I've gotta tell you..... I really like Brian's shirt today!
    "Do YOU beLIEve in magic? #NASA & #Disney scammed you TOGETHER!"

    Brian didn't say that, but his shirt basically does!

    THIS GAGGLE OF COPS MESSED WITH THE WRONG CAMERA MAN I've gotta tell you..... I really like Brian's shirt today! "Do YOU beLIEve in magic? #NASA & #Disney scammed you TOGETHER!" Brian didn't say that, but his shirt basically does! https://www.bitchute.com/video/3W17S59vCoU/
    This Gaggle of Cops Messed with the WRONG Camera Man
    🔴 Grab a SHIRT: http://bit.ly/HighImpactFlix-Merch Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSYXSwbauRs79G1skOCzIw/join Support the channel: ⭐ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/highimpactflix ✅ CashApp: https://cash.app/$HighImpactDonate…
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 226 Visualizações
  • The baboons from CNN, NBC, MSNBC are lying. They are claiming that Trump is going to attack them, jail them. The list of their accusations is endless, and totally without any believable evidence.
    The progressive monkeys are engaged in projecting their shrill messaging and are coming out of the trees. They are campaigning by scaring American voters with what they themselves have been doing: jailing Trump-supporters, destroying our democracy, allowing illegals to flood our nation and murder innocent American citizens. The list of activities has turned America into both the laughingstock of the world and a lawless third-world society.
    The baboons from CNN, NBC, MSNBC are lying. They are claiming that Trump is going to attack them, jail them. The list of their accusations is endless, and totally without any believable evidence. The progressive monkeys are engaged in projecting their shrill messaging and are coming out of the trees. They are campaigning by scaring American voters with what they themselves have been doing: jailing Trump-supporters, destroying our democracy, allowing illegals to flood our nation and murder innocent American citizens. The list of activities has turned America into both the laughingstock of the world and a lawless third-world society. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/06/2024_is_there_for_trump_s_taking.html
    2024 is there for Trump’s taking
    The progressive monkeys are engaged in projecting their shrill messaging and are coming out of the trees. They are campaigning by scaring American voters with what they themselves have been doing: jailing Trump-supporters, destroying our d...
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 371 Visualizações
  • Video with Article
    #HealthRanger #MikeAdams Joins #BradleeDean LIVE - Health Ranger Mike Adams Throws Down The Gauntlet: #Lawsuit Against #Google, #Facebook, #X / #Twitter, NewsGuard, #HomelandSecurity, Department Of Defense #DOD, Global Engagement Center, ISD & Others For #Globally-Coordinated Government-Funded #Censorship Collusion https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/health-ranger-mike-adams-joins-bradlee-dean-live/
    Video with Article #HealthRanger #MikeAdams Joins #BradleeDean LIVE - Health Ranger Mike Adams Throws Down The Gauntlet: #Lawsuit Against #Google, #Facebook, #X / #Twitter, NewsGuard, #HomelandSecurity, Department Of Defense #DOD, Global Engagement Center, ISD & Others For #Globally-Coordinated Government-Funded #Censorship Collusion https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/health-ranger-mike-adams-joins-bradlee-dean-live/
    “Health Ranger” Mike Adams Joins Bradlee Dean LIVE » Sons of Liberty Media
    “Lawsuit Against Google, Facebook, Twitter, NewsGuard, Homeland Security, Department Of Defense, Global Engagement Center, ISD & Others For Globally-Coordinated Government-Funded Censorship Collusion” This week, the Health Ranger Mike Adams joined The Sons of Liberty Radio and Bradlee Dean to cover his lawsuit that he launched 2 weeks ago (Isaiah 26:9). Health Ranger Mike Adams Throws …
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 471 Visualizações
  • https://www.shareapuzzle.com/play/18358/ComingAGlobalFestivalAndMADEINUSAAmericanTesticleSpectacle_TheSRNEWSProject6-16-2024.htm
    read this clear, without fathers you would not be here, you'll not be one because you're queer
    https://www.shareapuzzle.com/play/18358/ComingAGlobalFestivalAndMADEINUSAAmericanTesticleSpectacle_TheSRNEWSProject6-16-2024.htm read this clear, without fathers you would not be here, you'll not be one because you're queer
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 263 Visualizações
  • Deepfakes in Mass Media potentially spreading misinformation and influencing public opinion.

    HR software is used by global corporations to SMEs to free up their time to focus on employee engagement and strategic issues.

    Governments and organizations will need to develop new regulations and ethical guidelines to address the misuse of deepfakes and enhance cybersecurity measures.
    Deepfakes in Mass Media potentially spreading misinformation and influencing public opinion. HR software is used by global corporations to SMEs to free up their time to focus on employee engagement and strategic issues. Governments and organizations will need to develop new regulations and ethical guidelines to address the misuse of deepfakes and enhance cybersecurity measures.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 486 Visualizações
  • Dear God,

    I humbly come before you in prayer, expressing deep concerns about the state of our country. I feel that our nation has been taken over by demons who have influenced the elected leaders to prioritize personal gain over the well-being of our people. It saddens me to witness the suffering inflicted upon our women and children, and the disregard for the sanctity of life. It seems that those in power have strayed from the path of righteousness, engaging in actions driven by greed, lust for power, and a lack of empathy. I implore you, Holy Father, to expose the wrongdoing of these individuals and bring their transgressions to light. May the truth be revealed for all to see, and may swift justice be served to those who mock both the governed and You, Father. I pray that you instill courage and bravery in the hearts of all American Patriots, be it man or woman, empowering them to take the necessary actions to restore our country to the glorious gift it once was. If it is Your will, Father, may Your divine intervention guide us toward a brighter future. In the name of Jesus, I offer this prayer to You, knowing that You hear and respond to the cries of Your children. Amen.

    Dear God, I humbly come before you in prayer, expressing deep concerns about the state of our country. I feel that our nation has been taken over by demons who have influenced the elected leaders to prioritize personal gain over the well-being of our people. It saddens me to witness the suffering inflicted upon our women and children, and the disregard for the sanctity of life. It seems that those in power have strayed from the path of righteousness, engaging in actions driven by greed, lust for power, and a lack of empathy. I implore you, Holy Father, to expose the wrongdoing of these individuals and bring their transgressions to light. May the truth be revealed for all to see, and may swift justice be served to those who mock both the governed and You, Father. I pray that you instill courage and bravery in the hearts of all American Patriots, be it man or woman, empowering them to take the necessary actions to restore our country to the glorious gift it once was. If it is Your will, Father, may Your divine intervention guide us toward a brighter future. In the name of Jesus, I offer this prayer to You, knowing that You hear and respond to the cries of Your children. Amen.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 649 Visualizações
  • Op-ed:
    The Verdict v. The Constitution
    By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots / Right Side Patriots Radio
    ...A fair trial with an impartial jury of Trump's peers the Constitution trampling Democrats would never allow, and when that's coupled with how fast the guilty verdict was actually reached, proves to me that Donald J. Trump's constitutional rights were indeed being denied. And when you add in the one-sided “gag order” ...
    Op-ed: The Verdict v. The Constitution By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots / Right Side Patriots Radio https://thepatriotfactor.blogspot.com/2024/06/op-ed-verdict-v.html ...A fair trial with an impartial jury of Trump's peers the Constitution trampling Democrats would never allow, and when that's coupled with how fast the guilty verdict was actually reached, proves to me that Donald J. Trump's constitutional rights were indeed being denied. And when you add in the one-sided “gag order” ...
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 514 Visualizações
  • Unlock the true potential of the Law of Attraction by understanding its essence.

    The Law of Attraction isn't a tool you pick up or put down; it's the fabric of reality, like gravity. Claiming you'll "start manifesting tomorrow" is like saying you'll use gravity later—it's always in effect.

    Manifestation happens constantly. You're perpetually attracting future realities based on your current vibe. If your vibe is expansive and filled with possibilities, that's what you'll experience. If it's closed off and negative, expect more of the same.

    Embracing a positive, expansive mindset is simpler than it seems because the universe is inherently expansive and inclined toward well-being. You, your body, and mind are part of this universal flow of well-being. To align with it, stop contracting, being negative, or engaging in harmful behaviors.

    When you're negative, it's like paddling against the current. To go with the flow of well-being, you simply need to stop resisting. How? By dropping into a neutral energy state. Shift your focus from your limiting, rule-bound head to your expansive, possibility-filled heart.

    One effective method to achieve this shift is through heart-mind meditation. Here’s a simple exercise you can try:

    1. **Heart Breathing:** Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine breathing through your heart. Feel the breath moving in and out of your chest.
    2. **Anchor Your Attention:** Focus your attention on your heart for 3, 5, or 15 minutes. This practice can help center you in neutrality, even if you’re feeling extremely negative.
    3. **Observe the Shift:** Notice how your energy begins to shift from a limiting, rule-bound state to an expansive, possibility-filled one. This change in focus helps you align with the universal flow of well-being.
    Unlock the true potential of the Law of Attraction by understanding its essence. The Law of Attraction isn't a tool you pick up or put down; it's the fabric of reality, like gravity. Claiming you'll "start manifesting tomorrow" is like saying you'll use gravity later—it's always in effect. Manifestation happens constantly. You're perpetually attracting future realities based on your current vibe. If your vibe is expansive and filled with possibilities, that's what you'll experience. If it's closed off and negative, expect more of the same. Embracing a positive, expansive mindset is simpler than it seems because the universe is inherently expansive and inclined toward well-being. You, your body, and mind are part of this universal flow of well-being. To align with it, stop contracting, being negative, or engaging in harmful behaviors. When you're negative, it's like paddling against the current. To go with the flow of well-being, you simply need to stop resisting. How? By dropping into a neutral energy state. Shift your focus from your limiting, rule-bound head to your expansive, possibility-filled heart. One effective method to achieve this shift is through heart-mind meditation. Here’s a simple exercise you can try: 1. **Heart Breathing:** Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine breathing through your heart. Feel the breath moving in and out of your chest. 2. **Anchor Your Attention:** Focus your attention on your heart for 3, 5, or 15 minutes. This practice can help center you in neutrality, even if you’re feeling extremely negative. 3. **Observe the Shift:** Notice how your energy begins to shift from a limiting, rule-bound state to an expansive, possibility-filled one. This change in focus helps you align with the universal flow of well-being.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 716 Visualizações
  • Judicial Watch Statement on the Trump Verdict

    (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the unprecedented prosecution of President Donald Trump by Democrats in New York:

    Pure corruption. Judicial Watch denounces this absurd verdict and Soviet-style criminal proceeding that has so abused President Trump. What just happened to Trump up in New York is criminal.

    The guilty verdict against Trump is no surprise considering the rigged, kangaroo court proceedings run by a biased, conflicted judge and an unethical, politicized Democratic Party prosecution team. Today is a terrible day for the rule of law that will go down in infamy. This whole process is compromised, and this verdict should be overturned in an emergency fashion.

    The evidence shows that Trump committed no crimes, and this is a prosecution about “nothing.” This and other Democratic Party-political prosecutions of Trump are an abomination under law and are destabilizing to our nation.

    Judicial Watch will continue to expose in court the truth about these attacks on the rule of law, free and fair elections, and the U.S. Constitution. In the meantime, our elections have officially been compromised by this politicized prosecution.

    Judicial Watch has several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits related to the prosecutorial abuse targeting Trump:

    In March 2024, Judicial Watch filed a Georgia Open Records Act lawsuit against District Attorney Fani Willis and Fulton County, Georgia, for records of any communication Willis and the county had with Special Counsel Jack Smith and the House January 6 Committee. The lawsuit was filed in the Superior Court of Fulton County after Willis and the county denied having any responsive records.

    In February 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice asked a federal court to allow the agency to keep secret the names of top staffers working in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s office that is targeting former President Donald Trump and other Americans.

    (Before his appointment to investigate and prosecute Trump, Specia Counsel Jack Smith previously was at the center of several controversial issues, the IRS scandal among them. In 2014, a Judicial Watch investigation revealed that top IRS officials had been in communication with Jack Smith’s then-Public Integrity Section about a plan to launch criminal investigations into conservative tax-exempt groups. Read more here.)

    In January 2024, Judicial Watch filed lawsuit against Fulton County, Georgia, for records regarding the hiring of Nathan Wade as a special prosecutor by District Attorney Fani Willis. Wade was hired to pursue unprecedented criminal investigations and prosecutions against former President Trump and others over the 2020 election disputes.

    In October 2023, Judicial Watch sued the DOJ for records and communications between the Office of U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith and the Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney’s office regarding requests/receipt of federal funding/assistance in the investigation of former President Trump and his 18 codefendants in the Fulton County indictment of August 14, 2023. To date, the DOJ is refusing to confirm or deny the existence of records, claiming that to do so would interfere with enforcement proceedings. Judicial Watch’s litigation challenging this is continuing.

    Through the New York Freedom of Information Law, in July 2023, Judicial Watch received the engagement letter showing New York County District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg paid $900 per hour for partners and $500 per hour for associates to the Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher law firm for the purpose of suing Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) in an effort to shut down the House Judiciary Committee’s oversight investigation into Bragg’s unprecedented indictment of former President Donald Trump.
    Judicial Watch Statement on the Trump Verdict https://www.judicialwatch.org/trump-verdict/ (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the unprecedented prosecution of President Donald Trump by Democrats in New York: Pure corruption. Judicial Watch denounces this absurd verdict and Soviet-style criminal proceeding that has so abused President Trump. What just happened to Trump up in New York is criminal. The guilty verdict against Trump is no surprise considering the rigged, kangaroo court proceedings run by a biased, conflicted judge and an unethical, politicized Democratic Party prosecution team. Today is a terrible day for the rule of law that will go down in infamy. This whole process is compromised, and this verdict should be overturned in an emergency fashion. The evidence shows that Trump committed no crimes, and this is a prosecution about “nothing.” This and other Democratic Party-political prosecutions of Trump are an abomination under law and are destabilizing to our nation. Judicial Watch will continue to expose in court the truth about these attacks on the rule of law, free and fair elections, and the U.S. Constitution. In the meantime, our elections have officially been compromised by this politicized prosecution. Judicial Watch has several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits related to the prosecutorial abuse targeting Trump: In March 2024, Judicial Watch filed a Georgia Open Records Act lawsuit against District Attorney Fani Willis and Fulton County, Georgia, for records of any communication Willis and the county had with Special Counsel Jack Smith and the House January 6 Committee. The lawsuit was filed in the Superior Court of Fulton County after Willis and the county denied having any responsive records. In February 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice asked a federal court to allow the agency to keep secret the names of top staffers working in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s office that is targeting former President Donald Trump and other Americans. (Before his appointment to investigate and prosecute Trump, Specia Counsel Jack Smith previously was at the center of several controversial issues, the IRS scandal among them. In 2014, a Judicial Watch investigation revealed that top IRS officials had been in communication with Jack Smith’s then-Public Integrity Section about a plan to launch criminal investigations into conservative tax-exempt groups. Read more here.) In January 2024, Judicial Watch filed lawsuit against Fulton County, Georgia, for records regarding the hiring of Nathan Wade as a special prosecutor by District Attorney Fani Willis. Wade was hired to pursue unprecedented criminal investigations and prosecutions against former President Trump and others over the 2020 election disputes. In October 2023, Judicial Watch sued the DOJ for records and communications between the Office of U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith and the Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney’s office regarding requests/receipt of federal funding/assistance in the investigation of former President Trump and his 18 codefendants in the Fulton County indictment of August 14, 2023. To date, the DOJ is refusing to confirm or deny the existence of records, claiming that to do so would interfere with enforcement proceedings. Judicial Watch’s litigation challenging this is continuing. Through the New York Freedom of Information Law, in July 2023, Judicial Watch received the engagement letter showing New York County District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg paid $900 per hour for partners and $500 per hour for associates to the Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher law firm for the purpose of suing Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) in an effort to shut down the House Judiciary Committee’s oversight investigation into Bragg’s unprecedented indictment of former President Donald Trump.
    Judicial Watch Statement on the Trump Verdict - Judicial Watch
    (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the unprecedented prosecution of President Donald Trump by Democrats in New York:
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1037 Visualizações
  • Excrement: The Ultimate Communist Export — Or Weapon?
    The #SHTF as we incrementally move toward nuclear war in Ukraine, North Korea makes an excremental hostile move toward South Korea. And is it "blood libel" to say Israel is engaged in "genocide"?
    Excrement: The Ultimate Communist Export — Or Weapon? The #SHTF as we incrementally move toward nuclear war in Ukraine, North Korea makes an excremental hostile move toward South Korea. And is it "blood libel" to say Israel is engaged in "genocide"? https://odysee.com/@DavidKnightShow:1/Excrement-The-Ultimate-Communist-Export-Or-Weapon:4
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 412 Visualizações
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