• Elon Musk #triggers Brazilian despot.
    He's been doing the same things with Kamala and the democrats lately, too. It's becoming a real #ShitShow. Time to grab your favorite adult beverage and some popcorn and enjoy the show!
    Elon Musk #triggers Brazilian despot. He's been doing the same things with Kamala and the democrats lately, too. It's becoming a real #ShitShow. Time to grab your favorite adult beverage and some popcorn and enjoy the show! https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1829005086606901481
    0 Comments 0 Shares 276 Views
  • I can hardly wait until this #shitshow begins!
    Grab some popcorn and your favorite adult beverage!
    I can hardly wait until this #shitshow begins! Grab some popcorn and your favorite adult beverage! https://old.bitchute.com/video/GkQKbQ4SkzzI/
    Roger Stone Responds To Biden Dropping Out Of Race, Warns Hillary Clinton Will Betray Kamala
    Support Roger Stone by visiting https://stonezone.com/ Trump Bulletproof T-Shirt - https://www.infowarsstore.com/gear/apparel/trump-bullet-proof-shirt **ALEX JONES ON X https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones **https://drjonesnaturals.com/ - SAVE INFOWAR…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 289 Views
  • A live shitshow.
    #stream #politics #news
    A live shitshow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmjt6x9VzuM #stream #politics #news
    0 Comments 0 Shares 173 Views
  • The reason why we have a 2nd Amendment is so that the people of the United States remain armed in the event it is necessary to overthrow an ILLEGAL and ILLEGITIMATE government that takes power by fraudulent means. EXACTLY THE SITUATION WE HAVE NOW!

    The 2nd wasn't for hunting, or target shooting, although those are wonderful things. Out founding fathers were committed revolutionaries who had just fought a war to prevent gun seizures. The troops that left Boston in that April of 1775 did so to confiscate weapons to impose tyranny. The men on Lexington Green and Concord were there to say NO! An unarmed population is a nation of subjects, NOT CITIZENS.

    That the current government is ILLEGITIMATE and ILLEGAL is beyond argument. The shitshow on November was in no way an actual election, it was clearly a COUP.

    So, it should surprise NO ONE that the new tyranny wants to seize all weapons capable of overthrowing their ILLEGITIMATE usurper government. At the same time the Democrat Party is passing laws to invalidate all future elections, ending democracy forever and securing power for themselves and making their criminal cartel owners profit.

    Make 4th of July 2021 the time the American people take their democracy back - ENDING the Democrat Party COUP and control of all governments.
    The reason why we have a 2nd Amendment is so that the people of the United States remain armed in the event it is necessary to overthrow an ILLEGAL and ILLEGITIMATE government that takes power by fraudulent means. EXACTLY THE SITUATION WE HAVE NOW! The 2nd wasn't for hunting, or target shooting, although those are wonderful things. Out founding fathers were committed revolutionaries who had just fought a war to prevent gun seizures. The troops that left Boston in that April of 1775 did so to confiscate weapons to impose tyranny. The men on Lexington Green and Concord were there to say NO! An unarmed population is a nation of subjects, NOT CITIZENS. That the current government is ILLEGITIMATE and ILLEGAL is beyond argument. The shitshow on November was in no way an actual election, it was clearly a COUP. So, it should surprise NO ONE that the new tyranny wants to seize all weapons capable of overthrowing their ILLEGITIMATE usurper government. At the same time the Democrat Party is passing laws to invalidate all future elections, ending democracy forever and securing power for themselves and making their criminal cartel owners profit. Make 4th of July 2021 the time the American people take their democracy back - ENDING the Democrat Party COUP and control of all governments.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 301 Views
  • Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.

    In the movie "The Hunger Games," the dictator (President Snow) explains to the head of his propaganda department the real reason why they distract the masses with games and why they must always have a winner.

    He sat him down and told him that the whole purpose of these games is hope; to give hope to the impoverished masses that they might get lucky one day and win their way into stardom and prosperity. And that's precisely the purpose of all professional games in the history of humanity. That's why we have boxing. Do you really think these idiots who call themselves athletes love getting beaten down on TV? They do it to win. They do it for the spoils of victory.

    Every ruling class in the history of humanity gave the masses hope through games to distract them from realizing the real problem. And the real problem is government itself.

    Look at the economy that the banks designed for us. It's all based on hope. It's the "American dream." The hope that if you just work your ass off like an obedient little slave, one day the "odds will be in your favor," and your dreams will come true. It's all based on hope.

    All these games are designed to distract you from the truth. And the truth is that you're being puppeteered by a secretive cabal of terrorist international bankers. Their banks control the planet and everything on it. They control the economy and all corporations. They control governments and their armies. They control your mind through their media and their indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak).

    You go to school because they deemed it necessary. They need to brainwash your mind first and hammer obedience into it so you can be a good slave in their economy.

    You watch circuses like basketball and football because they financed all that shitshow to give you hope and distract you from seeing the full picture.

    It's time to turn off the TV.

    It's time to wake up.

    The banks own you.

    #TheHungerGames #HungerGames #PresidentSnow #Hope #HopeIsDangerous #AmericanDream #TheAmericanDream #TheBanksOwnYou #TurnOffYourTV #TurnOffTheTV #WakeUp #WakeUpSheeple #Sheeple #DivideAndConquer #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite

    Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. In the movie "The Hunger Games," the dictator (President Snow) explains to the head of his propaganda department the real reason why they distract the masses with games and why they must always have a winner. He sat him down and told him that the whole purpose of these games is hope; to give hope to the impoverished masses that they might get lucky one day and win their way into stardom and prosperity. And that's precisely the purpose of all professional games in the history of humanity. That's why we have boxing. Do you really think these idiots who call themselves athletes love getting beaten down on TV? They do it to win. They do it for the spoils of victory. Every ruling class in the history of humanity gave the masses hope through games to distract them from realizing the real problem. And the real problem is government itself. Look at the economy that the banks designed for us. It's all based on hope. It's the "American dream." The hope that if you just work your ass off like an obedient little slave, one day the "odds will be in your favor," and your dreams will come true. It's all based on hope. All these games are designed to distract you from the truth. And the truth is that you're being puppeteered by a secretive cabal of terrorist international bankers. Their banks control the planet and everything on it. They control the economy and all corporations. They control governments and their armies. They control your mind through their media and their indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak). You go to school because they deemed it necessary. They need to brainwash your mind first and hammer obedience into it so you can be a good slave in their economy. You watch circuses like basketball and football because they financed all that shitshow to give you hope and distract you from seeing the full picture. It's time to turn off the TV. It's time to wake up. The banks own you. #TheHungerGames #HungerGames #PresidentSnow #Hope #HopeIsDangerous #AmericanDream #TheAmericanDream #TheBanksOwnYou #TurnOffYourTV #TurnOffTheTV #WakeUp #WakeUpSheeple #Sheeple #DivideAndConquer #PresidentsAreSelectedNotElected #TheLesserOfTwoEvils #TheLesserOfTwoEvilsIsAlsoEvil #VoteForNobody #VoteForNobody2020 #TheSystemIsRigged #DontVoteRevolt #EveryVoteHurts #RevolutionIsTheOnlySolution #TheSystemIsTheProblem #ItsTimeToWakeUp #DeleteTheElite Sources: https://is.gd/RcTM6S https://is.gd/PfGU5k
    0 Comments 0 Shares 4161 Views
  • Hope is a very dangerous thing. If you put a frog suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out immediately and escape death. But if you put it in warm water and then gradually increase the temperature to a boiling point, the frog will not perceive the danger. It will remain in its comfort zone and boil himself to death hoping that things will soon go back to normal. It'll cook itself to death. That's how dangerous hope is.

    And that's why politicians always employ this tactic against the sleeping masses. Politicians are aware of the inability or unwillingness of people to react or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.

    Politicians know how to trick a population into accepting their doom by bringing it upon them slowly rather than suddenly. Human beings will always resist sudden death but will always welcome a slow death that takes decades, such as the death delivered by smoking or eating junk food or drinking alcohol.

    The boiling frog has become a darling tactic for all governments because it always works. Take the COVID19 scamdemic, for example. When it first started, politicians everywhere reared their ugly heads and announced a nationwide closure of the economy for ONLY two weeks. These two weeks turned into 4, then to 8, then to 20, and now it's been a year of this shitshow, and nothing changed except the complacency of the sheeple of the world.

    #TheBoilingFrog #TheBoilingFrogFable #BoilingFrog #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask #MaskUp #WeAreInThisTogether #WeAreNotInThisTogether #FaceDiaper #FaceMuzzle #N95Masks #N95Mask #MaskOfShame #MasksAreForPussies #NoMaskNoService #NoVaccineNoService #COVIDIOTS #ThisIsForYourSafety #ItsForYourSafety #ItsForYourOwnSafety #ForYourSafety #BeSafe #StaySafe #OrderOutOfChaos #ProblemReactionSolution #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Pandemic #PlannedPandemic #Plandemic #ID2020 #TrustTheHealthExperts #TrustTheExperts #HealthPolitician #HealthPoliticians #MedicalMartialLaw #MedicalMartialLaw2020 #Event201 #NWO #UNICEF #CEPI #Gavi #GlobalFinancingFacility #TheGlobalFund #TheCenterForGlobalDevelopment #GatesFoundation #NewWorldOrder #OneWorldGovernment #OWG #HouseArrest #HouseArrestForEveryone #COVID19 #COVID #Coronavirus #COVID19Lockdown #PopulationControl #FamilyPlanning #CrowdControl #MassFear #DividedWeFall #SelfIsolation #NewNorm #NewNormal #Transhumanism #GeneticallyModifiedHumans #TheyNeverNeededYourConsent #GMOhuman #GMOhumans
    Hope is a very dangerous thing. If you put a frog suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out immediately and escape death. But if you put it in warm water and then gradually increase the temperature to a boiling point, the frog will not perceive the danger. It will remain in its comfort zone and boil himself to death hoping that things will soon go back to normal. It'll cook itself to death. That's how dangerous hope is. And that's why politicians always employ this tactic against the sleeping masses. Politicians are aware of the inability or unwillingness of people to react or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly. Politicians know how to trick a population into accepting their doom by bringing it upon them slowly rather than suddenly. Human beings will always resist sudden death but will always welcome a slow death that takes decades, such as the death delivered by smoking or eating junk food or drinking alcohol. The boiling frog has become a darling tactic for all governments because it always works. Take the COVID19 scamdemic, for example. When it first started, politicians everywhere reared their ugly heads and announced a nationwide closure of the economy for ONLY two weeks. These two weeks turned into 4, then to 8, then to 20, and now it's been a year of this shitshow, and nothing changed except the complacency of the sheeple of the world. #TheBoilingFrog #TheBoilingFrogFable #BoilingFrog #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask #MaskUp #WeAreInThisTogether #WeAreNotInThisTogether #FaceDiaper #FaceMuzzle #N95Masks #N95Mask #MaskOfShame #MasksAreForPussies #NoMaskNoService #NoVaccineNoService #COVIDIOTS #ThisIsForYourSafety #ItsForYourSafety #ItsForYourOwnSafety #ForYourSafety #BeSafe #StaySafe #OrderOutOfChaos #ProblemReactionSolution #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Pandemic #PlannedPandemic #Plandemic #ID2020 #TrustTheHealthExperts #TrustTheExperts #HealthPolitician #HealthPoliticians #MedicalMartialLaw #MedicalMartialLaw2020 #Event201 #NWO #UNICEF #CEPI #Gavi #GlobalFinancingFacility #TheGlobalFund #TheCenterForGlobalDevelopment #GatesFoundation #NewWorldOrder #OneWorldGovernment #OWG #HouseArrest #HouseArrestForEveryone #COVID19 #COVID #Coronavirus #COVID19Lockdown #PopulationControl #FamilyPlanning #CrowdControl #MassFear #DividedWeFall #SelfIsolation #NewNorm #NewNormal #Transhumanism #GeneticallyModifiedHumans #TheyNeverNeededYourConsent #GMOhuman #GMOhumans
    0 Comments 0 Shares 349 Views
  • This video pretty much summarizes the whole goddamn shitshow of a scamdemic.

    COVID19 is yet another planned crisis and a false flag like 9/11 on a long list of false flags coming up in the pipeline thanks to the criminal cabal of international bankers that the sleeping masses don't know they exist!

    The main objectives behind the COVID19 scamdemic are:

    1. Mass surveillance on an Orwellian scale. You will be forced to tell the authorities where you've been, where you're going, whom you've met with and why and for how long, and allow them to keep track of your every movement. For your safety, of course.
    2. New World Order, which is a world of absolute control of every aspect of human life. It's a world where you no longer have control over your own body or your own mind or your own decisions. It's a world where individuality is completely abolished and replaced with collectivism. It's a world of absolute submission to the whims of the authorities.
    3. One World Government in which power, authority, and decision-making are centralized into the hands of fewer people at the very top of the pyramid.
    4. Endless mass vaccinations with lab-made viruses to cripple the immune system permanently. The worst part about these mandatory vaccines is the fact that they contain experimental genetically modified substances that can permanently modify the human organism and create a new generation of GMO humans. Even more sinister, these "Humans 2.0" can be patented and owned by corporations as property.
    5. Global tracking ID implants to monitor the movement of all citizens anywhere on the planet. This implant will eventually become the international passport of the One World Government that's always INSIDE the human body.
    6. Cashless society through centralized debt-based digital fiatmoney to immediately shut down financial services to those who disobey the government.
    7. Abolishment of small businesses to centralize the economy in the hands of monopolies like Amazon and Walmart. That way fewer families will be self-employed and the majority will be deplorable slaves to the system (employees) who are less likely to revolt and most likely to obey.
    8. Quash the leaderless uprisings that ignited last year worldwide. 2019 will always be remembered as the year of leaderless mass protests when more people marched in protests than any other year in history. These uprisings were all fighting one common enemy: POLITICIANS AND THE BANKING CLASS THAT PUPPETEERS THEM. So what did the politicians and the banking class do to kill the uprising against them and prevent it from spreading to the United States? They faked a pandemic to create a crisis like 9/11 so they can set new rules like banning social gatherings and cracking down on people's movement through "contact tracing." Clever, isn't it? Thanks to COVID19, mass protests are now illegal. Your constitutional right to protest has been canceled.

    #Transhumanism #GeneticallyModifiedHumans #TheyNeverNeededYourConsent #GMOhuman #GMOhumans #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask #MaskUp #WeAreInThisTogether #WeAreNotInThisTogether #FaceDiaper #FaceMuzzle #N95Masks #N95Mask #MaskOfShame #MasksAreForPussies #NoMaskNoService #NoVaccineNoService #COVIDIOTS #ThisIsForYourSafety #ItsForYourSafety #ItsForYourOwnSafety #ForYourSafety #BeSafe #StaySafe #OrderOutOfChaos #ProblemReactionSolution #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Pandemic #PlannedPandemic #Plandemic #ID2020 #TrustTheHealthExperts #TrustTheExperts #HealthPolitician
    This video pretty much summarizes the whole goddamn shitshow of a scamdemic. COVID19 is yet another planned crisis and a false flag like 9/11 on a long list of false flags coming up in the pipeline thanks to the criminal cabal of international bankers that the sleeping masses don't know they exist! The main objectives behind the COVID19 scamdemic are: 1. Mass surveillance on an Orwellian scale. You will be forced to tell the authorities where you've been, where you're going, whom you've met with and why and for how long, and allow them to keep track of your every movement. For your safety, of course. 2. New World Order, which is a world of absolute control of every aspect of human life. It's a world where you no longer have control over your own body or your own mind or your own decisions. It's a world where individuality is completely abolished and replaced with collectivism. It's a world of absolute submission to the whims of the authorities. 3. One World Government in which power, authority, and decision-making are centralized into the hands of fewer people at the very top of the pyramid. 4. Endless mass vaccinations with lab-made viruses to cripple the immune system permanently. The worst part about these mandatory vaccines is the fact that they contain experimental genetically modified substances that can permanently modify the human organism and create a new generation of GMO humans. Even more sinister, these "Humans 2.0" can be patented and owned by corporations as property. 5. Global tracking ID implants to monitor the movement of all citizens anywhere on the planet. This implant will eventually become the international passport of the One World Government that's always INSIDE the human body. 6. Cashless society through centralized debt-based digital fiatmoney to immediately shut down financial services to those who disobey the government. 7. Abolishment of small businesses to centralize the economy in the hands of monopolies like Amazon and Walmart. That way fewer families will be self-employed and the majority will be deplorable slaves to the system (employees) who are less likely to revolt and most likely to obey. 8. Quash the leaderless uprisings that ignited last year worldwide. 2019 will always be remembered as the year of leaderless mass protests when more people marched in protests than any other year in history. These uprisings were all fighting one common enemy: POLITICIANS AND THE BANKING CLASS THAT PUPPETEERS THEM. So what did the politicians and the banking class do to kill the uprising against them and prevent it from spreading to the United States? They faked a pandemic to create a crisis like 9/11 so they can set new rules like banning social gatherings and cracking down on people's movement through "contact tracing." Clever, isn't it? Thanks to COVID19, mass protests are now illegal. Your constitutional right to protest has been canceled. #Transhumanism #GeneticallyModifiedHumans #TheyNeverNeededYourConsent #GMOhuman #GMOhumans #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask #MaskUp #WeAreInThisTogether #WeAreNotInThisTogether #FaceDiaper #FaceMuzzle #N95Masks #N95Mask #MaskOfShame #MasksAreForPussies #NoMaskNoService #NoVaccineNoService #COVIDIOTS #ThisIsForYourSafety #ItsForYourSafety #ItsForYourOwnSafety #ForYourSafety #BeSafe #StaySafe #OrderOutOfChaos #ProblemReactionSolution #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Pandemic #PlannedPandemic #Plandemic #ID2020 #TrustTheHealthExperts #TrustTheExperts #HealthPolitician
    0 Comments 0 Shares 194 Views
  • Hope is a dangerous thing. If you put a frog suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out immediately and escape death, but if you put it in warm water and then gradually increase the temperature to a boiling point, the frog will not perceive the danger. It will remain in its comfort zone hoping that things will soon go back to normal.

    The frog will boil himself to death hoping things will go back to normal. It'll cook itself to death. That's how dangerous hope is. And that's why politicians use this tactic against the masses. Politicians are aware of the inability or unwillingness of people to react or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.

    Politicians know how to trick a population into accepting their doom by bringing it upon them slowly rather than suddenly. Human beings will always resist sudden death but will welcome a slow death that takes decades, such as the death delivered by smoking or eating junk food or drinking alcohol.

    The boiling frog has become a darling tactic for all governments because it always works. Take the COVID19 scamdemic, for example. When it first started, American politicians reared their ugly heads and announced a nationwide closure of the economy for ONLY two weeks. These two weeks turned into 4 then to 8 then to 20, and now it has been over 8 months of the shitshow and nothing changed except the complacency of the sheeple of the world.

    #TheBoilingFrog #TheBoilingFrogFable #BoilingFrog #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask #MaskUp #WeAreInThisTogether #WeAreNotInThisTogether #FaceDiaper #FaceMuzzle #N95Masks #N95Mask #MaskOfShame #MasksAreForPussies #NoMaskNoService #NoVaccineNoService #COVIDIOTS #ThisIsForYourSafety #ItsForYourSafety #ItsForYourOwnSafety #ForYourSafety #BeSafe #StaySafe #OrderOutOfChaos #ProblemReactionSolution #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Pandemic #PlannedPandemic #Plandemic #ID2020 #TrustTheHealthExperts #TrustTheExperts #HealthPolitician #HealthPoliticians #MedicalMartialLaw #MedicalMartialLaw2020 #Event201 #NWO #UNICEF #CEPI #Gavi #GlobalFinancingFacility #TheGlobalFund #TheCenterForGlobalDevelopment #GatesFoundation #NewWorldOrder #OneWorldGovernment #OWG #HouseArrest #HouseArrestForEveryone #COVID19 #COVID #Coronavirus #COVID19Lockdown #PopulationControl #FamilyPlanning #CrowdControl #MassFear #DividedWeFall #SelfIsolation #NewNorm #NewNormal
    Hope is a dangerous thing. If you put a frog suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out immediately and escape death, but if you put it in warm water and then gradually increase the temperature to a boiling point, the frog will not perceive the danger. It will remain in its comfort zone hoping that things will soon go back to normal. The frog will boil himself to death hoping things will go back to normal. It'll cook itself to death. That's how dangerous hope is. And that's why politicians use this tactic against the masses. Politicians are aware of the inability or unwillingness of people to react or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly. Politicians know how to trick a population into accepting their doom by bringing it upon them slowly rather than suddenly. Human beings will always resist sudden death but will welcome a slow death that takes decades, such as the death delivered by smoking or eating junk food or drinking alcohol. The boiling frog has become a darling tactic for all governments because it always works. Take the COVID19 scamdemic, for example. When it first started, American politicians reared their ugly heads and announced a nationwide closure of the economy for ONLY two weeks. These two weeks turned into 4 then to 8 then to 20, and now it has been over 8 months of the shitshow and nothing changed except the complacency of the sheeple of the world. #TheBoilingFrog #TheBoilingFrogFable #BoilingFrog #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask #MaskUp #WeAreInThisTogether #WeAreNotInThisTogether #FaceDiaper #FaceMuzzle #N95Masks #N95Mask #MaskOfShame #MasksAreForPussies #NoMaskNoService #NoVaccineNoService #COVIDIOTS #ThisIsForYourSafety #ItsForYourSafety #ItsForYourOwnSafety #ForYourSafety #BeSafe #StaySafe #OrderOutOfChaos #ProblemReactionSolution #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Pandemic #PlannedPandemic #Plandemic #ID2020 #TrustTheHealthExperts #TrustTheExperts #HealthPolitician #HealthPoliticians #MedicalMartialLaw #MedicalMartialLaw2020 #Event201 #NWO #UNICEF #CEPI #Gavi #GlobalFinancingFacility #TheGlobalFund #TheCenterForGlobalDevelopment #GatesFoundation #NewWorldOrder #OneWorldGovernment #OWG #HouseArrest #HouseArrestForEveryone #COVID19 #COVID #Coronavirus #COVID19Lockdown #PopulationControl #FamilyPlanning #CrowdControl #MassFear #DividedWeFall #SelfIsolation #NewNorm #NewNormal
    0 Comments 0 Shares 348 Views
  • #ProTrump #raccoons are attacking #CNN reporters on the White House lawn. I guess they've had enough of this 2020 #shitshow also.

    #ProTrump #raccoons are attacking #CNN reporters on the White House lawn. I guess they've had enough of this 2020 #shitshow also. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8815129/Hilarious-moment-CNN-reporter-shoos-away-raccoon-thats-ruining-broadcast-White-House-lawn.html
    0 Comments 0 Shares 213 Views

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