• May you live in interesting times - Sidney Powell
    October 04, 2023

    Dear Patriots,

    Tuesday was an historic day in the Capitol.

    For the first time in the history of the United States, the Speaker of the House was ousted.

    There are many conflicting opinions on this event.

    It is our opinion that very little is done well by our Elected Ones. Problems are rarely solved; they are used to raise money.

    Candidates campaign on resolving problems but are never held accountable for those promises.

    Sadly, former Speaker McCarthy lied. He had no intention to do the things he promised while campaigning for the Speaker position.

    The situation in the government is not going change unless there are those willing to buck the way things have always been done.

    Business as usual does not work for regular Americans.

    The Republicans have not been listening to their constituents for decades. This is the price they pay for ignoring voters concerns, over and over and over again.

    It will take very brave men and women to stand up to the massive powers in our nation's capital. There are a handful of these people willing to shake up the way Washington works.

    They are warriors. They need your prayers. This battle is not over and it will get nasty. Let's hope SOMEONE has a plan!

    And, remember, we have been praying for divine intervention. This may be one!

    Today, we have a bunch of information you need to know.

    Julie Kelly deep dives into the background of the main J6 judge.

    The CDC is evil.

    President Trump is furious. Who can blame him?

    Another Fox News employee with a dubious background is revealed.

    What happens when a Democrat gets mugged?

    1- Julie Kelly doing the work an honest media SHOULD be doing. Here she uncovers the deep ties to the insane, far left political activism of those persecuting J6 attendees.

    Read the entire piece at the link and share it. We will say this for the communists in Washington-- they do not mess around.

    Julie Kelly at RealClearInvestigations

    Meet the Activist Wife Who Networks the Anti-MAGA White House While Her Prosecutor Husband Puts January Sixers in Jail

    QUOTE: Attorney General Merrick B. Garland is the public face of the government's unprecedented effort to identify, arrest, and prosecute those connected to the Jan. 6, 2021 protest at the Capitol. But the person handling the day-to-day management of the one of the largest and most politically freighted efforts in the history of American law enforcement has largely flown under the radar: Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia.

    An appointee of President Biden, Graves' office has prosecuted at least 1,100 Jan. 6 defendants – including roughly 200 people so far this year. Republicans claim that the Justice Department's steady pace of Jan. 6 arrests and Graves' prosecutions aim to keep one of Biden's animating narratives in the news – that, as the president put it, "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic."

    The political nature of the Jan. 6 prosecutions is illustrated by the long partisan history of Graves and his wife, Fatima Goss Graves.

    According to documents on file with the U.S. Senate, Matthew Graves, a registered Democrat, served as a domestic policy adviser to the Biden campaign in 2020. According to the questionnaire submitted for his Senate confirmation, he "assisted with Vice-Presidential vetting for the Kerry Campaign in 2004," resulting in the nomination of John Edwards, well before an extramarital affair got wide attention and helped end Edwards' 2008 presidential campaign. Eleanor Holmes Norton, Washington's Democratic delegate to the House of Representatives, recommended Graves for his influential current post.

    Recently, Graves declined to pursue charges against Hunter Biden for tax offenses. And his wife is an influential progressive activist who has frequently visited the White House as her husband has pursued the president's political opponents.

    One week after he was sworn into office, Graves indicted longtime Trump confidant Steve Bannon on two contempt of Congress charges, acting on a referral from then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's January 6 Select Committee. Graves filed a separate indictment on the same charges against Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro in June 2022. Both men were quickly convicted by D.C. juries; Bannon's conviction is on appeal, with oral argument scheduled for October. Navarro's lawyers recently filed a motion seeking a new trial.

    Much of Graves' work now involves prosecuting the steady stream of people the FBI has arrested in connection with Jan. 6. On August 30, Nathan Hughes was taken into custody at a Fayetteville, Ark., mall by at least seven FBI agents brandishing automatic rifles. That same morning at least 10 vehicles apparently driven by FBI agents and local law enforcement raided Hughes' Bentonville home. "They ordered my girlfriend Taylor out of the house with her hands up and had rifles pointed at her too," Hughes would write. "They put her in handcuffs, unplugged our home security cameras, and turned our house upside down searching it."

    Hughes was later indicted for assaulting or interfering with police, civil disorder, and three misdemeanors for his involvement in the Jan. 6 mayhem at the U.S. Capitol. Four other men were named as Hughes' co-defendants, charged for crimes they allegedly committed nearly 33 months ago. His case, like every Jan. 6 case, is now transferred to Washington, D.C., the scene of the alleged "attack on the Capitol."

    Graves appears to be making good on his pledge to double the number of Jan. 6 defendants, a growing caseload that monopolizes Department of Justice resources and clogs the D.C. federal court calendar with trials and hearings. Graves told the Washington Post in a February 2022 interview that "somewhere around 2,000 people" could be identified and charged before his work was over – or before the statute of limitations for most offenses expires in 2026.

    Concerns about Graves' impartiality are intensified because of his wife's involvement in partisan issues and her closeness to the Biden White House. As president and CEO of the National Women's Law Center (NWLC) – whose primary focus is reforming the Supreme Court, demanding unrestricted access to abortion, and promoting LGBTQ rights – Fatima Goss Graves plays a crucial role in advancing priorities of Democrats and the Biden administration.
    May you live in interesting times - Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.substack.com/p/may-you-live-in-interesting-times-8fa?publication_id=726749&post_id=137640936&isFreemail=true&r=emtnu October 04, 2023 Dear Patriots, Tuesday was an historic day in the Capitol. For the first time in the history of the United States, the Speaker of the House was ousted. There are many conflicting opinions on this event. It is our opinion that very little is done well by our Elected Ones. Problems are rarely solved; they are used to raise money. Candidates campaign on resolving problems but are never held accountable for those promises. Sadly, former Speaker McCarthy lied. He had no intention to do the things he promised while campaigning for the Speaker position. The situation in the government is not going change unless there are those willing to buck the way things have always been done. Business as usual does not work for regular Americans. The Republicans have not been listening to their constituents for decades. This is the price they pay for ignoring voters concerns, over and over and over again. It will take very brave men and women to stand up to the massive powers in our nation's capital. There are a handful of these people willing to shake up the way Washington works. They are warriors. They need your prayers. This battle is not over and it will get nasty. Let's hope SOMEONE has a plan! And, remember, we have been praying for divine intervention. This may be one! Today, we have a bunch of information you need to know. Julie Kelly deep dives into the background of the main J6 judge. The CDC is evil. President Trump is furious. Who can blame him? Another Fox News employee with a dubious background is revealed. What happens when a Democrat gets mugged? 1- Julie Kelly doing the work an honest media SHOULD be doing. Here she uncovers the deep ties to the insane, far left political activism of those persecuting J6 attendees. Read the entire piece at the link and share it. We will say this for the communists in Washington-- they do not mess around. Julie Kelly at RealClearInvestigations Meet the Activist Wife Who Networks the Anti-MAGA White House While Her Prosecutor Husband Puts January Sixers in Jail QUOTE: Attorney General Merrick B. Garland is the public face of the government's unprecedented effort to identify, arrest, and prosecute those connected to the Jan. 6, 2021 protest at the Capitol. But the person handling the day-to-day management of the one of the largest and most politically freighted efforts in the history of American law enforcement has largely flown under the radar: Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia. An appointee of President Biden, Graves' office has prosecuted at least 1,100 Jan. 6 defendants – including roughly 200 people so far this year. Republicans claim that the Justice Department's steady pace of Jan. 6 arrests and Graves' prosecutions aim to keep one of Biden's animating narratives in the news – that, as the president put it, "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic." The political nature of the Jan. 6 prosecutions is illustrated by the long partisan history of Graves and his wife, Fatima Goss Graves. According to documents on file with the U.S. Senate, Matthew Graves, a registered Democrat, served as a domestic policy adviser to the Biden campaign in 2020. According to the questionnaire submitted for his Senate confirmation, he "assisted with Vice-Presidential vetting for the Kerry Campaign in 2004," resulting in the nomination of John Edwards, well before an extramarital affair got wide attention and helped end Edwards' 2008 presidential campaign. Eleanor Holmes Norton, Washington's Democratic delegate to the House of Representatives, recommended Graves for his influential current post. Recently, Graves declined to pursue charges against Hunter Biden for tax offenses. And his wife is an influential progressive activist who has frequently visited the White House as her husband has pursued the president's political opponents. One week after he was sworn into office, Graves indicted longtime Trump confidant Steve Bannon on two contempt of Congress charges, acting on a referral from then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's January 6 Select Committee. Graves filed a separate indictment on the same charges against Trump White House adviser Peter Navarro in June 2022. Both men were quickly convicted by D.C. juries; Bannon's conviction is on appeal, with oral argument scheduled for October. Navarro's lawyers recently filed a motion seeking a new trial. Much of Graves' work now involves prosecuting the steady stream of people the FBI has arrested in connection with Jan. 6. On August 30, Nathan Hughes was taken into custody at a Fayetteville, Ark., mall by at least seven FBI agents brandishing automatic rifles. That same morning at least 10 vehicles apparently driven by FBI agents and local law enforcement raided Hughes' Bentonville home. "They ordered my girlfriend Taylor out of the house with her hands up and had rifles pointed at her too," Hughes would write. "They put her in handcuffs, unplugged our home security cameras, and turned our house upside down searching it." Hughes was later indicted for assaulting or interfering with police, civil disorder, and three misdemeanors for his involvement in the Jan. 6 mayhem at the U.S. Capitol. Four other men were named as Hughes' co-defendants, charged for crimes they allegedly committed nearly 33 months ago. His case, like every Jan. 6 case, is now transferred to Washington, D.C., the scene of the alleged "attack on the Capitol." Graves appears to be making good on his pledge to double the number of Jan. 6 defendants, a growing caseload that monopolizes Department of Justice resources and clogs the D.C. federal court calendar with trials and hearings. Graves told the Washington Post in a February 2022 interview that "somewhere around 2,000 people" could be identified and charged before his work was over – or before the statute of limitations for most offenses expires in 2026. Concerns about Graves' impartiality are intensified because of his wife's involvement in partisan issues and her closeness to the Biden White House. As president and CEO of the National Women's Law Center (NWLC) – whose primary focus is reforming the Supreme Court, demanding unrestricted access to abortion, and promoting LGBTQ rights – Fatima Goss Graves plays a crucial role in advancing priorities of Democrats and the Biden administration.
    May you live in interesting times .....
    Newsletter analysis and summary of current social/political news
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 10608 مشاهدة
  • https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/feb/18/donald-trump-bill-clinton-extramarital-affairs-double-standard
    Donald Trump v Bill Clinton: why don't the sex scandals seem to stick?
    Clinton’s extramarital affair led to his impeachment, yet Trump seems immune to similar allegations. A panel of experts gets to the bottom of the double standard
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 573 مشاهدة
  • EXCLUSIVE: Van Taylor Accused of Extramarital Affair With ISIS Bride, Abuse of Power, ‘Rim Job’ Text
    #VanTaylor #Affair #ISIS #Bride #RimJob
    EXCLUSIVE: Van Taylor Accused of Extramarital Affair With ISIS Bride, Abuse of Power, ‘Rim Job’ Text #VanTaylor #Affair #ISIS #Bride #RimJob
    0 التعليقات 1 المشاركات 1299 مشاهدة
    1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/wgmcgtreJa0M/
    2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/QXahc5Z
    Justin Trudeau did not just fake his Covid vaccinations, because he knows it's experimental and dangerous, with many deaths and injuries related to these toxic injections, but Mr Justin holier-than-thou, is also in reality the child of a cheap extramarital affair between Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and Margaret Joan Sinclair, wife of Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Elliott Trudeau.

    1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qMaxPFWgvEXI/
    2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/qWafCRQ
    3. https://gab.com/Renaudonemillion/posts/107738099864509315
    4. https://ugetube.com/watch/ukZguVz8JDaOkyK

    1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYgPcYn4OsHC/
    2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/SpUfWNU
    3. https://ugetube.com/watch/qIxp6QmCyL4igE2

    1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/O8pw3nFTAbyx/
    2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/xqQR1nQ
    3. https://gab.com/Renaudonemillion/posts/107732561176785393
    4. https://ugetube.com/watch/HJAajRSSdjDRnKO
    5. https://gettr.com/post/ps54xf2164

    1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/J1GspRydsF5e/
    2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/NVtDapV
    3. https://ugetube.com/watch/jM7ECT5XPRh5Eei

    1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Q2Mq73etarPN/
    2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/mtSEbqv
    3. https://gab.com/Renaudonemillion/posts/106957116285096178
    4. https://ugetube.com/watch/gLzHuPwwktD7pSy


    #JustinTrudeau #FidelCastro #Truckers #JustinCastro #HoldTheLine #MandateFreedom
    THE JUSTIN TRUDEAU CASTRO AFFAIR 1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/wgmcgtreJa0M/ 2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/QXahc5Z Justin Trudeau did not just fake his Covid vaccinations, because he knows it's experimental and dangerous, with many deaths and injuries related to these toxic injections, but Mr Justin holier-than-thou, is also in reality the child of a cheap extramarital affair between Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and Margaret Joan Sinclair, wife of Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Elliott Trudeau. CERTIFIED NURSE CONFIRMS JUSTIN TRUDEAU AND WIFE SOPHIE FAKED VACCINATION: 1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qMaxPFWgvEXI/ 2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/qWafCRQ 3. https://gab.com/Renaudonemillion/posts/107738099864509315 4. https://ugetube.com/watch/ukZguVz8JDaOkyK CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER JUSTIN TRUDEAU FRIEND OF PED0PHILES: 1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYgPcYn4OsHC/ 2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/SpUfWNU 3. https://ugetube.com/watch/qIxp6QmCyL4igE2 JUSTIN TRUDEAU PART OF THE C0VID RACKETEERING WITH KICK BACKS 1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/O8pw3nFTAbyx/ 2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/xqQR1nQ 3. https://gab.com/Renaudonemillion/posts/107732561176785393 4. https://ugetube.com/watch/HJAajRSSdjDRnKO 5. https://gettr.com/post/ps54xf2164 JUSTIN TRUDEAU FOOLISH PRIME MINISTER AND THE SHAME OF CANADA: 1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/J1GspRydsF5e/ 2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/NVtDapV 3. https://ugetube.com/watch/jM7ECT5XPRh5Eei JUSTIN TRUDEAU ADMITTING OF BUYING OUT CANADIAN NEWS MEDIA WITH TAXPAYERS MONEY: 1. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Q2Mq73etarPN/ 2. https://newtube.app/user/RenaudBe/mtSEbqv 3. https://gab.com/Renaudonemillion/posts/106957116285096178 4. https://ugetube.com/watch/gLzHuPwwktD7pSy ADOPT A FREEDOM TRUCKER 🚚🚍🚒🚌🍁 https://www.givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022 #JustinTrudeau #FidelCastro #Truckers #JustinCastro #HoldTheLine #MandateFreedom
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 933 مشاهدة
  • Credit Suisse’s António Horta-Osório learns the rules aren’t just for the little people.
    The sun was shining as António Horta-Osório tucked into his crab and Dover sole. Sitting on the terrace of Scott’s in Mayfair, the Portuguese-born banker was basking in his ten-year tenure, just ended, as boss of Lloyds Banking Group.
    The taxpayer’s 43 percent stake had been sold off and Horta-Osório had bounced back from personal issues nine days in the Priory that led to two months off work in 2011, as well as his extramarital affair being exposed by The Sun newspaper.
    Credit Suisse’s António Horta-Osório learns the rules aren’t just for the little people. The sun was shining as António Horta-Osório tucked into his crab and Dover sole. Sitting on the terrace of Scott’s in Mayfair, the Portuguese-born banker was basking in his ten-year tenure, just ended, as boss of Lloyds Banking Group. The taxpayer’s 43 percent stake had been sold off and Horta-Osório had bounced back from personal issues nine days in the Priory that led to two months off work in 2011, as well as his extramarital affair being exposed by The Sun newspaper.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 670 مشاهدة
  • This was primarily a #China -centric news that is mainly only of interests within the Chinese internet/social media - which immediately got heavily #censored within China... but WTA decided to step in for #feminism reasons.

    Now, the former #WTA Womens #Tennis number 1, #PengShuai 's #confession of the #extramarital #affair she had with the former vice premier of China, #ZhangGaoli , became an international head line... but for a different context: for the alleged #sexualassault .

    This was primarily a #China -centric news that is mainly only of interests within the Chinese internet/social media - which immediately got heavily #censored within China... but WTA decided to step in for #feminism reasons. Now, the former #WTA Womens #Tennis number 1, #PengShuai 's #confession of the #extramarital #affair she had with the former vice premier of China, #ZhangGaoli , became an international head line... but for a different context: for the alleged #sexualassault . https://youtu.be/sU2UjdfL62U
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 3193 مشاهدة
    The Afghan Women's Revolutionary Association announced the Taliban's "29 bans" against women:
    1/ Prohibition of women from doing work outside the family. This also applies to female teachers, engineers and most other professions. In some hospitals in Kabul, only a small number of female doctors and nurses are allowed to work.
    2/ Women are prohibited from engaging in any kind of activities other than family affairs, unless they are accompanied by Mahram (male relatives, eg father, brother and husband).
    3/ Banning women from dealing with male businessmen.
    4/ Women are not allowed to receive treatment from male doctors.
    5/ Banning women from attending schools, universities or any other educational institution (Taliban turned girls' schools into seminaries).
    6/ Requires women to wear the Burqa, a garment that covers from head to toe.
    7/ Caning, beating and humiliating women who do not dress according to Taliban regulations or women who are not accompanied by their husbands (or guardians).
    8/ Caning women who do not cover their ankles in public.
    9/ Publicly stoning women accused of extramarital sex (according to this regulation, a large number of lovers are stoned to death).
    10/ Banning women from using cosmetics (women who paint their nails will have their hands cut off).
    11/ Women are not allowed to talk or shake hands with men who are not Mahram.
    12/ Forbid women to laugh loudly (don't let strangers hear women's voices).
    13/ It is forbidden for women to wear high heels because they will make noise when walking on the street (don't let men hear women's footsteps).
    14/ Women are not allowed to take a taxi without Mahram accompanying them.
    15/ Banning women from participating in radio, television or any public conference.
    16/ Forbid women from participating in sports activities or entering any sports center or club.
    17/ Women are not allowed to ride bicycles or motorbikes even if they are carried by Mahram.
    18/ Forbid women to wear light colored clothes. In the words of the Taliban, these are sensual colors.

    19/ Women are prohibited from participating in festivals such as Eid Al-Fitr or any festival with entertainment purposes.

    20/ Forbid women to wash clothes in rivers or public places.
    21/ Corrected all street and square names with the word "women". For example, "Women's Garden" is now called "Spring Garden".
    22/ Forbid women to go out on the balcony of their apartment or house.
    23) All windows are required to be opaque so that women cannot be seen from outside the house.
    24/ It is forbidden for male tailors to measure women's clothing sizes or sew women's clothes.
    25/ Banning women from using public baths.
    26/ It is forbidden for women and men to share the bus. Currently, buses are classified as "male only" or "female only".
    27/ Women are forbidden to wear flared pants (wide legged), even with a full burqa.
    28/ It is forbidden to film or take pictures of women.
    29/ It is forbidden to print pictures of women in newspapers and books, or to hang them on the walls of houses and shops.
    (According to Vision Times)

    TALIBAN PROHIBITION ORDER ISSUED The Afghan Women's Revolutionary Association announced the Taliban's "29 bans" against women: 1/ Prohibition of women from doing work outside the family. This also applies to female teachers, engineers and most other professions. In some hospitals in Kabul, only a small number of female doctors and nurses are allowed to work. 2/ Women are prohibited from engaging in any kind of activities other than family affairs, unless they are accompanied by Mahram (male relatives, eg father, brother and husband). 3/ Banning women from dealing with male businessmen. 4/ Women are not allowed to receive treatment from male doctors. 5/ Banning women from attending schools, universities or any other educational institution (Taliban turned girls' schools into seminaries). 6/ Requires women to wear the Burqa, a garment that covers from head to toe. 7/ Caning, beating and humiliating women who do not dress according to Taliban regulations or women who are not accompanied by their husbands (or guardians). 8/ Caning women who do not cover their ankles in public. 9/ Publicly stoning women accused of extramarital sex (according to this regulation, a large number of lovers are stoned to death). 10/ Banning women from using cosmetics (women who paint their nails will have their hands cut off). 11/ Women are not allowed to talk or shake hands with men who are not Mahram. 12/ Forbid women to laugh loudly (don't let strangers hear women's voices). 13/ It is forbidden for women to wear high heels because they will make noise when walking on the street (don't let men hear women's footsteps). 14/ Women are not allowed to take a taxi without Mahram accompanying them. 15/ Banning women from participating in radio, television or any public conference. 16/ Forbid women from participating in sports activities or entering any sports center or club. 17/ Women are not allowed to ride bicycles or motorbikes even if they are carried by Mahram. 18/ Forbid women to wear light colored clothes. In the words of the Taliban, these are sensual colors. 19/ Women are prohibited from participating in festivals such as Eid Al-Fitr or any festival with entertainment purposes. 20/ Forbid women to wash clothes in rivers or public places. 21/ Corrected all street and square names with the word "women". For example, "Women's Garden" is now called "Spring Garden". 22/ Forbid women to go out on the balcony of their apartment or house. 23) All windows are required to be opaque so that women cannot be seen from outside the house. 24/ It is forbidden for male tailors to measure women's clothing sizes or sew women's clothes. 25/ Banning women from using public baths. 26/ It is forbidden for women and men to share the bus. Currently, buses are classified as "male only" or "female only". 27/ Women are forbidden to wear flared pants (wide legged), even with a full burqa. 28/ It is forbidden to film or take pictures of women. 29/ It is forbidden to print pictures of women in newspapers and books, or to hang them on the walls of houses and shops. (According to Vision Times)
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 604 مشاهدة
  • https://100percentfedup.com/quote-of-the-day-from-fmr-sf-mayor-on-his-extramarital-affair-with-democrat-kamala-harris/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 640 مشاهدة
  • Wolves in Sheep's Clothing
    Acts 20:30

    Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.

    How do you know the difference between a sheep and a wolf in sheep's clothing? By what they eat! If you see in your church, ("even from your own number") men and women who might appear godly yet teach an alternative understanding of Scripture, how do you know if what is being taught is truly by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit or some other source? Look for the carcasses -- wolves don't feed sheep, rather they feed ON sheep!

    As simple as that might sound, sometimes wolf-like behavior is not easily recognizable. For example, up until 1987 televangelist Jim Bakker and his wife Tammy Faye were living the life of extravagance. The way they told it, prosperity was a gift from God, and He had blessed them with an army of followers and immense personal fortunes. Everything seemed to be going perfectly until it all came crashing down as rumors of misconduct, extramarital affairs, and financial improprieties became public. In total, the Bakkers and their empire went through $158 million of their ministry's donations. In his book of self-confession, "I Was Wrong," Jim Bakker admitted squandering church money on luxury cars and six mansions. Ultimately a jury found Bakker guilty on 24 counts of various illegal acts, and he received a 45-year sentence along with a $500,000 fine. Beware of wolves dressed in sheep's clothing.

    It's pretty clear the Bakkers broke a whole lot of this country's laws, and paid the price as a result. During the course of their ministry, there was evidence it was going off course. The question: Were the people who got hurt paying attention to the words and lifestyle of Jim Bakker or to the words and example of our Lord Jesus Christ? Jim Bakker may be a changed man today, however somewhere toward the end of his ministry he became what was by Paul's definition a "wolf." What evidence existed at the time to warn the wary? Is there anyone (televangelist or other) who fits that profile today? How can you distinguish sheep and wolves today?
    Wolves in Sheep's Clothing Acts 20:30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. How do you know the difference between a sheep and a wolf in sheep's clothing? By what they eat! If you see in your church, ("even from your own number") men and women who might appear godly yet teach an alternative understanding of Scripture, how do you know if what is being taught is truly by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit or some other source? Look for the carcasses -- wolves don't feed sheep, rather they feed ON sheep! As simple as that might sound, sometimes wolf-like behavior is not easily recognizable. For example, up until 1987 televangelist Jim Bakker and his wife Tammy Faye were living the life of extravagance. The way they told it, prosperity was a gift from God, and He had blessed them with an army of followers and immense personal fortunes. Everything seemed to be going perfectly until it all came crashing down as rumors of misconduct, extramarital affairs, and financial improprieties became public. In total, the Bakkers and their empire went through $158 million of their ministry's donations. In his book of self-confession, "I Was Wrong," Jim Bakker admitted squandering church money on luxury cars and six mansions. Ultimately a jury found Bakker guilty on 24 counts of various illegal acts, and he received a 45-year sentence along with a $500,000 fine. Beware of wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. It's pretty clear the Bakkers broke a whole lot of this country's laws, and paid the price as a result. During the course of their ministry, there was evidence it was going off course. The question: Were the people who got hurt paying attention to the words and lifestyle of Jim Bakker or to the words and example of our Lord Jesus Christ? Jim Bakker may be a changed man today, however somewhere toward the end of his ministry he became what was by Paul's definition a "wolf." What evidence existed at the time to warn the wary? Is there anyone (televangelist or other) who fits that profile today? How can you distinguish sheep and wolves today?
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 641 مشاهدة
  • https://flagandcross.com/remember-former-mayor-admits-to-extramarital-affair-with-kamala-boosting-her-career/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 609 مشاهدة
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