• https://medforth.biz/france-12-year-old-jewish-girl-raped-in-suspected-antisemitic-attack/
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  • Consider Jesus

    Consider Jesus https://beta.sermonaudio.com/sermons/61824163361692/
    Consider Jesus
    Lawrence Blair | Pilgrim Devotion
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  • https://medforth.biz/germany-afghan-parents-suspected-of-murdering-their-15-year-old-daughter/
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  • Why Mormons Are Going to Hell
    And no, I do NOT hate Mormons. It is my hope that they will see the true light and get out of their cults and into salvation!

    Years ago I lived in the Phoenix, Arizona area and I met a crusty old Marine who asked me if I knew why there were so many Mormons in the Phoenix area. I told him, "No, why are there?"

    He replied, "They know where they're going in the hereafter, and they came here to get used to the heat." Case closed.

    Actually, it goes even deeper.
    This is hidden camera footage of a Mormon temple ritual.

    If you were looking for the movie, “We will go down”, starring University of Utah alum and award winning adult film star, Christie Stevens, you’ve come to the wrong place. This is just hidden camera footage of part of a secret Mormon cult ceremony recorded in a Mormon temple in Arizona in 2016. Sorry.

    This video shows the part of the Mormon temple endowment ceremony commonly referred to as "the instructions at the veil". Mormons believe that they will be required to give Masonic handgrips before entering the Celestial Kingdom (aka Heaven) to the angels that stand as sentinels. Only Mormon adults are allowed to participate in this ceremony. In fact, a vast majority of Mormons under the age of 18 have no clue what adults do in their temples. They're told it's "too sacred to talk about".

    Mormon Jesus is not our Jesus. This is what separates them from REAL Christian believers.

    Maybe we need to let them know they can't take it with them and they don't take credit cards in hell? They also don't serve breakfast in hell.

    Here is where Mormons, Roman Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, and all other cults go wrong, and it insures they will spend eternity in hell.

    Revelation 22: 18-21
    18. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

    19. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book
    Why Mormons Are Going to Hell And no, I do NOT hate Mormons. It is my hope that they will see the true light and get out of their cults and into salvation! Years ago I lived in the Phoenix, Arizona area and I met a crusty old Marine who asked me if I knew why there were so many Mormons in the Phoenix area. I told him, "No, why are there?" He replied, "They know where they're going in the hereafter, and they came here to get used to the heat." Case closed. Actually, it goes even deeper. This is hidden camera footage of a Mormon temple ritual. If you were looking for the movie, “We will go down”, starring University of Utah alum and award winning adult film star, Christie Stevens, you’ve come to the wrong place. This is just hidden camera footage of part of a secret Mormon cult ceremony recorded in a Mormon temple in Arizona in 2016. Sorry. This video shows the part of the Mormon temple endowment ceremony commonly referred to as "the instructions at the veil". Mormons believe that they will be required to give Masonic handgrips before entering the Celestial Kingdom (aka Heaven) to the angels that stand as sentinels. Only Mormon adults are allowed to participate in this ceremony. In fact, a vast majority of Mormons under the age of 18 have no clue what adults do in their temples. They're told it's "too sacred to talk about". Mormon Jesus is not our Jesus. This is what separates them from REAL Christian believers. Maybe we need to let them know they can't take it with them and they don't take credit cards in hell? They also don't serve breakfast in hell. Here is where Mormons, Roman Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses, and all other cults go wrong, and it insures they will spend eternity in hell. Revelation 22: 18-21 18. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book
    0 Comments 0 Shares 247 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/qatargate-unravelling-belgium-leaves-moroccan-suspects-to-be-tried-at-home/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 35 Views
  • From My #Rumble Channel - Please Subscribe!

    Les Feldick - #lesfeldick #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - End Times and #Dispensation - 2 of 4 - NOTE: Baptism represents a public declaration of one’s personal decision to believe in and follow Jesus Christ. Baptism has NOTHING to do with Salvation!

    In this video, Les uses the word "Baptist" when saying that #Baptist teach that baptism is a requirement for #Salvation. Some may teach this False Teaching, but not all. #Jesus said in (Matthew 7:15), "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." The Apostle #Paul says in (Acts 20:29-30), "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them."

    The wolves have obviously crept in some local assemblies!

    The Signs of the Times!

    Topics discussed: The KJV Bible is the BEST translation in the English Language!; Corrupt Bibles; Water Baptism; Divisions in the #Church; The dispensation of the grace of God was taught by the Apostle Paul; The dispensation of the #Law was taught by Moses; The gospel of the Kingdom; The Gospel of the grace of God; Today there is ONLY ONE GOSPEL!; God didn't allow the destruction of the Temple until Paul had finished his ministry; The 12 was sent by Jesus ONLY to the lost sheep of #Israel;

    #EndTimes, #2Timothy, #1Corinthians, #Ephesians, #Isaiah, #Exodus, #1Peter #Acts - https://rumble.com/v523ral-les-feldick-end-times-and-dispensation-2-of-4.html
    From My #Rumble Channel - Please Subscribe! Les Feldick - #lesfeldick #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - End Times and #Dispensation - 2 of 4 - NOTE: Baptism represents a public declaration of one’s personal decision to believe in and follow Jesus Christ. Baptism has NOTHING to do with Salvation! In this video, Les uses the word "Baptist" when saying that #Baptist teach that baptism is a requirement for #Salvation. Some may teach this False Teaching, but not all. #Jesus said in (Matthew 7:15), "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." The Apostle #Paul says in (Acts 20:29-30), "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them." The wolves have obviously crept in some local assemblies! The Signs of the Times! Topics discussed: The KJV Bible is the BEST translation in the English Language!; Corrupt Bibles; Water Baptism; Divisions in the #Church; The dispensation of the grace of God was taught by the Apostle Paul; The dispensation of the #Law was taught by Moses; The gospel of the Kingdom; The Gospel of the grace of God; Today there is ONLY ONE GOSPEL!; God didn't allow the destruction of the Temple until Paul had finished his ministry; The 12 was sent by Jesus ONLY to the lost sheep of #Israel; #EndTimes, #2Timothy, #1Corinthians, #Ephesians, #Isaiah, #Exodus, #1Peter #Acts - https://rumble.com/v523ral-les-feldick-end-times-and-dispensation-2-of-4.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 301 Views
  • From My #Rumble Channel - Please Subscribe!

    Les Feldick - #lesfeldick #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - End Times and #Dispensation - 2 of 4 - NOTE: Baptism represents a public declaration of one’s personal decision to believe in and follow Jesus Christ. Baptism has NOTHING to do with Salvation!

    In this video, Les uses the word "Baptist" when saying that #Baptist teach that baptism is a requirement for #Salvation. Some may teach this False Teaching, but not all. #Jesus said in (Matthew 7:15), "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." The Apostle #Paul says in (Acts 20:29-30), "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them."

    The wolves have obviously crept in some local assemblies!

    The Signs of the Times!

    Topics discussed: The KJV Bible is the BEST translation in the English Language!; Corrupt Bibles; Water Baptism; Divisions in the #Church; The #dispensation of the grace of God was taught by the Apostle Paul; The dispensation of the #Law was taught by Moses; The gospel of the Kingdom; The Gospel of the grace of God; Today there is ONLY ONE GOSPEL!; God didn't allow the destruction of the Temple until Paul had finished his ministry; The 12 was sent by Jesus ONLY to the lost sheep of #Israel;

    #EndTimes, #2Timothy, #1Corinthians, #Ephesians, #Isaiah, #Exodus, #1Peter #Acts - https://rumble.com/v523ral-les-feldick-end-times-and-dispensation-2-of-4.html
    From My #Rumble Channel - Please Subscribe! Les Feldick - #lesfeldick #sermon #scripture #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible #bibleclass #kjv1611 #faith #religion #Christian - End Times and #Dispensation - 2 of 4 - NOTE: Baptism represents a public declaration of one’s personal decision to believe in and follow Jesus Christ. Baptism has NOTHING to do with Salvation! In this video, Les uses the word "Baptist" when saying that #Baptist teach that baptism is a requirement for #Salvation. Some may teach this False Teaching, but not all. #Jesus said in (Matthew 7:15), "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." The Apostle #Paul says in (Acts 20:29-30), "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them." The wolves have obviously crept in some local assemblies! The Signs of the Times! Topics discussed: The KJV Bible is the BEST translation in the English Language!; Corrupt Bibles; Water Baptism; Divisions in the #Church; The #dispensation of the grace of God was taught by the Apostle Paul; The dispensation of the #Law was taught by Moses; The gospel of the Kingdom; The Gospel of the grace of God; Today there is ONLY ONE GOSPEL!; God didn't allow the destruction of the Temple until Paul had finished his ministry; The 12 was sent by Jesus ONLY to the lost sheep of #Israel; #EndTimes, #2Timothy, #1Corinthians, #Ephesians, #Isaiah, #Exodus, #1Peter #Acts - https://rumble.com/v523ral-les-feldick-end-times-and-dispensation-2-of-4.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 294 Views
  • Yuval Noah Harari: Christians, KNOW YOUR ENEMY!

    SUMMARY: The focus is on Yuval Noah Harari. AND Harari is a STRONG candidate for a 21st century False Prophet (or at least an antichrist spirit) which the last book of the New Testament warns the Believers in the Risen Savior Jesus Christ. The ThriveTime video is lengthy but worth KNOWING YOUR ENEMY, TAKE A LOOK!
    Yuval Noah Harari: Christians, KNOW YOUR ENEMY! https://johnhouk.substack.com/p/yuval-noah-harari-christians-know SUMMARY: The focus is on Yuval Noah Harari. AND Harari is a STRONG candidate for a 21st century False Prophet (or at least an antichrist spirit) which the last book of the New Testament warns the Believers in the Risen Savior Jesus Christ. The ThriveTime video is lengthy but worth KNOWING YOUR ENEMY, TAKE A LOOK! #FalseProphetHarari
    0 Comments 0 Shares 158 Views

    What is the fundamental difference between a state of deep relaxation and meditation versus being totally stressed out and having a panic attack? Well, it is not sleep, food, or exercise. It is breathing. The relaxed person is breathing low, slow, and rhythmically while the stressed-out person is breathing fast, big, shallow, and chaotic. In deep relaxation, the slow breathing leads to restriction in oxygen intake and more CO2 being retained, while the opposite is true for stress and panic.

    If you have a panic attack, which can be considered the ultimate stress, and come to the hospital, you will get a bag to breathe in and out through. The reason why bag breathing works is because you will inhale less oxygen and re-breathe some of the carbon dioxide you just exhaled (the air we breathe out contains about 100 times more carbon dioxide than the air we breathe in). In a study done by Dr. Alicia Meuret, where 43 subjects underwent repeated 24-hour monitoring of respiration and heart-rate, showed that up to 50 minutes before a panic attack the subjects started to breathe faster.
    Up to 50 minutes before the subjects experienced a panic attack, there were small subtle changes in breathing frequency and pulse, which increased, and CO2, which decreased.
    – Dr. Alicia Meuret

    * Reduce Mental Stress
    * Slow Down Your Breathing
    * Heal Emotional Wounds
    * Open Up Your Blood Vessels
    * Increase Muscle Strength
    * More Blood To Your Brain
    * Faster Recovery
    * Open Up Your Airways

    * Better Oxygenation
    * Hypoxia Reduction
    * Increased Vasodilation
    * Increased Cerebral Blood Flow
    * Improve Lung Function
    * Improve Recovery Time
    * Stress Reduction
    * Increased CO2 Tolerance


    #carbogenetics #carbogen #carbohaler #breathing #consciousbreathing #healing #healthy #injuryrecovery #eyesightimprovement #sportsperformance #superendurance #healthimprovement #calmer #relaxation #peaceofmind #covid #covidrecovery #healfromcovid
    DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STRESS AND RELAXATION What is the fundamental difference between a state of deep relaxation and meditation versus being totally stressed out and having a panic attack? Well, it is not sleep, food, or exercise. It is breathing. The relaxed person is breathing low, slow, and rhythmically while the stressed-out person is breathing fast, big, shallow, and chaotic. In deep relaxation, the slow breathing leads to restriction in oxygen intake and more CO2 being retained, while the opposite is true for stress and panic. If you have a panic attack, which can be considered the ultimate stress, and come to the hospital, you will get a bag to breathe in and out through. The reason why bag breathing works is because you will inhale less oxygen and re-breathe some of the carbon dioxide you just exhaled (the air we breathe out contains about 100 times more carbon dioxide than the air we breathe in). In a study done by Dr. Alicia Meuret, where 43 subjects underwent repeated 24-hour monitoring of respiration and heart-rate, showed that up to 50 minutes before a panic attack the subjects started to breathe faster. Up to 50 minutes before the subjects experienced a panic attack, there were small subtle changes in breathing frequency and pulse, which increased, and CO2, which decreased. – Dr. Alicia Meuret CARBOHALER BENEFITS * Reduce Mental Stress * Slow Down Your Breathing * Heal Emotional Wounds * Open Up Your Blood Vessels * Increase Muscle Strength * More Blood To Your Brain * Faster Recovery * Open Up Your Airways * Better Oxygenation * Hypoxia Reduction * Increased Vasodilation * Increased Cerebral Blood Flow * Improve Lung Function * Improve Recovery Time * Stress Reduction * Increased CO2 Tolerance 👉 https://carbogenetics.com/ref/19 👈 #carbogenetics #carbogen #carbohaler #breathing #consciousbreathing #healing #healthy #injuryrecovery #eyesightimprovement #sportsperformance #superendurance #healthimprovement #calmer #relaxation #peaceofmind #covid #covidrecovery #healfromcovid
    0 Comments 0 Shares 155 Views

    The Carbohaler is a device we've developed that adds extra carbon dioxide (CO2) to the air we inhale. We all know how crucial oxygen is for our survival, as we die after just a few minutes if we stop breathing. What very few people know, however, is that carbon dioxide lays the foundation for optimum oxygenation. Oxygen is taken in from the outside when we inhale, while carbon dioxide is produced in our body and leaves our body on the exhale.

    It is not lack of oxygen that triggers a new inhale, it is an excess of CO2.

    Carbon dioxide makes the smooth muscles surrounding the airways relax and widen so that the air can enter the lungs.

    CO2 relaxes and widens the smooth muscles surrounding the blood vessels so that the oxygenated blood can flow freely.

    At the cellular level, CO2 lowers the pH so that hemoglobin changes shape and releases the oxygen (Bohr-effect).

    Four years ago we opened the Conscious Breathing office in Sri Lanka. A year ago the brother of our colleague Chameera had a horrible accident when he was electrocuted. His heart stopped for 15 minutes and ever since he’s been in a coma, the first three months in a ventilator. When Kamod got off the ventilator he formed a lot of mucus in his throat, which made it hard to breathe. A device had to be used to suck out the mucus 30-40 times per day.

    For 7 months there was no progress whatsoever. Then Kamod was given CO2 mixed with normal air for 10 minutes per day, using the Carbohaler device. This was our first prototype.

    After a few weeks, very little mucus was formed, so it was only necessary to suck out mucus 1-2 times per day. And after an additional couple of weeks, he was able to open and close his eyes and make eye contact with his mom.

    Anthony is another colleague working in our Sri Lanka office. When his close friend got covid, despite being fully vaxxed with two shots, and was in a critical condition with low oxygen saturation, we figured that the Carbohaler may be beneficial. Anthony got ok from his friend and the doctor to use the device. Within 24 hours he had made a new prototype and delivered it to the hospital.

    Unfortunately, his friend didn't make it. It was too late. He was only able to use the Carbohaler two times in the evening, one minute each time. The doctor noticed that it had an immediate effect on the oxygen saturation, which increased, but the next morning he was dead. He was really healthy and died only 29 years old. Very, very sad.

    Anthony had met his friend just a week before he died and when he started to feel sick, he suspected he had covid too, which turned out to be the case. Anthony wasn’t too worried, however, as he saw it as an opportunity to test the Carbohaler. Talking about dedication! He even told his wife that he thought it would be good if he got covid, so that he could test the device. Do you think she was happy when he told her!? Nooo, freakin way, she yelled at him and thought he was out of his mind for “wanting to have covid”!!

    Anthony got really sick in covid, with a high fever, extreme tiredness, dry cough, and inflamed throat to the point where he couldn't talk. After five days he was finally able to mobilize enough energy to make a new Carbohaler-device. Immediately when he started to use it the airways opened up, the oxygen saturation stabilized at around 99%, and his cough disappeared. Within two days he was fully recovered!

    Now we are about to test the Carbohaler in hospitals in Sri Lanka, as well as in India, where we also have a small office. Wouldn't that be fantastic if it shows that this has a positive effect. on covid. I think it will. 


    #carbogenetics #carbogen #carbohaler #breathing #consciousbreathing #healing #healthy #injuryrecovery #eyesightimprovement #sportsperformance #superendurance #healthimprovement #calmer #relaxation #peaceofmind #covid #covidrecovery #healfromcovid #epilepsy #epilepsia #fascia #retina #eyes #diseasesymptoms #negativethoughtsimmunity #immunetonegativethoughts #bodystream #painfree
    THE STORY OF THE CARBOHALER The Carbohaler is a device we've developed that adds extra carbon dioxide (CO2) to the air we inhale. We all know how crucial oxygen is for our survival, as we die after just a few minutes if we stop breathing. What very few people know, however, is that carbon dioxide lays the foundation for optimum oxygenation. Oxygen is taken in from the outside when we inhale, while carbon dioxide is produced in our body and leaves our body on the exhale. ✅ It is not lack of oxygen that triggers a new inhale, it is an excess of CO2. ✅ Carbon dioxide makes the smooth muscles surrounding the airways relax and widen so that the air can enter the lungs. ✅ CO2 relaxes and widens the smooth muscles surrounding the blood vessels so that the oxygenated blood can flow freely. ✅ At the cellular level, CO2 lowers the pH so that hemoglobin changes shape and releases the oxygen (Bohr-effect). Four years ago we opened the Conscious Breathing office in Sri Lanka. A year ago the brother of our colleague Chameera had a horrible accident when he was electrocuted. His heart stopped for 15 minutes and ever since he’s been in a coma, the first three months in a ventilator. When Kamod got off the ventilator he formed a lot of mucus in his throat, which made it hard to breathe. A device had to be used to suck out the mucus 30-40 times per day. For 7 months there was no progress whatsoever. Then Kamod was given CO2 mixed with normal air for 10 minutes per day, using the Carbohaler device. This was our first prototype. After a few weeks, very little mucus was formed, so it was only necessary to suck out mucus 1-2 times per day. And after an additional couple of weeks, he was able to open and close his eyes and make eye contact with his mom. Anthony is another colleague working in our Sri Lanka office. When his close friend got covid, despite being fully vaxxed with two shots, and was in a critical condition with low oxygen saturation, we figured that the Carbohaler may be beneficial. Anthony got ok from his friend and the doctor to use the device. Within 24 hours he had made a new prototype and delivered it to the hospital. Unfortunately, his friend didn't make it. It was too late. He was only able to use the Carbohaler two times in the evening, one minute each time. The doctor noticed that it had an immediate effect on the oxygen saturation, which increased, but the next morning he was dead. He was really healthy and died only 29 years old. Very, very sad. Anthony had met his friend just a week before he died and when he started to feel sick, he suspected he had covid too, which turned out to be the case. Anthony wasn’t too worried, however, as he saw it as an opportunity to test the Carbohaler. Talking about dedication! He even told his wife that he thought it would be good if he got covid, so that he could test the device. Do you think she was happy when he told her!? Nooo, freakin way, she yelled at him and thought he was out of his mind for “wanting to have covid”!! Anthony got really sick in covid, with a high fever, extreme tiredness, dry cough, and inflamed throat to the point where he couldn't talk. After five days he was finally able to mobilize enough energy to make a new Carbohaler-device. Immediately when he started to use it the airways opened up, the oxygen saturation stabilized at around 99%, and his cough disappeared. Within two days he was fully recovered! Now we are about to test the Carbohaler in hospitals in Sri Lanka, as well as in India, where we also have a small office. Wouldn't that be fantastic if it shows that this has a positive effect. on covid. I think it will.  https://carbogenetics.com/ref/19 #carbogenetics #carbogen #carbohaler #breathing #consciousbreathing #healing #healthy #injuryrecovery #eyesightimprovement #sportsperformance #superendurance #healthimprovement #calmer #relaxation #peaceofmind #covid #covidrecovery #healfromcovid #epilepsy #epilepsia #fascia #retina #eyes #diseasesymptoms #negativethoughtsimmunity #immunetonegativethoughts #bodystream #painfree
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