Most distant supermassive black hole known to science is detected by astronomers more than 13 BILLION light years from Earth.
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Most distant supermassive black hole known to science is detected by astronomers more than 13 BILLION light years from Earth.
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#freedom #usa #canada #civilunrest #civilrights #stopthegreatreset 0 #corruptgovernment #stoplockdowns #martiallaw #stopcommunism #stopsocialism #alllivesmatter #q #qanon #censorship #bigtech #bigpharma #fakenews #protest #resistance #vaccine #mainstreammedia #hackers #digitalsoldiers #ccp #stopccp #traitors #censorship #godblesscanada #godblessusa #5g #actsofwar #wwiii #unconstitutional #civilwar #cyberattacks #hacking #cyberwars #stopantifa #stopblm #freedomfries #coronavirus #covid19 #secondamendment #lawandorder #wuhan #parler #fakenews #memes #stopwitter #stopfacebook #stopapple #stopgoogle #fuckbigtech #disobey #follow #conform #fitin #pfizer #moderna #truth #truthseekers #sheeple #flattenthecurve #religion #jesus #god #2ndamedment #parler #masks #dummies #fear #stopbigtech #stopbigpharma #fuckfacebook