• What Am I Doing Wrong? Absolutely Nothing, Scripturally….
    What Am I Doing Wrong? Absolutely Nothing, Scripturally…. https://new.americanprophet.org/what-am-i-doing-wrong-absolutely-nothing-scripturally/
    What Am I Doing Wrong? Absolutely Nothing, Scripturally….
    The Gospel is the straightforward, truthful. Trying to make it less offensive to be liked or praised by others deceives ourselves and lacks love for the truth.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 382 Просмотры

    This is an excellent video series on the history of religion.
    This is a great series for the whole family!

    If I were going to sit my children in front of a television, THIS is what would be playing on it! TruthUnedited does an excellent breakdown on the history of religion and how it has been mixed with #Paganism & #Satanism to deceive us all!

    ALL of @Truthunedited's videos are well researched and scripturally sound!

    What many call "religion" has nothing to do with
    the Most High and His Word.

    "Religions" tend to be false doctrines of MEN!
    So we do not seek to be "religious"

    We want to live our lives in accordance with The Father's Laws.
    We want to to be and do that which is pleasing in His sight.

    What "religion" has to say is not that important!
    Your bible is best READ AND INTERPRETED BY YOU!

    Sometimes we need some guidance from others, but we must read our bibles OURSELVES! Otherwise we are just listening to other people's interpretations, which are often wrong or even lies!

    EVERYONE should read the book of Enoch!
    And check out Rob Skiba's playlist on YouTube!

    Brother Rob left this world recently, but his ministry lives on!
    STILL saving souls TODAY! If you have never seen his channel check him out!

    HISTORY OF RELIGION (Part 1): PAGANS, NIMROD, & BABYLON This is an excellent video series on the history of religion. This is a great series for the whole family! If I were going to sit my children in front of a television, THIS is what would be playing on it! TruthUnedited does an excellent breakdown on the history of religion and how it has been mixed with #Paganism & #Satanism to deceive us all! ALL of @Truthunedited's videos are well researched and scripturally sound! What many call "religion" has nothing to do with the Most High and His Word. "Religions" tend to be false doctrines of MEN! So we do not seek to be "religious" We want to live our lives in accordance with The Father's Laws. We want to to be and do that which is pleasing in His sight. What "religion" has to say is not that important! Your bible is best READ AND INTERPRETED BY YOU! Sometimes we need some guidance from others, but we must read our bibles OURSELVES! Otherwise we are just listening to other people's interpretations, which are often wrong or even lies! EVERYONE should read the book of Enoch! And check out Rob Skiba's playlist on YouTube! Brother Rob left this world recently, but his ministry lives on! STILL saving souls TODAY! If you have never seen his channel check him out! https://youtu.be/PdsJs0UIm7s?list=PL5Ea1RHP4Jqqpe7U6PKJAZYXfuF1f5H9Q
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 3282 Просмотры
    Bible Study / Daily Devotional
    Daily Devotions
    Average reading time is about 5 and a half minutes

    Some people view the rite of baptism as some magical ceremony that, in and of itself, assures a person of salvation. But that line of thinking makes about as much sense as a man walking up to a random woman on the street and forcing her to put a ring on her finger and then declaring they are married. There’s much more to baptism than being immersed under water. It symbolizes conversion.

    Jesus said that we must be born of water and the Spirit. For that reason, no one should be baptized unless he or she (1) knows the truth of God, (2) believes it, (3) has repented, and (4) has experienced conversion. No baby could possibly qualify here. No one has a right to baptize a baby. In fact, to do so completely disregards God’s direct commands regarding baptism.

    Misguided men in the church, years ago, decreed that unbaptized babies are lost, but this is scripturally untrue. It defames God as an unjust tyrant who would destroy innocent infants who died, simply because unworthy parents failed to have baptism administered. Such a teaching is tragic beyond words. It is bad enough to sprinkle babies and call it baptism. It is infinitely worse to hold to the unscriptural concept that babies are lost eternally because careless parents failed to do their duty.

    Even though infants and small children do not qualify for baptism, it does not exclude them from God’s kingdom. Remember Jesus’ words: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14). Christ responded positively to mothers who brought their children to Him to be blessed. Now, the practice of child dedication is biblical and in harmony with Jesus’ actions. It affirms the parents’ desire to lead their children to a point where they will, of their own accord, accept Christ and one day be baptized.
    Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3
    SHOULD INFANTS BE BAPTIZED? Bible Study / Daily Devotional Daily Devotions Average reading time is about 5 and a half minutes Some people view the rite of baptism as some magical ceremony that, in and of itself, assures a person of salvation. But that line of thinking makes about as much sense as a man walking up to a random woman on the street and forcing her to put a ring on her finger and then declaring they are married. There’s much more to baptism than being immersed under water. It symbolizes conversion. Jesus said that we must be born of water and the Spirit. For that reason, no one should be baptized unless he or she (1) knows the truth of God, (2) believes it, (3) has repented, and (4) has experienced conversion. No baby could possibly qualify here. No one has a right to baptize a baby. In fact, to do so completely disregards God’s direct commands regarding baptism. Misguided men in the church, years ago, decreed that unbaptized babies are lost, but this is scripturally untrue. It defames God as an unjust tyrant who would destroy innocent infants who died, simply because unworthy parents failed to have baptism administered. Such a teaching is tragic beyond words. It is bad enough to sprinkle babies and call it baptism. It is infinitely worse to hold to the unscriptural concept that babies are lost eternally because careless parents failed to do their duty. Even though infants and small children do not qualify for baptism, it does not exclude them from God’s kingdom. Remember Jesus’ words: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14). Christ responded positively to mothers who brought their children to Him to be blessed. Now, the practice of child dedication is biblical and in harmony with Jesus’ actions. It affirms the parents’ desire to lead their children to a point where they will, of their own accord, accept Christ and one day be baptized. KEY BIBLE TEXTS Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 438 Просмотры

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