• #Twinkies #Libtards #BasementDwellers
    You're brainwashed if you believe this shit!
    #Twinkies #Libtards #BasementDwellers You're brainwashed if you believe this shit! https://imgflip.com/i/8y120u
    0 Comments 1 Shares 437 Views
  • Go Serve In China's Army Imbecile. We Don't Want/Need Fairies Like You.

    Now we have gun-grabber twinkies in the #Military?
    Go and fight and die in a #Banker #War and STFU!

    You are a MORON if you join today's military to fight in banker wars! I'm sorry... But that's the cold, hard #Truth!

    But to preach at the men and women of this country about guns??? Bi*ch, get the f*ck out of here before I slap your face!

    Go Serve In China's Army Imbecile. We Don't Want/Need Fairies Like You. Now we have gun-grabber twinkies in the #Military? Go and fight and die in a #Banker #War and STFU! You are a MORON if you join today's military to fight in banker wars! I'm sorry... But that's the cold, hard #Truth! But to preach at the men and women of this country about guns??? Bi*ch, get the f*ck out of here before I slap your face! https://youtu.be/CDhNkOSwCi0
    0 Comments 0 Shares 127 Views
  • THIS is who we are looking to for what is #Truth and what is not?
    For one thing... I'm not sure she could find the truth herself, because she likely keeps getting distracted by the twinkies and bon bons!


    Because as we've already seen, most of these people live in a world of FANTASY and DECEPTION!

    If she sincerely sought the "TRUTH" she'd label herself, and every Corporate #Media Outlet out there is "Misinformation"

    Then she'd be forced to label the #CDC and #WHO and #Pfizer "Misinformation" or "Disinformation" whatever!

    But the bottom line is really pretty simple....
    Mankind does NOT NEED someone else to tell them what information is credible and what information is not!


    Anytime you allow another person to tell you what is "Reality" then you have already been DECEIVED!

    This is why #Censorship needs to be a CRIME!
    Government has ALREADY altered every search engine on earth to return ONLY GOVERNMENT, WHO, CDC, OR UN NARRATIVES!

    You can go look for yourself! You'll get ONLY "Official Narratives" and then you'll get the VERY SAME PAGES OVER AND OVER AGAIN!

    If you continue scrolling down, you'll soon find that after a few pages, maybe 2 or 3 hundred articles, Google will tell you "All the other sites are similar to these, so we are not showing them to you"

    The sites that are hidden CONTAIN THE TRUTH!
    Whereas the government narrative is pure BS!

    Everyone in the US should currently have a LAWSUIT against these censors and the media for HIDING LIFE SAVING INFORMATION FROM THEM!

    This is a CRIME against Humanity!
    It's like hiding the weather report during a hurricane!

    Go and watch "Where Did the Rest of the Internet Go?" by
    Truth Stream Media on YouTube!

    Our SEARCH ENGINES are already hiding BILLIONS OF WEB PAGES by regular people who speak TRUTH. And have replaced them with #Propaganda which just repeats itself!

    THIS is who we are looking to for what is #Truth and what is not? For one thing... I'm not sure she could find the truth herself, because she likely keeps getting distracted by the twinkies and bon bons! NO ONE PERSON OR GROUP OF PEOPLE CAN EVER DECIDE WHAT "TRUTH" IS FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD! Because as we've already seen, most of these people live in a world of FANTASY and DECEPTION! If she sincerely sought the "TRUTH" she'd label herself, and every Corporate #Media Outlet out there is "Misinformation" Then she'd be forced to label the #CDC and #WHO and #Pfizer "Misinformation" or "Disinformation" whatever! But the bottom line is really pretty simple.... Mankind does NOT NEED someone else to tell them what information is credible and what information is not! BECAUSE WE DISCERN THIS INFORMATION FOR OURSELVES! Anytime you allow another person to tell you what is "Reality" then you have already been DECEIVED! This is why #Censorship needs to be a CRIME! Government has ALREADY altered every search engine on earth to return ONLY GOVERNMENT, WHO, CDC, OR UN NARRATIVES! You can go look for yourself! You'll get ONLY "Official Narratives" and then you'll get the VERY SAME PAGES OVER AND OVER AGAIN! If you continue scrolling down, you'll soon find that after a few pages, maybe 2 or 3 hundred articles, Google will tell you "All the other sites are similar to these, so we are not showing them to you" BUT THAT'S NOT TRUE! The sites that are hidden CONTAIN THE TRUTH! Whereas the government narrative is pure BS! Everyone in the US should currently have a LAWSUIT against these censors and the media for HIDING LIFE SAVING INFORMATION FROM THEM! This is a CRIME against Humanity! It's like hiding the weather report during a hurricane! UNACCEPTABLE and they ARE LIABLE! Go and watch "Where Did the Rest of the Internet Go?" by Truth Stream Media on YouTube! Our SEARCH ENGINES are already hiding BILLIONS OF WEB PAGES by regular people who speak TRUTH. And have replaced them with #Propaganda which just repeats itself! https://gab.com/guymanly/posts/109803616717905116
    guymanly on Gab: ''
    guymanly on Gab: ''
    0 Comments 0 Shares 501 Views
  • I giggled my ass off watching two spandex splitting discusting dirty fat ass purple haired freeloaders shot down at the checkout. They had two overflowing carts of junk food. It's just that easy for the gov to shut them down. The screams of how they were gonna trash something or someone while getting in a very nice car was a bit disturbing. How dare the gov deny them their entitlement of Twinkies and Cheeseballs.

    I giggled my ass off watching two spandex splitting discusting dirty fat ass purple haired freeloaders shot down at the checkout. They had two overflowing carts of junk food. It's just that easy for the gov to shut them down. The screams of how they were gonna trash something or someone while getting in a very nice car was a bit disturbing. How dare the gov deny them their entitlement of Twinkies and Cheeseballs. https://www.inquirer.com/news/pennsylvania/snap-ebt-card-system-outage-strikes-pennsylvania-20220828.html
    SNAP, EBT card system outage strikes Pennsylvania
    From Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, reports poured in Sunday of enrollees unable to access their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 132 Views
  • What F*CKING IDIOTS!!!
    As an American I want to reach out to each and EVERY one of you to
    PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN and tell these f*cking #Communist scumbags to stop messing with the English Language to try and further their Communist/Marxist Agenda!!!

    It's time for an end of this war against YOUR MIND!!!
    "Amen" is how a Christian ends a prayer! There is no reference to "gender" there!!! But these Commy Twinkies won't be happy until they completely control EVERYTHING YOU THINK!!!

    It's time to start HANGING the traitors in this country!!!
    The government has a very limited time to set things right OR
    "We the People" are going to DO IT FOR THEM!!!

    As Congressman Guy Reschenthaler noted on Twitter, however, “amen” is not a gendered word but rather Latin for “so be it.”

    What F*CKING IDIOTS!!! As an American I want to reach out to each and EVERY one of you to PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN and tell these f*cking #Communist scumbags to stop messing with the English Language to try and further their Communist/Marxist Agenda!!! It's time for an end of this war against YOUR MIND!!! "Amen" is how a Christian ends a prayer! There is no reference to "gender" there!!! But these Commy Twinkies won't be happy until they completely control EVERYTHING YOU THINK!!! It's time to start HANGING the traitors in this country!!! The government has a very limited time to set things right OR "We the People" are going to DO IT FOR THEM!!! As Congressman Guy Reschenthaler noted on Twitter, however, “amen” is not a gendered word but rather Latin for “so be it.” https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/congress-awomen-prayer/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 123 Views
  • Idiots, #Leftists, and SJW twinkies like this are fighting for #Communism!!
    They are doing ALL OF THIS STUPID SH*T in order to bring Communism to America!!!

    #DemonRats have sold out to the Communist #Chinese!!!
    F*cking morons like this are a waste of space and air!!!

    Natural selection used to kill off complete and total MORONS like this, but since our government has started FORCED CHARITY and lifetime financial support for lazy morons who refuse to work and are too dumb to exist so we have PLENTY OF THEM!!!

    The American People need to SERIOUSLY CONSIDER withdrawing their "consent to be governed"!!!

    The government has no money!!!
    The government has no Authority......... until "we the people" CHOOSE to give them their authority!!!

    Our government has grown blatantly #Tyrannical and #Corrupt!!!
    Our #DOJ and #FBI and #CIA have ALL went rogue and are acting illegally and failing to uphold their oaths (and the law)

    These people especially need to be sent to PRISON!!!
    It's time to ABOLISH GOVERNMENT since they are too Corrupt to operate in modern America!!! They plan on selling YOU & YOUR FAMILY OUT to #Totalitarian scumbags seeking the "New World Order" or as they call it now......... "The Great Reset"

    This great reset will leave YOU a peasant or DEAD!!!
    You will be a SLAVE to the scumbag dictators and you will LOSE EVERYTHING YOU OWN because they plan to abolish Private Property!!!

    Lock and Load America!!!

    Idiots, #Leftists, and SJW twinkies like this are fighting for #Communism!! They are doing ALL OF THIS STUPID SH*T in order to bring Communism to America!!! #DemonRats have sold out to the Communist #Chinese!!! F*cking morons like this are a waste of space and air!!! Natural selection used to kill off complete and total MORONS like this, but since our government has started FORCED CHARITY and lifetime financial support for lazy morons who refuse to work and are too dumb to exist so we have PLENTY OF THEM!!! The American People need to SERIOUSLY CONSIDER withdrawing their "consent to be governed"!!! The government has no money!!! The government has no Authority......... until "we the people" CHOOSE to give them their authority!!! Our government has grown blatantly #Tyrannical and #Corrupt!!! Our #DOJ and #FBI and #CIA have ALL went rogue and are acting illegally and failing to uphold their oaths (and the law) These people especially need to be sent to PRISON!!! It's time to ABOLISH GOVERNMENT since they are too Corrupt to operate in modern America!!! They plan on selling YOU & YOUR FAMILY OUT to #Totalitarian scumbags seeking the "New World Order" or as they call it now......... "The Great Reset" This great reset will leave YOU a peasant or DEAD!!! You will be a SLAVE to the scumbag dictators and you will LOSE EVERYTHING YOU OWN because they plan to abolish Private Property!!! Welcome to YOUR COMMUNIST FUTURE!!! Lock and Load America!!! https://youtu.be/qckZ4yTrxs8
    0 Comments 0 Shares 127 Views

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