• More Ukraine War, Trump Trashes CV19 Vax, Economic Mad Max - Greg Hunter
    Secretary of State Tony Blinken made a surprise visit to Ukraine to announce another US aid package, so the deadly Ukraine war can continue. Blinken promised another fresh $1 billion on the heals of the announcement that the Ukraine Army lost 66,000 soldiers in the past three months alone. Add that to the 300,000 Ukraine casualties, and it’s hard to understand why Blinken and others in the D.C. swamp constantly say this is the “most profitable investment.” My question: Is Blinken nuts or simply corrupt, cruel and demonic. Why are there no peace talks with this kind of defeat and carnage for Ukraine and NATO? Do they want nuclear war?

    Donald Trump is finally waking up to the disaster of the CV19 bioweapon/vax and is now trashing it. Trump is asking Big Pharma to address all the adverse events and calls on the vax makers release the safety data. The CV19 bioweapon/vax deaths and disabilities are increasing and there is no end in sight. Expect Donald Trump to talk about the contract he signed with Pfizer that required the vax maker to produce a safe and effective vaccine and it did neither. (Pfizer had 63% of the CV19 vax market globally.) Now, even the CDC is admitting that the vaxed are more likely to get an infection from the new CV19 variant than the unvaxed. (You cannot make this up.) With 676 million CV19 injections in America alone, this will get far worse before it gets better.

    For those of you that think the economy is getting better, or, is at least in good shape—wake up!!!! Two big BRICS nations just dumped $114 billion in U.S. debt. Interest rates are not going to be cut anytime soon because you don’t cut interest rates when your bonds are being dumped by your biggest creditors. Michael Snyder predicts “Mad Max Conditions are coming” and points to record credit card debt, record retail theft and a record amount of people living paycheck to paycheck.
    More Ukraine War, Trump Trashes CV19 Vax, Economic Mad Max - Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v3futdw-more-ukraine-war-trump-trashes-cv19-vax-economic-mad-max.html Secretary of State Tony Blinken made a surprise visit to Ukraine to announce another US aid package, so the deadly Ukraine war can continue. Blinken promised another fresh $1 billion on the heals of the announcement that the Ukraine Army lost 66,000 soldiers in the past three months alone. Add that to the 300,000 Ukraine casualties, and it’s hard to understand why Blinken and others in the D.C. swamp constantly say this is the “most profitable investment.” My question: Is Blinken nuts or simply corrupt, cruel and demonic. Why are there no peace talks with this kind of defeat and carnage for Ukraine and NATO? Do they want nuclear war? Donald Trump is finally waking up to the disaster of the CV19 bioweapon/vax and is now trashing it. Trump is asking Big Pharma to address all the adverse events and calls on the vax makers release the safety data. The CV19 bioweapon/vax deaths and disabilities are increasing and there is no end in sight. Expect Donald Trump to talk about the contract he signed with Pfizer that required the vax maker to produce a safe and effective vaccine and it did neither. (Pfizer had 63% of the CV19 vax market globally.) Now, even the CDC is admitting that the vaxed are more likely to get an infection from the new CV19 variant than the unvaxed. (You cannot make this up.) With 676 million CV19 injections in America alone, this will get far worse before it gets better. For those of you that think the economy is getting better, or, is at least in good shape—wake up!!!! Two big BRICS nations just dumped $114 billion in U.S. debt. Interest rates are not going to be cut anytime soon because you don’t cut interest rates when your bonds are being dumped by your biggest creditors. Michael Snyder predicts “Mad Max Conditions are coming” and points to record credit card debt, record retail theft and a record amount of people living paycheck to paycheck.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 3663 Views
  • Save Dollar or Financial System, Not Both – Bill Holter - Greg Hunter

    Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter said last summer that the Fed rate increases would tank the economy. The collapse of SVB (Silicon Valley Bank) is the latest sign the Fed is breaking the financial system. Will it continue to raise interest rates as Fed Head Jay Powell said this past week? Holter says that is the biggest question out there because it comes down to picking what you want to save. It’s the U.S. dollar or the financial system. Holter explains, “They can save one thing or the other. They can save the financial system, or they can save the dollar. If they save the dollar, they will have to raise rates, and they will have to keep tightening. To save the financial system, they will have to loosen. They have tightened so hard and so fast over the last year they have raised rates and tightened faster than anytime before. This is in the face of the biggest over-levered situation in history no matter how you look at it. . . . They can only do one or the other, and they already look like fools. The world is already laughing at the United States. Think of what Russia and China think when we are walking out some army general wearing a skirt. We are getting to the end game.”

    Holter, who is also a precious metals broker from Miles Franklin, says the bankruptcy of SVB is just the tip of the default iceberg. Holter says, “The problem is a global bankruptcy. In order to avoid the bankruptcy, you don’t go from bank A to bank B or some sovereign treasury. You don’t go to paper because paper can bankrupt. It’s going to dawn on people all of a sudden that gold and silver are the safe havens. That’s going to create a ‘failure to deliver’ event, and when you get failure to deliver, all confidence is gone. This is all about confidence. Failure to deliver is coming soon because you are talking about big, big money, and there is not big, big supply. . . . My phone has been blowing up all weekend. People are wanting wiring instructions so they can wire money Monday morning. . . .This failure to deliver event is right in front of us.”

    You might think everything will be safe in the bank because of FDIC deposit insurance. That is not totally true because the government basically turned depositors into creditors in 2012. Holter says, “In 2012 or 2013, the FDIC amended their rules and said there would no longer be bailouts, but bail-ins. People don’t understand that when there is a bail-in and a bank goes down, it takes all or part of the money they are holding on your behalf to make themselves solvent. It is no surprise that Janet Yellen (Treasury Secretary) is saying there are not going to be bailouts because it’s been official policy for ten years or more. . . .There are cockroaches everywhere. The whole system is rotten to the core. The whole system is over-levered. The whole system is fraudulent. The entire system is a Ponzi scheme . . . . The government of the reserve currency of the world has to borrow a trillion dollars a year to stay solvent. That’s ridiculous.”

    Holter thinks big inflation is coming when the Fed has to cut rates to save the system. He says, “The government will inflate or die.”
    Save Dollar or Financial System, Not Both – Bill Holter - Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v2cu9xg-save-dollar-or-financial-system-not-both-bill-holter.html Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter said last summer that the Fed rate increases would tank the economy. The collapse of SVB (Silicon Valley Bank) is the latest sign the Fed is breaking the financial system. Will it continue to raise interest rates as Fed Head Jay Powell said this past week? Holter says that is the biggest question out there because it comes down to picking what you want to save. It’s the U.S. dollar or the financial system. Holter explains, “They can save one thing or the other. They can save the financial system, or they can save the dollar. If they save the dollar, they will have to raise rates, and they will have to keep tightening. To save the financial system, they will have to loosen. They have tightened so hard and so fast over the last year they have raised rates and tightened faster than anytime before. This is in the face of the biggest over-levered situation in history no matter how you look at it. . . . They can only do one or the other, and they already look like fools. The world is already laughing at the United States. Think of what Russia and China think when we are walking out some army general wearing a skirt. We are getting to the end game.” Holter, who is also a precious metals broker from Miles Franklin, says the bankruptcy of SVB is just the tip of the default iceberg. Holter says, “The problem is a global bankruptcy. In order to avoid the bankruptcy, you don’t go from bank A to bank B or some sovereign treasury. You don’t go to paper because paper can bankrupt. It’s going to dawn on people all of a sudden that gold and silver are the safe havens. That’s going to create a ‘failure to deliver’ event, and when you get failure to deliver, all confidence is gone. This is all about confidence. Failure to deliver is coming soon because you are talking about big, big money, and there is not big, big supply. . . . My phone has been blowing up all weekend. People are wanting wiring instructions so they can wire money Monday morning. . . .This failure to deliver event is right in front of us.” You might think everything will be safe in the bank because of FDIC deposit insurance. That is not totally true because the government basically turned depositors into creditors in 2012. Holter says, “In 2012 or 2013, the FDIC amended their rules and said there would no longer be bailouts, but bail-ins. People don’t understand that when there is a bail-in and a bank goes down, it takes all or part of the money they are holding on your behalf to make themselves solvent. It is no surprise that Janet Yellen (Treasury Secretary) is saying there are not going to be bailouts because it’s been official policy for ten years or more. . . .There are cockroaches everywhere. The whole system is rotten to the core. The whole system is over-levered. The whole system is fraudulent. The entire system is a Ponzi scheme . . . . The government of the reserve currency of the world has to borrow a trillion dollars a year to stay solvent. That’s ridiculous.” Holter thinks big inflation is coming when the Fed has to cut rates to save the system. He says, “The government will inflate or die.”
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1308 Views
  • Accounting Basics

    Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, and summarising financial transactions to provide information that is useful in making business decisions. It is the language of business and is used to communicate financial information to decision makers such as investors, creditors, and managers.


    #Business #accountingbasics #basic #management
    Accounting Basics Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, and summarising financial transactions to provide information that is useful in making business decisions. It is the language of business and is used to communicate financial information to decision makers such as investors, creditors, and managers. https://starsfact.com/accounting-basics/ #Business #accountingbasics #basic #management
    Accounting Basics 
    Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, and summarising financial transactions to provide information that is useful in making business
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 500 Views
  • Today I heard about Celcius @crypto's bankruptcy. The court just ruled that the depositors do not own the @crpyto. That means all those crypto Millionaires are now out of luck.
    They are now creditors of the platform. This is just one of the reasons why CRYPTO is a scam.
    This is my opinion and not any financial advice. I do not own any crypto. I think FIAT and Crypto are nothing more than Ponzi schemes.
    Today I heard about Celcius @crypto's bankruptcy. The court just ruled that the depositors do not own the @crpyto. That means all those crypto Millionaires are now out of luck. They are now creditors of the platform. This is just one of the reasons why CRYPTO is a scam. This is my opinion and not any financial advice. I do not own any crypto. I think FIAT and Crypto are nothing more than Ponzi schemes.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 340 Views
  • FTX Lost $3.7 Billion in 2021 - In Bankruptcy Filing It Hides the Names of Its Unsecured Creditors Who Are Owed $3.1 Billion https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/ftx-lost-3-7-billion-2021-bankruptcy-filing-redacts-names-unsecured-creditors-owed-total-3-1-billion/
    FTX Lost $3.7 Billion in 2021 - In Bankruptcy Filing It Hides the Names of Its Unsecured Creditors Who Are Owed $3.1 Billion https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/ftx-lost-3-7-billion-2021-bankruptcy-filing-redacts-names-unsecured-creditors-owed-total-3-1-billion/
    FTX Lost $3.7 Billion in 2021 - In Bankruptcy Filing It Hides the Names of Its Unsecured Creditors Who Are Owed $3.1 Billion
    FTX reported a $3.7 BILLION loss in its 2021 tax return.  Also, its unsecured creditors are redacted in the company’s bankruptcy filing and they are owed an additional $3.1 BILLION. What’s going on? FTX, the cryptocurrency exchange that went bankrupt only a few days ago, was in financial duress for some time.  In the company’s…
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 330 Views

    Do you want to control your debt? If yes, then negotiation with creditors is a great way to lower the overall due amount. But before starting a negotiation, it’s vital to understand all strategies.


    #Business #deal #creditors #completeguide #strategies
    HOW TO DEAL WITH CREDITORS? A COMPLETE GUIDE Do you want to control your debt? If yes, then negotiation with creditors is a great way to lower the overall due amount. But before starting a negotiation, it’s vital to understand all strategies. https://www.allperfectstories.com/how-to-deal-with-creditors/ #Business #deal #creditors #completeguide #strategies
    Creditors: A Complete Guide of how should you handle them
    Do you want to control your debt? If yes, then negotiation with creditors is a great way to lower the overall due amount.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 1032 Views
  • Jamie’s Italian failure costs councils £1.3m.
    Hard-pressed councils are likely to lose more than £1.3 million from the collapse of Jamie Oliver’s restaurant chain as administrators come close to winding up the stricken business.
    Documents published by KPMG, which is managing the chain’s insolvency, show that unsecured creditors, including 19 councils, will see more than 90 percent of the cash they are owed wiped out.
    Jamie’s Italian failure costs councils £1.3m. Hard-pressed councils are likely to lose more than £1.3 million from the collapse of Jamie Oliver’s restaurant chain as administrators come close to winding up the stricken business. Documents published by KPMG, which is managing the chain’s insolvency, show that unsecured creditors, including 19 councils, will see more than 90 percent of the cash they are owed wiped out.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 343 Views
  • I was just looking over some Amendments to Bills made by Congress.... I was actually looking for statutes in particular, but this one caught my eye for some reason...

    Long story short, let me direct you to LINE 1 which discusses
    "peonage." Now I looked at this word, peonage, and thought to myself "What the hell is that? The ACT of being a peon?"

    Well..... That is EXACTLY what it means!
    And I'll let you in on a little secret! THAT IS YOU!

    Here's the definition in case you can't read it in the photo:

    1.) The condition of being a peon.

    2.) A system by which debtors are bound in servitude to their creditors until their debts are paid.

    3.) The holding, by illegal methods, of free negroes or whites in a condition of semi-slavery, specifically in the southern part of the United States: also applied to the abuse of the convict lease system in the South.

    Definition #2 is especially troubling to me, since that is ALL OF US! We are BORN in debt because of the THIEVES who steal almost 50% of our wages and still need more!

    How does it make you feel to be a member of the "peonage"?

    You can find the amendment here if you'd like to look at it
    I was just looking over some Amendments to Bills made by Congress.... I was actually looking for statutes in particular, but this one caught my eye for some reason... Long story short, let me direct you to LINE 1 which discusses "peonage." Now I looked at this word, peonage, and thought to myself "What the hell is that? The ACT of being a peon?" Well..... That is EXACTLY what it means! And I'll let you in on a little secret! THAT IS YOU! Here's the definition in case you can't read it in the photo: peonage pē′ə-nĭj noun 1.) The condition of being a peon. 2.) A system by which debtors are bound in servitude to their creditors until their debts are paid. 3.) The holding, by illegal methods, of free negroes or whites in a condition of semi-slavery, specifically in the southern part of the United States: also applied to the abuse of the convict lease system in the South. Definition #2 is especially troubling to me, since that is ALL OF US! We are BORN in debt because of the THIEVES who steal almost 50% of our wages and still need more! How does it make you feel to be a member of the "peonage"? You can find the amendment here if you'd like to look at it https://www.congress.gov/bill/111th-congress/senate-bill/1346/text
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 428 Views
    Bible Study / Daily Devotional
    Daily Devotions
    Average reading time is about 5 and a half minutes

    When people invest in a business, always doing their best, but the business fails, I don’t believe it’s a sin. The creditor knew the risk. Likewise, if you borrow money with the best intentions of paying it back, and due to circumstances such as unexpected catastrophic medical bills, it’s not a sin to find relief.

    But suppose you borrow money promising you’ll pay it back, but when you have a way to repay, in whole or in part, you decide to spend it on something nonessential. In that case, you’d be stealing. God evaluates sin based on a person’s heart. (See 1 Samuel 16:7.)

    There are several types of bankruptcy. One kind actually buys you time to reorganize your business so you can pay your debts, holding creditors back awhile. And there’s a form of bankruptcy that basically wipes out all your debt. Another type has you pay back a portion of the debt based on your assets and income at the time.

    People who have lost a spouse to tragedy are often left with tremendous debt. Sometimes the only way they’re ever going to see the light of day is by taking advantage of the legal means to remove those debts. In Bible times, every 50th year was a Jubilee, during which most debts were wiped out (see Leviticus 25:9–14).

    A woman once came to the prophet Elijah and said, “Your servant my husband is dead. … And the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves” (2 Kings 4:1). Elijah didn’t tell her not to pay her debt; instead, he performed a miracle to make it possible for her to pay it (2 Kings 4:2–7).

    As Christians, we can be the best witnesses by always honoring our debts. Sometimes the economy turns upside-down, or other drastic circumstances arise, and people need to file bankruptcy to survive. But I personally could not rest easy if I owed a debt but chose not to pay it. Yes, it can take years to pay off credit cards and dig ourselves out, but paying back just debts is a Christian responsibility.
    Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8
    SHOULD A CHRISTIAN EVER FILE BANKRUPTCY? Bible Study / Daily Devotional Daily Devotions Average reading time is about 5 and a half minutes When people invest in a business, always doing their best, but the business fails, I don’t believe it’s a sin. The creditor knew the risk. Likewise, if you borrow money with the best intentions of paying it back, and due to circumstances such as unexpected catastrophic medical bills, it’s not a sin to find relief. But suppose you borrow money promising you’ll pay it back, but when you have a way to repay, in whole or in part, you decide to spend it on something nonessential. In that case, you’d be stealing. God evaluates sin based on a person’s heart. (See 1 Samuel 16:7.) There are several types of bankruptcy. One kind actually buys you time to reorganize your business so you can pay your debts, holding creditors back awhile. And there’s a form of bankruptcy that basically wipes out all your debt. Another type has you pay back a portion of the debt based on your assets and income at the time. People who have lost a spouse to tragedy are often left with tremendous debt. Sometimes the only way they’re ever going to see the light of day is by taking advantage of the legal means to remove those debts. In Bible times, every 50th year was a Jubilee, during which most debts were wiped out (see Leviticus 25:9–14). A woman once came to the prophet Elijah and said, “Your servant my husband is dead. … And the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves” (2 Kings 4:1). Elijah didn’t tell her not to pay her debt; instead, he performed a miracle to make it possible for her to pay it (2 Kings 4:2–7). As Christians, we can be the best witnesses by always honoring our debts. Sometimes the economy turns upside-down, or other drastic circumstances arise, and people need to file bankruptcy to survive. But I personally could not rest easy if I owed a debt but chose not to pay it. Yes, it can take years to pay off credit cards and dig ourselves out, but paying back just debts is a Christian responsibility. KEY BIBLE TEXTS Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 363 Views

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