• The Pope telling people Donald Trump is "anti-life" for "kicking out migrants".

    How many migrants has the Vatican taken in?
    The Pope telling people Donald Trump is "anti-life" for "kicking out migrants". How many migrants has the Vatican taken in?
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 52 Ansichten 0

    Alex Jones has awakened people to SOME STUFF!
    He has done good work during his career

    But at the end of the day, he will LIE to protect the #Jews who apparently own him!

    He has shown us as much! And he immediately goes too name-calling when ANYONE mentions the JEWS!

    People must understand that the Jews are a really big part of the #Evil in this world!

    They have spun off so many sub-groups it's amazing!

    #Freemasons are basically white "Jews" who will never be part of the club....
    Useful idiots more or less. Freemasonry is Judaism

    ANYONE who worships #Satan is a friend of sorts, of the JEWS!
    The Vatican, Freemasonry, ALL "military orders" and "fraternal orders"

    And basically ALL "secret societies" are in the same circle with the Jews!

    They are ALL Satan's minions
    Alex Jones is a "Jew rope sucker" for sure though!

    Which has cost him any respect he had earned by breaking REAL NEWS in the past

    ALEX JONES ZIONIST BEHAVIOR Alex Jones has awakened people to SOME STUFF! He has done good work during his career But at the end of the day, he will LIE to protect the #Jews who apparently own him! He has shown us as much! And he immediately goes too name-calling when ANYONE mentions the JEWS! People must understand that the Jews are a really big part of the #Evil in this world! They have spun off so many sub-groups it's amazing! #Freemasons are basically white "Jews" who will never be part of the club.... Useful idiots more or less. Freemasonry is Judaism ANYONE who worships #Satan is a friend of sorts, of the JEWS! The Vatican, Freemasonry, ALL "military orders" and "fraternal orders" And basically ALL "secret societies" are in the same circle with the Jews! They are ALL Satan's minions Alex Jones is a "Jew rope sucker" for sure though! Which has cost him any respect he had earned by breaking REAL NEWS in the past https://old.bitchute.com/video/6Uajn87Ztl2O/
    Alex Jones' Zionist Behavior
    The establishment creates the illusion of choice "Left vs Right" to trick voters into endorsing their predatory system. A system designed to continually transfer wealth and power away from the people and into the hands of a select few at the top. …
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 89 Ansichten

    The #Jew has infiltrated the world

    However, expecting the #Catholic "church" to do anything is the equivalent of praying to Lucifer!

    The #Vatican works WITH the Jews....
    NOT against them!

    THEIR BALLS, THEIR COURTS, THEIR RACKETS The #Jew has infiltrated the world However, expecting the #Catholic "church" to do anything is the equivalent of praying to Lucifer! The #Vatican works WITH the Jews.... NOT against them! https://old.bitchute.com/video/I6XFdKdekTUl/
    Their balls, their courts, their rackets
    Any Nation That Rejects Jesus Will Be Ruled By Jews - Dr. E. Michael Jones https://old.bitchute.com/video/KS5lwOo6Dthv/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 119 Ansichten
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/the-worlds-largest-drug-pusher-the-vatican-bank/
    The World’s Largest Drug Pusher: The Vatican Bank - The Washington Standard
    Jesus warned us to beware of the leaven of the Herodians and the Pharisees (Mark 8:14-15). It’s clear that today’s “governments” are bearing the leaven of the Herodians and that today’s “religions” are bearing the leaven of the Pharisees, including the apostate, antichrist Roman Catholic Church led by the Vatican. ...
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 45 Ansichten
  • https://medforth.biz/the-deep-state-church-cardinal-cupich-supports-the-vatican-un-alliance/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 74 Ansichten

    MIND-BLOWING! The VATICAN’S SUPPRESSION of JESUS' FORBIDDEN Teachings REVEALED! | RJ Spina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeB_Mr8juUM
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 180 Ansichten





    EMPIRE OF THE CITY - WASHINGTON D.C >>> FOREIGN SOIL AND NOT AMERICA... NOT USA > WASHINGTON D.C - MILITARY NOT ENGLAND > CITY OF LONDON > FINANCE NOT ITALY > VATICAN > RELIGION BUT WAS THE MAIN HQ OF SATAN... @GESARAandNESARA https://rumble.com/v4cvteb-empire-of-the-3-cities-states-washington-d.c-foreign-soil-and-not-america...html
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 432 Ansichten
  • IMOGENE PASS Ouray To Telluride And Back. PT. 1

    We should ALL be out enjoying the Father's beautiful creation!
    Instead of worrying about what what the devil's minions are up to!

    "Government" and I mean ALL government is ILLEGITIMATE!
    It is all based in #Fraud, and Maritime Admiralty Law

    The #Vatican and #Jesuits essentially run this world, and they control the rest!
    The #Jews and #Freemason etc....

    These people should not feel safe in this country!
    They should FEAR showing their faces!

    But people must WAKE UP!
    For thousands of years these demons have had the people of the world enslaved, and it is high time that we put an end to it!

    You can sit around on your duff praying that the Most High will show up before you are murdered, or you can FIGHT these #Criminals and psychopaths, the way He would expect you to!

    I'm all for His return!
    Of course I may not live to see it! My kids may not even see it!

    You CANNOT count on two in the bush folks!
    I put my faith and trust in Him and FEAR NO MAN!

    And with Him watching over me,
    I'll fight these scumbags until the breathe leaves my body!

    Nothing in the bible says to lay down and be a coward!
    Matter of fact it says that COWARDS will find their place in the lake of fire!

    So be BOLD and STAND against #Evil like you've got a pair!
    Providing you are doing His will.... You will be fine!

    Revelation 21:8
    “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”

    IMOGENE PASS Ouray To Telluride And Back. PT. 1 We should ALL be out enjoying the Father's beautiful creation! Instead of worrying about what what the devil's minions are up to! "Government" and I mean ALL government is ILLEGITIMATE! It is all based in #Fraud, and Maritime Admiralty Law The #Vatican and #Jesuits essentially run this world, and they control the rest! The #Jews and #Freemason etc.... These people should not feel safe in this country! They should FEAR showing their faces! But people must WAKE UP! For thousands of years these demons have had the people of the world enslaved, and it is high time that we put an end to it! You can sit around on your duff praying that the Most High will show up before you are murdered, or you can FIGHT these #Criminals and psychopaths, the way He would expect you to! I'm all for His return! Of course I may not live to see it! My kids may not even see it! You CANNOT count on two in the bush folks! I put my faith and trust in Him and FEAR NO MAN! And with Him watching over me, I'll fight these scumbags until the breathe leaves my body! Nothing in the bible says to lay down and be a coward! Matter of fact it says that COWARDS will find their place in the lake of fire! So be BOLD and STAND against #Evil like you've got a pair! Providing you are doing His will.... You will be fine! Revelation 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” https://youtu.be/_yMw9OPadbU
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 973 Ansichten

    You are a FOOL to have a child in a #Hospital!

    1.) ALL Hospitals are owned by #Jews or #Luciferians one!

    2.) They will create your child's "Legal Fiction" when born and use it to enslave him/her for the rest of their life! They'll first DECEIVE the child into believing that the "Legal Fiction" is them, and they'll use it to keep the child a #Slave until DEATH!

    3.) These #Evil scumbags are collecting your child's DNA to be stored not only at the #Vatican and "government" databases.... They will also SELL THE DATA to other private #Corporations! (what you call "Government" is a private corporation!

    4.) You child's "Berth Certificate" is sent to the Vatican, AND the document basically states that YOU surrender the child to the state! It's a FACT!

    5.) It is quite likely that a "Track and Trace GPS location device complete with audio" will be implanted into both YOU and your child while in the hospital!

    YOU don't know what EVIL truly is......
    But if you'll pay attention..... YOU WILL!

    WHY DOES THE STATE NEED MY BABIES DNA ON FILE? WHY DIDN'T I RECEIVE INFORMED CONSENT ABOUT THIS? You are a FOOL to have a child in a #Hospital! 1.) ALL Hospitals are owned by #Jews or #Luciferians one! 2.) They will create your child's "Legal Fiction" when born and use it to enslave him/her for the rest of their life! They'll first DECEIVE the child into believing that the "Legal Fiction" is them, and they'll use it to keep the child a #Slave until DEATH! 3.) These #Evil scumbags are collecting your child's DNA to be stored not only at the #Vatican and "government" databases.... They will also SELL THE DATA to other private #Corporations! (what you call "Government" is a private corporation! 4.) You child's "Berth Certificate" is sent to the Vatican, AND the document basically states that YOU surrender the child to the state! It's a FACT! 5.) It is quite likely that a "Track and Trace GPS location device complete with audio" will be implanted into both YOU and your child while in the hospital! YOU don't know what EVIL truly is...... But if you'll pay attention..... YOU WILL! https://old.bitchute.com/video/wy9cpDMvXsQc/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 824 Ansichten
  • Operation “Trust:” The 100-Year-Old Psy-op Repackaged As Qanon

    While I have no issue with people encouraging you to do your own research....
    I do take issue with ANYTHING that keeps YOU from taking action or puts you into a "holding pattern" waiting for someone to "save you"

    I also take issue with supposed "White Hats" who stand idly by as BILLIONS of people are injected with a weapon of #Genocide!

    As #Police are unlawfully arresting Americans EVERY SINGLE DAY
    (When not murdering them or stealing their stuff via civil asset forfeiture)
    Donald Trump is on television telling us he wants to prevent ANY ACCOUNTABILITY of police officers (As if they have ever been held accountable)

    ANY "Plan" which is asking me to put faith in our corrupt, illegitimate "government" which is nothing more than a corporation, ruling you under maritime admiralty law, Well let's just say that plan sucks!

    The ONLY "White Hats" (Good Guys) I have ever seen in government are IMMEDIATELY FIRED and oftentimes prosecuted under some bogus BS charge!

    There are a couple of things that EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW!

    Number 1, THE EARTH IS FLAT and everything you think you know is WRONG!
    Every corporation on earth calling itself a "government" has been deceiving and brainwashing their own people (Technically their VICTIMS)

    Number 2, Every "Police Officer," Judge, Court, Senator, Congressman etc.....
    Is operating under the #Fraud based "Maritime Admiralty Law" system of control, and they control EVERYTHING because the people have allowed them to continue to claim #Jurisdiction over them!

    Number 3, Those people are ALL controlled by Satan and his secret societies, the Vatican, Jews, Jesuits, Knights of Malta etc..... all of which are Luciferian. As is every massive"Corporation" and BANK!

    It's a big club and YOU ain't in it!

    Operation “Trust:” The 100-Year-Old Psy-op Repackaged As Qanon While I have no issue with people encouraging you to do your own research.... I do take issue with ANYTHING that keeps YOU from taking action or puts you into a "holding pattern" waiting for someone to "save you" I also take issue with supposed "White Hats" who stand idly by as BILLIONS of people are injected with a weapon of #Genocide! As #Police are unlawfully arresting Americans EVERY SINGLE DAY (When not murdering them or stealing their stuff via civil asset forfeiture) Donald Trump is on television telling us he wants to prevent ANY ACCOUNTABILITY of police officers (As if they have ever been held accountable) ANY "Plan" which is asking me to put faith in our corrupt, illegitimate "government" which is nothing more than a corporation, ruling you under maritime admiralty law, Well let's just say that plan sucks! The ONLY "White Hats" (Good Guys) I have ever seen in government are IMMEDIATELY FIRED and oftentimes prosecuted under some bogus BS charge! There are a couple of things that EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW! Number 1, THE EARTH IS FLAT and everything you think you know is WRONG! Every corporation on earth calling itself a "government" has been deceiving and brainwashing their own people (Technically their VICTIMS) Number 2, Every "Police Officer," Judge, Court, Senator, Congressman etc..... Is operating under the #Fraud based "Maritime Admiralty Law" system of control, and they control EVERYTHING because the people have allowed them to continue to claim #Jurisdiction over them! Number 3, Those people are ALL controlled by Satan and his secret societies, the Vatican, Jews, Jesuits, Knights of Malta etc..... all of which are Luciferian. As is every massive"Corporation" and BANK! It's a big club and YOU ain't in it! https://winepressnews.com/2021/02/17/operation-trust-the-100-year-old-psy-op-repackaged-as-qanon/
    0 Kommentare 0 Anteile 1256 Ansichten

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