• https://www.shareapuzzle.com/play/18358/TheAlterOfIgnorance.GatewayToTheAmericanWay_theSRNEWSProjectMarch172023.htm
    The weekend has arrived as has the SRNEWS Project
    https://www.shareapuzzle.com/play/18358/TheAlterOfIgnorance.GatewayToTheAmericanWay_theSRNEWSProjectMarch172023.htm The weekend has arrived as has the SRNEWS Project
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 406 Views
  • SHOP LOCAL!!! Soon the supply chains will collapse! It is important RIGHT NOW to start building up LOCAL SUPPLIERS!

    Especially local FARMS and RANCHES!
    We should ALL have a chicken coop with 2 to 3 dozen chickens! And either goats or sheep or Pigs!

    You'll be wanting some MEAT! And plant that garden!
    We should ALL be thinking GARDEN!!!
    And PRAY! There's more power there than you know!

    #ThinkAboutIt.Thursday - Americans need to understand the high COST of buying cheap imports versus the long-term VALUE of buying #AMERICANmade. No single shift in domestic economic behavior will have a greater and positive impact on the United States economy than buying more products #madeinAmerica

    #buyAMERICAN - This doesn’t require an Act of Congress. It needs no special tax legislation or international trade packs. It has no downside. But it will help reduce unemployment. It will also strengthen our national security, increase revenues, reduce annual budget deficits and help decrease our growing national debt

    #DoYourPart - While we must certainly discourage U.S. companies from shipping jobs offshore, American consumers must do their part by purchasing #USAmade products and services when possible. Nothing helps our fellow Americans more than when we #ShopSmall & #ShopLocal - but, more importantly, when we shop American-Made - why?, because #MadeInChinaIsNotLocal

    #EconomicPatriotism - Now is the time for Americans to support U.S. brands that keep jobs in America. We should demand that our local stores and retailers stock products from American brands that were actually made by American hands. And price must not be the sole factor when making purchasing decisions in this area of economic recovery

    #allAMERICAN - Your hard-working fellow Americans are doing things the right way - the ethical way - by paying a fair wage, not using exploited labor, ensuring a safe working environment, abiding by strict environmental regulations, leaving a smaller carbon footprint, preserving American craftsmanship, providing unique conversation pieces, and keeping their neighbors employed

    #everydaytheAMERICANway we champion #madeinUSA / @labelconscioUS
    SHOP LOCAL!!! Soon the supply chains will collapse! It is important RIGHT NOW to start building up LOCAL SUPPLIERS! Especially local FARMS and RANCHES! We should ALL have a chicken coop with 2 to 3 dozen chickens! And either goats or sheep or Pigs! You'll be wanting some MEAT! And plant that garden! We should ALL be thinking GARDEN!!! And PRAY! There's more power there than you know! #ThinkAboutIt.Thursday - Americans need to understand the high COST of buying cheap imports versus the long-term VALUE of buying #AMERICANmade. No single shift in domestic economic behavior will have a greater and positive impact on the United States economy than buying more products #madeinAmerica #buyAMERICAN - This doesn’t require an Act of Congress. It needs no special tax legislation or international trade packs. It has no downside. But it will help reduce unemployment. It will also strengthen our national security, increase revenues, reduce annual budget deficits and help decrease our growing national debt #DoYourPart - While we must certainly discourage U.S. companies from shipping jobs offshore, American consumers must do their part by purchasing #USAmade products and services when possible. Nothing helps our fellow Americans more than when we #ShopSmall & #ShopLocal - but, more importantly, when we shop American-Made - why?, because #MadeInChinaIsNotLocal #EconomicPatriotism - Now is the time for Americans to support U.S. brands that keep jobs in America. We should demand that our local stores and retailers stock products from American brands that were actually made by American hands. And price must not be the sole factor when making purchasing decisions in this area of economic recovery #allAMERICAN - Your hard-working fellow Americans are doing things the right way - the ethical way - by paying a fair wage, not using exploited labor, ensuring a safe working environment, abiding by strict environmental regulations, leaving a smaller carbon footprint, preserving American craftsmanship, providing unique conversation pieces, and keeping their neighbors employed #everydaytheAMERICANway we champion #madeinUSA / @labelconscioUS 🇺🇸 *
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 5398 Views
  • “Xephula is very easy to use. Signing up and posting was effortless and it did not feel clunky or like I was shouting at the clouds in an empty echo chamber.”

    “People on Xephula were interacting with me like they had known me already, which was kind of cool. It was more natural and organic feeling, not like people just being angry at the world and yelling things. It was more like hanging out with friends.”

    XEPHULA is now giving away 10,000 FREE XEPH Crypto Tokens when you join. Get 20 XEPH for making a post, get 10 XEPH for making a comment, and 6 XEPH for reacting to a post. Get 500 XEPH for referring other users! Hold on to your Tokens for their big new store launch that will accept XEPH!


    #socialmedia #freespeech #truth #justice #theamericanway
    “Xephula is very easy to use. Signing up and posting was effortless and it did not feel clunky or like I was shouting at the clouds in an empty echo chamber.” “People on Xephula were interacting with me like they had known me already, which was kind of cool. It was more natural and organic feeling, not like people just being angry at the world and yelling things. It was more like hanging out with friends.” XEPHULA is now giving away 10,000 FREE XEPH Crypto Tokens when you join. Get 20 XEPH for making a post, get 10 XEPH for making a comment, and 6 XEPH for reacting to a post. Get 500 XEPH for referring other users! Hold on to your Tokens for their big new store launch that will accept XEPH! https://xephula.com/ #socialmedia #freespeech #truth #justice #theamericanway
    Welcome to XEPHULA
    Create an account and log into XEPHULA. Connect with friends, family and other people from all around the world. It's more than just social media, it's an adventure!
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 406 Views
  • "This country was founded on principles, but in times of crisis, you MUST completely abandon all rights and principles and just allow politicians and doctors to kidnap you, force you into a rape cage, and torture you. It's the American way." ~ Abraham Lincoln from an alternate reality where he teamed up with the red coats in the civil war against Americans to preserve slavery.

    This scamdemic has taught us a fundamental lesson. One of the MOST IMPORTANT things that citizens of every nation on Earth MUST demand from their political oppressors is to abolish the "state of emergency" privileges that politicians have over citizens. Declaring a state of emergency is a huge FU*K YOU to citizens because it immediately suspends ALL civil liberties and ALL constitutional rights.

    Declaring a state of emergency allows politicians to run nations Hilter-style. It allows them to imprison you for simply taking a walk outside, as the case now under the scamdemic. It allows them to torture you for not complying with their mandates, as the case now under the scamdemic. It allows them to kidnap you ("arrest you" in doublespeak) from your own home, as the case now under the scamdemic. It allows them to gag you for saying mean things about them or for having critical thoughts about the scamdemic.

    It allows them to kidnap people left and right and force them into rape cages (prisons in doublespeak) for not complying with whatever laws they decided among themselves, as the case now under the scamdemic. It allows them to shut down electricity and utilities for citizens who don't obey them, as the case now under the scamdemic. It allows them to fly their spy drones over cities and watch your every movement, as the case now under the scamdemic. It allows them to forbid you from visiting your grandparents on their deathbeds, as the case now under the scamdemic. It allows them to forbid you from being with your grandparents in their last moments, as the case now under the scamdemic.

    Basically, you're reduced to a slave with no rights once politicians declare a state of emergency. And that state of emergency, of course, can be completely under false pretense as the case now under the scamdemic.

    State of emergency laws MUST BE ABOLISHED.

    #AbrahamLincoln #AbeLincoln #AbrahamLincolnSpeaks #AbrahamLincolnFromTheDead #TheAmericanWay #AmericanWayOfLife #TheNewDarkAges #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #ScientificTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask #MaskUp #WeAreInThisTogether #WeAreNotInThisTogether #FaceDiaper #FaceMuzzle #N95Masks #N95Mask #MaskOfShame #MasksAreForPussies #NoMaskNoService #NoVaccineNoService #COVIDIOTS #ThisIsForYourSafety #ItsForYourSafety #ItsForYourOwnSafety #ForYourSafety #BeSafe #StaySafe #OrderOutOfChaos #ProblemReactionSolution #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Pandemic #PlannedPandemic #Plandemic #ID2020 #TrustTheHealthExperts #TrustTheExperts #HealthPolitician #HealthPoliticians #MedicalMartialLaw #MedicalMartialLaw2020 #Event201 #NWO #UNICEF #CEPI #Gavi #GlobalFinancingFacility #TheGlobalFund #TheCenterForGlobalDevelopment #GatesFoundation #NewWorldOrder #OneWorldGovernment #OWG #HouseArrest #HouseArrestForEveryone #COVID19 #COVID #Coronavirus #COVID19Lockdown #PopulationControl #FamilyPlanning #CrowdControl #MassFear #DividedWeFall #SelfIsolation #NewNorm #NewNormal #Transhumanism #GeneticallyModifiedHumans #TheyNeverNeededYourConsent #GMOhuman #GMOhumans
    "This country was founded on principles, but in times of crisis, you MUST completely abandon all rights and principles and just allow politicians and doctors to kidnap you, force you into a rape cage, and torture you. It's the American way." ~ Abraham Lincoln from an alternate reality where he teamed up with the red coats in the civil war against Americans to preserve slavery. This scamdemic has taught us a fundamental lesson. One of the MOST IMPORTANT things that citizens of every nation on Earth MUST demand from their political oppressors is to abolish the "state of emergency" privileges that politicians have over citizens. Declaring a state of emergency is a huge FU*K YOU to citizens because it immediately suspends ALL civil liberties and ALL constitutional rights. Declaring a state of emergency allows politicians to run nations Hilter-style. It allows them to imprison you for simply taking a walk outside, as the case now under the scamdemic. It allows them to torture you for not complying with their mandates, as the case now under the scamdemic. It allows them to kidnap you ("arrest you" in doublespeak) from your own home, as the case now under the scamdemic. It allows them to gag you for saying mean things about them or for having critical thoughts about the scamdemic. It allows them to kidnap people left and right and force them into rape cages (prisons in doublespeak) for not complying with whatever laws they decided among themselves, as the case now under the scamdemic. It allows them to shut down electricity and utilities for citizens who don't obey them, as the case now under the scamdemic. It allows them to fly their spy drones over cities and watch your every movement, as the case now under the scamdemic. It allows them to forbid you from visiting your grandparents on their deathbeds, as the case now under the scamdemic. It allows them to forbid you from being with your grandparents in their last moments, as the case now under the scamdemic. Basically, you're reduced to a slave with no rights once politicians declare a state of emergency. And that state of emergency, of course, can be completely under false pretense as the case now under the scamdemic. State of emergency laws MUST BE ABOLISHED. #AbrahamLincoln #AbeLincoln #AbrahamLincolnSpeaks #AbrahamLincolnFromTheDead #TheAmericanWay #AmericanWayOfLife #TheNewDarkAges #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #ScientificTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask #MaskUp #WeAreInThisTogether #WeAreNotInThisTogether #FaceDiaper #FaceMuzzle #N95Masks #N95Mask #MaskOfShame #MasksAreForPussies #NoMaskNoService #NoVaccineNoService #COVIDIOTS #ThisIsForYourSafety #ItsForYourSafety #ItsForYourOwnSafety #ForYourSafety #BeSafe #StaySafe #OrderOutOfChaos #ProblemReactionSolution #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Pandemic #PlannedPandemic #Plandemic #ID2020 #TrustTheHealthExperts #TrustTheExperts #HealthPolitician #HealthPoliticians #MedicalMartialLaw #MedicalMartialLaw2020 #Event201 #NWO #UNICEF #CEPI #Gavi #GlobalFinancingFacility #TheGlobalFund #TheCenterForGlobalDevelopment #GatesFoundation #NewWorldOrder #OneWorldGovernment #OWG #HouseArrest #HouseArrestForEveryone #COVID19 #COVID #Coronavirus #COVID19Lockdown #PopulationControl #FamilyPlanning #CrowdControl #MassFear #DividedWeFall #SelfIsolation #NewNorm #NewNormal #Transhumanism #GeneticallyModifiedHumans #TheyNeverNeededYourConsent #GMOhuman #GMOhumans
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 1283 Views

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