• Massimo Luciani - Structures found in the Great Red Spot area on Jupiter:


    #GreatRedSpot #Jupiter #JamesWebb #SpaceTelescope #JWST #Infrared #Spectroscopy #NIRSpec #SolarSystemScience #PlanetaryScience #AtmosphericPhysics #Physics #Astronomy
    Massimo Luciani - Structures found in the Great Red Spot area on Jupiter: https://english.tachyonbeam.com/2024/06/26/structures-found-in-the-great-red-spot-area-on-jupiter/ #GreatRedSpot #Jupiter #JamesWebb #SpaceTelescope #JWST #Infrared #Spectroscopy #NIRSpec #SolarSystemScience #PlanetaryScience #AtmosphericPhysics #Physics #Astronomy
    Structures found in the Great Red Spot area on Jupiter
    An article published in the journal 'Nature Astronomy' reports the identification of structures in the planet Jupiter's upper atmosphere above the Great Red...
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1381 Ansichten
  • Robert Lea - The Euclid 'dark universe detective' telescope has revealed new images of the cosmos — and they are remarkable:


    #Euclid #SpaceTelescope #ESA #DarkEnergy #DarkMatter #EarlyReleaseObservations #DeepSky #Galaxies #GalaxyCluster #GravitationalLensing #Infrared #Cosmology #Astrophotography #Astronomy
    Robert Lea - The Euclid 'dark universe detective' telescope has revealed new images of the cosmos — and they are remarkable: https://www.space.com/euclid-space-telescope-new-images-may-23 #Euclid #SpaceTelescope #ESA #DarkEnergy #DarkMatter #EarlyReleaseObservations #DeepSky #Galaxies #GalaxyCluster #GravitationalLensing #Infrared #Cosmology #Astrophotography #Astronomy
    The Euclid 'dark universe detective' telescope has revealed new images of the cosmos — and they are remarkable
    "It's absolutely amazing. It's just so much more than I ever expected. Euclid will be game-changing for astronomy."
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2005 Ansichten
  • Researchers have identified stars in our Milky Way galaxy that are surrounded by super-advanced alien megastructures known as spheres is a hypothetical megastructure that encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of its solar power output. These structures, first proposed in the Star Trek pilot in 60s, could be built by highly technologically advanced and alien civilizations. The most extreme versions might include a solid sphere or swarms of gigantic structures around the star. If such megastructures exist, we might be able to detect them by looking for infrared excess emissions (IEEs) caused by the heat from the star interacting with the sphere."

    Researchers have identified stars in our Milky Way galaxy that are surrounded by super-advanced alien megastructures known as spheres is a hypothetical megastructure that encompasses a star and captures a large percentage of its solar power output. These structures, first proposed in the Star Trek pilot in 60s, could be built by highly technologically advanced and alien civilizations. The most extreme versions might include a solid sphere or swarms of gigantic structures around the star. If such megastructures exist, we might be able to detect them by looking for infrared excess emissions (IEEs) caused by the heat from the star interacting with the sphere."
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1188 Ansichten
  • W1935, a brown dwarf
    known as W1935 is more massive than Jupiter, and exhibited infrared emissions from methane — a finding that has puzzled scientists due to the brown dwarf's cold nature and lack of a host star to provide energy for such atmospheric phenomena.

    W1935, a brown dwarf located 47 light-years from Earth, has intrigued astronomers with its unexpected behavior. Despite being more massive than Jupiter and lacking a host star, it exhibits infrared emissions from methane in its upper atmosphere. This phenomenon is puzzling because the brown dwarf is cold and lacks an obvious energy source to fuel such atmospheric processes

    On Earth, aurorae are created when energetic particles from the Sun interact with our magnetic field, producing captivating curtains of light near the poles. Similarly, Jupiter and Saturn have auroral processes, including contributions from their active moons like Io and Enceladus. However, for isolated brown dwarfs like W1935, the absence of a stellar wind complicates the explanation for the extra energy needed to produce methane glow. Scientists speculate that internal processes or interactions with interstellar plasma or nearby active moons may play a role in this intriguing phenomenon.

    The discovery of methane emission on W1935 is akin to a fascinating detective story, unraveling the mysteries of celestial phenomena.

    Mysterious aurora over 'failed star' 'shocking' discovery that transformed into pure fantasy the astrophysics of today and education into university worldwide.

    The recent discovery of a mysterious aurora around a brown dwarf has left astronomers astounded. This celestial body, known as W1935, is larger than Jupiter and exhibits infrared emissions from methane in its upper atmosphere. What makes this finding even more intriguing is that W1935 lacks a host star to provide energy for such atmospheric phenomena.

    Let’s delve into the captivating details:

    Brown Dwarfs: These enigmatic objects are larger than gas giant planets but smaller than stars. They form similarly to stars, arising from collapsing clouds of gas and dust. Brown dwarfs are often isolated, just like W1935. Their nickname, “failed stars,” stems from their inability to sustain nuclear fusion like main-sequence stars.

    Auroras: On Earth, we witness auroras as the mesmerizing northern and southern lights. These luminous displays occur when charged solar particles interact with molecules in our atmosphere. Auroras are also observed on other planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, and over active moons like Io and Enceladus. However, W1935’s aurora is baffling because there are no nearby stars to supply charged particles for this phenomenon .

    Infrared Clues: The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) detected the potential aurora over W1935 through infrared emissions from methane. Similar emissions occur on Jupiter and Saturn due to charged particles heating their atmospheres and creating aurorae. Scientists speculate that internal processes within W1935 or interactions with interstellar plasma might be responsible for its mysterious glow. Alternatively, an influx of particles from a nearby active moon could play a role.

    This discovery transforms the astrophysics of today, sparking curiosity and wonder across universities worldwide. The universe continues to surprise us with its hidden secrets, inviting us to explore further into the cosmic unknown.

    W1935, a brown dwarf known as W1935 is more massive than Jupiter, and exhibited infrared emissions from methane — a finding that has puzzled scientists due to the brown dwarf's cold nature and lack of a host star to provide energy for such atmospheric phenomena. W1935, a brown dwarf located 47 light-years from Earth, has intrigued astronomers with its unexpected behavior. Despite being more massive than Jupiter and lacking a host star, it exhibits infrared emissions from methane in its upper atmosphere. This phenomenon is puzzling because the brown dwarf is cold and lacks an obvious energy source to fuel such atmospheric processes On Earth, aurorae are created when energetic particles from the Sun interact with our magnetic field, producing captivating curtains of light near the poles. Similarly, Jupiter and Saturn have auroral processes, including contributions from their active moons like Io and Enceladus. However, for isolated brown dwarfs like W1935, the absence of a stellar wind complicates the explanation for the extra energy needed to produce methane glow. Scientists speculate that internal processes or interactions with interstellar plasma or nearby active moons may play a role in this intriguing phenomenon. The discovery of methane emission on W1935 is akin to a fascinating detective story, unraveling the mysteries of celestial phenomena. Mysterious aurora over 'failed star' 'shocking' discovery that transformed into pure fantasy the astrophysics of today and education into university worldwide. The recent discovery of a mysterious aurora around a brown dwarf has left astronomers astounded. This celestial body, known as W1935, is larger than Jupiter and exhibits infrared emissions from methane in its upper atmosphere. What makes this finding even more intriguing is that W1935 lacks a host star to provide energy for such atmospheric phenomena. Let’s delve into the captivating details: Brown Dwarfs: These enigmatic objects are larger than gas giant planets but smaller than stars. They form similarly to stars, arising from collapsing clouds of gas and dust. Brown dwarfs are often isolated, just like W1935. Their nickname, “failed stars,” stems from their inability to sustain nuclear fusion like main-sequence stars. Auroras: On Earth, we witness auroras as the mesmerizing northern and southern lights. These luminous displays occur when charged solar particles interact with molecules in our atmosphere. Auroras are also observed on other planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, and over active moons like Io and Enceladus. However, W1935’s aurora is baffling because there are no nearby stars to supply charged particles for this phenomenon . Infrared Clues: The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) detected the potential aurora over W1935 through infrared emissions from methane. Similar emissions occur on Jupiter and Saturn due to charged particles heating their atmospheres and creating aurorae. Scientists speculate that internal processes within W1935 or interactions with interstellar plasma might be responsible for its mysterious glow. Alternatively, an influx of particles from a nearby active moon could play a role. This discovery transforms the astrophysics of today, sparking curiosity and wonder across universities worldwide. The universe continues to surprise us with its hidden secrets, inviting us to explore further into the cosmic unknown.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 3775 Ansichten
  • Simon Kelly & Emma Midgley - Combating Olive Oil Fraud with Nuclear Innovations:


    #OliveOil #Authenticity #NearInfrared #Infrared #Spectroscopy #FourierTransform #GasChromatography #Chromatography #Atoms4Food #IAEA #Agriculture #Physics
    Simon Kelly & Emma Midgley - Combating Olive Oil Fraud with Nuclear Innovations: https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/news/combating-olive-oil-fraud-with-nuclear-innovations #OliveOil #Authenticity #NearInfrared #Infrared #Spectroscopy #FourierTransform #GasChromatography #Chromatography #Atoms4Food #IAEA #Agriculture #Physics
    Combating Olive Oil Fraud with Nuclear Innovations
    The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is developing new and rapid methods to rapidly screen and authenticate the origin of foods like extra virgin olive oil.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 2298 Ansichten
  • Protoplanetary disks play a crucial role in the formation of planets around young stars
    u/tonynetone1 - This is an AI concept portrays inner protoplanetary disk. New measurements by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have detected water vapor
    This is an AI concept portrays inner protoplanetary disk. New measurements by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have detected water vapor
    New measurements by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) have detected water vapor in the system’s inner disk

    Webb is solving mysteries in our solar system, looking beyond to distant AND mysterious structures THIS technology is an international program led by NASA with its partners

    Protoplanetary disks play a crucial role in the formation of planets around young stars. These disks are composed of gas and dust particles, and they orbit a central young star. Over time, the material in the disk starts to clump together due to gravitational forces, eventually forming planets and other celestial bodies.

    The recent detection of water vapor in the protoplanetary disk of the PDS 70 system is indeed significant for several reasons. The PDS 70 system is located approximately 370 light-years away from Earth, and it has been a focus of study for astronomers using advanced observational techniques.

    The presence of water vapor in the terrestrial zone of the protoplanetary disk is noteworthy because this region is considered the prime location for the formation of rocky planets. The terrestrial zone, also known as the habitable zone or Goldilocks zone, is characterized by conditions suitable for the formation of planets with solid surfaces, where water can exist in liquid form. The detection of water vapor in this zone suggests the possibility of water being available during the formation of rocky planets in the PDS 70 system.

    Understanding the composition of protoplanetary disks and the presence of key molecules like water vapor provides valuable insights into the conditions that lead to the formation of planetary systems. It contributes to our broader understanding of the processes involved in planetary formation and the potential for habitable environments in other star systems. This kind of research helps astronomers piece together the puzzle of how planetary systems, including our own solar system, come into existence. Water vapor can indeed be present in the atmospheres of exoplanets (planets outside of our solar system).

    Detecting water vapor in exoplanet atmospheres is a significant area of research in the field of exoplanet studies. Scientists use various methods to detect the presence of water vapor on distant exoplanets. One commonly used technique is spectroscopy, which involves analyzing the light from the star that passes through the exoplanet's atmosphere. This analysis allows researchers to identify the presence of specific molecules, including water vapor, by looking for characteristic absorption patterns in the spectrum. The discovery of water vapor in an exoplanet's atmosphere can provide valuable insights into the planet's potential habitability. Water is a crucial ingredient for life as we know it, so the presence of water vapor on exoplanets is often considered an essential factor in determining their potential habitability.

    However, it is important to note that the detection of water vapor does not directly imply the presence of liquid water or the habitability of an exoplanet. Many other factors, such as the planet's distance from its star, its composition, and the overall environmental conditions, need to be considered to assess whether an exoplanet may have the right conditions to support life. Ongoing research and technological advancements in space telescopes and spectroscopic techniques are continually improving our understanding of exoplanet atmospheres, including the presence of water vapor. With time, we expect to gather more data and learn more about the atmospheres of exoplanets and their potential for hosting water vapor and, possibly, life.
    Protoplanetary disks play a crucial role in the formation of planets around young stars u/tonynetone1 - This is an AI concept portrays inner protoplanetary disk. New measurements by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have detected water vapor This is an AI concept portrays inner protoplanetary disk. New measurements by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope have detected water vapor New measurements by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) have detected water vapor in the system’s inner disk Webb is solving mysteries in our solar system, looking beyond to distant AND mysterious structures THIS technology is an international program led by NASA with its partners Protoplanetary disks play a crucial role in the formation of planets around young stars. These disks are composed of gas and dust particles, and they orbit a central young star. Over time, the material in the disk starts to clump together due to gravitational forces, eventually forming planets and other celestial bodies. The recent detection of water vapor in the protoplanetary disk of the PDS 70 system is indeed significant for several reasons. The PDS 70 system is located approximately 370 light-years away from Earth, and it has been a focus of study for astronomers using advanced observational techniques. The presence of water vapor in the terrestrial zone of the protoplanetary disk is noteworthy because this region is considered the prime location for the formation of rocky planets. The terrestrial zone, also known as the habitable zone or Goldilocks zone, is characterized by conditions suitable for the formation of planets with solid surfaces, where water can exist in liquid form. The detection of water vapor in this zone suggests the possibility of water being available during the formation of rocky planets in the PDS 70 system. Understanding the composition of protoplanetary disks and the presence of key molecules like water vapor provides valuable insights into the conditions that lead to the formation of planetary systems. It contributes to our broader understanding of the processes involved in planetary formation and the potential for habitable environments in other star systems. This kind of research helps astronomers piece together the puzzle of how planetary systems, including our own solar system, come into existence. Water vapor can indeed be present in the atmospheres of exoplanets (planets outside of our solar system). Detecting water vapor in exoplanet atmospheres is a significant area of research in the field of exoplanet studies. Scientists use various methods to detect the presence of water vapor on distant exoplanets. One commonly used technique is spectroscopy, which involves analyzing the light from the star that passes through the exoplanet's atmosphere. This analysis allows researchers to identify the presence of specific molecules, including water vapor, by looking for characteristic absorption patterns in the spectrum. The discovery of water vapor in an exoplanet's atmosphere can provide valuable insights into the planet's potential habitability. Water is a crucial ingredient for life as we know it, so the presence of water vapor on exoplanets is often considered an essential factor in determining their potential habitability. However, it is important to note that the detection of water vapor does not directly imply the presence of liquid water or the habitability of an exoplanet. Many other factors, such as the planet's distance from its star, its composition, and the overall environmental conditions, need to be considered to assess whether an exoplanet may have the right conditions to support life. Ongoing research and technological advancements in space telescopes and spectroscopic techniques are continually improving our understanding of exoplanet atmospheres, including the presence of water vapor. With time, we expect to gather more data and learn more about the atmospheres of exoplanets and their potential for hosting water vapor and, possibly, life.
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 3719 Ansichten
  • That's your cell phone in your pocket!
    Or could it be your "smart" TV?
    Maybe the Ring Doorbell
    Perhaps it's Alexa or Siri
    The Dryer!

    Well... You get the point!
    And it's ALL being stored in a government database in Utah
    Every text and voice call, your location history, those sneaky infrared snapshots it takes like every 5 seconds but you cannot see it, it's in infrared!

    Spy devices, every one of them another bar in your prison cell
    That's your cell phone in your pocket! Or could it be your "smart" TV? Maybe the Ring Doorbell Perhaps it's Alexa or Siri The Dryer! Ipad.... Well... You get the point! And it's ALL being stored in a government database in Utah Every text and voice call, your location history, those sneaky infrared snapshots it takes like every 5 seconds but you cannot see it, it's in infrared! Spy devices, every one of them another bar in your prison cell
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1683 Ansichten
  • Longest Range Infrared Visibility over Utah, new 2023 Footage.

    @jtolanmedia1773 or "JTolan Media1" AGAIN blowing the concept of a #Globe Earth right out of the water with his amazing long range photography!

    And for the dim bulbs among you who'll say "Well he's in an airplane"
    while that is true.... There's a way to calculate the EXACT DISTANCE that you can see out of an airplane too..... AND HE EXCEEDING IT BY FAR!

    The earth is FLAT and Level folks, PERIOD!

    Longest Range Infrared Visibility over Utah, new 2023 Footage. @jtolanmedia1773 or "JTolan Media1" AGAIN blowing the concept of a #Globe Earth right out of the water with his amazing long range photography! And for the dim bulbs among you who'll say "Well he's in an airplane" while that is true.... There's a way to calculate the EXACT DISTANCE that you can see out of an airplane too..... AND HE EXCEEDING IT BY FAR! The earth is FLAT and Level folks, PERIOD! https://youtu.be/91xKzQ-gRuI
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1924 Ansichten
  • https://holistichealth.one/portable-far-infrared-sauna The gift of health from the inside out. Detox your Whole Body, Heal Muscles and Joints, Improves Circulation, Get Rid of Toxins, Pesticides and Heavy Metals. Helpful for the natural treatment of Cancer and Infections. Increases your metabolism and even lose weight by healthy thermogenesis! #sauna #infrared #healing #detox #cancer
    https://holistichealth.one/portable-far-infrared-sauna The gift of health from the inside out. Detox your Whole Body, Heal Muscles and Joints, Improves Circulation, Get Rid of Toxins, Pesticides and Heavy Metals. Helpful for the natural treatment of Cancer and Infections. Increases your metabolism and even lose weight by healthy thermogenesis! #sauna #infrared #healing #detox #cancer
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 3343 Ansichten
  • https://holistichealth.one/portable-far-infrared-sauna The gift of health from the inside out. Detox your Whole Body, Heal Muscles and Joints, Improves Circulation, Get Rid of Toxins, Pesticides and Heavy Metals. Helpful for the natural treatment of Cancer and Infections. Increases your metabolism and even lose weight by healthy thermogenesis! #sauna #infrared #healing #detox #cancer
    https://holistichealth.one/portable-far-infrared-sauna The gift of health from the inside out. Detox your Whole Body, Heal Muscles and Joints, Improves Circulation, Get Rid of Toxins, Pesticides and Heavy Metals. Helpful for the natural treatment of Cancer and Infections. Increases your metabolism and even lose weight by healthy thermogenesis! #sauna #infrared #healing #detox #cancer
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 3204 Ansichten

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