• PLEASE take the time to READ & STUDY THIS ARTICLE IN DETAIL! Afterwards, you will see WHY after the #Libertarian Party Nominated a Leftist Fascist Nazi Communist Sodomite for their #POTUS Candidate, who supported Vaccine Mandates, Face Masks, More Open Borders than #fjb etc. why I DISOWN the #LibertarianParty! I am done with voting period! The #Constitution Party has not reached out on any platforms either. Chase Oliver is NO Libertarian! https://www.infowars.com/posts/libertarian-party-nominates-presidential-candidate-who-supported-masks-open-borders-drag-story-time/
    PLEASE take the time to READ & STUDY THIS ARTICLE IN DETAIL! Afterwards, you will see WHY after the #Libertarian Party Nominated a Leftist Fascist Nazi Communist Sodomite for their #POTUS Candidate, who supported Vaccine Mandates, Face Masks, More Open Borders than #fjb etc. why I DISOWN the #LibertarianParty! I am done with voting period! The #Constitution Party has not reached out on any platforms either. 😠😡 Chase Oliver is NO Libertarian! https://www.infowars.com/posts/libertarian-party-nominates-presidential-candidate-who-supported-masks-open-borders-drag-story-time/
    0 Commentaires 1 Parts 184 Vue
  • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/breaking-north-korea-launches-ballistic-missile-towards-japan/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 48 Vue
  • Only Cowards Murder Innocent People
    2 men fire their guns at a Jewish girl’s school in Toronto.
    5 rounds were shot at the Bais Chaya Mushka Elementary School.
    Only Cowards Murder Innocent People 2 men fire their guns at a Jewish girl’s school in Toronto. 5 rounds were shot at the Bais Chaya Mushka Elementary School.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 111 Vue 0
  • The Dangers of Canola Oil:

    In today’s health climate, where misinformation abounds and traditional media often falls short, I’ve turned to unconventional health knowledge from less mainstream sources. This exploration was spurred by my skepticism towards the conventional medical industry, especially during recent global health crises, leading to some profoundly positive changes in my health regimen. One pivotal change was eliminating industrial seed oils from my diet, which resulted in losing 30 pounds, eradicating bodily inflammation, and enhancing my overall vitality.

    The Problem with Industrial Seed Oils

    Industrial seed oils like soybean, canola, and corn oil became staples in early 20th-century kitchens due to their affordability and mass availability. Originally used in margarine as cheaper alternatives to animal fats, these oils are not naturally derived from their seeds, which require chemical treatment and high-pressure, high-temperature processing to extract the oil. Such methods degrade their quality and introduce toxins such as hexane—a chemical also used in glue and paint thinners.

    Canola Oil: A Modern Invention

    Canola oil, commonly found in our pantries, has a background worthy of attention. Developed in Canada during the 1970s from the rapeseed plant, it was first utilized as a high-temperature lubricant for diesel engines. Through genetic modification and chemical processing, canola oil was adapted for consumption by reducing harmful erucic acid levels. However, despite its adaptability for food, its origins as an engine lubricant raise significant concerns about its suitability for dietary use.

    Health Risks of Consuming Seed Oils

    The health impacts of consuming these heavily refined oils are concerning. High levels of omega-6 fatty acids and a disproportionate omega-6 to omega-3 ratio contribute to chronic inflammation, underlying numerous health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. These oils are also prone to oxidation, creating harmful free radicals and lipid peroxides that can damage cellular structures and potentially lead to cancer and other serious health issues. Furthermore, they can obstruct the absorption of vital nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K.

    Healthier Alternatives to Seed Oils

    Rather than relying on industrial seed oils, switching to natural, unprocessed fats is advisable. Historical staples like olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and animal-based fats such as butter and lard offer richer nutrient profiles and are more stable when cooked. These natural fats provide essential vitamins and are better balanced in omega fatty acids, supporting overall health and reducing inflammation.

    Transitioning away from industrial seed oils to these traditional fats has been one of the most impactful health decisions I’ve made. By exploring alternative health perspectives and questioning mainstream narratives, I’ve gained insights that have significantly benefited my personal health and wellness. This journey underscores the importance of being proactive and informed about the choices we make concerning our diet and health.
    The Dangers of Canola Oil: In today’s health climate, where misinformation abounds and traditional media often falls short, I’ve turned to unconventional health knowledge from less mainstream sources. This exploration was spurred by my skepticism towards the conventional medical industry, especially during recent global health crises, leading to some profoundly positive changes in my health regimen. One pivotal change was eliminating industrial seed oils from my diet, which resulted in losing 30 pounds, eradicating bodily inflammation, and enhancing my overall vitality. The Problem with Industrial Seed Oils Industrial seed oils like soybean, canola, and corn oil became staples in early 20th-century kitchens due to their affordability and mass availability. Originally used in margarine as cheaper alternatives to animal fats, these oils are not naturally derived from their seeds, which require chemical treatment and high-pressure, high-temperature processing to extract the oil. Such methods degrade their quality and introduce toxins such as hexane—a chemical also used in glue and paint thinners. Canola Oil: A Modern Invention Canola oil, commonly found in our pantries, has a background worthy of attention. Developed in Canada during the 1970s from the rapeseed plant, it was first utilized as a high-temperature lubricant for diesel engines. Through genetic modification and chemical processing, canola oil was adapted for consumption by reducing harmful erucic acid levels. However, despite its adaptability for food, its origins as an engine lubricant raise significant concerns about its suitability for dietary use. Health Risks of Consuming Seed Oils The health impacts of consuming these heavily refined oils are concerning. High levels of omega-6 fatty acids and a disproportionate omega-6 to omega-3 ratio contribute to chronic inflammation, underlying numerous health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. These oils are also prone to oxidation, creating harmful free radicals and lipid peroxides that can damage cellular structures and potentially lead to cancer and other serious health issues. Furthermore, they can obstruct the absorption of vital nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K. Healthier Alternatives to Seed Oils Rather than relying on industrial seed oils, switching to natural, unprocessed fats is advisable. Historical staples like olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and animal-based fats such as butter and lard offer richer nutrient profiles and are more stable when cooked. These natural fats provide essential vitamins and are better balanced in omega fatty acids, supporting overall health and reducing inflammation. Transitioning away from industrial seed oils to these traditional fats has been one of the most impactful health decisions I’ve made. By exploring alternative health perspectives and questioning mainstream narratives, I’ve gained insights that have significantly benefited my personal health and wellness. This journey underscores the importance of being proactive and informed about the choices we make concerning our diet and health.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 409 Vue
  • Sweden moves towards civil war!
    Sweden moves towards civil war! https://youtu.be/TcLk-tvbrl4?si=rQRzyeBZLbd7FPP1
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 80 Vue
  • Why Is Social Media So Toxic?
    The desire to improve our social standing is natural. What's unnatural is the toxicity of doing so through social media.
    It seems self-evident that the divisiveness that characterizes this juncture of American history is manifesting profound social and economic disorders that have little to do with politics. In this context, social media isn't the source of the fire, it's more like the gasoline that's being tossed on top of the dry timber. So why is social media so toxic to healthy dialog and tolerance, and to those who live much of their lives via social media? Because in the social media world, there are no moderating feedbacks. Anyone who dares question the extremism being reinforced by the "tribe" is quickly attacked or ejected from the tribe. Attacking moderate voices increases the potential "rewards" / likes from tribal members.
    Why Is Social Media So Toxic? The desire to improve our social standing is natural. What's unnatural is the toxicity of doing so through social media. It seems self-evident that the divisiveness that characterizes this juncture of American history is manifesting profound social and economic disorders that have little to do with politics. In this context, social media isn't the source of the fire, it's more like the gasoline that's being tossed on top of the dry timber. So why is social media so toxic to healthy dialog and tolerance, and to those who live much of their lives via social media? Because in the social media world, there are no moderating feedbacks. Anyone who dares question the extremism being reinforced by the "tribe" is quickly attacked or ejected from the tribe. Attacking moderate voices increases the potential "rewards" / likes from tribal members. https://www.oftwominds.com/blogoct18/toxic-social-media10-18.html
    Of Two Minds - Why Is Social Media So Toxic?
    The weblog, feature articles and books of Charles Hugh Smith
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 476 Vue
  • Climate Cult Wants Marxist Control – Brian Sussman

    America and the world are in a battle with evil godless demons for control. This is where all of the problems we face are coming from. It is that simple. Award winning meteorologist, newsman and best-selling author Brian Sussman lays out the plan for total tyranny and domination of everyone’s life in an upcoming book called “Climate Cult: Exposing Their War on Life, Liberty & Property.” Sussman explains, “I know the title to the book is an attention getter, but the ‘climate change’ agenda has all the facets of a cult. . . . The first is doom. They keep telling us if the temperature rises another half degree, it’s going to be the end of the earth as we know it. . . . If we go back to The Industrial Revolution, which basically got rolling in 1850, we had the use of fossil fuels. We have had billions more people on the planet, countless cars, trucks, planes and rockets. . . . Since the 1850’s, we have only warmed one degree–one degree! That is perfectly in keeping with temperatures as we know it based on geological records. They say another half degree and it’s over. So, they are scaring the pants off people. Then, just like all cults, they look at you as the problem. They say, ‘You are a carbon sinner,’ especially if you live in the United States of America. . . . Shame on you! You are a carbon sinner. Oh, but there is atonement. You can atone by reducing your carbon footprint. You can atone by becoming an activist. You can atone by planting a tree. Then they promise you utopia. . . . These people have partnered with the UN and the World Economic Forum . . . I have the documents. . . . This climate change agenda will give us no more social injustice. There will be no more social inequity, and we will all live in peace in a brand-new world. These are their plans. It’s frightening, but that is how they get people into this cult.” Sussman contends, the “Climate Cult” wants Marxist control.

    Sussman says big business is involved with something called ESG (Environment, Social Governance). Sussman says, “These companies want to play by their ESG scores, and this has become a multi-trillion dollar investment business. People are picking their investment based on a company’s ESG score. . . . The problem is as these companies attempt to fulfill their ESG status and raise their ratings, they are doing it at the expense of the investors. So, it’s really bass- ackwards, and it is biting investors in the shorts. It’s a loser, but the climate change agenda is all in on this.”

    Sussman says, “The Biden Administration is full of the ‘climate cult’ idiots, and they are carrying the torch to go forward, not just to end global warming and climate change, it is to end the way we live in America. They believe as Karl Marx did. They believe in the ‘Laws that Matter.’ The Laws that Matter basically say some people are born with a better brain than others. Those with a better brain have a responsibility to rule over those with a lessor brain. Otherwise, those with the lessor brains will kill one another and destroy the planet. That’s what Marx believed, and that’s what the modern-day liberal Democrat party believes to this day. For example, that stupid ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ that recently passed Congress, there is $250 billion to be spent on climate change. This goes to line the pockets of people with degrees that are worthless. It’s stupid.”

    Sussman says he wrote the book to try and get young people out of the “Climate Cult,” and he points out, “We have to do something to wake people up. Just like prior to the American Revolution, there was a shining light of truth that went forth. There was an old-fashioned revival that took place, and it gave the people courage to stand up to the biggest military in the history of the world, and guess what, they won. . . and we are up against a big enemy right now.”
    Climate Cult Wants Marxist Control – Brian Sussman https://rumble.com/v4v84ez-climate-cult-wants-marxist-control-brian-sussman.html America and the world are in a battle with evil godless demons for control. This is where all of the problems we face are coming from. It is that simple. Award winning meteorologist, newsman and best-selling author Brian Sussman lays out the plan for total tyranny and domination of everyone’s life in an upcoming book called “Climate Cult: Exposing Their War on Life, Liberty & Property.” Sussman explains, “I know the title to the book is an attention getter, but the ‘climate change’ agenda has all the facets of a cult. . . . The first is doom. They keep telling us if the temperature rises another half degree, it’s going to be the end of the earth as we know it. . . . If we go back to The Industrial Revolution, which basically got rolling in 1850, we had the use of fossil fuels. We have had billions more people on the planet, countless cars, trucks, planes and rockets. . . . Since the 1850’s, we have only warmed one degree–one degree! That is perfectly in keeping with temperatures as we know it based on geological records. They say another half degree and it’s over. So, they are scaring the pants off people. Then, just like all cults, they look at you as the problem. They say, ‘You are a carbon sinner,’ especially if you live in the United States of America. . . . Shame on you! You are a carbon sinner. Oh, but there is atonement. You can atone by reducing your carbon footprint. You can atone by becoming an activist. You can atone by planting a tree. Then they promise you utopia. . . . These people have partnered with the UN and the World Economic Forum . . . I have the documents. . . . This climate change agenda will give us no more social injustice. There will be no more social inequity, and we will all live in peace in a brand-new world. These are their plans. It’s frightening, but that is how they get people into this cult.” Sussman contends, the “Climate Cult” wants Marxist control. Sussman says big business is involved with something called ESG (Environment, Social Governance). Sussman says, “These companies want to play by their ESG scores, and this has become a multi-trillion dollar investment business. People are picking their investment based on a company’s ESG score. . . . The problem is as these companies attempt to fulfill their ESG status and raise their ratings, they are doing it at the expense of the investors. So, it’s really bass- ackwards, and it is biting investors in the shorts. It’s a loser, but the climate change agenda is all in on this.” Sussman says, “The Biden Administration is full of the ‘climate cult’ idiots, and they are carrying the torch to go forward, not just to end global warming and climate change, it is to end the way we live in America. They believe as Karl Marx did. They believe in the ‘Laws that Matter.’ The Laws that Matter basically say some people are born with a better brain than others. Those with a better brain have a responsibility to rule over those with a lessor brain. Otherwise, those with the lessor brains will kill one another and destroy the planet. That’s what Marx believed, and that’s what the modern-day liberal Democrat party believes to this day. For example, that stupid ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ that recently passed Congress, there is $250 billion to be spent on climate change. This goes to line the pockets of people with degrees that are worthless. It’s stupid.” Sussman says he wrote the book to try and get young people out of the “Climate Cult,” and he points out, “We have to do something to wake people up. Just like prior to the American Revolution, there was a shining light of truth that went forth. There was an old-fashioned revival that took place, and it gave the people courage to stand up to the biggest military in the history of the world, and guess what, they won. . . and we are up against a big enemy right now.”
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1036 Vue
  • The REAL STORY behind Michael Cohen | Biden panicking
    You WON'T BELIEVE what Trump just announced! • SHOCKED: Trump JUST Threatened the UN... Massachusetts has issued an emergency request for its citizens, with the governor expressing concerns about the state being overrun with illegal immigrants. Surprisingly, instead of asking them to leave or deporting them, the state is urging residents to take these individuals into their homes and offer them free accommodation. This comes after the state recently voted to allocate tax money to support illegal immigrants over veterans. Meanwhile, Congressional Democrats have revealed a scheme to manipulate the U.S. election system using illegal immigrants. The issue revolves around the census, which determines electoral votes and House seats based on population, regardless of legal status. Republican Rep. Chuck Edwards proposed the "Equal Representation Act" to only award electoral votes and seats based on citizens' population, but Democrats unanimously voted against it. Former President Trump opposes election interference and pledges to deport illegal immigrants while improving legal immigration. Despite Biden's denial of passing the bill, holding the vote was crucial to reveal Democrats' stance before the election. Migrant flows are shifting to liberal states via the US-Canada border, potentially giving Democrats an advantage in future elections. However, Trump's high poll numbers suggest public awareness of election fraud. Biden's lack of credibility is evident, with falsehoods exposed during a CNN interview, where he downplayed economic concerns. CNN's Fareed Zakaria admitted that polls often underestimate Trump's support and suggested Trump's trials could backfire, making him a martyr in the eyes of his base. Trump's "hush money" trial features questionable testimonies from Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels, damaging their credibility. Meanwhile, revelations of deleted phone call records in Trump's trial raise suspicions of collusion within Biden's DOJ. Amidst international tensions, Israel faces criticism from the Biden administration for its actions in Gaza, while Ukraine battles escalating attacks from Russia. Missouri's Attorney General investigates Biden's DOJ for potential collusion against Trump, highlighting suspicions of foul play. With impeachment threats looming, Biden faces criticism for withholding aid to Israel based on political motives. The situation is compounded by border security concerns and potential electoral shifts in states like Virginia and New Jersey.
    The REAL STORY behind Michael Cohen | Biden panicking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiCcFriD8fY You WON'T BELIEVE what Trump just announced! • SHOCKED: Trump JUST Threatened the UN... Massachusetts has issued an emergency request for its citizens, with the governor expressing concerns about the state being overrun with illegal immigrants. Surprisingly, instead of asking them to leave or deporting them, the state is urging residents to take these individuals into their homes and offer them free accommodation. This comes after the state recently voted to allocate tax money to support illegal immigrants over veterans. Meanwhile, Congressional Democrats have revealed a scheme to manipulate the U.S. election system using illegal immigrants. The issue revolves around the census, which determines electoral votes and House seats based on population, regardless of legal status. Republican Rep. Chuck Edwards proposed the "Equal Representation Act" to only award electoral votes and seats based on citizens' population, but Democrats unanimously voted against it. Former President Trump opposes election interference and pledges to deport illegal immigrants while improving legal immigration. Despite Biden's denial of passing the bill, holding the vote was crucial to reveal Democrats' stance before the election. Migrant flows are shifting to liberal states via the US-Canada border, potentially giving Democrats an advantage in future elections. However, Trump's high poll numbers suggest public awareness of election fraud. Biden's lack of credibility is evident, with falsehoods exposed during a CNN interview, where he downplayed economic concerns. CNN's Fareed Zakaria admitted that polls often underestimate Trump's support and suggested Trump's trials could backfire, making him a martyr in the eyes of his base. Trump's "hush money" trial features questionable testimonies from Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels, damaging their credibility. Meanwhile, revelations of deleted phone call records in Trump's trial raise suspicions of collusion within Biden's DOJ. Amidst international tensions, Israel faces criticism from the Biden administration for its actions in Gaza, while Ukraine battles escalating attacks from Russia. Missouri's Attorney General investigates Biden's DOJ for potential collusion against Trump, highlighting suspicions of foul play. With impeachment threats looming, Biden faces criticism for withholding aid to Israel based on political motives. The situation is compounded by border security concerns and potential electoral shifts in states like Virginia and New Jersey.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1013 Vue
  • https://medforth.biz/german-commissioner-known-for-racism-against-germans-claims-gender-speech-bans-represent-step-backwards-into-the-last-century/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 180 Vue

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