploiting-trust-therapy-can-repair
    What gaslighting does in exploiting trust, therapy can repair – Ramani Durvasula | Aeon Essays
    The skilful manipulator casts a shadow of doubt over everything that you feel or think. Therapy can bring the daylight in
    2 Yorumlar 1 hisse senetleri 3284 Views

    Pauline Hanson calls out the Greens as they mislead the Parliament

    Yesterday the Green's tried to mislead the parliament by suggesting there was a greater risk to Australians from far-right movements than Islamic terrorism.

    They put up a motion that cherry-picked words from ASIO Director-General, Mike Burgess regarding home grown far-right extremism.

    The truth was, Mr Burgess stated Islamic Terrorism was in fact the greatest danger to the Australian public.

    I reminded the Greens of the ASIO Director-General's full statement and corrected the record in the Senate.

    The Greens will always mislead the Australian public with false information - don't fall for their lies.

    #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Greens #SarahHansonYoung #SHY See less

    Exposing DANGEROUS EXTREME GREEN POLICIES Pauline Hanson calls out the Greens as they mislead the Parliament GREENS MINIMISE THE TRUE THREAT OF ISLAMIC TERRORISM Yesterday the Green's tried to mislead the parliament by suggesting there was a greater risk to Australians from far-right movements than Islamic terrorism. They put up a motion that cherry-picked words from ASIO Director-General, Mike Burgess regarding home grown far-right extremism. The truth was, Mr Burgess stated Islamic Terrorism was in fact the greatest danger to the Australian public. I reminded the Greens of the ASIO Director-General's full statement and corrected the record in the Senate. The Greens will always mislead the Australian public with false information - don't fall for their lies. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Greens #SarahHansonYoung #SHY See less https://www.facebook.com/PaulineHansonAu/videos/652797622155238/
    Pauline Hanson calls out the Greens as they mislead the Parliament

    GREENS MINIMISE THE TRUE THREAT OF ISLAMIC TERRORISM Yesterday the Green's tried to mislead the parliament by suggesting there was a greater risk to Australians from far-right movements than Islamic terrorism. They put up a motion that cherry-picked words from ASIO Director-General, Mike Burgess regarding home grown far-right extremism. The truth was, Mr Burgess stated Islamic Terrorism was in fact the greatest danger to the Australian public. I reminded the Greens of the ASIO Director-General's full statement and corrected the record in the Senate. The Greens will always mislead the Australian public with false information - don't fall for their lies. #Auspol #OneNation #PaulineHanson #Greens #SarahHansonYoung #SHY

    Posted by Pauline Hanson's Please Explain on Wednesday, February 26, 2020
    0 Yorumlar 1 hisse senetleri 2019 Views
  • https://twitter.com/OneNationK/status/1212683922867404801?s=20
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 871 Views

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