• The Anglo-Saxon Mission: Israel vs Iran Was Planned Decades Ago + the China Plandemic & More

    Here is is yet more evidence that much of what we’ve lived through and assumed was “history” was scripted long ago. This is Project Camelot Co-Founder, Bill Ryan in 2010 describing the Plandemic and World War III, as described to him by a masonic whistleblower from the City of London, the financial nerve center of the Globalists.

    by Bill Ryan

    The Third World War and the Inheritance of the New World

    In January 2010, Project Camelot received 11 pages of information from an insider who was physically present at a meeting of Senior Masons in the City of London, in 2005. What was discued is chilling.

    What the source reported is this:

    • There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological.

    • It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran. Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos – all carefully engineered.

    • The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that.

    • During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, “China will catch a cold”. Biological warfare will spread further, to the West. Infrastructure will be critically weakened.

    • This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the “real” war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Our source tells us that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting.

    This horrific scenario has been planned for generations. The first two world wars were part of the set-up for this final apocalypse – as is the centralization of financial resources that was precipitated with the equally well-planned financial collapse of October 2008.
    The Anglo-Saxon Mission: Israel vs Iran Was Planned Decades Ago + the China Plandemic & More https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/the-anglo-saxon-mission-israel-vs-iran-was-planned-decades-ago-the-china-plandemic-more/ Here is is yet more evidence that much of what we’ve lived through and assumed was “history” was scripted long ago. This is Project Camelot Co-Founder, Bill Ryan in 2010 describing the Plandemic and World War III, as described to him by a masonic whistleblower from the City of London, the financial nerve center of the Globalists. by Bill Ryan The Third World War and the Inheritance of the New World In January 2010, Project Camelot received 11 pages of information from an insider who was physically present at a meeting of Senior Masons in the City of London, in 2005. What was discued is chilling. What the source reported is this: • There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological. • It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran. Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos – all carefully engineered. • The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that. • During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, “China will catch a cold”. Biological warfare will spread further, to the West. Infrastructure will be critically weakened. • This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the “real” war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Our source tells us that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting. This horrific scenario has been planned for generations. The first two world wars were part of the set-up for this final apocalypse – as is the centralization of financial resources that was precipitated with the equally well-planned financial collapse of October 2008.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2790 Vue
  • #Eclipse24, #JonahTexas, #Nineveh, #RaptrueIndiana, #LuciferTelescope, #Religion, #Con, #Sovereignty, #Controllers, #BibleProphecy, #ItsGoingToBeBiblical, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #Signs, #SignOfJonas, #ReturnOfPluto, #BibleProphecy?

    Sorry, not sorry there was a shake up on the whole church con for weakened churches.
    Want to make it clear I'm not attacking Christians, but rather the
    cons some have been brainwashed with.

    #Eclipse24, #JonahTexas, #Nineveh, #RaptrueIndiana, #LuciferTelescope, #Religion, #Con, #Sovereignty, #Controllers, #BibleProphecy, #ItsGoingToBeBiblical, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #Signs, #SignOfJonas, #ReturnOfPluto, #BibleProphecy? Sorry, not sorry there was a shake up on the whole church con for weakened churches. Want to make it clear I'm not attacking Christians, but rather the cons some have been brainwashed with. https://rumble.com/v4npm9u-a-telescope-called-lucifer-vatican-sanctioned-jonah-txrapture-nineveh-in-ec.html
    0 Commentaires 1 Parts 4631 Vue
  • #JonahTexas, #Nineveh, #RaptrueIndiana, #LuciferTelescope, #Religion, #Con, #Sovereignty, #Controllers, #BibleProphecy, #ItsGoingToBeBiblical, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #Signs, #SignOfJonas, #ReturnOfPluto, #BibleProphecy?

    Sorry, not sorry there was a shake up on the whole church con for weakened churches.
    Want to make it clear I'm not attacking Christians, but rather the
    cons some have been brainwashed with.

    #JonahTexas, #Nineveh, #RaptrueIndiana, #LuciferTelescope, #Religion, #Con, #Sovereignty, #Controllers, #BibleProphecy, #ItsGoingToBeBiblical, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #Signs, #SignOfJonas, #ReturnOfPluto, #BibleProphecy? Sorry, not sorry there was a shake up on the whole church con for weakened churches. Want to make it clear I'm not attacking Christians, but rather the cons some have been brainwashed with. https://rumble.com/v4npm9u-a-telescope-called-lucifer-vatican-sanctioned-jonah-txrapture-nineveh-in-ec.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 3238 Vue
  • #Eclipse24, #JonahTexas, #Nineveh, #RaptrueIndiana, #LuciferTelescope, #Religion, #Con, #Sovereignty, #Controllers, #BibleProphecy, #ItsGoingToBeBiblical, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #Signs, #SignOfJonas, #ReturnOfPluto, #BibleProphecy?

    Sorry, not sorry there was a shake up on the whole church con for weakened churches.
    Want to make it clear I'm not attacking Christians, but rather the
    cons some have been brainwashed with.

    #Eclipse24, #JonahTexas, #Nineveh, #RaptrueIndiana, #LuciferTelescope, #Religion, #Con, #Sovereignty, #Controllers, #BibleProphecy, #ItsGoingToBeBiblical, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #Signs, #SignOfJonas, #ReturnOfPluto, #BibleProphecy? Sorry, not sorry there was a shake up on the whole church con for weakened churches. Want to make it clear I'm not attacking Christians, but rather the cons some have been brainwashed with. https://rumble.com/v4npm9u-a-telescope-called-lucifer-vatican-sanctioned-jonah-txrapture-nineveh-in-ec.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 3215 Vue
  • #Eclipse24, #JonahTexas, #Nineveh, #RaptrueIndiana, #LuciferTelescope, #Religion, #Con, #Sovereignty, #Controllers, #BibleProphecy, #ItsGoingToBeBiblical, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #Signs, #SignOfJonas, #ReturnOfPluto, #BibleProphecy?

    Sorry, not sorry there was a shake up on the whole church con for weakened churches.
    Want to make it clear I'm not attacking Christians, but rather the
    cons some have been brainwashed with.

    #Eclipse24, #JonahTexas, #Nineveh, #RaptrueIndiana, #LuciferTelescope, #Religion, #Con, #Sovereignty, #Controllers, #BibleProphecy, #ItsGoingToBeBiblical, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #Signs, #SignOfJonas, #ReturnOfPluto, #BibleProphecy? Sorry, not sorry there was a shake up on the whole church con for weakened churches. Want to make it clear I'm not attacking Christians, but rather the cons some have been brainwashed with. https://rumble.com/v4npm9u-a-telescope-called-lucifer-vatican-sanctioned-jonah-txrapture-nineveh-in-ec.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 3070 Vue
  • #Eclipse2-24, #JonahTexas, #Nineveh, #RaptrueIndiana, #LuciferTelescope, #Religion, #Con, #Sovereignty, #Controllers, #BibleProphecy, #ItsGoingToBeBiblical, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #Signs, #SignOfJonas, #ReturnOfPluto, #BibleProphecy?

    Sorry, not sorry there was a shake up on the whole church con for weakened churches.
    Want to make it clear I'm not attacking Christians, but rather the
    cons some have been brainwashed with.

    #Eclipse2-24, #JonahTexas, #Nineveh, #RaptrueIndiana, #LuciferTelescope, #Religion, #Con, #Sovereignty, #Controllers, #BibleProphecy, #ItsGoingToBeBiblical, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #Signs, #SignOfJonas, #ReturnOfPluto, #BibleProphecy? Sorry, not sorry there was a shake up on the whole church con for weakened churches. Want to make it clear I'm not attacking Christians, but rather the cons some have been brainwashed with. https://rumble.com/v4npm9u-a-telescope-called-lucifer-vatican-sanctioned-jonah-txrapture-nineveh-in-ec.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2813 Vue
  • #Eclipse2-24, #JonahTexas, #Nineveh, #RaptrueIndiana, #LuciferTelescope, #Religion, #Con, #Sovereignty, #Controllers, #BibleProphecy, #ItsGoingToBeBiblical, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #Signs, #SignOfJonas, #ReturnOfPluto, #BibleProphecy? #Synchronicity?

    Sorry, not sorry there was a shake up on the whole church con for weakened churches.
    Want to make it clear I'm not attacking Christians, but rather the
    cons some have been brainwashed with.

    #Eclipse2-24, #JonahTexas, #Nineveh, #RaptrueIndiana, #LuciferTelescope, #Religion, #Con, #Sovereignty, #Controllers, #BibleProphecy, #ItsGoingToBeBiblical, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #Signs, #SignOfJonas, #ReturnOfPluto, #BibleProphecy? #Synchronicity? Sorry, not sorry there was a shake up on the whole church con for weakened churches. Want to make it clear I'm not attacking Christians, but rather the cons some have been brainwashed with. https://rumble.com/v4npm9u-a-telescope-called-lucifer-vatican-sanctioned-jonah-txrapture-nineveh-in-ec.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2916 Vue
  • #Eclipse2-24, #JonahTexas, #Nineveh, #RaptrueIndiana, #LuciferTelescope, #Religion, #Con, #Sovereignty, #Controllers, #BibleProphecy, #ItsGoingToBeBiblical, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #Signs, #SignOfJonas, #ReturnOfPluto, #BibleProphecy? #Synchronicity?

    Sorry, not sorry there was a shake up on the whole church con for weakened churches.
    Want to make it clear I'm not attacking Christians, but rather the
    cons some have been brainwashed with.

    #Eclipse2-24, #JonahTexas, #Nineveh, #RaptrueIndiana, #LuciferTelescope, #Religion, #Con, #Sovereignty, #Controllers, #BibleProphecy, #ItsGoingToBeBiblical, #ThereAreNoCoincidences, #Signs, #SignOfJonas, #ReturnOfPluto, #BibleProphecy? #Synchronicity? Sorry, not sorry there was a shake up on the whole church con for weakened churches. Want to make it clear I'm not attacking Christians, but rather the cons some have been brainwashed with. https://rumble.com/v4npm9u-a-telescope-called-lucifer-vatican-sanctioned-jonah-txrapture-nineveh-in-ec.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2691 Vue
  • Pushback to Tyranny & Control Increases in 2024 – Catherine Austin Fitts, Greg Hunter

    Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says the top story (out of 20 top stories) of 2023 was massive, documented pushback to tyranny and control by the evil Deep State globalists. CAF explains, “Our top story of 2023 is ‘The Year of Pushback.’ It was so long, and it was so big, we had to make a special page and move the other 19 top stories to a whole different section on another page.”

    Just a few of the 2023 stories that documented this massive pushback, according to CAF, are, “Stories on Constitutional protections, different litigations on the First Amendment and the Second Amendment, and we have one on information sovereignty and infrastructure. We have stories on all the pushback against the media, including litigation to hold people accountable and stopping emergency powers. We have culture wars about saying no to international organizations. Woke capital controls and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance investing) is toast. The state AGs have gone after ESG and Larry Fink (BlackRock CEO), and he’s had to publicly backpedal. They are steamrolling him. We had another story about taking it to the streets and have a whole section on ‘Pushback Heros.’ . . . In 2023, people started to realize that it is kill or be killed. We have to push back because there is no going along with this. They are trying to kill us, number one. Then they are trying to take all of our stuff, and we can’t let them.

    CAF also talks about what she calls “massive collateral fraud.” CAF goes on to say, “The collateral fraud is enormous, and we have talked about the money (trillions of dollars) that has gone ‘missing’ for years from the federal government. This is what’s been going on in the United States and around the world for years. You issue debt, you get a whole bunch of money, and then the money disappears. . . . So, there is an extraordinarily fraudulent system going on around the debt markets. The reality is if you are going to run a bubble like that, you need very strict control of the collateral. This is what “The Great Taking” is all about. 2024 is the year the pushback can put us over the top.”

    CAF thinks gold is a “must have” investment for the coming years. The US dollar is being weakened, but it is still “dominant and dangerous.”

    In closing, CAF says, “I think we are going see collisions at a spiritual, legal, financial and physical level increasing all over the planet. This is a real war, and we are in World War III now.

    The US is going to defend the dollar. . .”
    Pushback to Tyranny & Control Increases in 2024 – Catherine Austin Fitts, Greg Hunter https://rumble.com/v443gri-pushback-to-tyranny-and-control-increases-in-2024-catherine-austin-fitts.html Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says the top story (out of 20 top stories) of 2023 was massive, documented pushback to tyranny and control by the evil Deep State globalists. CAF explains, “Our top story of 2023 is ‘The Year of Pushback.’ It was so long, and it was so big, we had to make a special page and move the other 19 top stories to a whole different section on another page.” Just a few of the 2023 stories that documented this massive pushback, according to CAF, are, “Stories on Constitutional protections, different litigations on the First Amendment and the Second Amendment, and we have one on information sovereignty and infrastructure. We have stories on all the pushback against the media, including litigation to hold people accountable and stopping emergency powers. We have culture wars about saying no to international organizations. Woke capital controls and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance investing) is toast. The state AGs have gone after ESG and Larry Fink (BlackRock CEO), and he’s had to publicly backpedal. They are steamrolling him. We had another story about taking it to the streets and have a whole section on ‘Pushback Heros.’ . . . In 2023, people started to realize that it is kill or be killed. We have to push back because there is no going along with this. They are trying to kill us, number one. Then they are trying to take all of our stuff, and we can’t let them. CAF also talks about what she calls “massive collateral fraud.” CAF goes on to say, “The collateral fraud is enormous, and we have talked about the money (trillions of dollars) that has gone ‘missing’ for years from the federal government. This is what’s been going on in the United States and around the world for years. You issue debt, you get a whole bunch of money, and then the money disappears. . . . So, there is an extraordinarily fraudulent system going on around the debt markets. The reality is if you are going to run a bubble like that, you need very strict control of the collateral. This is what “The Great Taking” is all about. 2024 is the year the pushback can put us over the top.” CAF thinks gold is a “must have” investment for the coming years. The US dollar is being weakened, but it is still “dominant and dangerous.” In closing, CAF says, “I think we are going see collisions at a spiritual, legal, financial and physical level increasing all over the planet. This is a real war, and we are in World War III now. The US is going to defend the dollar. . .”
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 8333 Vue
  • https://homeopathicmedicine.one/how-to-protect-yourself-from-radiation/ Radiation, from nuclear sources and even 5G EMF Radiation penetrates into your immune cells and destroys them as it does when you cook food, both on the microwave frequency. It also unlocks viruses and pathogens that see this immune damage and take advantage of your weakened and compromised immune system. It also damages your DNA so you now produce dysfunctional new tissues. How to protect yourself from radiation (5g, EMF, Medical and Nuclear.) Plus natural best radiation detox methods. #5g #EMF #radiation #nuclear #covid
    https://homeopathicmedicine.one/how-to-protect-yourself-from-radiation/ Radiation, from nuclear sources and even 5G EMF Radiation penetrates into your immune cells and destroys them as it does when you cook food, both on the microwave frequency. It also unlocks viruses and pathogens that see this immune damage and take advantage of your weakened and compromised immune system. It also damages your DNA so you now produce dysfunctional new tissues. How to protect yourself from radiation (5g, EMF, Medical and Nuclear.) Plus natural best radiation detox methods. #5g #EMF #radiation #nuclear #covid
    How To Protect Yourself From Radiation
    How to Protect Yourself From Radiation How to protect yourself from radiation. Radiation is all arou
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 3059 Vue
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