• As ALWAYS, it is the fake #Jews and #Bankers, #Rothschild of course! This is NOT a state secret folks!

    The genocidal Kalergi plan
    to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe

    These people have TOLD YOU what they plan to do, and now that they are DOING IT, they will DENY IT! Just like these fake Jews ALWAYS DO!

    They do the same thing with #Chemtrails!

    "Yes, we made it rain in Dubai. And we currently hold 384 patents for "weather modification." And as long as it's THEM talking about it, it's okay! As soon as YOU talk about it they cry "Conspiracy Theory"

    And unfortunately.... a lot of people have no more sense than a box of wet rocks and believe those LIES, despite the people having said as much as national television, in books and movies and magazines etc!

    What you are seeing is being funded by YOUR ENEMY
    and #Satan's servants, the bankers and Rothschilds, and fake Jews

    And as soon as you point out WHAT THEY, THEMSELVES SAID, they will cry "Antisemitism" like they always do! It's amazing that people buy into their BS any longer, but they do

    I have not read the entire article, but it appears to be truthful at a glance... use YOUR OWN DISCERNMENT AS YOU ALWAYS SHOULD!

    KALERGI PLAN: What everyone needs to know
    The genocidal Kalergi plan to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe
    by cymrusofren

    The hot potato of immigration – a perfectly reasonable debate for citizens of any country to have but one that many from all political persuasions are often unable to have without resorting to hysteria and polarisation.

    Natural and sustainable immigration happens organically. Economic immigrants, whether legal or not, can’t be blamed or demonised for looking for a better quality of life. And genuine asylum seekers who escape war zones and civil wars created by any aggressor including western/Nato countries should expect our sympathy and help and be given refuge in the nearest safe country or countries as set out in international law.

    But it isn’t that simple. Sadly there are political leaders and planners who seek to create and use mass immigration and the forced movement of people for their own nefarious purposes. Not many people have heard of the The Kalergi Pan European plan for Europe. In the 1920s, Free Mason Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote a book titled “Praktischer Idealismus,” (Practical Idealism) which set out his views on how he believed the abolition of the right of self-determination and the elimination of European nations should be accomplished with the formation of an European Union.

    As ALWAYS, it is the fake #Jews and #Bankers, #Rothschild of course! This is NOT a state secret folks! The genocidal Kalergi plan to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe These people have TOLD YOU what they plan to do, and now that they are DOING IT, they will DENY IT! Just like these fake Jews ALWAYS DO! They do the same thing with #Chemtrails! "Yes, we made it rain in Dubai. And we currently hold 384 patents for "weather modification." And as long as it's THEM talking about it, it's okay! As soon as YOU talk about it they cry "Conspiracy Theory" And unfortunately.... a lot of people have no more sense than a box of wet rocks and believe those LIES, despite the people having said as much as national television, in books and movies and magazines etc! What you are seeing is being funded by YOUR ENEMY and #Satan's servants, the bankers and Rothschilds, and fake Jews And as soon as you point out WHAT THEY, THEMSELVES SAID, they will cry "Antisemitism" like they always do! It's amazing that people buy into their BS any longer, but they do I have not read the entire article, but it appears to be truthful at a glance... use YOUR OWN DISCERNMENT AS YOU ALWAYS SHOULD! KALERGI PLAN: What everyone needs to know The genocidal Kalergi plan to destroy the indigenous nations and peoples of Europe by cymrusofren The hot potato of immigration – a perfectly reasonable debate for citizens of any country to have but one that many from all political persuasions are often unable to have without resorting to hysteria and polarisation. Natural and sustainable immigration happens organically. Economic immigrants, whether legal or not, can’t be blamed or demonised for looking for a better quality of life. And genuine asylum seekers who escape war zones and civil wars created by any aggressor including western/Nato countries should expect our sympathy and help and be given refuge in the nearest safe country or countries as set out in international law. But it isn’t that simple. Sadly there are political leaders and planners who seek to create and use mass immigration and the forced movement of people for their own nefarious purposes. Not many people have heard of the The Kalergi Pan European plan for Europe. In the 1920s, Free Mason Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote a book titled “Praktischer Idealismus,” (Practical Idealism) which set out his views on how he believed the abolition of the right of self-determination and the elimination of European nations should be accomplished with the formation of an European Union. https://themillenniumreport.com/2018/05/kalergi-plan-what-everyone-needs-to-know/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 495 Просмотры
  • Why would the Rothschilds, one of the richest families on the earth, be selling off their private collection of heirlooms, art, and historic pieces when these pieces often serve as a symbol of their high status and power?
    When you browse the goods, they aren't just selling a few items here and there; they are. No, it's a two-week auction giving away piece after piece...
    How could a family that once had a net worth of over one trillion dollars be in need of this money? Or is something else going on here?
    Why would the Rothschilds, one of the richest families on the earth, be selling off their private collection of heirlooms, art, and historic pieces when these pieces often serve as a symbol of their high status and power? When you browse the goods, they aren't just selling a few items here and there; they are. No, it's a two-week auction giving away piece after piece... How could a family that once had a net worth of over one trillion dollars be in need of this money? Or is something else going on here? https://youtu.be/axBCy992Tno?si=Vn7AcSc-lZg3CeTL
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2073 Просмотры
  • None of these damned globalist politicians do anthing substantive except for Trump and Putin. These two fearless men oppose globalism.
    Presidents Jackson, Jefferson, Lincoln, McKinley, Garfield, Kennedy, Reagan and Trump did because they stood up to the Rothschilds and the Khazarians.
    Czars Alexander I and Nicholas II of Russia stood up to the Rothschilds and the Khazarians; Vladimir Putin also stood up to the Rothschilds and the Khazarians.

    The Romanovs were annihilated for forbidding the central bank scheme in Russia,
    Jackson fought one of the Rothschilds in the White House,
    Jefferson refused to renew the Rothschild Central Bank charter in America, thus the Rothschilian revenge of the War of 1812 started (not in our history books),
    McKinley was murdered,
    Garfield was murdered,
    Lincoln was murdered,
    Kennedy was murdered,
    Reagan was shot but lived,
    Trump was targeted, threatened and marked for assassination but lived, as was his family but they lived (except for Robert and Ivana).
    Trump fights back and Putin fights back and We the People are fighting back.
    None of these damned globalist politicians do anthing substantive except for Trump and Putin. These two fearless men oppose globalism. Presidents Jackson, Jefferson, Lincoln, McKinley, Garfield, Kennedy, Reagan and Trump did because they stood up to the Rothschilds and the Khazarians. Czars Alexander I and Nicholas II of Russia stood up to the Rothschilds and the Khazarians; Vladimir Putin also stood up to the Rothschilds and the Khazarians. The Romanovs were annihilated for forbidding the central bank scheme in Russia, Jackson fought one of the Rothschilds in the White House, Jefferson refused to renew the Rothschild Central Bank charter in America, thus the Rothschilian revenge of the War of 1812 started (not in our history books), McKinley was murdered, Garfield was murdered, Lincoln was murdered, Kennedy was murdered, Reagan was shot but lived, Trump was targeted, threatened and marked for assassination but lived, as was his family but they lived (except for Robert and Ivana). Trump fights back and Putin fights back and We the People are fighting back. NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER!!
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2208 Просмотры
    ...ANY QUESTIONS??!!!....
    THE "ROTHSCHILDS" ARE "JEWS",... THE CLINTONS ARE THEIR "HENCHMEN".... ...ANY QUESTIONS??!!!.... https://assets.brighteon.social/system/media_attachments/files/110/369/628/125/069/193/original/a1b37ace3a9f105f.png
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1286 Просмотры
    1) Head of the French Rothschilds Ariane de Rothschild
    2) CIA's William Burns
    3) Kissinger Associate Joshua Cooper Ramo
    4) Political Activist Noam Chomsky
    5) Goldman Sach's Kathryn Ruemmler
    6) President of Bard College Leon Botstein.
    THE BLACKMAIL LIST IS COMING OUT AND IT IS THE CIA BLACKMAILING THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS... 1) Head of the French Rothschilds Ariane de Rothschild 2) CIA's William Burns 3) Kissinger Associate Joshua Cooper Ramo 4) Political Activist Noam Chomsky 5) Goldman Sach's Kathryn Ruemmler 6) President of Bard College Leon Botstein.
    0 Комментарии 1 Поделились 1291 Просмотры
  • https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1166527379743752192

    Ralf Neumaier
    Oct 23 2020

    More than $ 5 trillion in gold and oil were stolen in the invasion of Iraq.

    Remember that Saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction and was not involved in 9/11, but the wealth of his country was sacked. Then they went to Afghanistan to secure the poppy fields and the lithium mines by force after the Taliban destroyed all the poppy. After that, they went and killed Gaddafi in Libya to gain control of his more than 22 tons of gold, the 30 trillion more oil pipeline that would have brought Africa back to life and the diamonds, silver and other deposits. Throughout the world there is war and genocide for gold, oil, drugs and other natural resources and everything is for the Rothschilds, the Vatican, royalty and bankers, however, they claim that we owe billions to the same families who have stolen everything, they have plundered all countries
    https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1166527379743752192 Ralf Neumaier Oct 23 2020 🔥 More than $ 5 trillion in gold and oil were stolen in the invasion of Iraq. 🔥 Remember that Saddam did not have weapons of mass destruction and was not involved in 9/11, but the wealth of his country was sacked. Then they went to Afghanistan to secure the poppy fields and the lithium mines by force after the Taliban destroyed all the poppy. After that, they went and killed Gaddafi in Libya to gain control of his more than 22 tons of gold, the 30 trillion more oil pipeline that would have brought Africa back to life and the diamonds, silver and other deposits. Throughout the world there is war and genocide for gold, oil, drugs and other natural resources and everything is for the Rothschilds, the Vatican, royalty and bankers, however, they claim that we owe billions to the same families who have stolen everything, they have plundered all countries
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2737 Просмотры

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