• Honos Virtus

    Free Speech & General Discussion
    The Master Plan Explodes: Military Raids Obliterate Elite Pedophile Rings Hiding in Underground Bunkers from New York to CERN and Antarctica—DARPA’s AI Systems Like THORN Used to Track and Traffic Children!

    ​This is happening right now, and the world will soon face the truth. The deep state’s darkest secrets—the global network of child trafficking and pedophilia that has controlled the highest levels of power for decades—is finally being torn apart. Leading this charge is Donald J. Trump, backed by white hat military leaders and patriots who have had enough.

    ​The military has raided deep state facilities globally, and the evidence they’ve uncovered will shock the world. As of October 8, 2024, these operations have escalated, with major raids in locations once thought untouchable. The cabal has nowhere left to hide.

    ​Antarctica, long a mysterious land, is now the epicenter of this takedown. Underground bunkers once used to control global trafficking are being exposed. The military has seized everything—servers, documents, and evidence of the elites’ child trafficking involvement. Antarctica wasn’t a frozen wasteland, but a sanctuary for criminals.

    ​Cheyenne Mountain has also been activated, housing AI systems monitoring deep state activities. White hats are using satellite tech to map and dismantle trafficking routes.

    ​Meanwhile, Silicon Valley has been hit. Tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft were integral to the deep state’s surveillance network. Inside their data centers, evidence has been found linking them to child trafficking—and DARPA’s AI was used to track children with software like THORN.

    ​In Epstein Island, the military uncovered secret tunnels used for trafficking and ritual abuse. Kamala Harris, Bill Gates, and others frequented this island as part of a global network.

    ​CERN, in Switzerland, was raided next. Long rumored to be involved in mind control, the military found data proving children were used in horrific experiments. The Vatican’s involvement is undeniable, with ties to the Jesuits running centuries deep.

    ​Even Berlin’s European Central Bank was exposed as a financial hub for trafficking. The World Economic Forum has been revealed to be funding these operations.

    ​In Australia, another raid targeted underground facilities trafficking children from Southeast Asia. The evidence collected ties Hollywood, U.S. politicians, and global corporations directly to these networks.

    ​And Buckingham Palace is now under investigation. Documents tie the British monarchy to global trafficking—their role in this network is undeniable.

    ​New York’s underground Wall Street bunkers were also targeted, revealing how the financial elite used children as leverage in deals. Wall Street isn’t just about money—it’s about control and exploitation.

    ​But the most shocking evidence came from the Vatican’s secret archives, proving the Catholic Church’s direct involvement in trafficking children through its orphanages and charities.

    ​This is it—the storm is here. The military has the evidence to bring down the deep state. From Antarctica to New York, no elite is safe. The world is waking up, and the cabal’s days are numbered.

    Honos Virtus @Necromonger1 1d · · Free Speech & General Discussion The Master Plan Explodes: Military Raids Obliterate Elite Pedophile Rings Hiding in Underground Bunkers from New York to CERN and Antarctica—DARPA’s AI Systems Like THORN Used to Track and Traffic Children! ​ ​This is happening right now, and the world will soon face the truth. The deep state’s darkest secrets—the global network of child trafficking and pedophilia that has controlled the highest levels of power for decades—is finally being torn apart. Leading this charge is Donald J. Trump, backed by white hat military leaders and patriots who have had enough. ​ ​The military has raided deep state facilities globally, and the evidence they’ve uncovered will shock the world. As of October 8, 2024, these operations have escalated, with major raids in locations once thought untouchable. The cabal has nowhere left to hide. ​ ​Antarctica, long a mysterious land, is now the epicenter of this takedown. Underground bunkers once used to control global trafficking are being exposed. The military has seized everything—servers, documents, and evidence of the elites’ child trafficking involvement. Antarctica wasn’t a frozen wasteland, but a sanctuary for criminals. ​ ​Cheyenne Mountain has also been activated, housing AI systems monitoring deep state activities. White hats are using satellite tech to map and dismantle trafficking routes. ​ ​Meanwhile, Silicon Valley has been hit. Tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft were integral to the deep state’s surveillance network. Inside their data centers, evidence has been found linking them to child trafficking—and DARPA’s AI was used to track children with software like THORN. ​ ​In Epstein Island, the military uncovered secret tunnels used for trafficking and ritual abuse. Kamala Harris, Bill Gates, and others frequented this island as part of a global network. ​ ​CERN, in Switzerland, was raided next. Long rumored to be involved in mind control, the military found data proving children were used in horrific experiments. The Vatican’s involvement is undeniable, with ties to the Jesuits running centuries deep. ​ ​Even Berlin’s European Central Bank was exposed as a financial hub for trafficking. The World Economic Forum has been revealed to be funding these operations. ​ ​In Australia, another raid targeted underground facilities trafficking children from Southeast Asia. The evidence collected ties Hollywood, U.S. politicians, and global corporations directly to these networks. ​ ​And Buckingham Palace is now under investigation. Documents tie the British monarchy to global trafficking—their role in this network is undeniable. ​ ​New York’s underground Wall Street bunkers were also targeted, revealing how the financial elite used children as leverage in deals. Wall Street isn’t just about money—it’s about control and exploitation. ​ ​But the most shocking evidence came from the Vatican’s secret archives, proving the Catholic Church’s direct involvement in trafficking children through its orphanages and charities. ​ ​This is it—the storm is here. The military has the evidence to bring down the deep state. From Antarctica to New York, no elite is safe. The world is waking up, and the cabal’s days are numbered. https://media.gab.com/cdn-cgi/image/width=568,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/167/179/328/original/65b07763171b423b.jpg
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1151 مشاهدة
  • 1967 Recording Reveals the Illuminati’s Role in Major Historical Events

    ALL ROADS LEAD TO #Rome, and the #Rothschilds, the #Vatican, #Jews, #Freemasons, and #Illuminati

    But what people must understand is that these groups operate independently AND together, having a single leadership at the top

    The sub-groups are innumerable!
    You have the "Knights of Malta" and other military orders, the Jesuits, the CFR, NASA, the CIA, the FBI, the Trilateral commission,

    Personally... I believe that #Satan himself directs their actions from the top

    1967 Recording Reveals the Illuminati’s Role in Major Historical Events ALL ROADS LEAD TO #Rome, and the #Rothschilds, the #Vatican, #Jews, #Freemasons, and #Illuminati But what people must understand is that these groups operate independently AND together, having a single leadership at the top The sub-groups are innumerable! You have the "Knights of Malta" and other military orders, the Jesuits, the CFR, NASA, the CIA, the FBI, the Trilateral commission, Personally... I believe that #Satan himself directs their actions from the top https://youtu.be/DP31WXJyPyE
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 623 مشاهدة
  • Doing the Devil's Work: The Vatican Owns a Telescope Named Lucifer in Arizona
    The Vatican owns an Infrared Camera named the Lucifer LBT Telescope on Mount Graham in Arizona. All things considered, they might as well call it Lucifer LGBTQ+.
    Doing the Devil's Work: The Vatican Owns a Telescope Named Lucifer in Arizona The Vatican owns an Infrared Camera named the Lucifer LBT Telescope on Mount Graham in Arizona. All things considered, they might as well call it Lucifer LGBTQ+.
    3 التعليقات 1 المشاركات 500 مشاهدة

    Whether this is legitimate or not, I don't know...
    What I DO KNOW is that THIS is exactly how the world is controlled!

    Scumbags within the #CIA, #FBI, and #Mossad set up #Pedophiles to rape children, they film it, and OWN THEM from that day forward!

    But that is NOT the only way this is done!
    HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOVIE "OLD DADS?" The answer is there!

    I was at Walmart today.... A 40 INCH HD TV IS NOW $140!
    One hundred and 40 dollars when a hamburger is $10!

    This tells me they WANT YOU TO BUY THIS TV!
    And that is because this tv will WATCH YOU as you watch it!

    This television will connect to the internet and upload audio and video files of YOU and of EVERYTHING YOU DO! Then, they will OWN YOU TOO!

    There are people within this world that MUST GO!
    That would include the political class, the enforcement class, and ALL #Corporate scum! ALL #Freemasons and open Luciferians, Jesuits, the Vatican etc

    Wake the f*ck up!
    And take back YOUR WORLD!

    ⚠️☠✡☠⚠️ SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS PRESSURED INTO CHILD RAPE Whether this is legitimate or not, I don't know... What I DO KNOW is that THIS is exactly how the world is controlled! Scumbags within the #CIA, #FBI, and #Mossad set up #Pedophiles to rape children, they film it, and OWN THEM from that day forward! But that is NOT the only way this is done! HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOVIE "OLD DADS?" The answer is there! I was at Walmart today.... A 40 INCH HD TV IS NOW $140! One hundred and 40 dollars when a hamburger is $10! This tells me they WANT YOU TO BUY THIS TV! And that is because this tv will WATCH YOU as you watch it! This television will connect to the internet and upload audio and video files of YOU and of EVERYTHING YOU DO! Then, they will OWN YOU TOO! There are people within this world that MUST GO! That would include the political class, the enforcement class, and ALL #Corporate scum! ALL #Freemasons and open Luciferians, Jesuits, the Vatican etc Wake the f*ck up! And take back YOUR WORLD! https://old.bitchute.com/video/R13aT9tf4Cnk/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 809 مشاهدة
  • Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Gives The World A Warning
    Carlo Maria Viganò is a bishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016. He previously served as secretary-general of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 16 July 2009 to 3 September 2011. He is best known for having publicized two major Vatican scandals. These were the Vatican leaks scandal of 2012, in which he revealed financial corruption in the Vatican, and a 2018 letter in which he accused Pope Francis and other church leaders of covering up sexual abuse allegations against former cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
    Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Gives The World A Warning Carlo Maria Viganò is a bishop of the Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016. He previously served as secretary-general of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 16 July 2009 to 3 September 2011. He is best known for having publicized two major Vatican scandals. These were the Vatican leaks scandal of 2012, in which he revealed financial corruption in the Vatican, and a 2018 letter in which he accused Pope Francis and other church leaders of covering up sexual abuse allegations against former cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 448 مشاهدة

  • https://medforth.biz/the-vatican-now-considers-europes-islamization-inevitable/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 205 مشاهدة
  • The Pope telling people Donald Trump is "anti-life" for "kicking out migrants".

    How many migrants has the Vatican taken in?
    The Pope telling people Donald Trump is "anti-life" for "kicking out migrants". How many migrants has the Vatican taken in?
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 256 مشاهدة 0

    Alex Jones has awakened people to SOME STUFF!
    He has done good work during his career

    But at the end of the day, he will LIE to protect the #Jews who apparently own him!

    He has shown us as much! And he immediately goes too name-calling when ANYONE mentions the JEWS!

    People must understand that the Jews are a really big part of the #Evil in this world!

    They have spun off so many sub-groups it's amazing!

    #Freemasons are basically white "Jews" who will never be part of the club....
    Useful idiots more or less. Freemasonry is Judaism

    ANYONE who worships #Satan is a friend of sorts, of the JEWS!
    The Vatican, Freemasonry, ALL "military orders" and "fraternal orders"

    And basically ALL "secret societies" are in the same circle with the Jews!

    They are ALL Satan's minions
    Alex Jones is a "Jew rope sucker" for sure though!

    Which has cost him any respect he had earned by breaking REAL NEWS in the past

    ALEX JONES ZIONIST BEHAVIOR Alex Jones has awakened people to SOME STUFF! He has done good work during his career But at the end of the day, he will LIE to protect the #Jews who apparently own him! He has shown us as much! And he immediately goes too name-calling when ANYONE mentions the JEWS! People must understand that the Jews are a really big part of the #Evil in this world! They have spun off so many sub-groups it's amazing! #Freemasons are basically white "Jews" who will never be part of the club.... Useful idiots more or less. Freemasonry is Judaism ANYONE who worships #Satan is a friend of sorts, of the JEWS! The Vatican, Freemasonry, ALL "military orders" and "fraternal orders" And basically ALL "secret societies" are in the same circle with the Jews! They are ALL Satan's minions Alex Jones is a "Jew rope sucker" for sure though! Which has cost him any respect he had earned by breaking REAL NEWS in the past https://old.bitchute.com/video/6Uajn87Ztl2O/
    Alex Jones' Zionist Behavior
    The establishment creates the illusion of choice "Left vs Right" to trick voters into endorsing their predatory system. A system designed to continually transfer wealth and power away from the people and into the hands of a select few at the top. …
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 689 مشاهدة

    The #Jew has infiltrated the world

    However, expecting the #Catholic "church" to do anything is the equivalent of praying to Lucifer!

    The #Vatican works WITH the Jews....
    NOT against them!

    THEIR BALLS, THEIR COURTS, THEIR RACKETS The #Jew has infiltrated the world However, expecting the #Catholic "church" to do anything is the equivalent of praying to Lucifer! The #Vatican works WITH the Jews.... NOT against them! https://old.bitchute.com/video/I6XFdKdekTUl/
    Their balls, their courts, their rackets
    Any Nation That Rejects Jesus Will Be Ruled By Jews - Dr. E. Michael Jones https://old.bitchute.com/video/KS5lwOo6Dthv/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 386 مشاهدة
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/the-worlds-largest-drug-pusher-the-vatican-bank/
    The World’s Largest Drug Pusher: The Vatican Bank - The Washington Standard
    Jesus warned us to beware of the leaven of the Herodians and the Pharisees (Mark 8:14-15). It’s clear that today’s “governments” are bearing the leaven of the Herodians and that today’s “religions” are bearing the leaven of the Pharisees, including the apostate, antichrist Roman Catholic Church led by the Vatican. ...
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 195 مشاهدة
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